Scrollhammer: Imperial Legion
Work in progress by Duke and Lolpwnt. Rules listed as such are not final and subject to change. Expect quite a few of said changes to be done before it is completed.
Feel free to yell ideas or complaints under the Talk page.
Also, shameless copy and pasting of some things from the other army books. Come at me.
General Rules
The Imperial Legion is a well-trained and veteran force, their resolve nearly unbreakable. As such many of their units have the following rules-
Emperor's Strategy:
An Imperial Legion army wins ties on roll to go first, chooses scenario rolling 6 to go first, and steals initiative on 5+.
Legionnaire Drilling:
Almost all Imperial Soldiers are heavily trained and gruelingly drilled. Even in the most desperate situations the troops are able to keep their cool and continue striving for victory. Units with this special rule may always rally despite their number of losses. Imperial Legion musicians, rather then allowing their unit to always rally, instead allow them to shoot or sprint the turn they re-form in the movement phase.
Army List
Imperial Legion
There are is one main list that you may deploy using this codex, that of the Imperial Legion. In essence you may very the professionalism and state-run aspect of the army, by effecting how much of which auxiliaries you take.
The Imperial Legion, sometimes called the Imperial Army, is the land-bound component of the armed forces ruled by the Empire of Tamriel. The army has forces deployed under every auspice within the continent, who then operate with the authority of the Emperor himself. Their numbers are vast, their training impeccable, rigidly disciplined and flexible in use. It is easily considered one of the most powerful fighting forces ever assembled.
An Imperial Legion army uses the following list:
Heroes: Imperial Legion Captain, Decanus Magus
Core: Legionnaires, Milites, Imperial Militia, Crossbowmen, Dragoons.
Elite: Battle Magi, Nobles, Guild Forces, Imperial Knights, Orc Auxiliaries.
Support: Spellcasters, Bosmer Auxiliary, Light Cavalry, Onager, Ballistae
The armies units must be a majority Imperial- count majority Imperial units as such.
Few men and women ever given the honor to lead the Imperial Legion into battle. Those that do are often members of the royal bloodline, rich and powerful noble folk, and less commonly some uplifted common citizen who has shown their merit over decades of battle. Regardless, the commanders and captains embody all that the Legion holds dear- discipline, power, nobleness. Naturally they have all gone through Legionnaire training earlier in their life, then also been schooled for lengthy periods of time in the use of tactics and strategy. That is not to say they are pencil pushers- Imperial leaders are each an immensely powerful warrior or mage.
60 pts (80 pts for Legatus)
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial, Single Model
Captain WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A3 Ld9 Mg4 Sv4+
Legatus WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W3 I4 A3 Ld10 Mg4 Sv4+
Hand Weapon, Shield, Full Plate Armor.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling
Grand Strategy: All allied units within 24” of the Imperial Captain/Legatus may re-roll failed Leadership tests of any kind.
The leader may replace his or her hand weapon with:
Spear +4 pts
Javelins +6 pts
Wizard’s staff +6 pts
A leader may take one of the following:
Shield or Second Hand Weapon +6 pts
Bow or Short Bow +6 pts
A leader may replace items in both hands with:
Halberd +8 pts
Greatsword +14 pts
Battle Axe +14 pts
War Hammer +14 pts
A leader may upgrade any number of his weapons to the following:
Silver +2 pts per weapon
Glass +6 pts per weapon
Ebony +10 pts per weapon
Daedric +25 pts per weapon (Legatus only)
A leader may replace his armor with:
Glass Armor(free)
Ebony Armor +18 pts
A captain may be mounted on a warhorse for +20 pts.
A mounted captain may take a Lance for +10 pts. A mounted captain, if an Independent Character, may join a unit riding the same mount as himself.
A captain may take up to three spells from this book's spell list as follows:
Destruction Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +10 pts each
Alteration Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +8 pts each
Bound Weapon Spells: +14 pts each
Restoration Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +8 pts each, (Legatus only)
A captain may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
One captain may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice. A legatus may not take the Battle Standard.
A captain may take up to 60 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Legatus may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Decanus Magus
While sorcerers and wizards are normally forced into battle-support roles, the Imperial Legion is all too willing to advance the rank of a prospecting individual. The rank of Decanus, or watcher over ten squads, is often giving to particularly established and intelligent mages from their ranks. From this position the clever individual is able to lead a decent sized force into war for the glory of the Imperial Legion.
Decanus Magus
50 pts (70 pts for Decurio)
Hero, Skirmish, Infantry. A Decanus may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel.
Decanus WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I3 A2(3) Ld9 Mg6(7) Sv-
Decurio WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W3 I3 A3(4) Ld9 Mg7(8) Sv-
Magick Robes, Wizard’s Staff, Hand weapon.
A Decanus may purchase up to three spells(or four if he is a Decurio) from the armory, as included in this list:
Any Alteration Spell +5 pts
Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell +5 pts
Any Restoration Spell +5 pts
Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
Illusion spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
Illusion spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
Destruction spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
Destruction spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
Summon Scamp (cost 1) +10 pts
Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +15 pts
Summon Dremora (cost 2) +20 pts
Summon Clannfear (cost 3) +30 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (Cost 3) +30 pts
Summon Storm Atronach(Cost 4) +50 pts
Summon Dremora Lord (cost 5) +150 pts
A Decanus may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the mage the ability to buy a fourth(or fifth if Decanus) spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +51 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (cost 3) +64 pts
Summon Storm Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts
A Decanus may replace his robes with one of the following:
Light Armor(6+, light) (free)
Heavy Armor(5+, heavy) +10 pts
Glass Armor(4+, light) +25 pts
Daedric Armor (2+, heavy) +60 pts
A Decanus may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Decanus may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Imperial Legionnaires make up the bulk of the Imperial Legion. Compared to many other armies the average Legionnaire is heavily armed, rugged, and rigidly disciplined. Recruiting standards are incredibly high- only candidates at the utmost peak of physical fitness are even considered. What trustworthiness and virtue that does not already exist in the recruits are beaten into them over lengthy and tortuous drills. The combination of rigid discipline, effective organization, and cost-effective arming make the Legionnaires especially potent. Every member is clad in thick and well fitting skirted plate armor. Laden up with sword, shield, and spear. In formation, shields locked together, the mainstay warriors of the Empire are a fearsome sight to behold.
10 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry. Legionnaires may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-40 models per unit.
Legionnaire WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Mg2(1) Sv5+
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling.
Hand Weapon, Shield, Javelins, Plate Armor.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +6 pts
Upgrade Plate Armor to Full Plate (4+ save) for +3 pts per model
Replace Plate Armor with Leather Armor (6+ save) for free.
Replace Plate Armor with Chainmaille (5+ save) for free.
The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:
Spears +1 pt per model
Bows +2 pt per model
Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Ebony Armor for +6 pts.
The Centurion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
After years of service within the legion and demonstrating their worth a Legionnaire might be promoted to the rank of Milite. These units normally have one particular role that they perform during the battle, normally supportive in nature. Different Milite units focus on entirely different subjects- some perform as woodsmen, others field surgeons. Especially trained Militae are even able to act as combat engineers, assisting the attack of fortifications and backing up siege weapon crews as needed. That the Imperial Army has such an abundance of elite trained soldiers only bespeaks its strength.
12 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry. Milites may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-20 models per unit.
Militae WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld9 Mg2 Sv-
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling.
Specialists: Each unit is composed of one of three troop types, representing the different roles that might be required of them on the battle. Depending on the role chosen the Militae unit is differently armed, and gains special rules-
Woodsmen: Leather armor (6+ save), hand weapon, bows, javelins. Have the Move Through Cover and Fleet of Foot special rule.
Field Surgeons: Plate armor (5+ save), hand weapons. Mg+2, each Militae has the following spells: Healer’s Respite, Cure Poison.
Combat Engineers: Plate armor (5+ save), hand weapons, bows. Have the Siege-Weapon Training special rule.
Siege-Weapon Training: If the unit has not moved, you may roll 2d6 against Leadership. On a success, you may remove X amount of men from the unit, then restore X amount of crewmen to a siege weapon within 4”. Treat these crewmen in every way like the crewmen that come with the target siege weapon.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to a Centurion (+1 A) for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +8 pts
Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts, or Ebony Armor for +10 points.
The Centurion may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Imperial Militia
The Imperial Legion makes great use of technology and is generally much more accepting of it then comparable armies. In particular the force favors the ranged weapon of the Crossbow. While the armor-penetrating weapon is deadly by itself, when armed en masse by trained Legionnaires it becomes entirely overwhelming. Volley after volley of armor-penetrating bolts can be fired from the formation, the men and women within grimly determined and unshakable.
11 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry. Legionnaires may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-20 models per unit.
Crossbowman WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
Special Rules: Battle-Tactics.
Wargear: Crossbow, Hand weapon, Plate Armor.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts. The centurion loses the crossbow and is instead equip with a hand weapon, shield, and javelins.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +6 pts
Replace Plate Armor with Leather Armor (6+ save) for free.
Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model
The entire unit may replace Crossbows with:
Bows (free)
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Full Plate Armor for +4 pts.
The Centurion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Dragoons are heavily armored cavalry, organized in companies much like non-mounted infantry. As a whole they are more experienced and battle hardened Legionnaires, those that have some experience with fighting on horseback. While not at war, these cavalry perform as internal security, patrolling against smugglers, trouble-doers, and monsters on the roads between cities. Many an adventurer has been assisted by such a patrolling one. In combat they are a sight to behold- clad in dark, adamantine looking armor, only slightly catching rays off the sun. Nearly no infantry in Tamriel can survive the charge of a full unit of Imperial Dragoons.
19 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Cavalry, Imperial. 5-15 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.
Dragoon WS4 BS4 S3 T3(4) W1 I3 A1(2) Ld8 Mg2(1) Sv4+
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling.
Silver Hand Weapons, Shield, Full Plate Armor.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
The entire unit may take:
Lances (Silver) +2 pts per model
Great Weapons (Silver) +2 pts per model
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Ebony Armor for +6 pts.
The Centurion may take up to 30 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Battle Magi
Within the Imperial Legion it is entirely common to find large units of trained Battle Magi, or combat sorcerers. The Legion takes in the best of the best, so it is not uncommon for them to find those with high magical talents. These candidates are then run through the standard Legionnaire training and then some. While the resulting unit is not as potent as other more dedicated units, such as spellswords or sorcerers, Battle Magi are surprisingly resilient and deadly in their own right.
14 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry. Battle Magi may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-20 models per unit.
Spellsword WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Mg4(3) Sv5+
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Masters of War. Masters of War: The most skilled warriors of the Imperial Legion are known to be able to use their various weapons fluidly and in harmony with one another. A unit of Battle Magi and Special Character attached to it may equip up to 2 hands worth each of magic, shields, and close combat weapons in a single turn (i.e. they can fire their ranged weapons and cast spells, and use two Hand Weapons, all in the same turn).
Hand Weapon, Shield, Plate armor.
Flames, Drain Strength,
A unit of Battle Magi may:
Upgrade one model to a Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +10 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +8 pts
The entire unit may replace their shields with:
Short Bow (free)
Pair of Javelins (free)
The entire unit may replace the spell Flames with:
Spell: Chill, Sparks or Black Hand (free)
Second Hand Weapon (free)
Spear (free)
The entire unit may replace the spell Drain Strength with:
Any Destruction or Alteration spell from the army spell list(mana cost 2 or less) (free)
The entire unit may replace their Plate Armor with:
Leather Armor (6+) (free)
Full-Plate (4+) +3 pts per model
The entire unit may take one of the following:
Any Destruction, Bound Item, or Alteration spell from the army spell list(mana cost 2 or less) +3 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade any or all of their weapons to:
Glass +3 pts per weapon per model(or +6 pts for all weapons)
Ebony +4 pts per weapon per model(or +8 pts for all weapons)
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with:
Ebony Armor +6 pts
The Centurion may take up to 20 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory. For every four models in the unit, a Battle Magi may take up to 10 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.
The Centurion may take an additional appropriate Destruction, Bound Item, Illusion or Alteration spell(mana cost 2 or less) from the armory for +5 pts.
It is not entirely infrequent for rich or noble folk to take up arms within the Imperial Legion. Some may seek fame, political power, or perhaps just wish to serve their duty within for the great nation of the Empire. The end result is the same- the respective men and women are tested for physical fitness, determined whether or not they are capable to join the Legion. Those that are receive the normal training, but normally are able to arm themselves with their own personal weapons, normally Ebony or enchanted. Noble Legionnaires fight much like their more mundane brethren, but are much better equip, and thus more potent.
11 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry. Nobles may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-20 models per unit.
Legionnaire WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Mg2(1) Sv4+
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn.
Silver Hand Weapon, Shield, Silver Javelins, Full Plate Armor.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +11 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +9 pts
Replace Plate Armor with Ebony Armor (3+ save) for +6 pts per model.
The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:
Spears +1 pt per model
Weapon of Flames/Sparks/Frost +6 pts per model.
Upgrade all weapons to Silver for +2 pts per model.
Upgrade all weapons to Ebony for +6 pts per model.
The Centurion may take up to 25 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Guild Forces
Imperial Knights
Orc Auxiliaries
While once treated as monsters, and brutes to be killed on sight, Orcs have a distinguished history serving the Empire. Once allowed to enlist, it soon became apparent to all the Legion that the beast-like men were exceptionally hardy and skilled. Naturally strong warriors, and smiths, they fit best into the role of heavy front-line infantry. To this day, male and female Orc alike are honored members of the legion. Wielding great weapons, their tempers honed like a weapon from the Legionnare training, the Auxiliaries throw themselves headlong at weak infantry formations with joy. Truly there is no greater sport then war- and in the Legion they get paid well for it.
15 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Orc. 10-20 models per unit.
Orc Auxiliary WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I3 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv4+
Wargear: Silver Greatswords, Orcish Armor.
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +10 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +10 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +10 pts
The entire unit may replace their armor with:
Ebony Armor +8 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade either or both of their weapons to:
Ebony +4 pts per model(+8 pts for both weapons)
The Champion may take up to 20 pts of appropriate Magic Items from the Armory.
Most of the magic-oriented units of the Imperial Legion fall under one of two categories- sorcerers or priests. The former are normally sorcerers or mages who had signed into service of the Imperial Legion. These men and women are then hurried through the standard Legionnaire training. By the time they finish, the already strong spell casters are infused with a strong grasp of tactics and unit dynamics, something arguably lacking in many of the magical sorts. The other type of spell casters are those of the Imperial Cult- missionaries who preach and inspire faith in the Nine Divines, and also the veneration of the god-hero Tiber Septim. While the laymen and women normally provide worship and services in quiet, peaceful shrines, the militant crusaders among them are entirely willing to take up arms and fight beside their Legionnaire brethren.
12 pts per model. Support. Fight in Ranks, Infantry. Spellcasters may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 10-20 models per unit.
Sorcerer WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Mg4(5) Sv- Priest WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1(2) Ld8 Mg4 Sv 6++
Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling. -Priests have Preferred Enemy (Undead and Daedra)
Sorcerers are armed with a Wizard’s staff.
Priests are armed with two hand weapons and Priest Garb.
Spells (Sorcerers): Firebolt. Sorcerers have an additional spell of your choice from the Schools of Destruction or Alteration(Mana cost 3 or less). Every model in the unit must take the same spells. Spells (Priests): Healer’s Respite. Priests have up to two additional spells of your choice from the Schools of Restoration or Alteration(Mana cost 2 or less). One of these two spells may be replaced by the spell Father's Hand. Every model in the unit must take the same spells.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Veteran(+1 A) for +7 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +5 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +5 pts
The Veteran may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
The Champion may take an additional appropriate spell (mana cost 3 or less) from the armory for +5 pts.
Bosmer Auxiliary
What few shortcomings the Imperial Legion has are often patched over with the neat use of Auxiliary troops. Of particular mention are the Bosmer bowmen from Valenwood. Since a young age native Bosmer are trained in the use of the longbow. Their keen eyes, and racial knackness for using the weapon are entirely unmatched. Frequently the Imperial Legion hires on a group of such men and women when they lack ranged firepower, or are moving into thickly wooded areas. It is in that terrain where the mercenaries perform exceptionally.
9 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Bosmer. 5-20 models per unit.
Bosmer Auxiliary WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7 Mg2 Sv6+
Special Rules: Move Through Cover.
Leather Armor, Longbows, Dagger.
One model per unit may be upgraded to Veteran (+1 Ld) for +9 pts.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +7 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician (can always rally) for +7 pts
Any number of models in the unit may each take one of the following of your choice:
A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapons +1 pts per model
Poisoned(4+) Longbows +3 pts per model
The Pathfinder may be given Glass Armor for +3 pts
The Pathfinder may upgrade all his weapons to Glass for +6 pts
The Pathfinder may be given up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Light Cavalry
The Imperial Legion has a fondness for horse cavalry, well acquainted with their uses and tactical advantages. Rather then being solely intended for combat (Such as the Dragoons), Light Cavalry fulfill a large number of equally important tasks- reconnaissance, raiding, screening, and most often communications. During battle the cavalry are still able to be a thorn in the enemy commanders side, quickly galloping about the battlefield, striking where lines are weakest, pummeling the enemy with ranged weapons before letting loose with a deadly charge.
13 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Fast Cavalry. Legionnaires may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 5 to 20 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.
Light Cavalry WS4 BS4 S3 T3(4) W1 I3 A1(2) Ld8 Mg2 Sv6+
Hand Weapon, Shield, Javelins, Leather Armor.
Special Rules:
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +13 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
The entire unit may take:
Lance +2 pts per model
The entire unit may replace their Hand weapon with:
Spear +1 pts per model
Great weapon +2 pts per model
The entire unit may replace their Javelins with:
Bow +2 pts per model
The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts
The Centurion may take up to 15 pts of Magic Items where appropriate from the armory.
The onager is an Imperial Legion siege engine, a catapult, that uses torsional force to fling like rocks at the enemy. When fired the arm spins around and slams into the padded bed, causing the whole device to flinch and shake. It is from this motion that the onager draws its name. In combat, the weapon is used to batter infantry with showers of rock, or fling especially large ones at enemy fortifications to batter them down.
90 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery. Legionnaires may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 1 to 3 artillery per unit.
Onager Unit
Onager WS- BS- S- T7 W4 I- A- Ld- Mg- Sv-
Crewman WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 Mg2 Sv5+
Engineer WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
Crew: 4 Crewman
Hand Weapon, Plate Armor.
Special Rules:
Catapult: The wounds value of the onagers are not actually equal to the number of crew- as such the weapon may have no crew, but leave it on the battlefield. When forced to flee do not remove it either. Onagers may not move during the game and instead only wheel around. Otherwise they follow the normal Stone Thrower rules from Warhammer. Onagers fire with the following profile- Heavy blast, 12-60” range, 4(9) strength, Multiple Wounds (d6)
Each artillery unit may:
Upgrade one model to Engineer(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
Each artillery unit may take:
Shields for +4 pts
The Engineer may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts
Field Ballistae
Similar to the Onager, Field Ballistae are another torsion powered siege weapon. These are somewhat more elaborate and large; their destructive power that of springs and flexed wood. These ballistae are able to fire one of a number of different ammunition types- grapeshot, armor piercing spears, so on. While less effective at destroying fortified buildings, field ballistae are a menace to large blocks of infantry, the bolts tearing through enemy ranks with surprising ease.
100 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery. Legionnaires may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 1 to 3 artillery per unit.
Field Ballistae Unit
Ballistae WS- BS- S- T7 W4 I- A- Ld- Mg- Sv-
Crewman WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 Mg2 Sv5+
Engineer WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
Crew: 4 Crewman
Hand Weapon, Plate Armor.
Special Rules:
Ballistae: The wounds value of the ballistae are not actually equal to the number of crew- as such the weapon may have no crew, but leave it on the battlefield. When forced to flee do not remove it either. Ballistae may not move during the game and instead only wheel around. Otherwise they follow the normal Bolt Thrower rules from Warhammer. They can choose to fire a single bolt, or a grapeshot of rocks, with the following profiles- Single bolt: Heavy 1, 48” range, 6 strength, Multiple Wounds (d3), Ignores Armor, Pierces Ranks Grapeshot: Heavy 6, 48” range, 4 strength, AP2
Each artillery unit may:
Upgrade one model to Engineer(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
Each artillery unit may take:
Shields for +4 pts
The Engineer may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts
Special Characters
The Blades
Blades are the hidden agents of the Emperor, those that perform the function of his eyes, hands, and ears. Before becoming extinct in the late fourth era, the blades were an honored class, one that often could be seen in public. Many served as diplomats or in courts. While out in the field, the Blades were excellent in the acts of espionage and disguise, often passing themselves off as commoners or beggars. They trace their routes back to the original Akavir Dragonguard, who first came to Tamriel to exterminante the monsters. The men and women ended up being defeated by the Dragonborn Reman, and swore fealty to the man, becoming his personal bodyguard. As the ages passed their numbers swelled, and they continued to protect the successive Dragonborn Emperors, with their lives when needed. Masters of both deception and combat, the Blades are some of the most capable warriors in Tamriel. Clever and strong alike, they have had a crucial role in many of histories most notable events, such as personally discovering the Nerevarine reborn and helping end the Oblivion Crisis.
50 pts per model. Elite(0-1). Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. 3-10 models per unit
Blade WS6 BS4 S3 T4 W2 I5 A3 Ld10 Mg3 Sv3+
Akaviri Katana, Ebony Armor, Hand Weapons.
Akaviri Katana: Count as an enchanted katana that strikes at +2S, +2AP, and has Critical Strike(6+)
Special Rules:
Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn, Infiltrate, Preferred Enemy(Dragons and Altmer)
Death Before Failure: The Blades have occasionally failed to protect the Emperor in the past, and loathe to do so. Whenver a wound might be taken to an Emperor hero, that is joined to the Blades, they may intercept a wound directed toward the Emperor on a d6 roll of 2+. This should be taken to wounded blades whenever possible. Joined Emperors may not be challenged to combat.
One model may be upgraded to Champion (+1 A) for +10 pts
Each model may choose to replace his hand weapons with:
A Pair of Hand Crossbows (free)
A Short Bow (free)
Each model may upgrade any or all of his weapons to:
Daedric +10 pts per weapon, if the Akaviri Blade then it loses the Critical Strike bonus. (or +20 for all weapons)
Each Blade may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Tiber Septim, God-Emperor
Martin Septim
Saint Alessia
Knights of the Nine Divines
Camoran Ursurper
Basic Equipment
The following is a list of the base items found in the Imperial Legion army.
Full Plate Armor counts as Heavy Armor (4+). Chainmaille and Plate Armor are Heavy Armor(5+). Chitin Armor and Leather Armor are Light Armor(6+).
Priest Robes are unarmored clothing that provide their wearer with a 6+ Ward save (Or +1 to their ward save, should they have one).
Magick Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.
Sorceror's Staff is a staff which lets the bearer reroll 1 mana die per game turn.
Katanas count as Greatswords, except the do not strike with an initiative penalty. A Daedric Katana gets +2I +2AP, (rather than the normal +2S +2AP).
Hand Crossbows are 1-handed ranged weapons with S4AP1, Regular 1, Range 6". They count as Hand Weapons(dual wieldable) in close combat.
Crossbows are two handed weapons with S4 AP1, Heavy 1, Range 30".
Warhorse: Models riding a Warhorse count as Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack.
Light Horse: Models riding Light Horses count as Fast Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack.
Magic Items
The Magic Items available to an Imperial Army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Weapons and Staves
Work in progress, should differentiate from Other Items from the other armies.
Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and may re-roll failed rolls to wound. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, causing it to deal d3 wounds.
Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage, drains 1 mana die next turn from targeted model per hit. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit(also draining mana dice) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).
Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, model hit gets -1 I until the beginning of your next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Wounds: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Enchanted weapon has Critical Strike.
Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, bearer regenerates a wound.
Devil Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +14 pts. You may choose for this weapon to count as a Bound Weapon (instead of its normal rules) each time you use it. If you do, bearer has a 6+ Ward Save against shock until the beginning of your next turn.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 to hit.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 Strength.
Jinkblade: Sword or Dagger only, upgrade. +18 pts. Models hit strike at WS1 I1 next round.
Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon while Night Fighting are automatically spotted by other units for the rest of this shooting phase.
Weapon of Wasting: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Until the beginning of your next turn, you may choose to resolve any magic damage dealt to models hit by this weapon as having no element, or as not being magic or spell damage.
Weapon of Unraveling: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. For each hit with this weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, all ongoing magical effects on hit unit are removed.
Weapon of Nonsense: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +7 pts. Models hit by weapon cannot cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.
Dwemer Harvester: This is a Halberd. For each casualty inflicted with this weapon, its bearer gets 1 re-roll of to hit or to wound with this weapon for the remainder of the game. +18 pts.
Fury: Artifact. This is a Greatsword. Bearer gets -1 to his armor save, -1 to hit, and +1 WS +1 A while wielding it. +15 pts.
Stormforge: Artifact. This is a Halberd. While wielding it, bearer is immune to shock damage and deals shock damage in close combat. +30 pts.
Skull Crusher: Artifact. This is a War Hammer. It strikes with +1 Strength, +1 AP, +1 to hit, and wielder is not encumbered by his armor. +40 pts.
Light Staff: Staff. Wielder's unit may re-roll failed Night Fighting Checks. +2 pts.
Staff of Levitation. Staff. Bearer may cast Levitation for 1 less mana. +5 pts.
Staff of Reckoning: Staff. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: Regular 1, Range 18". Models hit get -1 WS, -1 BS, -1 I, and -1 Mg until the beginning of your next turn. +8 pts.
Staff of the Forefathers: Staff, Temple Only. Bearer may cast Necromancy spells for 1 less mana while using this staff. +10 pts.
Staff of Peace: Staff. Enemy models in base contact with caster must make an Initiative check at the beginning of each round of combat. If they fail, their WS and I are reduced to 1 until end of turn. +15 pts.
Staff of the Silver Dawn: Artifact, Staff. Enemy units within 12" of bearer must roll for Night Fighting when shooting. +20 pts.
Staff of Hasedoki: Artifact, Staff. Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Spells. 25 pts.
Armor and Shields
Work in progress, should differentiate from Other Items from the other armies.
Armor of Resist Element: Armor upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to armor of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armor of Resist Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armor of Strength: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Heart Wall: Heavy Armor(5+). Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Spells. +25 pts.
Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test if rolling a save from a ranged attack. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon, he gets the +1 parry bonus against the ranged attack.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armor save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Saint's Shield: Shield, Temple Only. Bearer is not encumbered by armor. +10 pts.
Eleidon's Ward: Artifact, Shield. Bearer has Regenerate(5+). +30 pts.
Belt of Wisdom: Belt(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.
First Barrier Belt: Belt(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has a 6+ Armor Save if he doesn't already have an armor save, and his armor save cannot be reduced to less than 6+. +15 pts.
Boots of Blinding Speed: Artifact, Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer may add 6 to his movement, sprint and charge distances. Bearer must roll for Night Fighting to shoot if the only model in his unit, and gets -1 to hit with both shooting and close combat attacks. +15 pts.
Ten Pace Boots: Artifact, Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer's unit has Move Through Cover, and may roll 3d6 and choose the highest to determine sprint distance. +20 pts.
Fists of Randagulf: Artifact, Gauntlet(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer gets +1 WS, +1 S, and +1 I. +25 pts.
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw: Artifact, Helm(only one of this item types allowed per model). Bearer has +1 Wound and +2 WS. +35 pts.
Other Items
Work in progress, should differentiate from Other Items from the other armies.
A model may only have one amulet and one ring.
Amulet of Slow Falling: Bearer never has to make Dangerous Terrain Tests. +6 pts.
Amulet of Crimson Despair: If bearer inflicts one or more casualties this turn, 1 mana die is restored to him at the end of turn. +7 pts.
Amulet of Balyna's Antidote: Poisoned attacks do not count as poisoned against bearer. Those which have no specified Strength cannot harm bearer. +15 pts.
Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.
Amulet of Barrier: Bearer has a 6+ armor save, if he doesn't already have an armor save, and his armor save cannot be reduced to less than 6+. +15 pts.
Ring of Flame/Frost/Shock Bite: Once per turn, bearer may re-roll a failed mana die being spent on a spell of the chosen element. +10 pts.
Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.
Ring of Transcendent Wisdom: Bearer requires 1 less successful mana die to cast Conjuration spells, to a minimum of 1. +15 pts.
Shadow-Weave Ring: Bearer has a personal Stealth(+2), gaining the cover save even in close combat. This does not stack with the spell Shadow Weave. 30 pts.
Ring of the Five Fingers of Pain: Artifact. Each round of combat, bearer may choose one for his attacks: +1 Strength, Poisoned(4+), +1 Attack and Flame damage, +1 Attack and Frost damage, or +1 Attack and Shock Damage. +25 pts.
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells. Scrolls for Temple Only spells are also Temple Only.
Scroll of Cost 1 Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cost 2 spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cost 3 spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cost 4 spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cost 5 spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cost 6 spell: +60 pts
Scroll of Cost 7 spell: +75 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Potion: Regenerate 1 wound on a d6 3+ after consumption. +5 pts
Mana Potion: Restore 1 mana die after consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Strong Potion of Healing: Regenerate 1 wound after consumption. +25 pts
Strong Potion of Mana: Fully restores mana after consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts
Water-Breathing Potion: Ignore water for movement and gain a 6+ cover save from it this turn. +2 pts
Potion of Swift Swim: Ignore water for movement and sprint an extra d6" through it this turn. +2 pts
Potion of Jump: Drinker does not have to take Difficult terrain tests this turn if on foot. +2 pts
Potion of Slowfall: Drinker does not have to take Dangerous terrain tests this turn. Drink at any time. +2 pts
Potion of Levitation: Drinker is a Flier this turn if on foot. +5 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Potion of Reflect: This turn, whenever an enemy attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and its original source model takes a Strength d6 AP d6 hit. +4 pts
Potion of Cure Paralysis: Remove all ongoing Illusion effects from caster's unit. +5 pts
Potion of the Divine's Blessing: Remove all ongoing Disease(including Blight) from caster's unit. +6 pts
Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit. +10 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain from that element to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resist Poison: Bearer has Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts
Potion of Agility: +1 I this player turn. +3 pts
Potion of Skill: +1 WS this player turn. +3 pts
Potion of Marksmanship: +1 BS this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Strength: +1 S this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Wisdom: +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts
Potion of Endurance: +1 T this player turn. +5 pts
A compendium of the spells used for the Imperial Legion. Spells labelled as "Cult only" may only be given to priests of the Imperial Cult.