Primordials in Exalted are the original gods of creation, birthed from chaos and responsible for just about everything that came after them. They are inscrutable to the point of being Lovecraftian, and tend to focus on one concept to the exclusion of all else. To simplify it primordials are the ultimate munchkins. They're beings so hyper specialized that not only can they not perform tasks outside of their purview, they can't even understand them on a conceptual level.
Although they were originally all bros the primordial war split them into two groups. The collaborators (who got cake) and the loyalists (who got soul lobotomies).
Intact Primordials
Originally all the primordials were alive, but following the great war only two remain.
Gaia: Mother of creation. Being one of the few primordials with anything passing for empathy she wisely sat out the war and survived. Wandered off the edge of nowhere looking for answers and hasn't come back since. Autochthon: The great maker. Got sick of his jerkass brothers and sisters wrecking his crap and sided with the humans (after operating on his fetich soul to install learning). Like the flatmate of a sociopath he got a little worried about sharing creation with the now triumphant exalted and decided to sleep outside. Currently has a terminal illness, which in his case means self replicating nightmare machinery terrorizing the people living in him.
Malfeas, the Demon City: Former king of the Primordials. Even when he was intact he had problems wrapping his head around the concepts that other beings had opinions, or that he should care. Currently sewed inside his own stomach imprisoning his kin, he wants nothing more than to flip the proverbial board on creation and start over.
Cecelyne, the Endless Desert
She Who Lives In Her Name, the Principle of Hierarchy
Adorjan, the Silent Wind
The Ebon Dragon, the Shadow of All Things
Kimbery, the Sea That Marched Against the Flame
Cytherea, the Mother of Creation
Oramus, the Dragon Beyond the World
Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies
Sacheverel, Who Knows the Shape of Things to Come
Hegra, the Typhoon of Nightmares
Elloge, the Sphere of Speech
Szoreny, the Silver Forest
Metagaos, the All Hunger
Those primordials who were deemed too dangerous even for imprisonment, and had every last one of their third circle souls (which comprise their consciousness) executed. Since primordials can't even conceive of death, let alone die, reality promptly shit a brick and jammed. Now they sit trapped between existence and nothingness, whispering to people about how they should really consider the merits of killing everything everywhere forever.
Abhorrence of Life
Father of Murder
He Who Holds In Thrall
Perfected Principle of Consumption
Tears of Want
The Dragon That Was
The Engine of Destruction