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Vestiges are weird super-ghost things from the later fluff of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition. Specifically, these are the metaphysical entities that the Binder class calls up and allows to timeshare their body in exchange for various magical powers.

List of Tome of Magic Vestiges

This was the big array of vestiges that appeared in the initial Tome of Magic. Tend to be either game mythology shout-outs, or rip-offs of demons from the real-world "demonology textbook", the Ars Goetia.

Acererak the Devourer

The Demi-Lich who created the Tomb of Horrors. You need at least 5 levels in Binder to summon him, and he requires you place a gemstone the size of a human tooth or eye in his seal before he'll appear. He manifests as a yellowed skull with gems for eyes and teeth (including the summoning gem, which is left behind when he leaves), his sign is that one of your teeth turns into a gem (but it reverts to normal if you rip it out), and he influences you to seize power and influence when presented with a chance to do so. A Binder hosting Acererak has Detect Undead, Speak with Dead and Hide From Undead as at-will spell-like abilities, is immune to cold and electricity, gains a Paralyzing Touch, and is healed by negative energy.

Agares, Truth Betrayed

A former Earth Elemental general who was betrayed by his own emperor and lieutenants under false pretexts.You need at least 4 levels in Binder to summon him, and he demands that his seal be drawn upon earth or unworked stone; he won't appear otherwise. When he deigns to answer, a huge brown crocodile's head erupts from the seal, and then a hawk with eyes in its chest forces its way out of the croc's mouth, standing on its tongue and speaking to the Binder. Those bearing Agares' sign have a racking cough that causes them to spray dust and small stones from their mouth, making casting spells with verbal components impossible. His influence makes a Binder incapable of lying. He grants better ability to hurt land-based foes, increased defense against airborne foes, the ability to knock people prone by stamping on the ground, the ability to read, write and speak all languages, immunity to fear, and the ability to summon an earth elemental ally. Based upon the 2nd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Amon, The Void Before The Altar

The corrupted essence of a once-goodly god. Manifesting as a firebreathing fang-toothed ram-headed black wolf with a snake for a tail, Amon despises the vestiges Chupoclops, Eurynome, Karsus, and Leraje and so he won't show up if you've summoned any of them in the last 24 hours. He's one of the weakest vestiges, needing only 1 level in Binder to summon. Binders hosting Amon sport ram's horns, are surly, irritable and compelled to oppose the actions of deities of fire, sun or law, and have darkvision, firebreath and headbutt attacks. Based upon the 7th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Andras, The Gray Knight

An Elf who served for centuries as first a paladin and then a blackguard before giving up on both sides in disgust. Only a 4th level or higher Binder is strong enough to call Andras, who manifests as a near-naked elf with an owl's head riding a giant wolf and carrying a greatsword. A Binder hosting Andras sprouts two small, vestigial owl's wings from their back, and if they succumb to his influence, they become so emotionally listless that they'll get bored and wander off from a fight if it lasts longer than 10 rounds. He grants his Binder proficiency with greatsword/lance/rapier/longsword, the ability to summon a heavy warhorse, added skill in riding, the ability to Smite Good and Evil, a free Improved Critical bonus, and the ability to force opponents to attack their allies. Based upon the 63rd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Andromalius, The Repentant Rogue

A chosen of the god of thieves, Olidammara, who repented on his deathbed, hoping to play the ultimate trick and steal his own soul away from his god. It worked too well; his god approved, once he realised the joke, but he couldn't take Andromalius back without wrecking the joke. So he made him a vestige instead. Answering only Binders of 3rd level or higher, he requires you to sacrifice any two of twenty-four different items as part of summoning him; a belt purse, a silver key, a gold ring, a pair of dice, a copper coin, a dagger, an apple, an arm bone, a scroll, a comb, a whistle, a fish hook, a mirror, an egg, a potion, a dead spider, an oak leaf, a human skull, a lock, a closed black book, a bell, a dove, a set of lock picks, and a mouse. When he manifests, he appears as a human man whose arms split into twelve forearms at each elbow, juggling the Binder's sacrifices and whatever the other 22 trinkets they didn't provide. The Binder gains an extra digit on each appendage for Andromalius, who influences his host to make mischief but shun thieving. He makes it easier for his host to appraise items and to see through disguises, lets them cast Hideous Laughter as an at-will spell-like ability, locate items at will, and Sneak Attack like a Rogue. Based upon the 72nd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Aym, Queen Avarice

A corrupt dwarven queen who destroyed her own kingdom through her insatiable greed. Appearing to even 1st level Binders, she manifests as a powerfully muscled female dwarf in the finery of an empress with two tentacles like giant worms for legs and two extra heads (a bull's and a lion's), wielding a star-shaped branding iron. She places a brand upon her host's left hand or forehead upon concluding a pact, and a Binder who succumbs to her influence is both stingy and greedy and compelled to offer money to any dwarf he or she meets. She grants dwarf-like carrying abilities, proficiency with medium armor, resistance to fire, the ability to enwreath one's own body in flame and burn everything one touches, and an enhanced knack for breaking physical objects. Based upon the 23rd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Balam, The Bitter Angel

The despondent spirit of a slain angel who was set an impossible task - purportedly ending the practice of humanoid sacrifice - that failed and claimed her life. Appearing only to a 5th level or higher Binder, she requires 1 hitpoint worth of blood from the binder or a victim with 3+ Int to be placed upon her seal before she manifests. She appears in the form of a huge purple snake, with the upper halves of three horned humanoid heads fitting together in a triangle to make up her head. A Binder hosting Balam develops a hollow yet guttural voice and a vocal distrust of clerics, paladins and gods. She grants minor prophetic powers and a gaze attack that freezes victims. Based upon the 51st demon of the Ars Goetia.

Buer, Grandmother Huntress

A mysterious huntress' spirit. She only appears to a binder who is 6th level or higher and who is willing to draw her seal outdoors. She manifests as five satyr legs fused together at the thighs to form a star-shape, with a face on either side of this central "body"; a kindly green hag's face on one side, and a lion on the other. After manifesting, she trundles around and around her seal, lion face outwards and speaking from her hag-face. This causes her to switch from gentle, friendly conversation to furious profanities at her body when this movement makes her unable to sea her binder. Her mark is that she gives her binder the legs of a satyr, and those who succumb to her influence find themselves averse to harming natural creature, unable to deal coup de grace attacks, and prone to momentary memory lapses. To her binder, she bestows the gift of enhanced knowledge of survival and medicine, expert tracking skills, immunity to all natural poisons and diseases, rapid healing, and the ability to cure injury, poison and disease in others. Based upon the 10th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Chupoclops, Harbinger of Forever

A monstrous spider-creature destined to destroy the multiverse, slain by an alliance of four villains and three heroes, living and ghost alike, who sacrificed their lives to destroy her.

Dhalver-Nar, The Tortured One

A human who is believed to have pioneered the art of binding, most known for his obsession with teeth. Seriously, he manifests as a human man with gums instead of skin and teeth everywhere, even for fucking eyes. That's just not right!

Dantalion, The Star Emperor

A gestalt consciousness born from the ancestral spirits of a now-lost royal line. Based upon the 71st demon of the Ars Goetia.

Eligor, Dragon Slayer

A dragon slayer of such proficiency that Tiamat demanded his soul be given to her after his death, threatening to set her dragons on the mortal races and forcing the gods to surrender him. She then raised him as a dragon-revering blackguard and used him as her own mightiest champion; after he got killed again, nobody wanted to touch his soul and so he became a vestige.

Eurynome, Mother of the Material

A titan who created the physical world by separating the sky and sea before being slain by the gods for daring to steal into the world as yet unformed, with her body becoming the land and her blood giving rise to all animals.

Focalor, Prince of Tears

An outsider, either a demon or an angel, who actual died of sheer grief. Based upon the 41st demon of the Ars Goetia.

Geryon, The Deposed Lord

An arch-devil who perished after losing everything to the whims of Asmodeus.

Haagenti, Mother of Minotaurs

A former hill giant sorceress who tricked Thrym, god of frost giants, into screwing her by using magic to appear beautiful. When Thrym sought her ought, and beheld both her true ugly form and the monstrous twin sons she had born him, he turned them into the first minotaurs and spread the creedo of distrusting all beauty to the frost giants. In her shame, Haagenti was unable to rest in any of the planes after her death. Based upon the 48th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Halphax, The Angel in the Angle

A gnomish master engineer who created an inescapable prison-city at the behest of hobgoblin conquerors to try and save his wife's life, ultimately costing the lives of thousands of his fellows.

Haures, the Dreaming Duke

A rakshasa who become so obsessed with dreams and illusions he lost all ability to distinguish reality and unreality apart, fading entirely from existence. Based upon the 64th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Ipos, Prince of Fools

The mystic scholar who codified the modern forms of binding. Based upon the 22nd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Karsus, Hubris in the Blood

A human spellcaster who attempted to steal the power of the god of arcane magic, only to be consumed from within by the uncontrollable powers he had stolen.

Leraje, The Green Herald

A former herald of the god of elves, before her hubris led her to challenge her own god to a test of archery skills, in which she unthinkingly sacrificed her own life to prove her superiority to him. Based upon the 14th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Malphas, The Turnfeather

An elven prince who betrayed his people, murdering his own family to try and steal the throne, only to die of heartbreak when the woman he had been doing it for revealed herself as a drow who had deceived him. Based upon the 39th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Marchosias, King of Killers

An expert assassin who specialised in killing other professional killers. When he died and went to the Nine Hells, hundreds of other thugs, slaughterers, executioners, and assassins banded together in a great diabolic prison riot, in which they captured Marchosias and tore his soul to pieces. Based upon the 35th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Naberius, The Grinning Hound

A mysterious canine-like vestige. Based upon the 24th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Orthos, Sovereign of the Howling Dark

An entity generally believed to be the first vestige.

Otiax, The Key to the Gate

A mysterious entity connected to the Far Realm.

Paimon, The Dancer

An expert dancer, duelist and seducer who was captured by a jealous rival and had his limbs cut off and swordblades grafted to the stumps. Based upon the 9th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Ronove, The Iron Maiden

A pioneer of the martial arts, Ronove had herself sealed inside an iron coffin to prove her skills, but spent so long that eventually her students forgot she even existed. Based upon the 27th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Savnok, The Instigator

A former servant of Hextor and Heironeus who stole their mother's divine armor, initially for them, but after doing so he couldn't bear to give it up. Hextor murdered Savnok by stealing his mother's bow and arrows and bleeding him to death with dozens of shots, after which the brothers hid Savnok's soul where no god could find it and returned the armor, bow and arrows to their rightful place, covering up the crime. Based upon the 43rd demon of the Ars Goetia.

Shax, Sea Sister

The former goddess-queen of the storm giants. Based upon the 44th demon of the Ars Goetia.

Tenebrous, The Shadow That Was

The shadowy undead form that Orcus adopted after being slain, which somehow survived despite Orcus' resurrection.

Zagan, Duke of Disappointment

A yuan-ti who was murdered whilst on the very precipice of ascending to divinity. Based upon the 61st demon of the Ars Goetia.

List of Outer Source Vestiges

Though Tome of Magic in general got little support after its lackluster release, the binder got the most of it. From online web-enhancements to Dragon Magazine and Dungeon Magazine, a bundle of new vestiges slipped into the world before the announcement of 4th edition.

Abysm The Schismed

A psionic mythal. Appears in one of The Mind's Eye webarticles from WotC's old website, which can be found here:

Ahazu the Seizer

The demon prince who once controlled the Wells of Darkness before he was entrapped in his own prison. Appears in Dungeon Magazine #148.

Ansitif the Befouler

An ancient demon prince with an urge to defeat the gods and all their servants. Appears in Dragon Magazine #357.

Arete the First Elan

The psion who created the Elan race. Appears in one of The Mind's Eye webarticles from WotC's old website, which can be found here:

Arshaladon, Pyre of the Unborn

A red dragon of such balls-out nastiness that he bound a balor into his body to replace his heart when he got it skewered - when that wasn't enough to keep him alive, he sought out the Bastion of Unborn Souls and began munching on the preborn souls of all life across the multiverse. When he got killed for this, he lingered as a vestige. Can be found in the splatbook Dragon Magic.


The vestige of a demon prince with a real hatred for devils, having infiltrated their ranks as Diabolus and risen to the rank of Treasurer of Hell before he was outed, slain and had his name stolen by Gargauth. Appears in Dragon Magazine #357.

Astaroth the Unjustly Fallen

A fallen angel who claims to have been cast down from Celestia for giving civilisation to mortals. Appears in the second Cityscape web enhancement, which can be found here:

Cabiri the Watching Master

A many-eyed obyrith seer who has been imprisoned in the Wells of Darkness. Appears in Dragon Magazine #357.

Desharus the Sprawling Soul

The pseudo-fey spirit of the very first city, Desha. Appears in the second Cityscape web enhancement, which can be found here:

Kas the Bloody Handed

The spirit of the treacherous former servant of Vecna, the one who maimed the God of Secrets. Appears in Dragon Magazine #341.

Primus, The One And The Prime

The ghost of the model of Primus that was slain by Orcus-as-Tenebrous during the storyline of The Great Modron March. Appears in Dragon Magazine #341.

The Triad

Three psionic gods from a now-lost civilisation. Appears in one of The Mind's Eye webarticles from WotC's old website, which can be found here:

Zceryll The Star Spawn

A powerful alienist who was dragged into the Far Realm and now seeks to return to the mortal world. This vestige in particular can elevate the Binder class an entire tier due to the ability to summon monsters. The only new vestige added in a Class Chronicles article on adding Binders to your Forgotten Realms games, alongside some other vestiges that could replace Tome of Magic Vestiges. The article can be checked out here: