Rogue Trader (RPG)

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Front cover of the core sourcebook for Rogue Trader.

Not to be confused with the original Warhammer 40,000 sourcebook of the same name.

Currently published by Fantasy Flight Games, Rouge Trader is a Warhammer 40,000 tabletop RPG that is compatible with Deathwatch, Dark Heresy and Black Crusade.

It is meant to simulate the experience of being the command crew of a Rogue Trader starship within the Imperium, a trail-breaking vessel tasked to explore new frontiers along the outer fringes of humanity's current reach. Many captains of such vessels choose to profit in any way on such voyages, far from the prying eyes of the Inquisition or other authority. They strip-mine, enslave or even depopulate entire planets, and may even use xenos or heretical means to achieve their own ends. Players may choose to roleplay either a noble exploration vessel, a crew of piratical looters, or anything in between.

The game uses a Careers system similar to Dark Heresy with core rules remaining almost the same between the two, allowing players to use characters freely between the two (with some slight level adjustment). Rogue trader differs most in that it introduces mechanics for large starships, trading and other mercantile pursuits.

The titular core sourcebook contains everything needed to start play, but The Game Master's Kit, Into The Storm, Edge Of The Abyss, Battlefleet Koronus, Hostile Acquisitions, The Koronus Bestiary and a number of official adventures have also been published as supplemental material.