Solasta: Crown of the Magister

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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an RPG video game made by Tactical Adventures using the D&D 5th edition SRD rules.


On the world of Solasta, the elves had a massive magical empire called Manacalon and no one knew anything about gods. Then the Cataclysm happened, a massive planar rift opened, destroying and twisting the lands of the high elven empire. From the rift came humans, fleeing the destruction of their world of Tirmar, and their gods and divine magic. Over a thousand years have passed since then and new nations have formed in the lands less affected by the Cataclysm, with the heartlands of the old empire being an inhospitable wilderness called the Badlands, surrounded on all sides by mountains. Recently, the Principality of Masgarth has discovered the Copperhead Road, a pass that allows better access to the Badlands, causing the other nations to worry that they would hoard artifacts and knowledge from the ruins and upset the local balance of power. They then forced the principality to create an organization that would guarantee all nations and organizations fair access to the pass and catalogue and/or purchase whatever was found.

The game starts as your characters meet in the Gravekeep's Cask inn (where else would adventurers meet) in the principality's capital of Caer Cyflen. You meet your employer, Lord Carran, who has you sworn as deputies of the Legacy Council, the aforementioned organization, and sends you to investigate the outpost of Caer Lem which has fallen quiet. Arriving there, you find out that it has been attacked and the survivors tell you that they were attacked by the Sorr-Akkath, a race of shapeshifting lizardfolk that destroyed Tirmar, and that most people think are a legend by now. Your group the flees with most of the survivors through a secret passage from the soraks, as they're often shortened as, and return to tell Lord Carran what has happened. The Legacy Council doesn't believe that soraks attacked your group since you have no material proof, and so they send you off to get proof of their existance. Your group finds the proof in an ancient tower the soraks had been digging up, where they had found an ancient crown that they guarded. One of your party members put the crown on their head and takes the head of a sorak with them as you return to the council. The council examines the crown, but stops after the party member wearing it falls unconscious. Turns out they've become attuned to the crown and separating them could kill the member. They also discover that a magic gem previously found by another group belongs to the crown, and uniting the two causes the member to have a vision and be able to sense the other gems. The council then orders you to find the remaining gems while they figure out how to deal with the soraks.

Races & Classes

Being based on the SRD, most sub-races and subclasses are homebrewed by the devs. There are five playable races and seven classes, six of which are available in the Early Access and the sorcerer will be released as free DLC.


  • Dwarves: Base bonuses and the Hill Dwarf are the same, whilst the Snow Dwarf is new.
    • Snow Dwarves get +1 Dexterity, free proficiency with Heavy Crossbows, and Snow Dwarf Endurance gives +2 to Constitution saving throws.
  • Elves: Base bonuses and High Elves are the same, Sylvan Elves are Wood Elves with a different name and they have Sylvan Adaptability, proficiency in Athletics and Survival, and advantage on Survival rolls when hunting, instead of Mask of the Wild.
  • Half-Elves: Same powerhouses as on tabletop.
  • Halflings: Base bonuses are the same but the subraces are different.
    • Island Halflings are Lightfoots, swapping Naturally Stealthy for Rope Dancing, advantage on Acrobatics checks.
    • Marsh Halflings are Stouts but swap Natural Resilience for Darkvision and gain the benefits of Natural Explorer in swamp and marsh areas.
  • Humans: Same as in tabletop, can't take the variant with free feat.


All classes gain what is available for them in the SRD. Written here are the new subclasses, will be updated once more features are revealed.

  • Cleric:
    • Battle Domain: Stand-in for the War domain. 1st level gives Martial Weapon proficiency and Divine Fortitude, let's you gain 3 x Cleric level temporary hitpoints as an action, Channel Divinity is Decisive Strike, letting you do 1d6 additional damage (additional dice every three levels after 2nd level), and stun the target, though the stun can be negated by a save. 6th level gives Herald of Battle, giving all allies adjacent to the cleric +1 to attack rolls, damage, AC, and saving throws.
    • Elemental Domain: Comes in fire, ice, and lightning flavors. 1st level gives them an extra cantrip, Firebolt for fire, Ray of Frost for ice, Shocking Grasp for lightning, and Primal Harmony, giving them resistance to their chosen elemental damage. There are three Channel Divinity's, fire gains Fire Burst, letting them deal 3d8 fire damage, save for half, to an enemy within 60 feet. Ice gains Ice Lance, forcing a target within 60 feet to succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 ice damage and be pushed back 10 feet. Lightning gets Lightning Blade, dealing 1d8 lightning damage and save for stun to an enemy within 60 feet. 6th level gives Scholar of the Elements, letting the cleric use a reaction to become immune to their element and regain the damage they would've suffered in health.
    • Insight Domain: Stand-in for the Knowledge domain. Gives Divine Intuition, advantage on Arcana, History, and Nature checks, and Inspired Diplomat, know the chances on succeeding at a roll during conversation, at 1st level. Their Channel Divinity is Foreknowledge, making every first attack made at them after their round roll at a disadvantage for 10 turns. 6th level gives them Divine Eye, giving them advantage in spotting hidden traps, doors, and objects.
    • Law Domain: You know what puns to make with this domain. 1st level gives Commanding Presence, proficiency in Intimidation and advantage on Intimidation checks, and Unyielding Enforcer gives advantage to rolls to resist being shoved or moved by magical means. They gain two Channel Divinity's at 2nd level, Force of Law let's you impose a disadvantage on a targets saving throw when casting an offensive spell at them, and Holy Retribution lets them deal 2d6 + cleric level in psychic damage after being hit by a melee attack. 6th level gives Word of Law, allowing you to break an enemy spellcasters concentration.
    • Oblivion Domain: Stand-in for the Death domain. 1st level gives Chill Touch as a bonus cantrip and the Gate Keeper feature, while conscious, all allies within 30 feet gain advantage on saving throws against death. Herald of Pain is their Channel Divinity, forcing all enemies within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage and be poisoned. At 2nd level they also gain Peaceful Rest, prevents the party from being suprised and makes them less likely to be attacked while camping. 6th level gives Strike of Oblivion, letting them deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage on their first attack of their turn.
    • Sun Domain: Light domain stand-in. Gain Light as a bonus cantrip at 1st level, and Holy Radiance, making enemies saving against Sacred Flame roll at a disadvantage. 2nd level gives Herald of the Sun as their Channel Divinity, deal 1d8 + 2 per cleric level radiant damage and blind (save for half and not get blinded) an enemy within 30 feet. 6th level gives them another Channel Divinity, Indomitable Light, which forces all light-sensitive creatures to roll at a disadvantage and dispels areas of darkness, and Soothing Hand, letting them heal and remove one detrimental condition from an ally.
  • Fighter:
    • Mountaineer: The shield-focused fighter. 3rd level gives them Shield Swipe, advantage on shoving attempts while using a shield, and Tunnel Fighter, gain +2 AC when using a shield and standing with a wall on one of your four sides.
    • Spellblade: Eldritch Knight stand-in. 3rd level let's them pick conjuration, enchantment, evocation, and transmutation spells and cantrips from the wizard spell list, and the Magic Weapon feature, their weapon always counts as magical when hitting creatures resistant or immune to non-magical attacks.
  • Paladin:
    • Oath of the Motherland:
    • Oath of Tirmar:
  • Ranger:
    • Marksman:
    • Shadow Tamer:
  • Rogue:
    • Darkweaver:
    • Shadowcaster:
  • Wizard:
    • Greenmage:
    • Loremaster:
    • Shock Arcanist:
