Titan (D&D)
Titans are a breed of uber-giant in the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, although their precise definition has varied between editions quite considerably.
- Original Dungeons & Dragons had them as not-ugly, not-stupid giants in the Greyhawk supplement.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons had them in the Monster Manual, 17-22 hit dice and 7d6 points of damage on a normal attack, could cast any magic-user or cleric spells as if level 15, had eight psionic powers but were immune to psionic attack, and invisible at-will. They looked like beautiful 18-foot tall Greek giants. Levitate or ethereal twice a day.
- AD&D2 had them in the Monstrous Compendium #8 (nobody I knew kept buying the MCs after #3, no idea what 2E titans are like.)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition had them in the Monster Manual as 25-foot perfect Greek-god humanoids with a dozen at-will arcane & divine spells as if level 20, and had a challenge rating of 21 (the Tarrasque is a 20). Levitate at-will, ethereal or gate twice a day.
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition uses titans as giants that are more elemental-y and 3 levels higher than normal giants. And some how "necrotic" became an elemental thing. They're even uglier than giants, and these titans can't levitate. They were created by the Primordials for the sole purpose of wrecking everyone's shit, which is the only reason the Primordials ever created anything.