Velatine Federal Republic
Velatine Federal Republic
This page is for a creative homebrew project by /btg/, to design a Periphery Realm in Battletech from the Ground up. It will hopefully become linked to homebrewing mech construction as well.
The Velatine Federal Republic is a small Periphery nation located in the Outer Sphere region. It is a collection of Planets that operate as Republics, nominally at least, formed by a merger of Periphery microstates.
Ruler: President Serafino Onofre Campos (El Presidente)
Government: Federal Republic with Socialist and Militarist leanings. Government headed by a President.
Capital: Adria, on the planet Ragusa
Symbol: The Lion Rampant is used as the symbol of the VFR and is part of the Presidential Seal
National Anthem: Sail to Liberty
Dominant Languages: Spanish, English, Serbo-Croatian, Malay
Dominant Religions: Christianity (Catholic), Islam, State Agnosticism
Unit of Currency: Velatine Sequin (vS)
Inhabited Worlds: 12
Location: Corewards, beyond the Draconis Combine and Outworld's Alliance, between the Vela Nebula and the Outworlds Wastes
Est.Population: 9,081,000,000 as of 3145
Founding Year: 3051
Military: Velatine National Army
Secret Service: Federal Intelligence Administration
Succession Wars
During the Succession War era, the area that would become the Velatine Federal Republic was sporadically populated in fits and bursts as refugees and explorers left from the Inner Sphere and the conflicts - a few "micronations" emerged in the area and warred with each other. Eventually the situation resulted in two powerful noble families burning the meager resources of the area to try and gain supremacy in the area - The Brankovich Family and the Musafir Family. After the Fourth Succession war, the conflict began to take on a new dimension as groups rebelling against both Noble Families began to collude, referring to themselves as the Velatine Partisans. Ragusa, the most profitable, populous and industrialized planet became the center of the conflict.
Clan Invasion
The conflicts in the area would come to a head during the Clan Invasion, with 3051 being the year of greatest import. After the clan invasion started, a large number of refugees from the Draconis Combine arrived in the area, making landfall on Ragusa. They were followed by and protected by a motley group of fighters - a collection of mercenary forces who had been devastated by the clans and then prosecuted by the Combine for abandoning their posts - these mercenaries would form the core of what would later become the Stradioti. The refugees, with their greater technology and knowledge, allied with the Partisans after attempts by the Brankovich Family to forcibly seize their ships and military equipment. With Inner Sphere technology and allies, the Partisans were able to conquer Ragusa easily, forcing off all other forces. In 3051 the Velatine Federal Republic was formed, with Partisan leader Veronica Zanetti as the first President. Most of her rule was spent bringing the other planets in the area under Federal control, and turning the Velatine Partisans into the Federal People's Party.
FCCW and Jihad
The next few years presented many conflicts and problems for the fledgling state that threatened its unity and existence. The first was the rise of President Eric Fierro - elected on the basis of modernizing and industrializing the nation, President Fierro became known for his promotion of his cult of personality and his attempt to quash regional religious and cultural beliefs, claiming that such were holdovers from Inner Sphere Culture that needed to be eliminated. Eventually Fierro was murdered in a military coup and his vice President, Ana Kovac, was made President, ruling as a puppet under a Military Junta - this heralded the rise of the Velatine Horizon Party, which managed to win its first elections. The VHF and military was quickly tested by cultural revolutions set off by the harsh presidency of Fierro and through the next few years there was a steady stream of violence and raids attempting to quell the disturbances
Early Republic Era
The few years of peace and development after the rebellions was broken by the scion of the ousted Musafir Family, who purchased the services of a mercenary group (one with ties to the former Word of Blake, and so eager to abandon the Inner Sphere) with the intention of overthrowing the President and taking over the nation - an attempted swift strike turned into a larger war, especially when the enemy mercenary leader began cutting deals with pirates - the pirates would strike at marked targets in exchange for being allowed to keep loot and salvage. The enemy coalition would also gain the usage of some outer pirate planets as a base of operations. As the Stradioti was on tour in the IS at the moment of the first strike the war started as difficult for the VFR - however they managed to hold on long enough for the Stradioti to make a counter attack, the war ended with a full invasion of the pirate planets.
Late Republic Era
Compared to the warring of the early Republic era, the Late Republic Era was much more stable for the VFR - while there was some internal division it was nowhere as near as disruptive as in earlier generations. The war had a generally unifying effect on the nation and had spurred a boost in its industry. Particularly after 3120 or so the nation recorded a significant improvement in its economy, stability and membership in its armed forces.
Dark Age
The rule of El Presidente Serafino Onofre Campos. During Gray Monday the Stradioti are on tour in the IS - they have to fight their way through chaos and a collapsing Republic to make it home. High levels of uncertainty at home lead to more power for President Campos.
List of Presidents
1st - Veronica Zanetti (FPP) 3051-3065: Partisan Leader turned First President, Zanetti was far more charismatic and visionary than many of her other contemporaries and is seen as the mother of the nation.
2nd - Eduardo Cazador (FPP) 3065-3070: An old and moderate statesman, Cazador was Zanetti's choice as her successor. However, he failed to find widespread popularity with the general populace or the revolutionary old guard.
3rd - Eric Fierro (FPP) 3070-3077: A radical revolutionary Eric Fierro turned his Presidency into a reign of terror, targeting cultural, religious and intellectual elites. His Presidency lead to a shift in power within the military and he was eventually removed by the military by force, dying not too long after under mysterious circumstances.
4th - Ana Kovac (FPP) 3077-3080: Ana Kovac was President Fierro's VP. She was essentially a puppet for a council of Military Generals who were mostly concerned with crushing rebellions within the nation and her Presidency was essentially a junta.
5th - Osman Beganovich (VHP) 3080-3084: A former general, Osman Begonovich won wide support for his election, running on a platform of security. Osman spent his entire term finishing off rebellious groups within the nation - however he was assassinated by said rebels before finishing his term.
6th - Sanda Cruz (VHP) 3084-3095: President Begonavich's assassination allowed Sanda Cruz, his VP, to win the next election on a platform of security and increased moral firmness. Sanda Cruz ruled through an invasion of outside forces and was extremely harsh, both before and after, in her prosecution of the war - though popular while prosecuting it, she eventually was ousted in a coup late in her third term by citizens upset with her highly conservative and morally strict rule and the austerity that followed. Despite leaving in this way, many hardliners in the nation look back fondly upon her reign.
7th - Giotto Alagona (VHP) 3095-3095: Ruling for less than a year, Giotto Alagona simply maintained the position of Presidency - he agreed to cut a deal with the revolutionaries where he would remain as President to transition power in the next election. Though he did attempt to weasel out of his deal and make a bid in that election, he was handily defeated.
8th - Derrick Murphy (FPP) 3095-3100: A General who helped save the nation from the invading mercenaries, Murphy was an incredibly popular choice for President. However he constantly clashed with the FPP and, tired of politics, refused to stand for reelection after just one term.
9th - Clemence Esperenza (FPP) 3100-3105: President Esperenza was an attempt to find a suitably popular replacement to President Murphy - having both military experience, and a background in film and as a model, she was seen as a sure success. However, scandals relating to her personal life, and her surprisingly vehement revolutionary views lead her to lose wide popular support. After losing her second election handily she attempted to stage a coup but was put under house arrest by the military.
10th - Adan Villa (VHP) 3105-3108: A military man, and another veteran of the war, Villa was an attempt by the VHP to copy the high popularity of President Murphy. Villa died of a heart condition partly into his first term. Some VHP members who remembered the death of Osman Beganovich assumed this was an assassination and began riots - a few hardliner military members even attempted a coup with the vague intention of forcing the FPP to admit to an assassination, which was put down in the streets by VP bin Hapsah.
11th - Siti bin Hapsah (VHP) 3108-3110: A Placeholder for the dead Villa, the mild-mannered but charismatic bin Hapsah was disliked by his own party who pressured him against running for reelection - many resented him for restoring order by fighting against some of his own party members, albeit the more radical ones. However, he still campaigned for his party after stepping down, helping get his successor elected.
12th - Milan Jovanovich (VHP) 3110-3120: A former businessman who became President on promising economic reforms, Milan Jovanovich was somewhat popular in his first term, but his popularity plummeted in his second after constant corruption scandals.
13th - Mizuki Pierce (FPP) 3120-3130: From a family of Draconis refugees, and a protege of Derrick Murphy, Mizuki Pierce proved to be a popular President who reversed the poor fortunes of the FPP. Her "Trifecta" platform of social programs, cultural development and military reforms led her to be widely popular. Her rule served as a very stable period.
14th - Serafino Campo (FPP) 3130 - Present: After the popularity of President Pierce, 'El Presidente' Campo had an easy first term but has turned to increasingly authoritarian means to curb opposition to guarantee himself a long and glorious rule. His strong connection with the military has managed to prevent much opposition - in 3150 he would start his fourth term, the most of any President so far, to mixed reactions from the general populace.
Republic of Ragusa- Capital Planet and significantly more habitable than all the others. Somewhat similar to Venice very broadly, with some Italian-Albanian influences, though fairly multicultural - most people in the Capital just speak the lingua franca of English for trade. While all planets are equal, it is the wealthiest and its where the Capital ended up being. An influx of Draconis Combine refugees fleeing the clans boosted its population which boosted its influence, as well as giving it some more Japanese cultural enclaves elsewhere on the planet. The Capital of Adria has had much wealth funneled to it in recent years - it is particularly noted for its yearly masked Carnevale.
Republic of Johor - SEA Planet - Also wealthy, despite being mostly aquatic and having limited space suitable for building.
Republic of Negaraku - Malaysian type planet, some Anglo influence. Contains the city of Brooke (Names open to change)
Republic of Nemanja - The most powerful South Slav Planet. Rather Serbian. The other slav planets are vassal to it as their populations and industries are much smaller - historically they required imports from this planet to survive. (Names open to Change)
Autonomous Province of Medvenica - Ruled from Nemanja (Names open to Change)
Autonomous Province of Carniola - Ruled from Nemanja (Names open to Change)
Autonomous Province of Sarajevo - Ruled from Nemanja (Names open to change)
Republic of Serena - Despite its small population, Serena is a major hub of culture, influencing Ragusa after the formation of the Federal Republic. The Serenese Film Festival, despite not being on Adria, has become the most prestigious in the Republic.
Republic of Radiante -
Republic of Lozana -
Republic of Seminole - Seminole was an old penal world of the Draconis Combine - a group of dissidents and criminals from the regions close to Terra were "volunteered" to be sent here to settle with the understanding that they weren't coming back. The planet is wet, swampy and unpleasant and for much of its history was in anarchy as the criminal groups terrorized the others and the hapless dissidents. Eventually, however a central government arose and managed to cultivate and settle an area, the more lawless groups being pushed into the wilderness. Seminole was glad to join with the VFR to gain access to better technology - it has prospered in recent times by leasing land to the national military and now features a decently large city in the most habitable area.
Autonomous Province of Angola - Like Seminole, Angola was a Draconis Combine Penal Colony. Barely habitable, with an unsuitable atmosphere for humans, it was intended to serve as a work camp for more important prisoners - over time it was forgotten and contact was broken. It was essentially cut off from the rest of humanity until the VFR invested in resettlement, after it was discovered the planet had valuable fuel deposits, leading to a rise in population . Due to its potential wealth, the planet of Angola was put under direct control of the Capital and the President, to attempt to restrict access and better manage prospecting.
Leader is a President with broad powers - the President is also nominal commander of the Military. Nation comprised of Eight Republics and four "Autonomous Provinces" linked to the Republics. Due to the nation making a lot of cash off of its mercenary endeavors, the military tends to have a disproportionate amount of political power, which has raised issues in the past.
The President rules for five year terms and has no limit on the number of terms. There are multiple parties but traditionally a few tend to dominate with the current El Presidente's party has a long history in power due to its ties to the military. All of the constituent republics are represented in a People's Congress.
The nation tends to be very hostile towards the idea of nobility - partially this is a reaction to the IS who they attempt to vilify, and partially as many parts of the nation were ruled by abusive noble families, which were ousted during the formation of the Federation. In the years after the clan invasion, refugees fleeing the clans have also lead the nation to be very clanphobic as well, particularly after the creation of the Raven Alliance and Ghost Bear Dominion - the clans are often discussed as a severe fascist threat in local news.
Political Parties are allowed but for the past chunk of history the Federal People's Party has dominated politics and supported the many terms of current El Presidente. This is because the FPP has wide populist appeal - it is a socialist party that also is strongly pro-military and highly patriotic and so has a solid and plentiful support base. Its main rivals are the Velatine Horizon Party and the Democratic Republic Party. The VHP is made up mostly of religious figures and wealthy businessmen and politicians who are rivals of El Presidente - well funded, they are internally divisive. The DRP is a widely liberal party that pushes for less military control and more pacifistic and open policies, making it often marginalized and seen as weak. There are also many State Parties that argue for greater autonomy of the constituent Republics but these are often prosecuted on the grounds of being unpatriotic.
A multicultural and multiethnic nation, the Velatine Federal Republic has mostly relied on politics to unite its people. The government touts itself as a revolutionary organization protecting its people from the perils of the nobility and the other dangers of the Inner Sphere - events like the Clan Invasion and Jihad have helped government propaganda immensely.
The mixture of cultures has lead to Velatine being, surprisingly for a periphery nation, a significant center for art. While the written and visual arts are strongly represented, film has become the most popular medium - originally heavily funded in order to spread propaganda, a healthy artistic cinema scene has emerged due to sharing of ideas between the various cultures.
While there are many liberal elements within the society that decry this, the military has a large influence on culture and holds a good deal of popularity - plenty of money and effort is spent on making the military look as good as a periphery nation can manage, particularly the Presidential Guard.
Early in the state's history there was an attempt to force State Atheism on the populace which failed utterly - the current state policy is one of Agnosticism and general religious freedoms. The majority of people in the nation either report themselves as Agnostic, Muslim or Catholic - however there are significant Orthodox, Protestant and Buddhist minorities.
International Relations
The Velatine Federal Republic relies somewhat politically on keeping its populace suspicious of outsiders - at the same time, this suspicious does not expand into full blown paranoia like in other Periphery nations - the VFR understands that its neighbours and the IS are a valuable source of trade and resources.
The VFR's nearest neighbours include the Jarnfolk, pirate worlds and various Outworld Waste microstates. The VFR is on fairly good terms with the Jarnfolk who are useful trading partners - Jarnfolk bodyguards have become popular among Velatine politicians. The VFR is, like most periphery realms, heavily concerned over the issue of piracy and will on occasion send expeditions to purge pirate holdings. The VFR tends to be exploitative to a degree of the microstates of the Outworld Waste and the deep periphery - conquest of any further planets does not interest the republic, but they have partaken in "gunboat diplomacy" to open trade before.
The more central neighbours of the VFR are the Draconis Combine, Outworld's Alliance and Federated Suns. The VFR has traditionally had a cool but cordial relationship with the OA - they respected each other as trading partners and fellow periphery nations, and had little interaction beyond that. However, refugees from the OA abandoning the state after its turn to the Raven Alliance has lead to a sharp decrease in contact and trade. The DC and FS are often the main hiring bodies for the VFR's mercenary force of the Stradioti. While respected trade partners, the VFR tends to be suspicious of Spheroid methods and politics and the Stradioti are polite but cautious during their expeditions.
While the Raven Alliance would make the VFR nervous, oddly enough, the VFR had positive, if brief, interactions with Clan Goliath Scorpion after that Clan's relocation to Neuva Castille. First contact between the distant periphery powers was due to a very far traveled Goliath Scorpion Seeker band inadvertently aiding VFR forces by wiping out a pirate force - after cautious talks, the Seekers were awarded some obsolete and deactivated Star League relics from the Federal Museum on Ragusa. Since then, Seekers have identified the VFR as a fairly friendly stop over point on their vision quests - the VFR has a policy of giving resupply in exchange for services rendered. Since the Imperio is well distant, the VFR is not particularly worried about a clan conquest from that direction, and members of the far ranging Stradioti see the Seekers as something of kindred spirits - relations would slowly but steadily improve over time.
A major part of the economy involves using a portion of the nation's military as a mercenary group in the Periphery and Inner Sphere - the forces return with cash, trade goods and hopefully mech salvage. At home this is justified as taking the goods of the uncaring IS to help the nation.
As production is not particularly high on any one planet, a controlled economy has developed that uses factories on various planets to work together in networks on a completed product.
As a small Periphery nation, the VFR is limited in the amount of military power it can assemble. However, the constant threat of piracy in its area, and the importance of the military in its politics, means that it has spent a considerable sum on creating a professional looking military. Comparative to even other Periphery nations, however, it must heavily rely on conventional infantry and vehicles for most of its forces - its Battlemechs are limited in number, being either primitive versions or, ideally, salvaged or purchased from the IS or other Periphery nations. Because of this, Battlemechs and conventional forces work very closely together in support of each other. Another notable aspect of most Velatine Forces is grouping anti-air assets into their own separate company attached to regular vehicle battalions, making their vehicle battalions slightly larger.
The VFR has compulsory conscription for men and women over the age of 18 - this does not need to be direct military service however, which leads to the VFR having a large contingent of support workers, which helps alleviate their issues with general low technology levels.
The Velatine National Army is the military force of the VFR and is divided into a few general commands. Each Command has a General in charge of it who coordinates all aspects of the Command.
Velatine Gendarmerie - The Velatine Gendarmarie is a national militia and police force, meant to compliment local militia and police. Mostly infantry, its real purpose is to enforce the will of the Federal Government on a local level and to monitor dissatisfaction. However, the Gendarmerie is somewhat trained in urban combat and anti-terrorist tactics. To help with their mandate, the Gendarmerie does operate some primitive SecurityMechs, more for intimidation than anything else.
Velantive Territorial Defense Forces - VTDF is a large and decentralized militia - each planet in the Federal Republic is mandated to maintain a militia force of infantry and vehicles, and to protect their planets at any cost. While lacking in effective gear or any coordination beyond the local, the VTDF has shown to be tenacious when it comes to showing off pirates at least. The Territorial Defense Forces often choose to augment their forces with conventional fighters, though these are usually of quite primitive design as it is up to the VTDF in question to supply them.
Velatine People's Army - The main armed force of the nation, the VPA uses mostly conventional forces complimented by Primitive and outdated Battlemechs and are designed to be deployed wherever they are needed. Most of their expertise comes from combating pirate groups. Mandatory conscription keeps the numbers of the VPA relatively high, though much of this is simply in their support forces. On paper the VPA is supposed to have a full Regiment's worth of mechs. However, this is rarely the case as its mech resources are often taken for deployment elsewhere.
Velatine Air Force - The VAF was established to provide a single body to govern all of the Velatine air and space assets - these are attached to other military formations as needed. The reason for this is that the VFR has limited air capability, particularly as far as aerospace goes, and must be conservative and careful in its usage. The VAF also mains the "Conventional Reserve", a pool of conventional fighters. These are moved from planet to planet based on what the defense requirements are believed to be at the current time. The VAF does maintain its own ground forces separate from other military sections, which include both regular mixed forces for protecting their airbases, and also marines and paratroopers.
Presidential Guard - The Presidential Guard is the most prestigious force in the nation, centered around a large infantry contingent as well as some battlemechs. Their main duty is simply as honour guard for the government, though they do deploy to support the VPA during conflicts - though many in the VPA complain that the PG receive the least dangerous and most glory hogging assignments. The PG is also designed to be entirely loyal to the federal government and to no one planet, meaning they are often also deployed in quashing civic unrest.
The Velatine Stradioti - The Stradioti is a unique unit in the VNA - based around a mercenary unit they still operate in that capacity, touring in the IS and Periphery to make money and salvage. Despite this, they are still a loyal part of the VNA - they return their profits and goods to the nation, and are required to return to aid their nation when ordered. While not as prestigious as the Presidential Guard, the Stradioti have the most real combat experience, and are most likely to sport salvaged or purchased IS models. Because they must operate away from the nation for extended period of times, the Stradioti are allowed to keep their own very limted aerospace contingent. The Stradioti also keep a skilled technical staff which specialize in salvage and battlefield repairs. As each battlemech in the Stradioti is valuable, the group tends to specialize in asymmetrical warfare, using ambushes, mobile warfare, flanking maneuvers, hit and run tactics and subterfuge to achieve victory. The Velatine Stradioti have, on paper, about a Regiment's worth of Battlemechs. However, they usually only keep two battalions in standard numbers with the third battalion varying significantly on composition based on how the units fortunes currently stand, and how well salvage is going. The Third Battalion often has a very eclectic mix of machines.
Uses standard lances. Since any class of mech bigger than medium are rare, usually Heavy or Assault mechs are organized into Demi-Lances instead, which are used to support regular lances instead of operating alone. Usually these two mechs operating together will be ones of the same speed type.
Mostly vees and infantry. Mechs are normally light or at most medium. Infantry is usually mechanized, motorized or airborne. Due to difficulty in producing modern tech, Autocannons and Rocket Launchers are in wide use. To try and make up for the inherent disappointing performance of Autocannons, specialty ammunition for autocannons is widely produced. The one technology that the VFR has tried to always keep up on is melee weapons - because their mechs tend to be ammo reliant, ways to engage in close combat if a mech runs out of ammo are seen as important. In the case of lack of access to proper melee weapons, pilots of mechs with hands are trained in making use of improvised weapons - doctrine usually covers such armed mechs covering the retreat of allies without hand actuators.
As a far Periphery nation the VFR struggles to maintain a viable aerospace contigent. Because of this, the VFR maintains a large number of conventional fighters on each of its world, and tends to have a decent spread of anti-aircraft equipment in its ground forces. Its aerospace assets are grouped into a separate airforce, (Barring those that the Stradioti use on campaigns) and are deployed where they are needed most.
The specialty in Autocannon weapons and the lack of an airforce has combined in an interesting way to make the VFR's armed forces somewhat experts in anti-aircraft technology, and it tends to have well trained and equipped anti-aircraft gunners. This is reflected both in their mechs and their vehicles.
Because of their usage of combined arms, Velatine Infantry is usually mounted, being mechanized, motorized or airborne - this is one of the key strengths of the army and its infantry tend to excel in this kind of mobile rapid combat. In particular its airborne cavalry are quite well trained and are seen as the elite and most prestigious infantry forces.
The Gendarmie use black uniforms and are allowed to carry the Presidential Seal to show their service to the Federal government. The VTDF forces all wear cheaper olive drab uniforms with maroon edging, and all use their own combinations of patches and insignia.
Maroon in the standard color for the uniforms within the VPA. The Velatine Stradioti use a similar uniform ot the VPA uniform, but are allowed gold trim on their uniforms and unique insignia. The Presidential Guard are provided highly elaborate white uniforms with intricate trim. Air and space forces wear powder blue uniforms with maroon trim.
The dress uniforms generally involve jackets combined with berets - senior officers however are allowed peaked caps.
Rank Stars - Certain ranks within the VNA are seen as "career" ranks, with many remaining in them for a while. Rank Stars are awarded based on service time spent, giving an indication of seniority and a raise in pay.
Soldier - Recruits are simply ranked to as Soldiers - they are officially referred to by their role (such as Tanker or Infantryman)- but the common slang term "Soldato" is most often used, and has come to mean any traniee or fresh recruit - members of the military often refer to themselves in general as Soldato's as a term of respect.
Corporal - Confusing to other militaries, a Velatine Corporal is more equivalent to a Private in other armies - the rank indicates having spent a minimum amount of time in the armed forces without blemishes on the record.
Corporal Major - A corporal who continues to serve without black marks on their records is promoted to a Corporal Major and is granted more responsibilities - this is more equivalent to a Private First Class in other militaries.
Chief Corporal Major - A Chief Corporal Major commands a section of of his fellow soldiers. For those who are only filling in their required conscription, this is normally as high as they advanced. However, to encourage hard work, and bolster forces, the Star Ranking system has been added for this rank - A Chief Corporal Major is a one-star Corporal major, and they can be ranked up to a four-star major. This determines seniority and experience. Someone who has finished their conscription can choose to sign up for the "Citizen's Corporal" program - by taking retraining courses every year and they can slowly add more stars to their rank, and will be higher ranked and paid if they re-enlist in an emergency situation. This program is to provide an incentive for continued training and preparedness on the behalf of the citizens.
Sergeant - A Sergeant commands of squad of his fellow soldiers.
Sergeant Major - A Sergeant Major designates a more senior sergeant within a platoon.
Chief Sergeant Major - A chief Sergeant Major is the highest rank of sergeant and normally serves as an adjutant to a Lieutenant. For career soldiers who are not becoming officers this is normally as high as they progress and it is seen as a rank of some prestige. Like with First Corporal Major, Chief Sergeant Majors who remain in their position for an extended period can receive up to four star rankings to represent increases in seniority and pay-grade
Warrant Officers
Warrant Officers are usually technical experts or specialists
Chief Marshal
First Chief Marshal
Junior Officers
Second Lieutenant - If in Lance or Platoon is 2nd in Command. Often only recently made officer.
Lieutenant - A Lieutenant is the normal Commander of a Lance or Platoon
Captain - A Captain commands a Company of troops
First Captain - Used to designate the senior Captain in a Battalion. Traditionally given command of 3rd Company as this will not have oversight from Major or Lieutenant Colonel.
Senior Officers
Major - 2nd in Command of Battalion. Traditionally attached to 2nd Company
Lieutenant Colonel - Commander of a Battalion. Traditionally attached to 1st Company
Colonel - Commands a Regiment. Due to the smaller size of the VDF many Colonels also work as 2nd in Commands and aides for Generals.
General - Can Command multiple Regiments. Ranked from one to four stars to denote seniority and rank. Any military operation of note will have a General coordinating all aspects of it - the importance and size of the mission usually determining degree of General
El Presidente - Commands all Generals. Legally the nation's only Five-Star General - the official Presidential uniform reflects this. The VP is also considered a Four-Star General, mostly relevant in the case of communication breakdowns or attacks on government.
Jumpship assets are limited naturally and the Stradioti are always allowed first usage of them due to their importance to the nation's economy. This means that within the nation the People's Army is sometimes slow to deploy - holding actions and defense by the Territorial Defense forces are thus vital to ensure the safety of the Republic.
Used Designs
Archer - The sheer amount of Archers means that the Republic can always maintain at least a few of them - its engineers are also skilled at replacing burnt out weapon systems on the mech for newer loadouts. "Frankenmech" Archers are thusly quite common.
Jaegermech - The VFR has a limited production run of Jaegermechs
Locust - The Locust is the only Battlemech that the VFR can produce in any number.
Po - The Stradioti once took payment from the Capellen Confederation in a shipment of Po tanks for their military.
Homegrown Designs
Banshee BNC-3V - Standard variant for the Presidential Guard. All four PG Banshees retain the 4/6 movement profile, but replace all stock weaponry with four SRM6 racks, a ton of ammo each, and a 17th SHS. A half ton of armor is also removed to accommodate the additional SHS. Media:Banshee_BNC-3V.png
Vicuña VCN-3Q - Homegrown trooper BattleMech. Built around the LTV 160 Fusion Engine available due to local production of the Locust BattleMech. Rare, and a prestigious assignment for any VFR Mechwarrior. A lance of them are always deployed with the Stradioti as a point of national pride. Media:Vicuña_VCN-3Q.png
Dalmatian DLM-1A - The Dalmatian is a very cheaply made light mech, using Primitive equipment. It is mainly designed to be used as a harasser, relying on LRMs to keep the distance between it and stronger foes - it mounts Machineguns as well to let it be pressed into dealing with conventional forces if needed.
Velatine Dragons - As the Draconis Combine phased out the Dragon, the Stradioti acquired and purchased some models which were refitted for easier maintenance by the Periphery nations, and to better convert them to brawlers - reports indicate Dragons with ACs upgraded to 10s, and LRMs swapped for Rocket Launchers. A later adjusted version was made to include a melee weapon.
Velatine Trebuchets - The Stradioti returned from one very successful campaign in the Draconis Combine with some Trebuchets which had been intended for usage in the mostly abandoned 7K projects. Reports indicate that these Trebuchets were refitted to combine other Trebuchet designs, mixing an AC-5 with LRMS. As these are more support mechs made to hang back, and because they are rare, they are mostly only used by Velatine officers.
Tartaruga - Mass-produced Medium Tank for the VFR. Outperforms the Scorpion Light Tank, but at a significant cost and weight increase. Cheaper than the heavier Vedette, and featuring more firepower, the design was adopted before the Third Succession War as the VFR's main production tank design. Media:Tartaruga TTG-1A.png
Parang -