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Warbeast is terminology from the Warmahordes line of wargames by Privateer Press that refers to the big beasties who make up the centerpiece of the "Hordes" portion of the line. Basically, the Iron Kindoms have always been full of various horrible monsters, but also luckily blessed with a particular strain of mages able to mentally bond with and control such beasts - warlocks. In the modern era, the use of warlocks has largely been abandoned by the civilized races of humans, dwarves, elves and ogrun, who instead focus on warjacks and the warcasters who can control them (and who can be argued as a substrain of warlock, one able to bond with these steampunk golems). However, the "primitive" races of Immoren still make use of warlocks and their warbeasts in the constant battles for wealth, power and survival. And it says a lot about the kind of world Immoren is where these flesh-and-blood brutes can take on armor-clad smoke-belching gun-toting golem-tanks and win.
Different kinds of warbeast are associated with the different factions of Hordes, as you might expect.
Spawn of the Devourer Wurm
The Circle Orboros is the only human faction that still uses warbeasts (although the various woodwolds, which are golems made of stone, wood and rope fueled by Blood Magic, are technically a kind of warjack if you squint), which makes sense since they revere the god of nature at its nastiest.
The Trollbloods have a simple approach to getting help to deal with enemy warjacks and warbeasts: they keep it in the family. Trolls in the Iron Kingdoms are kind of like those in Warhammer Fantasy; big, dumb, hungry, and coming in a lot of different subraces. If regular trolls aren't muscle enough, then the Trollbloods turn to Dire Trolls, which are even bigger, dumber and hungrier.
Battle Hogs
The Farrow are basically the P'Orc counterpart to Trollbloods, so they have a similar approach; Farrow warbeasts consist of various species of killer pig, as well as distinct mutant subspecies of their own race, such as the two-headed Biboars, the oversized Brutes, and the aptly-named Giants. Unlike the Trollbloods, however, the Farrow are happy to embrace technology too, so they've taken to outfitting their warbeasts (or at least the mutant farrow ones) with guns, armor, and even primitive cybernetics.
Swamp Horrors
Like the Farrow and Trollbloods, the Gatormen of the Blindwater Congregation make use of living and undead versions of giant, predatory, bipedal gators who may or may not be related to them (canon never clarifies). However, they also tame other swamp-dwelling abominations, such as undead Boneswarms, krakens, and Ironback Spitters, which are basically acid-spitting killer turtle-people.
Skorne Slaves
The Skorne make use of a wide variety of hideously tortured animals and giant humanoids to bolster their forces.
The Legion of Everblight is made up of the draconic abominations spawned from its master's blood.