Scrollhammer: Dwemer Animunculi
This is a work in progress of Dwemer Animunculi, for Scrollhammer, by FatherDuke.
These units are meant to be taken as cohorts for certain heroes in other codexes. Ash Vampires and (maybe Aldmeri Inquisitors) are among those that do.
General Rules
Centurion Racial Traits:
Centurions are much like Automatons, and share many of the same rules, save that they are weak to Frost and resistant to Shock.
- Dwemer-make: Centurions are Fearless, unaffected by disease, and are Immune to Shock and Poison. Frost damage ignores the armor saves of Centurions, and gets +1 to wound against them. Centurions are not mortals.
- Mechanical: Centurions cannot be affected by Blind, Paralyze, Silence or Command effects, or Illusion spells an opponent controls, unless a special rule specifically allows it. Centurions may be chilled.
Dwemer Animunculi
Support, Skirmish, Infantry, Centurion.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Centurion Spider | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 5+ | 12 |
Wargear: Claws
The entire unit may-
- Have their claws upgraded to Shocking (deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking) for +6 pts each
- Be upgraded to Detonatable, for +3 pts each. A Spider with this upgrade may detonate itself at any time, automatically casting Fireball directly on it's position, then removing itself from the game.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Steam Centurion | 4 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 4+ | 50 |
Adv. Steam Centurion | 5 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 3+ | 100 |
Forge Master | 4 | 0 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 4+ | 100 |
Wargear: Claws
The entire unit may-
- Be upgraded to Advanced Steam Centurions, for +50 pts each.
- Be upgraded to Forge Masters, for +50 pts each. The forge master loses Immunity to Shock, gains Immunity to Flame, and has a special shooting attack: S4 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, template, flame.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Centurion Atronach | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 4 | 4++ | 40 |
Wargear: Claws
Special Rules:
Powered: Centurion Atronachs do not regenerate Magicka each turn, and should they lose all their Magicka remove the model from the game. In addition to this, select one of the following elements for each Centurion Atronach-
- Fire: Loses Immunity to Shock, gains Immunity to Fire. Gains Firebolt: shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.
- Lightning: Gains Lightning Strike: S3, ignores armor, Move and Fire 1, Range 24". For each unsaved wound dealt, Lightning Strike scores an additional hit. Spell damage, shock, Magicka Drain (1) on striking.
- Frost: Loses Weakness to Frost, gains Weakness to Fire and Immunity to Frost. Gains Cone of Frost: S3, ignores armor saves, Fire and Charge 1, Template, models hit have their Initiative reduced to 1 until end of turn, frost.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Centurion Sphere | 4 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 4+ | 20 |
Wargear: Hand weapon and Shield
Special Rules: Counter-Attack
Integrated Weaponry: Centurion Spheres can not be disarmed.
Centurion Spheres may have their Hand weapons upgraded to Shocking (deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking) for +8 pts each
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Centurion Archer | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 5+ | 20 |
Wargear: Dwarven Bolt-thrower (S4 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 24".)
Special Rules: Precision, Split Fire
Integrated Weaponry: Centurion Archers can not be disarmed.
Centurion Archers may have their Bolt-throwers upgraded to Shocking (deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking) for +8 pts each
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Flesh-Metal Simulacrum | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 5+ | 13 |
Wargear: Fists
Any number of Flesh-Metal Simulacra may take one of the following:
- Light plating (6+ light) +1 pts per model
- Dwarven armour (5+ heavy) +3 pts a model
Any number of Flesh-Metal Simulacra may take one of the following:
- Dwarven hand weapon free (free)
- Dwarven hand weapon and shield +1 pts per model
- Two Dwarven hand weapons +1 pts per model
- Dwarven Spear and shield +2 pts per model
- Dwarven Bow or Short Bow +3 pts per model
- Dwarven Crossbow +4 pts per model
- Dwarven Great Weapon or Poleaxe +5 pts per model
Any number of Flesh-Metal Simulacra may upgrade weapons to:
- Glass, for +4 pts a weapon
- Ebony, for +8 pts a weapon
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Brazen Incinerator | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 4+ | 100 |
Wargear: Claws
Special Rules:
Crucible: Brazen Incinerators are Immune to Flame. They also have a special shooting attack: S4 AP1, Fire and Charge 2, template, flame
Clumsy Gait: Brazen Incinerators may not march.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Centurion Altus | 4 | 0 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 5+ | 33 |
Wargear: Claws
Special Rules: Rending
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Points |
Arbalest Centurion | 2 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 5+ |
Wargear: Dwarven Javelin-thrower (S5 AP2, Move or Fire 1, Range ?????".)
Special Rules: Sniper
Integrated Weaponry: Arbalest Centurions can not be disarmed.
Clumsy Gait: Arbalest Centurions may not march.