Space Marine Hunter
A Space Marine Hunter is a multi-launcher missile anti-aircraft vehicle based on a Rhino and which is able to deliver a lot of hurt to all those pesky jetbikes zooming around overhead. Basically a version of the good old whirlwind built to take out aircraft, it is based on STC data older then most of the whirlwind versions.
For ages the Astrates tried to make a dedicated anti-aircraft vehicle out of whirlwinds with little success and although they had some success with the Hyperios pattern, when the Hunter came along they for the most said fuck this and went all out over the Hunter. It helps the Hunter's launch cannon looks really cool and it won't be long before some neckbeards start using it in conversions with their favourite dreadnought.
Just to make things nice and grimdarky for your nice new tank, the skyspear missiles it fires are guided by the interred remains of chapter serfs. How remains are meant to guide a missile is uncertain but certainly the amount they go through must mean life expectancy for a serf in most chapters has to be shockingly low and the chance of a nice old grave a distance dream next to the needs of the chapter for a CORESPE MISSILE!