Sanguine Shields
General Information:
Their home world, Aleksandria X, is divided into into semi-independent city states termed demoi (Clans). The Chapter Master rules the planet as the Hegemon of the league of city states. Each city state maintains its own Dune Rider regiments and contributes their best men to the chapter. Rough Riders are occasionally recruited into the chapter, but this is rare. Dune Riders are light PDF units maintained by the city states. They favour hit-and-run tactics and light vehicles. The original Dune Riders gained the attention of the Imperium after they defeated a horde of the robotic hunter-seeker watch-dogs that lived on their home world. Their home world is a desert world, with the population having roughly 20th century technology, which is constructed mostly from scrap from earlier ages.
A sun totem representing the Emperor's holy light is blessed before every battle. Marines afflicted with the Red Thirst have vents on their armour to expel excess blood in case they absorb too much from their enemies. The skulls of fallen brothers and recruits are carried as mementoes, and may be turned into servo-skulls. The preserved hearts of fallen brothers or foes may also be carried, as the chapter believes it is where the soul resides.
Chapter Organisation:
- Chapter Master (Polemarch)
- Archontes (Tagma Captains)
- Tindanotai (Death Company)
- 9th Tagma (Scouts/Recruits)
- 8th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
- 7th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
- 6th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
- 5th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
- 4th Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
- 3th Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
- 2nd Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
- 1st Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
Marine Designations:
- Peltasts (Scout Troopers)
- Hypastistai (Line Marines)
- Heitaera (Honour Guard)
- Thorakitai (Devastators)
- Tindanotai (Rage/Thirst)
- Prodromoi (Vehicle Units)
- Athanatoi (Dreadnoughts)
Rank Structure:
- Polemarch (Master)
- Navarchos (Admiral)
- Konostaulos (PDF/IG)
- Archon (Line Captain)
- Lochagos (Sergeant)
- Heitaeros (Honour Guard)
- Phalanges (Elite Marine)
- Thorakites (Devastator)
- Hypaspist (Line Marine)
- Peltast (Scout/Recruit)
- Athanatos (Dreadnought)
- Tindanotes (Rage/Thirst)
Chapter Fleet:
- 1x Battle Barge (Trireme)
- 6x Strike Cruisers
- 8x Gladius Frigates