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This article contains PROMOTIONS! Don't say we didn't warn you.

Sergals are a species made by a very sick Japanese furry who decided to give them a tongue-like clitoral hood just to make them unique and give them the capacity to lick your balls as you fuck them. 4chan found them and immediately determined its true purpose: raping. The prevalence of belief that the "clitongue" is used to rape everything causes distress to the original artist, causing him to remove it and add breasts to the females to try to dispel the claims of rape; making them even more furry in the process, but since decided to just make his beloved Rain a shapeshifter and leave the rest of the sergals alone, in an appeal to his fanbase. He has stated in hilariously broken English that the clit-hood-tongue is used to "guide the penis."

They're also into torture, slavery and consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of pregnancy. The most popular Sergal is General Rain, recognized by her golden eyes which she marks with blood. She eats babies.

Sergals are rather known for causing drama and rage whenever posted for a multitude of reasons. Fa/tg/uys have a love/hate relationship with these creatures to the point of some fa/tg/uys questioning whether or not they really are furry, saying they are exempt from the normal furry rules, and wondering whether or not they are a legitimate race for use in systems such as D&D when gnolls already fill their role of "horrible brutal rape monster" quite well. Late at night, sergal appreciation threads flourish and cause original content to be produced, but anything posted before midnight will be sagebombed to oblivion with screams of "FURFAGS!" filling the thread. Troll threads have become increasingly common, but luckily, most anons know that the original sergal statters/fluffers who are still developing them and other races for use in RPG's aren't furfaggots in the least, amd never post anything that makes sergals seem like a perfect race

Recently, they've been statted for Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition, and a mod created for Dorf Fort has been made available that includes them into the game. The mod can be found here.

Even more recently, they were finally statted for 3.5e, GURPS, and Dark Heresy. The photoshopped page for the 4e version can be found at the bottom of this page.

A set of Commissar Sergal pics exists, carefully suited especially for trolling those skub lovers occupying your board. There is an anonymous sergal-obsessed drawfag that tends to produce both sergal and non-sergal art for /tg/.

Sergals have been used in trolling threads due to some people thinking they are furry, these people are very blatant trolls most of the time. Anything involving east/west sergals, smilies, or general furfaggotry should be considered trolling. ESPECIALLY if this includes anything of sexual nature.

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