Warhammer/Tactics/6th Edition/Wood Elves

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Why play Wood Elves?

Army Special Rules

The Lore of Athel Loren

Wood Elves have their own unique lore which is mandatory to spellsingers. Spellweavers can choose also lores of Life and Beasts from the BRB. Lore of Athel Loren lacks of direct damage spells. Propably the shittest lore of the whole game

  1. Tree Singing: 4+ to cast, range 18". Can be used either to move wooden terrain piece D3+1" or to inflict D6 S5 hits to an enemy which is at least partially inside a wood. Also treemen cast this spell as a bound spell.
  2. Fury of the Forest: 6+ to cast, range 18". Inflicts D6 S4 hits to an enemy and if the target is within 6" of a wood, then the strength is increased to 5.
  3. The Hidden Path: 7+ to cast, range 18". Makes friendly unit ethereal until caster's next magic phase, so can move through any terrain with full speed.
  4. The Twilight Host: 8+ to cast, range 18". Makes the target cause fear. Already fear causing target causes now terror.
  5. Ariel's Blessing: 9+ to cast, range 18". The target unit gains regeneration until caster's next magic phase.
  6. The Call of the Hunt: 11+ to cast, range 18". If cast into combat, the target gains +1A. If not in combat, the target moves 2D6" towards the nearest enemy and may charge with this special move.

Magic Items And Spites Companion

We are trying here to highlight the key and crucial magic items in the list, I'm sure there will be several good ones not mentioned. Note that Wood Elves have magical arrows and if not otherwise stated, those can be used with magical bows.

  • The Bow of Loren: 35 points. The bearer can shoot as many times as is his number of attacks without any multiple shot penalties. Can be extremely devastating with proper magical arrows against some armies, for example shooting Starfire Arrows (any casualty causes a panic test) to night goblin unit.
  • Stone of the Crystal Mere: 30 points. Wood Elves lack of proper normal ward saves. This item gives 3+ ward but it is destroyed when the save is failed first time. Can be very nice and cost-effective. Can be.
  • Stone of Rebirth: 30 points for another tricky ward. 2+ ward when the bearer is reduced to one wound. Doesn't help against killing blows or cannon balls but on the right day can be ridiculously effective.
  • Moonstone of Hidden Ways: 35 points. The bearer and any unit the bearer has joined can teleport from wood to wood at the end of the move phase. Also gives free reform during that teleport. Can ruin your opponents battleplan very quickly. One use only.
  • Hail of Doom Arrow: Splits to 3D6 magical S4 arrows and this beauty is only 30 points. If you are playing Weed Elves without this, you should sell your army instantly. One use only.
  • Wand of Wych Elm: This arcane item is 55 points so only lord level caster can use it, and that is very easy to understand why! It allows the bearer re-roll ANY dispel attempt. Without university courses of propability theory one can understand how much it helps magic defense.

Wood Elves use also small forest spirits which are called spites. All characters can also choose these. These are not magic items so they can't be destroyed with Vaul's Unmaking or similar things. All spites cost 25 points unless otherwise stated.

  • A Blight of Terrors: 50 points for terror. Skip it.
  • A Befuddlement of Mischiefs: Bound spell power level 3. Magic missile which causes the target become stupid in its next turn.
  • A Murder of Spites: +D6 attacks in close combat. Bearer's Ws, I4, S2. Magical poisoned attacks.
  • A Muster of Malevolents:
  • An Annoyance of Netlings: In a challenge the enemy needs 6 to hit.
  • A Resplendence of Luminescents: All attacks of the bearer and any unit he has joined are magical.
  • A Lamentation of Despairs: Bound spell power level 3, one use only. Any model on the battlefield may be targeted. Must pass Ld test or suffer D3 wounds that ignore armour saves, ward saves and regeneration.
  • A Cluster of Radiants: Adds one dispel dice to pool. Must have... but only treemen and branchwraiths can take it.
  • A Pageant of Shrikes:


Units Analysis

Named Characters

  • Orion:
  • Ariel:
  • Drycha:
  • Naestra and Arahan:
  • Durthu:

Lords & Heroes

  • Wood Elf Highborn:
  • Spellweaver:
  • Treeman Ancient:
  • Wood Elf Noble:
  • Spellsinger:
  • Branchwraith:

Core Units

  • Glade Guard:
  • Glade Riders:
  • Dryads: Incredibly hard to pass up. 5+ Ward, Immune to psych, cause fear, magic attacks, a vicious statline. Unlike their larger kin they're not flammable, not that it matters. One word of caution, they don't get rank bonuses. Friends don't let friends charge alone. Always give them the support of another unit or they will lose due to static combat res and break(yes immune to psych still means break tests). Also a good target for The Twilight Host
  • Eternal Guard: *Only core if you have a Highborn, which you probably won't.

Special Units

  • Wild Riders:
  • Warhawk Riders:
  • Wardancers:
  • Tree Kin:

Rare Units

  • Great Eagle:
  • Treeman:
  • Waywatchers: I've seen them used like a war machine in that they sit in a forest spitting out shots and forcing enemies to send in significant chaff to tie them up due to ten attacks at I5. They didn't seem cost-effective in that role though. The same points gets you a minimum unit of warhawks who have more mobility, slightly more wounds and perform multiple roles. 6th Edition doesn't grant access to the all Lores so you can't assist their shooting by weakening the enemy.


Know your Weaknesses and know your Strengths

Army compositions


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