Thramas Crusade

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Thramas Crusade
Date 007-009.M31
Scale Regional
Theatre Horus Heresy
Status Dark Angels victory
Night Lords Dark Angels
Commanders and Leaders
Konrad Curze Lion El'Jonson
Night Lords Legion Dark Angels Legion
The capture of Curze and the break-up of the Night Lords Legion into smaller independent warbands, the Dark Angels would then split; with the Lion joining Imperium Secundus while the bulk of the Legion would go on to engage the Death Guard.

The Thramas Crusade was a 3 year campaign of the Horus Heresy led by the VIII Legion, the Night Lords, against the I Legion, Dark Angels.

In order to distract the Dark Angels Horus ordered Curze and his legion out to the Easter Fringes to ruin everyone's day/night/life. so Curze fucked off and spent 2 years slaughtering the sector while the Lion and Dark Angels were unable to catch them.

After a while Curze offered a Parlay to the Lion on the world of Tsagualsa. With them they brought their honor guard, including Sevatar and Shang with Curze, and Corswain and Alajos with the Lion. The talks ended in battle as Curze Revealed to the Lion that he had foreseen the destruction of Caliban and the existence of the Fallen. The Lion, not a fan of this, struck Curze. As the brothers fought so too did their honor guard. Curze was slowly choking the life out the Lion, Sevatar decapitate Alajos as he tried to call for reinforcements and Corswain stabbed Curze through the spine. As reinforcements arrived from both Legions the injured Primarchs were dragged away by their men to escape the battle.

After the shit show of the talks the Lion successfully ambushed the Night Lords fleet and kinda just fucked up their mojo in general. Once again the two Primarchs fought, this time with El'Johnson putting Curze into a coma. The Night Lords were forced to flee and Sevatar took command for the time being. Sevatar ordered the legion to split up into 6 grand companies.

While Sevatar did this the the Dark Angels managed to track down and launch a second attack. Just a bunch of dicks, really. The Night Lords launched a counter attack and Sevatar led the Atramentar aboard the Dark angels fleet. As Curze recovered he met again with the Lion and fought. Thanks to a distraction by Curze the Night Lords were able to organize a retreat and flee. However Curze, Sevatar and several warriors were left behind.