Tactics - Angry Marines

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Codex is Here. READ IT COCKSUCKER!!! Also, why are you here if you haven't read the codex already, the shit there is far cooler.

Why Play Angry Marines

Much like the hulking, green English football hooligans that everyone loves to play against, you can be a slightly less hulking, yellow football hooligan cock knocking anyone that stands in your way whilst screaming a never ending battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUU

Angry Marines, while not a GW endorsed army, can be just as fun to play as the Orks (If the Orks and Angry Marines put their very small amount of differences aside, the Angry Waaagh would probably dominate the galaxy!). And much like Orks, conversion work is higly reccomended for Angry Marines, if not mandatory. Get out your greenstuff, glue, and plasticard and get ready to make some middlefingers or Commisar Fuklaw will have you carrying the Portable FUCK Launcher for the rest of your angry life. Happy converting.


  • You get to play the coolest home-brew faction in existence, what more reasons do you need?!!!
  • You have one of the best (if not the best) melee armies in the game, even your guns can be used in melee.
  • You get to stick a giant middle finger up at GW for the shit they've pulled over the years.
  • If you're a long standing 40K player your probably have what you need to play the Angry Marines just lying around.
  • There are no really redundant units, unlike other factions where there is a lot of competition for different roles, each angry marine unit is either not directly competing with another unit or is very flexible, as almost every unit can run in an extremely choppy or dakkery variant.


  • All your models are either going to be proxy or difficult to make, as there is a lot of "character" which ha to get into the angry marines, the painting alone puts them above and beyond other factions in terms of detail.
  • If your not careful other armies will eat you for breakfast, as there's lots of stuff out there which is specifically designed to anally abuse MEQ'S.
  • The codex is not yet finished or balanced, so you'll either have your arse handed to you or be labelled as "that guy".

Angry Marines Rules

Angry Marines Abilities


In a way this is the best ability in the entire angry marine codex, the ability to hold an objective regardless of how many models you have on said objective, you can win games even by having your army annihilated. I may be over exaggerating a little, but it is an exceptional ability considering how durable your guys are, especially as they're not going to lose in melee so your opponents only real choice is to throw excess amounts of dakka at the problem, and every bit of dakka your opponent is focusing on your squad of five marines, is less dakka focused at your more melee focused (and yes, there are things more deadly in melee than a standard angry marine at your disposal) guys who are heading straight towards your opponents objective.

  • And They Shall Know No Fear - More like AND THEY SHALL FUCK YOU UP:

All marines get this, you know it, you love it, there's not really much to say about it, you get to re roll morale tests, in an edition where games are won and lost on morale tests you can see why these are important.


Units with this rule gain plus one attack on the charge, combine that with two melee weapons and some psychic powers and you get to ork and genestealers levels of insane numbers of attacks, and that's before you include re-rolls ad buffs from your characters. Keep in mind that a lot of your melee in general relys on getting the charge first as your guys may be durable, but there are many things in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium specialised in killer marines.


Units with this rule gain plus one attack on the charge, the rule for your guys who aren't proper angry marines and therefore don't get that plus one strength. These units are generally the ones you want to be holding back to shoot at the enemy, but if worst comes to worst your scouts can provide a nasty surprise to the squad of guardsmen looking for some easy points.

  • Dual Melee Weapons:

Do you ever have those moments that where you look at your khorne beserkers and wish they were a little more choppy? Then this is the rule for you! It adds a plus one to a models attack characteristic if they have two of the same melee weapon, giving (as it stands) a model with two chainswords THREE EXTRA ATTACKS. Now that may not sound like a lot, but your playing Angry Marines, you have strength 5 almost across the board, you have access to the best buffing abilities and psychic powers anyone has to offer, and your actually allowed to carry two melee weapons. A bog standard squad of 10 marines with two chainswords each is going to put out (on average, ignoring the sergeant) 20 strength 5 attacks, and that's without any buffs (that's genestealer'S levels of FUCK YOU), once you add buffs, spells and the added dakka which the angry marines are backed by, there is nothing which can stand up to an Angry Marine charge.

Keep in mind however, these attacks don't have rending (as I only gave an example for with chainswords), if you want your guys to be dealing multiple wounds or ignoring armour your going to be paying through the teeth per model for those double melee weapons. And if not properly supported your foot sloggers are going to die like flies to ranged fire, but you shouldn't be footslogging, you have access to the best (if unsafe) deep striking methods available, and your playing angry marines, you win automatically just by turning up to a fight.

  • Desert Fangs Tactics:

Fluff wise this is for the models which existed before the desert fangs became angry marines, but expresses their inherent rage. Crunch wise this makes models with this rule hit like their proper angry marine brothers by giving thm plus one attack and strength on the charge, any unit with this rule you want to charge and you want them to win the charge outright (by themselves or with help) otherwise they just become standard marines (which is fucking boring).

Angry Marine Stratagems


Angry Marine Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Melee Weapons

Special Issue Wargear

Vehicle Wargear


Angry Marine Psychic Powers


Warlord Traits


Unit Analysis


Building an Army






Common Playstyles
