Shon'tu is a Warsmith of the Iron Warriors who was at the Siege of Terra.
But that's not about him this is about the new one.
You see this Shon'tu believes that he is the Warsmith reborn unlike Eliphas they're no proof its the same person rather just some crazy dude to thinks he is. Wanting to relive all his past deeds and surpass all others, even Horus and Abaddon. Yeah tall order.
The crazies part it he seems to be slowly pulling it off.
Some of his most notable deeds was being the guy to torture Lysander after getting lost in the warp. Namely rants over how awesome he is.
After which he decided to take out Terra itself how you ask?
Well he found a Tyranid Hive Ship (this was at the time were no one else knew about the other hive fleets) shoved it into a space hulk, wired a captured Navigator into the controls and force him to send it straight to Terra, while the navigator was able to pull it off course by 100 light years (which is close by Astronomical terms) it did result in the death of the Imperial Fist Chapter Master.
It is also noted that unlike most Iron Warroirs Shon'tu is willing to work with daemons in fact due to the amount of daemon weapons and engines he has (and makes) would imply he's really a WARPsmith, this is something his fellow Iron Warriors view as weak. Then again they never invaded Phalanx while most of the Imperial Fist were busy fighting the 13th Black Crusade.