Scrollhammer 2nd Edition

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Scrollhammer is a Tabletop Miniatures wargame under development by /tg/. It uses a system focusing on skirmish-based tactics that takes place in the Elder Scrolls universe.


Scrollhammer began in the early days of 2011, when a fa/tg/uy posted a thread talking about the game as if it existed. Many newbies were disappoint, longing for a chance to do battle with huge swarms of cliff racers. One year later Lolpwnt decided to make it a reality- starting the first project to bring it to life. This first edition of Scrollhammer went through two revisions, eventually cultivating in the 10/27/2012 edition.

This first edition was a blast to work on, and some neat ideas were thought up, but ultimately most of the complaints were about the rules system. Being heavily based upon Warhammer and 40k, some of the inherit problems with those systems were carried over. This, in addition to the lack of knowledge on TES militaries, has led to a new attempt at a TES wargame.

2nd edition Scrollhammer is now underway on /tg/, to bring The Elder Scrolls to life on the tabletop, now with a homebrewed system. The rules are still WIP, not quite into Alpha, but making decent progress. They will be subject to necessary errata based upon results of playtests- so don't hesitate to ask questions or run some battles of your own!

Playing Scrollhammer

Scrollhammer uses a custom ruleset, mostly inspired by Infinity. The rules are mostly tuned in to small skirmishes with only up to a dozen figures, having battles similar to those you may have seen in the actual vidya. Special effort is also being taken to both retain and emulate that special TES charm.

Magicka, as with the last edition, is not huge game-shifting powers, but small abilities that can be used by individual models. Each model gets a quota of Magick to spend on spells over the duration of the game; to cast a spell the necessary amount of points must be spent, and then the mage must normally roll to see if the spell hits home.

Models use round bases, doing away with the rank-and-file and loose formations of most Fantasy wargames.

Each model has two hands with which to equip equipment, but then also gets two actions and a reaction each turn. Phases have been done away with entirely- instead a player selects one of their models to act, declares actions, and then the enemy player may have model(s) react as applicable, all during the first player's turn. An example model turn might be to Move and Attack, or Sprint, or Cast a spell.

Reactions add a bit of interactivity for the other player- they might decide for their targeted model to Block, Parry, or even strike back at the same time with a Counterattack. Mages, with the necessary spells, can throw back bolts of energy or attempt to Ward an oncoming spell.

A model that is hit can attempt to make an Armor save. But AP, Armor Penetration, serves as a negative modifier to armor saves in Scrollhammer. If you don't think an armor save is worth it, certain models also have a special Shielded save- there isn't much out there that can blow through this sort of magical defense.

Many effects from the Elder Scrolls universe translate directly into in-game mechanics. A model hit by a bolt of frost is slowed. An adventurer can chug a Potion of Fortify Strength to hit harder against a particularly tough foe. Dragons can rule the battlefield with a toolbox of Shouts, while Assassins reveal themselves with a fury of blows and magic.

Read the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on the rules.

Armies of Tamriel

Great Houses of Morrowind: A Great House's army has wide access to different types of units and powerful weapons; it is an elite yet versatile force. Much emphasis may be easily put on speed and skill with magic: that does not mean, however, that the Dark Elves are a pushover when it comes to other styles of fighting. Forces from this list can be elite and meaty, or at the opposite end of the spectrum, an overwhelming horde of slaves.

Sixth House: The Sixth House has an emphasis on wide-spread use of magick and slower, more lumbering bruisers capable of tremendous damage. In fact, it's not uncommon for nearly all of your models to have some form of spellcasting or ranged attack! It is rare for an opposing army to be able to stand in the open and take all the retribution that House Dagoth has to offer.

Dwemer Animunculi:

The Imperial Legion: On the battlefield, the Imperial Legion provides a balanced army, with well-trained, heavily armored infantry. While the Legion has less offensive capabilities then the other armies, they also have a much more solid defense, and an emphasis on Restorative and Shielding magicks. Hard-hitting units are present with the Magus and Orc Auxiliary, neither anything to scoff at.

Holds of Skyrim: The muster of a Hold contains a very solid core of troops: well-armed infantry with great physical prowess and stubborn resolve. A force of Nords is very capable in melee combat, able to trade with any being that might present itself. While their melee prowess is undeniable, the Holds of Skyrim have less emphasis on ranged combat and magick.

Dragon Cult: Worshipers of the Dragon Cult, Draugr are reanimated dead from times forgotten. Their forces are made of beefy and hard hitting undead, backed up by fiendish Skyrim beasts. They play very similarly to the Holds of Skyrim list, but gain bonuses from their undead nature. It is possible to have a single Brown Dragon as your entire army.

Kingdoms of High Rock:

Tombas of Hammerfell: Duelers and warriors of utmost excellence, the Redguards have some of, if not the best, fighters in the entire game. Their special ability Adrenaline Rush allows any model to become monstrous in combat, at least for a short time. The archetypical Redguard army makes use of a powerful Hel Korei knight, or Sword-singer, backed up by excellent warriors and archers.

Goblin-Ken of Orisnium:

Aldermi Dominion: The Aldmeri Dominion has a combination of expensive, elite infantry, and less-so Goblins. Their standard infantry are as equally well armed as the Imperial Legion, if not moreso, and have access to at least basic spells. Depending on how a force is constructed, an Aldmeri can hit hard and fast at just the right place or overwhelm an opponent with cheap, disposable infantry.

Wildfolk of Valenwood:

Warriors of Elsweyr: Containing more variety than other forces, but also lightly armored, the Warriors of Elsweyr are more suited for hit-and run attacks or skirmishing. That's not to say they don't have heavy hitters- Pahmar, Jaguar Men, and Dos are all plenty dangerous units, and a list can easily be built around them.

Saxhleel of Black Marsh: THE Skirmishers of Scrollhamer and TES, Argonians are guerrilla fighters without compare, able to strike fast wherever it might be needed. Their units are a good combination of skilled fighters, beefy Naga, and supportive mages. Their emphasis on Restoration magick and raw speed makes them perfectly suited for objective scenarios.


Order of the Black Worm:

Comprehensive Rulebook

File:Scrollhammer New 702.pdf
February 7, 2014


These rules are still quite new. The following is a record of various playtests posted on /tg/. You should edit the following page to add your own battle reports that you post on /tg/.

Battle Reports

Scrollhammer 1st Edition The rules for the previous edition. They are included here for reference.

A shout-out to Lolpwnt and Dagoth Guy for their work done on the first edition.