Ragnarok (tank)

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Soviet KV-2
Ragnarok Heavt Tank.

The Ragnarok heavy tank was first made during the Krieg civil war, as an alternative to the Leman Russ. A knock-off of the Soviet KV-2 with the usual 40K additions of an even bigger gun and no space for ammunition or an engine, Firaeveus Carron would have a fit if he ever saw one. Used by those crazies the Imperium calls the Death Korps of Krieg, siege platoons or any regiment too poor/underequipped to get their hands on a Leman Russ, this thing is slow, heavy, armoured like hell and capable of dishing out the same punishment as a Leman Russ. Performing surprisingly well for a Kitbash, the techpriests on lucius decided to tidy it up, dub it the "Mobile Bunker Mk 1" and then start churning them out.