The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap/China
Someone started a piece on Japan which involved a joint Chinese-Korean invasion of opportunity and revenge. I added hints of the invasion stretching the Chinese resources too seriously, compounded by the fallout induced famine and miscellaneous problems coming from the smoking crater formerly known as Russia. This implies that China did not get directly during the exchange due to its non aligned status and used it as an advantage to seek revenge on Japan which has had all its US bases hit (Okinawa etc). The economic crisis in China caused by the loss of foreign markets, oil imports combined with famine and a costly campaign divides the Party Congress between the executive and their supporters and a so called "liberal socialist" faction. Many purgings,arrests, show trials and executions later, a group of PLA generals stage a coup-detat along with 40% of the army and most of the airforce in support of the liberal socialists. The Central Govt retains control of the military regions in the centre and most of the nuclear arsenal. The Northmost military region (the best equipped) is undecided and still has many of its units in Japan. Korea is said to have joined the Chinese (Communists won) and are also occupying Japan. Their response is up to any Korean anons to finish.