Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior

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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

THQ released a mediocre FPS called Fire Warrior soon after the initial release of the Tau Codex. Taking the role of Kais, a Shas'la about to undertake his first trial by fire in an attempt to rescue an Ethereal, it was a novel idea though a thoroughly unremarkable FPS in many regards.

Highlights include bolters working as they're supposed to, some bad-ass dialogue, Tom Baker and BRIAN BLESSED and some really interesting level design. Not-so-good highlights include shitty hit detection, shooting down a Valkyrie with Pulse Rifle fire, the importance of close-combat when you're a Tau Fire Warrior up against stormtroopers and autoguns, balls-of-steel Imperial Guard Sergeants and "time for your chainsword enema" Space Marines. Managing to sword a Space Marine is hilarious though. The fact that you're essentially a one-man unstoppable killing machine is rather silly though.

If it makes you feel better, try to pretend you're the half-crazed Tau version of Sly Marbo, sole survivor of a butchered squad and chopping people up with the Shas'ui's (supposedly purely-ceremonial) bonding knife and screaming like a maniac as you fire a burst cannon into a horde of guardsmen. It really helps the atmosphere, and helps make the silliness a little more enjoyable. Don't forget to scream "WRRRYYYYYYYY"!

The novelization of the game says he was being helped by Khorne. Like we said, this is a silly game.