Tales of Arcadia
Tales of Arcadia, 64th Edition
Tales of Arcadia is a generic tactical miniatures wargame which allows you to create armies of any setting to combat the armies of other's. Before the game begins, one buys units (with options) up to an agreed-upon point limit which all players obey (As standard game is. All players also receive a numbers "tactics cards" equal to the point limit divided by 100. These can be played for special effects in game. A battlefield is then agreed on, and all players place their units within their deployment zones; then, the game begins.
Basic Concepts
Die Notation: "Xd6" means "a roll of X 6-sided dice. "Xd3" means a roll of X 6-sided dice where the value is halved, rounding up. "Xd2" means a roll of X 6-sided dice where rolls of 1, 2, and 3 are treated as 1, and rolls of 4, 5, and 6 are treated as 2. Anytime "+X" or "-X" appears after a die note, it means "add/subtract X from the total after these dice are rolled". A note of dice (such as 2d6+1) is called a die pool.
Roll-Off: If a roll-off is called for, all parties roll 1d; the highest result wins. If there are more than 2 parties, second highest overtakes any others, and so on.
Re-roll: If a re-roll is called for (this is usually voluntary), roll all the dice in a die pool again and ignore the old result.
Unit: An individual playing piece with it's own statistics. Sometimes represents multiple beings, such as a swarm.
Base: Flat surface onto which models are placed; together, a model an base form a unit. A unit occupies the area of it's base.
Measuring Distance: The distance between units is defined as the distance between the bases of said units. Line of Sight: If a straight line can be drawn between any point on a unit's base to any point on another unit's base, the first unit is said to have line of sight with the second unit. If a straight line can be drawn between every point on a unit's base to every point on another unit's base, it is called perfect line of sight. If this is not true, it is called imperfect line of sight. Allied unit's bases do not interfere with line of sight.
Melee Attack: An attack made when the attacker and defender's bases are in contact.
Ranged Attack: An attack made when the attacker and defender's bases are not in contact.
Units always possess eight statistics. They may also possess types, which have no intrinsic effects, and options, which alter their abilities and are described in their associated army list. An army may normally only be composed of units from the same faction; if you use units of more than one faction, reduce your army point limit by 20% (round up). The basic numbered statistics of a unit are as follows:
Wounds (Wd): Number of wounds the character may receive before dying.
Armor (Arm): Amount of damage that can be taken per turn without taking a wound.
Speed (Spd): Number of inches the character may be moved in a turn.
Accuracy (Acc): Number of points added to an attack roll by the attacker.
Defense (Def): Number added to a defense roll by the defender.
Melee Power (MP): Damage dealt with a melee attack.
Ranged Power (RP): Damage dealt with a ranged attack.
Range (Rng): The first number is the minimum range for an attack, the second is the maximum range for an attack.
Turn order among players is decided by roll-off, then play begins. Play occurs in rounds; rounds are divided player's turns. On your turn, you may, 1 by 1, activate your units. No unit may be activated more than once per turn. When you activate a unit, you may have it pass, or move it up to it's speed in inches, then attack. You may also forego movement and immediately attack. Once all of your unit's activations have been resolved, your turn ends and the next player's turn begins. When all player's turns have ended, the round ends, the next round begins, and turns star again with the first player.
First, check for range. Measure from the attacker's base to the defender's base. Then, if the defender is within range, roll 1d6 and add the attacker's Accuracy. If the total equals or exceeds the defender's Defense, the defender is hit. Then compare the Melee Power (or Ranged Power, if the attack is ranged) of the attacker with the Armor of the defender. If the Power exceeds the Armor, subtract 1 from the defender's Wounds. If not, the target is unharmed; in either event, the attack is concluded unless there are special effects to apply. If a unit is ever reduced to 0 Wounds, it dies and is removed from the field.
There are 2 damage types: Physical and Energy; all attacks list one. These types may be referenced in special rules.
The following conditions may effect units in game. They remain on the unit until an effect removes them.
Slow (Slowed): Speed is halved; round up, Speed may not be reduced in this way below 1. Haste (Hastened): Speed is doubled. Death (Dead): Removed from playing field. Poison (Poisoned): Automatically takes lose 1 Wound upon being activated. Paralysis (Paralyzed): May not take any actions. Root (Rooted): May not take movement actions. Numb (Numb): May not take attack actions.
The playing field may contain various surfaces to be moved upon. If terrain is listed as "hindering terrain", movement across it costs two points of Speed rather than one. There are three types of movement: Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By default, a unit has Walking.
Ground: Moved across normally. Rough Ground: A type of hindering terrain. Treated as normal terrain by units with Flying. Shallow Water: A type of hindering terrain. Treated as normal terrain by units with Flying or Swimming. Deep Water: A type of hindering terrain; while on Deep Water, a unit may not make attacks. If a unit has Flying or Swimming, it is treated as normal terrain. Blocking: May not be moved or attacked through. A Flying unit may pass through blocking terrain, but may not end it's movement on it. Concealing: Moved across normally; attacks made from, into, or through Concealing terrain have imperfect line of sight.
If an attacking unit has imperfect line of sight, the defender has Cover. "Cover" means that the defender's Defense is treated as though it were one point higher for the purposes of damage calculation. If a defender would recieve cover from more than one source, is has "Superior Cover" and it's Defense is treated as 2 points higher. Cover may not increase beyond Superior Cover.
Tactics Cards
Tactics cards can be played by each player once per round; after a card is played, it is lost. Follow the instructions on the card; they either produce automatic effects, or remain in play until something removes them.
A player wins if he is the only player with any surviving units.
Sample Unit
Stalfos (20 pts.) Faction: Ganon's Legion Types: Undead, Soldier Wd 2 Arm 3 Spd 5 Acc 2 Def 5 MP 3 RP 0 Rng 0 Rise Again: Three rounds after this unit leaves play, return it to play in the position it was when it left play with full Wounds.
Options: Spiked Club (2 pts.): Increase the unit's MP by 1.
Sample Tactic Card
Crystal Imprisonment Target unit is paralyzed and cannot be wounded for 3 turns.