Warhammer Army Project/Orcs & Goblins

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Orcs & Goblins: Warhammer Army Project, 9th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the units, nations, and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it, later on, go ahead.

Why Play Orcs & Goblins

The great Green Tide is the army for any player wishing to field an army with an insane number of models and perhaps the widest variety of options per force org slot in the game. The level of army customization for O&G, as a result, is almost unparalleled. Orcs are right, killy, and excel in their specialized cc role, but tend to suffer from their average to terrible leadership and low initiative stats. Their latest edition also reintroduced the Animosity special rule, which can effectively cripple any given O&G unit and spoil any plans you may have so carefully formed. All in all, this army is often for those who wish to have lots of fun, having more RNG elements rather than traditionally competitive. However, like most armies, they have several armies builds that are very strong and can do well in most situations, given a competent general. Plus, you can fling hang gliding goblins at people.

Notable Changes from 8e


  • 3 more custom lores to pick spells from
  • Age of Sigmar unit added, giving them more hitting power and Versatility.
  • Savage Orcs come stock with shields, which adds another layer of protection.


  • Still random as ever
  • A pair of choppers can't parry, which is a blow to durability
  • While your wizards now have more lores, each Shaman will only know one lore. Just be thankful you can at least pick spells this edition.

Army Special Rules

  • Animosity: The signature rule of Orcs and general annoyance must be worked around; that is now slightly less shitty. After the charge phase, you must roll a d6 for each unit with 5 or more models that have not charged, are in melee, or are garrisoned. If the said unit rolls a 1, it gets to roll another die: on a 1, the unit spends the turn only fighting with the closest 5-man unit within 3", both dealing d6 S3 hits with no fear of panic; on a 2-5 it charges the nearest enemy, or else it loses any ability to move, shoot, or cast spells. On 6, the unit gets a free pivot and a mandatory move toward the closest enemy unit to charge this turn.
    • Although you can mitigate the worst effects of animosity with small redundant units or sticking to units with small model counts, this becomes particularly annoying if you want to run a more magic-heavy or Shooty Greenskins army. It's annoying when a unit of Boarboyz gets a glorious flanking charge off, only for the only nearby Shaman to be unable to cast Fists of Gork.
  • Choppas: This ability is what makes Orc units proppa in a fight. Basically, a fancy way to say Orcs (and only Orcs) get Strength Bonus (1) rule (often bumping their S to 4). Regardless of charges or charges, this applies to bonuses granted by magic weapons and armor. It also doesn't apply to any mounts.
  • Size Matters: Basically, Orcs ignore Goblins and Snotlings for Panic purposes.
    • The main advantage of this rule is that you can run Wolf Riders without fearing that they'll start a panic chain to any Orcs behind them. This also locks characters to only joining mobs of a similar ilk (except for Black Orc bosses, which can join other Orcs).
  • Waaagh!: An Orc Warboss General can call a Waaagh! Once per game, initially after they make charge declaration. All other Orcs in groups of 5 or more models get +1 to the combat resolution, and the genera's unit gets +D3 for the turn. In addition ever unit that failed animosity adds thier rank bonus to thier animosity roll, increasing thier chances of getting a We'll Show 'Em and not a Get 'Em.
    • Orc is fairly heavy-hitting round 1 and relatively hardy, so your usually winning at the start, so their rather average LD is not tested. You may try to wait for the rest of the Orc army to make it into combat before calling a Waaagh next turn. (Animosity will mess with this strategy) though now this may add more threat range (unfortunately, no mechanism to intently trigger Animosity).
  • Greenskin Races: your restrictions for having so many choices. Characters can only join units of the same race (Orc with Orcs, Savage orcs with Savage orcs) (Except Black orks can join regular orks).
  • Fear Elves: Elves cause fear to all gobbos and night gobbos.
  • WAAAGH! Miscast: Shamans have a unique table for when they miscast.
    • 2-3: FZZZZZZZZZAP!: The Shaman somehow cast Gaze of Mork and loses d3 dice from the power pool.
    • 4-5: Yuuurgh!: The Shaman now has permanent Frenzy and Stupidity and can no longer cast spells. This will suck big time if you count on them.
    • 6-7: I've Forgot!: The Shaman loses a spell, loses a Wizard level, and can't cast any more spells this turn.
    • 8-9" Me 'Ead 'Urts!: All units that can channel or dispel within 10" eat an S4 armor-negating hit. You also lose d3 dice from the pool.
    • 10-11: I Fink I'm Gunna...: The Shaman hits an S10 hit, all greenskinz within 12" eat d6 S5 armor-negating hits. Lose d6 dice from the power pool.
    • 12: 'EADBANG!: The Shaman is replaced with a large blast, forcing anyone inside to test Toughness or die. Lose d6 dice from the power pool.


Shiny Stuff

  • Battleaxe of the Last Waaagh!: 85pts. This mighty axe of the Ragnarork is mighty expensive. It's also mighty scary by adding +d6 to Attacks and Strength but reducing your WS by half that.
  • Bashas Axe of Stunty Smashin: 50 pts. Boost Attack and Strength by 1. This goes further when fighting Hold Dwarfs, doubling and gaining fear.
  • Armour of Gork: 60 pts. Medium armour that adds +d3 to Toughness each turn and d6 impact hits.
  • The Collar of Zorga: 20 pts. All mounted models and chariots need to roll a 6 to hit the user. The wearer can also make both sides roll a d6 and add the Ld of the wearer and one beast or monster he wants to control: if the Orc rolls higher, they get to control that model for the combat phase.
  • The Horn of Urgok: 25pts. Once use. Gives +1 Ld all allies within 24" but -1 Ld to all enemies in range.
  • Lucky Shrunken Head: 25 pts. Savage Orc Shamans only. This gives adds +1 to the Warpaint's ward save for the shaman and his unit.
  • Skull Wand of Kaloth:50 pts. Enemies in b2b with the bearer must test Ld in the combat phase or die immediately.
  • Mork's Spirit Totem: 50 pts. Gives Magic Resist d6 (roll each time unit is targeted) and makes all magical items in b2b with the bearer's unit mundane.
  • Spider Banner: 50 pts. Exclusive to Forest Goblin Big Bosses. This is essential for spider armies as it gives poison attacks or lets already poisoned attacks auto-wound on hits of 6. It lets you save points when giving a large unit of Forest goblins poison or let them wound big things.
  • The Bad Moon Banner: 40pts. Night Goblin Big Bosses only. The bearer's unit counts as stubborn and in softcover, while anyone charging them must test for dangerous terrain. One Night Shroud that never needs to be cast.

Expanded Magic Itmes


  • Basha's Blood Axe: 50pts. Common Orcs on foot only. This beefy axe grants permanent Frenzy, and the wielder gains +d6 attacks each round. It's also hella expensive, especially for a base Orc with armor concerns.
  • Warboss Ironclaw's Waaagh! Cleava: 60tps. Common Orcs only. This blade's another nasty one that auto-wounds and ignores armor. It's also only slightly less expensive than the weapon above.
  • Shaga's Screaming Sword: 50pts. This weapon grants +1 S/A for all enemy characters within 12", making this a bit dependent on the enemy build.
  • Basha's Big Axe of Bashin: 30pts. +1 attacks and Strength.
  • Fumpa's Club of Fumpin': 35pts. +1 Strength and gives Quell Animosity.
  • Hacka's Sword of Hackin': 25pts. This weapon always hits on a 2+, which is quite the boost.
  • Keeva's Cleaver of Cleavage: 30pts. All hits auto-wound, though saves are modified as normal. Incredibly handy.
  • Krumpa's Club of Crumpin': 25. Great weapon, Grants Ignores Armor.
  • Martog's Best Basha: 30pts. Grants +1 WS/S/I, making you as fast if not faster than the average humie while being extra killy.
  • Duffa's Club of Duffin': 25pts. Grants +3 attacks on the first round of combat. Good because it's usually the first round where you need to be at your killiest.
  • Porko's Pigstikka: 25pts. Mounted Orcs(any) only. This spear grants an extra attack per rank bonus of the enemy unit you charge. Absolutely a fun one.
  • Ulag's Ak'rit Axe: 25pts. The wielder can re-roll to hit.
  • Kurbog's Crumudgeonly Clobbera: 20pts. Any models the wielder wounds but didn't kill cannot make their next attack against the wielder.
  • Backstabber's Blade: 15pts. Goblins only. This weapon gives Poisoned Attacks (A good plus) on top of extra strength depending on whether they hit from the flank or the rear.
  • The Sneaky Skewerer: 30pts. Goblins(any) only. Grants +1 To Hit and KB.
  • Lucky's Dirk: 10pts. Goblins (any) only. This weapon gives +1 S for any magic items the opponent has, making this an anti-hero weapon.
  • Sword of Bork: 10pts. if unit fails animosity test, roll 2D6 and take lower result on table.
  • Owzat's Club of Smackin': 5pts. Any infantry character the wielder wounds but doesn't kill gets thrown d6" and suffer an S4 hit. Srews over buffer characters and stops them attacking if your manage to hit first.
  • Wollopa's One-Hit Wunda: A single-use kill weapon with +3S and Heroic Killing Blow. It's pretty darn risky with some...okay payoff.


  • Ironskin Shield: 35pts. A shield with a 5++ Ward.
  • Arour of Protectyness: 25pts. Medium armour with Regeneration (5+).
  • Armour of Mork: 25pts. Medium armour with MR(2)
  • Drog's Dead 'ard armour: 25pts. Orcs only. Grants a 1+ armor save, which will require a Ward to compliment.
  • Nobbal's 'elmet: 20pts. Goblins only. This helmet grants a 6++ Ward Save.
  • Ugbrag's Lucky Shield: 20pts. Ignores the first wound suffered in the game.
  • Spiteful Shield: 10pts. This shield deals a S5 hit every time the enemy rolls a 1 to hit the bearer.


  • Warboss Umm's Best Big Boss'At: 25pts. grants a 4++ Ward but stops working the next turn after you fail a save.
  • Amulet of Protectyness: 25pts. This provides a ward save, but it only works on unsaved wounds, and the goal is the same as the roll to wound, making it quite effective against big beatsticks, but not so much by legions of arrows.
  • Sizzla's Shiny Baubles: 25pts. It doesn't quite count as dispelling, but it'll be useful for any army. Whenever the enemy casts a spell, you can roll a d6 and reflect the spell on a 4+. The spell is then thrown right back at the enemy, so you can force your enemy to dispel their own Black Sun.
  • Glowy Green Amulet: 10pts. A way riskier way of dispelling except not really. You roll the same number of die equal to the number used to cast, and as long as you roll no 1s, you negate the spell. However, any 1s outright kill the bearer.
  • Magical Warpaint: 15pts. Savage Orcs only. This lets your bearer re-roll Ward saves, which is an absolute necessity for these orcs.

Arcane Items

  • Staff of Sneaky Stealin': 50pts. Goblins only. This lets you rob a die from the enemy's dispel pool during your magic phase, which is nice.
  • Idol of Mork: 30pts. Orcs(any) only. This grants you another die for the power pool for every orc unit with 10+ unit strength in combat within 24" of the bearer, but any fleeing orc units take away a die. This really hinges upon keeping the momentum.
  • Dangly Wotnotz: 25pts. A single-use item that adds +1 to a casting roll, thus letting you offset miscasting or trigger ultimate power.
  • Ditto's Double Doin' Doodahs: 25pts. This model lets the bearer cast one spell twice, which is incredibly handy.
  • Buzgob's Knobbly Staff: 20pts. This lets your bearer re-roll a casting once per turn (before rolling Ultimate power dice), though it can't do anything for miscasts, making it an okay security policy.
  • Staff of Baduum: 15pts. Adds +1 to casting rolls. Nice. but add +1 when they roll on mistcast table.
  • Waaagh! Paint: 15pts. Savage Orc only. This adds +2 to the casting roll if the bearer's in combat, making it fairly nice for self-buffs.

Enchanted Items

  • Bigged's 'Ed Kickin' Boots: 30pts. Orcs (any) on foot only. The bearer gains Stomp. Fantastic on any Orc with his chopper.
    • As this item has not been updated, with 9ths RAW you can have the rider and mount make stomp attacks, so devastating with warboss on Maw-Crusher.
  • The Pipes of Doom: 35pts. Night Goblins only. During the shooting phase, this little trinket pretty much forces anything, not infantry or monstrous infantry within 12" to test for panic, which is a bit of a surprise trick.
  • Ironback Boar: 30pts. Common Orcs and Black Orcs only. Surprisingly, this gives you a new boar. This boar is now S4 and has Impact Hits (D3), making your boss a bit deadlier.
  • 'Eadbuttin' 'At: 25pts. Orcs only. This gives a bonus attack with ASF and Killing Blow in challenges. Sadly, this doesn't benefit from anything else, limiting its viability.
  • Effigy of Mork: 25pts. Savage Orcs only. All enemy attacks against the bearer in melee suffer -1 to hit, which is a pretty decent form of protection.
  • Tricksy Trinket: 25pts. Goblins only. Disables the normal ward saves of any models in base contact (no effect on Dodge, Regeneration and Parry), making you a menace in combat and the biggest threat ever to a daemons army.
  • Mad Cap Mushrooms: 20pts. Night Goblins only. Though this is single-use, it can be given to Fanatics' attached unit when you trigger this. Everyone now deals +d6 hits to anyone they come into base contact with, which is nice for the Fanatics and potentially so for the bearer.
  • Nibbla's 'Itty Ring: 20pts. Bound PL4 spell with 'Eadbutt, meaning this can be given to any army needing a good hitting spell. However, any time you successfully cast it, you have to roll a d6 - on a 1, the bearer hits themselves too.
  • Warbass Imbad's Iron Gnashas: 20pts. Common Orcs and Black Orcs only. Grants an extra attack with Killing Blow, which is weak as hell, especially since, like the 'Eadbuttin' 'At, this doesn't benefit from anything else.
  • Brimstone Bauble: 15pts. Goblins only. This makes him go kamikaze and deal d6 S6 hits to all units in base contact if the bearer dies. The plus side is that this can shift combat resolution. The bad side is that you have lost a valuable hero.
  • Guzzla's Battle Brew: 15pts. Roll a d6 at the start of the battle. The bearer either gets Stupidity, Hatred, or Hatred and Frenzy.
  • Maad's Map: 15pts. Model on foot only. At the start of the game, you roll a d6. The bearer gets either Scouts or Ambushers, depending on how you roll, which might be interesting but random.

Magic Standards

  • Rowdy Grott's Big Red Raggedy Banner: 35pts. Common Goblins only. This is a pretty strong one, letting all units within 12" roll 3d6 for break tests and drop the worst die.
  • Gork's Waagh! Banner: 50pts. Orcs only. The bearer's unit adds +d6" to charge distances, but it's a gamble. If you still fail, the unit must still move and become a little better than target practice.
  • Guff's Flag: 25pts. Grants Immunity to Psychology.
  • Nogg's Banner of Butchery: 25pts. One use. Gives the bearer's unit to gain +1 attack (except mounts) for one combat phase.
  • The Bashin' Flag of Bork: 10pts. Pretty cheap, and it allows the unit to ignore the first bad Animosity check.
  • Evil sun Banner: 15pts. reroll failed animosity tests.


<tabs> <tab name="SPELLS OF DA BIG WAAAGH!"> Lore Attribute: Power of the Waaagh!: The shaman adds +1 to casting for every 10+man orc unit within 24" in close combat, -1 for every 10+man orc unit fleeing within 24".

  • Gaze of Mork (Signature):(7/10). Direct Damage. All models under an 18/36" line in front of the shaman Eats an S4 hit.
  1. Wrath of Gork: (7/10) an 18/36" Magic missile that inflicts D6 S5 hits for every friendly unit with an orc within 6" of the caster.
  2. Fists of Gork: (8/16) Augment a unit within 24" to gain +1S until your next magic phase. Turns into all within 12" on overcast
  3. 'Eadbutt!: (9/13) One enemy wizard within 12/24" eats an S4 hit with d3 wounds that ignore armor.
  4. 'Ere We Go!: (11) Augment All orcs within 12" can re-roll hits until the next magic phase.
  5. Waaagh!: (13) augment, all orcs units with 5+ models within 6" get to move 2D6" to the nearest enemy.
  6. Foot of Gork: (15/18) The old fave. Have Gork smash one unit or augment it for a chance to see it either step on one of your guys or stomp on another.

</tab> <tab name="SPELLS OF DA Savage WAAAGH!"> Lore Attribute: Power of the Waaagh!: The shaman adds +1 to casting for every 10+man orc unit within 24" in close combat, -1 for every 10+man orc unit fleeing within 24".

  • Brutal Beast Spirits: (6/12) 24" Augment, that gives any orcs unit +1 to Hitting in melee and re-roll pursuit rolls. overcast makes it a 12" aura. Extra dop if stacked with Fists of Gork and 'Ere We Go! from DA BIG WAAAGH!
  1. Bone Crusha: (5) 24" S5 Magic missiles that inflict more hits the closer you are, Dealing a brutal 2d6 hits when only 12" away despite having a low casting value.
  2. Kunnin' Beast Spirits: (5/10) 24" augment, enemies must reroll missile and Close combat hit of 6. Overcast makes it a 12" aura. It can be nice to increase your boys' chances of survival but don't expect too much.
  3. Breath of Mork: (7/10) 18" (36" on overcast) augment that lets an unengaged Savage orcs unit make an out-of-action normal fly move.
  4. Squiggly Curse: (9/13) 12/36" Direct Damage, target any single model, on a roll of 2-3: take 1 wound, on 4-5: D3 wounds, 6: D6 wounds; all ignore armour saves. If you slay something, get +D3 on all future casts this turn.
  5. Gork's War Cry: (11) 18" Direct Damage, the unit takes D6 S5 hits, ignores armour saves, and until your next Magic phase, suffers halved movement and ASL.
  6. The Evil Sun: (14) Magic Vortex. Will reck shit with S5 hits as it roves around (you and/or the enemy is in dice gods' hands).

</tab> <tab name="SPELLS OF DA LITTLE WAAAGH!"> Lore Attribute: Sneaky Stealin': After resolving a successful spell, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, steal a dispel die from the enemy's dispel pool and add it to your power pool.

  • Sneaky Stabbin' (Signature): (6/12) 24" Augment, any Goblins unit gains Piercing (1) in close combat and re-rolls all hit and wound rolls this round if they attack a flank or rear. Overcast makes it a 12" aura. It's a given that the Goblines on their wolf/spider/Squig mount will flank. Goblins have problems with armour and landing damage, so this makes them extra dangerous.
  1. Brain Bursta: (6/9) CV6+. One model (picked out like a sniper) gets an S5 hit. Goood!!!
  2. Mork Save Uz!: (7/14) 24" Augment, Unit may re-roll failed armour, and ward save. Overcast makes it a 12" aura. Goblins have low armour, but rerollable 5+/6++ on the common goblin is good chaff. Works better on bigger things like Black Orcs.
  3. Gork'll Fix It!: (8/11) One enemy unit must re-roll all hit, wound, and save rolls of 6 in shooting and combat, thereby negating a majority of special effects and riders.
  4. Hand of Gork: (9/18) One unit moves 3d6" (6d6 if augmented). Use for the sake of rapid deployment for your troops.
  5. Nikkit! Nikkit!: (11/14) 12" Direct Damage. A single character takes D6 S4 hits, ignores Armour saves, Then takes one magic Item they have. Wizards can keep it if they have the slots.
  6. Mork Wants Ya!: (13/16) 12" direct Damage, A single enemy character must pass an initiative test or suffer D6 S10 hits.

</tab> <tab name="SPELLS OF DA BAD MOON">

Lore Attribute: Sneaky Stealin': After resolving a successful spell, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, steal a dispel die from the enemy's dispel pool and add it to your power pool.

  • Vindictive Glare: (6/9) One enemy takes 2d6 S3 hits (3d6 if augmented).
  1. Squig Lure: (5/10) Augment. One Squig unit within 24" or all of them within 24" on overcast gains Random Move (2D6) plus Frenzy until your next magic phase.
  2. Itchy Nuisance: (8) One enemy unit takes -1d6 to movement and Initiative, with random movement halving the result.
  3. The Great Green Spite: (9) 24" Direct Damage. Pick any goblin unit within 12", the enemy units take more S4 hits based on how big your unit is.
  4. Night Shroud: (9/18) All units within 6" (12" if overcast) are now in -1 to hit by missiles, and any attempts to charge go through dangerous terrain.
  5. Call Da Moon: (10) 18" Direct Damage. It is a stone thrower but centers on the caster if Misfire.
  6. Curse of Da Bad Moon: (15/25) A big swirly vortex that forces victims to test a randomized stat or die. Augmenting makes the blast bigger and lets you choose the test.

</tab> <tab name="SPELLS OF DA SPIDER GOD">

Lore Attribute: Sneaky Stealin': After resolving a successful spell, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, steal a dispel die from the enemy's dispel pool and add it to your power pool.

  • Venomous Spiderlings: (5/8) 24" Direct Damage. Target takes 3D6 S1 Poison hits. Strong anti-chaff as without Poison immunity, they wound on 5s.
  1. Deadly Webbing: (5/8) turn a terrain feature Dangerous for non-flyers, and un-march-able except for Forest goblins. Only Incnveentce Striders but makes foot troops double think about moving over a small hill or moving into cover.
  2. Chitinous Armour: (6/12) CV6+. give an any Goblin unit within 24" Natural armour(6+), becomes 12" aura on overcast. Gives back Light amour to your Shirtless boyz, Let them die a little less, but you have other spells. Better when used on normal-shirted Mongolian-styled goblins.
  3. Scuttling Terrors: (8/11) A Goblin unit may make an out-of-phase move. More moves for chaff and Flanking.
  4. Sneeaky Distraction: (8/12) all enemies, not Immunity (Psychology) within 12", suffer - 1 hit for missiles and CC. Better protection for goblins (or all green skins), but Wizzard needs to get close.
  5. Curse of Da Spider God (9/12) Hex one Enemy to reroll all successful hits rolls and armour Saves. Designed to screw with those supper warriors with their 3+ saves or are buffed.
  6. Gift of the Spider-God: (12/24) One any goblins unit gains Regeneration(6+) and Poisoned Attacks or make it auto-wound on a 6 to hit. It's best suited to a spider-heavy army. Becomes 12" aura on overcast.

</tab> </tabs>

Unit Analysis

Lords & Heroes

Named Characters

Note: Under the current edition, named characters tend to be overpriced; you can pretty easily emulate most named as wholes from scratch and save yourself some points. That said, a few named characters do have abilities and wargear or wargear combos unique to them, so if you absolutely need to have them, go ahead. Just make sure you're really getting your points worth.


<tabs> <tab name="Orc">

  • Gordrakk: (Orc) 500. the Grimgor from AOS. Ride on a Mawcrusher, his presents grants 12" Devastating Charge to all units (+1 attack charge with a massive aura). Special two-handed weapons that Reroll hit & Multiple Wounds (D3) against Wizards and Reroll hit wounds & KB against non-wizard Characters.
  • Azhag the Slaughterer: (Orc) At well over 460 points, this is the ultimate point sink for your army. This one model and his wyvern will consume your entire Lord slot in even very large games and probably will never be a realistic unit to the field. That said, he is possibly the biggest bad-ass in the army. He basically makes your units within his range immune to Animosity, has a pair of magic weapons that get re-rolls in cc, 4+/5++, and a crown that makes him a level 2 lore of death wizard (and unfortunately gives him stupidity, but the advantages seem to outweigh this little issue). Additionally, he, of course, rides his mighty wyvern, Skullmuncha, who shares a similarly insane statline with Azhag, has poisoned attacks, and gets a 4+ Natural Armour. Unfortunately, you'll probably never actually get to use this sexy green beast.
  • Gorbad Ironclaw: (Orc) 335pts. The named Boar-Boss for the army and Fantasy equivalent of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Gorbad has some seriously awesome gear and rules. He carries a huge choppa that Always Strikes First, inflicts d3 multiple wounds, and ignores armor, and his stat-line ensures that he won't be going away anytime soon. The real reason you'll be taking Ironclaw is for his strategic bonuses: he can help any unit within 18" with their animosity rolls should they fail and grants Hold Your Ground! and Inspiring Presence to all units in that range as well. He also counts as both your general AND battle standard bearer, which is both a bonus and a curse. On top of all this, your normal limit on the big 'uns upgrade is now available to as many orc boys and boar boy units as you can field with it. His only disadvantage is his complete lack of ward saves. His being both the general and the BSB is sometimes terrible. If he breaks from combat, he automatically dies because the BSB stands his ground defending the banner and is killed. Definitely not worth it at all as a fighter general. However, Gorbad comes into his own as a "Leadership Bunker." Put him in a wolf riders unit, and you can use his huge leadership bubble and animosity table bonus to stabilize your army.
  • Grumlok & Gazbag: (Orc) 335. An Ork Warboss with a Night Goblin Shaman riding on his back. Grumlok will get S9 on the first combat round and S8 after, while Gazbag gets +1 to cast his lv2 da Bad Moon spells. It is a means to let a unit Orcs benefit from the protection of Night Shroud.
  • Gorfang Rotgut: (Orc) 190pts. Warboss of Black Crag and archenemy of Dwarf kind. He's got a hate-on for the stunties, he's got a 3+ save with magic resist 2, and his weapon gives +! to hit and an extra attack.

</tab> <tab name="Black Orc">

  • Grimgor Ironhide: (Black Orc) 320pts. 25pts cheaper than 8e and gets a Magic Resistance (1) Talisman for his trouble. He still must take a Black Orcs unit as his retinue and gives them all +1 WS and hatred (everyone!), sadly he cannot leave that unit, and nobody else can join them. As the army's ultimate close-combat monster, he has 1+/5++, a positively nightmarish stat-line, and essentially s7 weapon (s8 in the first turn)... and on top of it all, Always Strikes First! Grimgor, quite frankly, will absolutely kill anything if you get him to cc and will take an insane amount of punishment from ranged attacks on the way there. The bad: With both Grimgor and the black orcs having to be joined, it's a huge pile of eggs in a single basket, especially since he is the mandatory general of your army. However, you would still put him in bigass horde even if this was not mandatory.
    • Hint for fun: give the unit standard bearer Banner of Eternal Flame so the unit will be especially killy against those Regenerating things. When something with Dragonbane Gem or Dragonhelm wants to interfere, just bash him with Grimgor as his magic attacks are still non-flammable.
  • Morglum Necksnapper: (Black Orc) 260pts. Another Black Orc on a boar that's the mandatory general. This guy's got dual weapons that double the number of hits dealt if the hit roll is higher than the opposed WS. He also has a 4+/4++ save that doubles all damage dealt if he rolls a 1 on his ward.
  • Borgut Facebeater: (Black Orc) 185pts. Grimgor's second in command. Like the big guy, Borgut has to join a mob of big'uns and can upgrade one extra mob into them than normally permitted. However, he's never allowed more than 6" away from Grimgor, which can make for a huge target for the enemy. He's just ad ded'ard with a re-rollable 1+ save and a 6++ parry from dual-wielding, while these weapons add +1 to his strength. However, his biggest trick comes in challenges: just before one starts, he can make a free attack. If this attack wounds, it forces the enemy into ASL with -5 WS, crippling the coming round.
  • Badruk 'Eadsplitta: (Black Orc) 150pts. Scourge of Karak Norn. He's a Black Orc boss who can trigger KB on a 5+ to wound and a single-use item that negates all attacks for a turn.

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  • Wurrzag, Da Great Green Prophet: (Savage Orc) Another 330 point lord, Wurrzag is the ultimate choice for anyone centering their O&G army around Shamans. This mean, green, son of a bitch puts out an absolutely retarded amount of magical power since he has a magic item that allows him to store any unused power dice for a turn, a bound spell in his mask, a 5++, and a staff that gives him magic resistance 3 and re-rolls on miscasts. Additionally, he has a unique spell that can reduce enemy casters within 12" to squigs. Perhaps the main issues with Wurrzag are his mediocre statline and his inability to take the Lucky Shrunken Head. He's also frenzied, but that's less of a drawback in this edition than it used to be. All in all, there are few things as entertaining as getting a good magic roll and watching someone's Archaon get turned into a squig.
  • Bigfeet Bonehead: (Savage Orc) 130pts. A special Savage Orc boss. He has frenzy, he hates the Empire, and his great weapon gives him ASF with a re-roll to wound rolls.

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  • Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain: (Goblin) 240pts. The first Lord choice to be mentioned under 240 points (barely), Grom is the ultimate Gobbo boss and the named character for Goblin war chariots. This model completely changes the way Goblins play, ignoring the normal Fear Elves rule, granting this onto EVERY other goblin unit in the army alongside adding +1 to combat resolution for goblin units when he calls a Waaagh. He also has a rerollable 5+/Reg4++ and has a magic Great weapon with killing blow, which goes up to a 5+ killing blow vs Elves. He has a little night goblin buddy that carries the battle standard for your army. A very good choice if you plan on mulching a ton of sissy Elves or if you field a lot of Goblin units.
  • Gitilla da Hunter: (Goblin) 70pts. Basically Snagla, but mounted on a Giant Wolf and meant for shooting instead of combat. The only way to provide some BS shooting is not based on Spiderbanner and big hordes. Da Howlerz with Gitilla are marching for 18", vanguarding, fast-cav, shooting platform hitting at 3+ (if no cover and short distance) with armour save of 4+. Gitilla adds firepower a bit and provides the unit with the ability of re-rolling flee and pursue rolls and hero stat-line helping in minor chaff game. It is a very tactical, gobliny unit that, although vulnerable, can be a real nuisance for the enemy.

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  • Skragrott The Moon King: (Night Goblin) 335pts. the AOS version of Skarsnik. He is a Master wizard lord for Night Goblins. Getting a casting +1 bonus, reroll channeling rolls, and re-rolling any dice when determining how far the template from the Curse of da Bad Moon moves.
  • The Black Gobbo: (Night Goblin) 265pts. A legendary icon of White Dwarf making a return. While he still fears elves, he hates dwarfs so much that he re-rolls all hits against them and gives stubborn to any unit in b2b with them. He also is an effective Ld 9 for all-night goblins and can re-roll a single die in the fight. He's not the best in combat, though, with only a 5+/6++ save and a weapon that grants +1S/A, but this weapon can possibly break magic weapons.
  • Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks: (Night Goblin) 240pts. Slightly cheaper than Grom, Skarsnik is best in a night goblin themed army. He has an awesome magic staff that fires d3 s6 hits that ignore armor, and this multiplies when he's near other night goblins. His buddy is a fat squig named Gobbla, who gives Skarsnik some real fighting power in cc (not to mention SIX WOUNDS. On a GOBLIN). Skarsnik has some great special rules, too, the main one being that he can randomly force enemy units into reserves at the start of the game (perfect for ruining any 'just as planned' strategies), and he also gives night goblin units the ability to move and shoot in the same turn they recover from running from combat; it is strongly recommended any such screening units take Musicians, and angle themselves to fall back towards your General. The Bad: he has no good armor save to speak of, and his huge base size (40x60mm) means he's getting picked out by almost the entire enemy unit in combat unless you place him properly. Namely, place him in a corner. That way, opponents during charge have to touch and fight with most models at the time. This means if you are wide enough, he has to charge mainly on your rank and file gobbos instead of Skarsnik, and he will meet with only one opponent if you are lucky. It is not a big deal to make the opponent's time hard to attack as making double flee with your big bosses never was easier than while using them with Skarsnik. A solid choice but needs a lot of list tailoring, and the result is certainly not the best.

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  • Snagla Grobspit: (Forest Goblin) 90pts. A relatively cheap hero option, his low cost is quickly lost because you have to take a unit of spider riders with him. However, this isn't a big deal, especially if you love yourself some spider riders, as Grobspit makes them all Ambushers, have Devastating Charge, Hatred (Empire), and cause Fear on the charge. Also, SOOO many poisoned attacks. Great at attacking buildings and clear-off warmachines. Have options but still somewhat subpar.

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Generic Characters

Note: While named characters are judged against their generic counterparts, generic characters are examined based on their role in your army.

  • Orc Warboss/Big Boss: (Orc) Your quintessential Orc army leader. He comes in both Lord and Hero form and can be mounted on a chariot, boar, or wyvern. He doesn't have the savage orc boss's killing power or the black orc animosity quelling, but he IS cheaper. Call him "a warboss on a budget."
  • Savage Orc Warboss/Big Boss: (Savage Orc) Comes with mostly the same options as the orc boss but has a natural ward save and frenzy instead of access to enchanted amour. This is a great one to run in a Savage Orc unit, as his ward save can stack and gets better when alongside a shaman with a Lucky Shrunken Head, plus his frenzy isn't as much of an issue in an already frenzied unit.
  • Black Orc Warboss/Big Boss: (Black Orc) The Black Orc boss is a significantly more expensive upgrade over the regular Orc boss. However, it gives the black orc boss +1 WS and the ability to switch between two hand weapons, hand weapons, a shield, or a great weapon at the start of each close combat phase if not equipped with a magic weapon. Most important of all, he has the "Quell Animosity" rule. If he's in the unit and it squabbles, the Black Orc knocks heads, does a few wounds, and makes the unit work as normal. This guy is a staple of most competitive lists.
  • Orc Great Shaman/Shaman: (Orc) All the same customization options as Bosses, but they're wizards of the Big Waaagh! The Orcish lore of magic primarily focuses on damage spells and general orc support, and boy, do they do it well. Roll well, and you'll be slapping foot-shaped templates all over the board. Just be sure to give them a ward-save for when they inevitably end up miscasting.
  • Savage Orc Great Shaman/Shaman: (Savage Orc) the Savage melee version of a Shaman with a ward save, and Savage Waaagh! It makes Savage orks better, but with Frenzy forcing it to engage anything in charge range (not something you would want on a Wizard). You will be running him with a bodyguard of other savage orcs, so give the savage orc shaman the lucky shrunken head (if you didn't slap it on the warboss) and pile him in with your savage mob so the entire unit will benefit from 5+ ward saves, rather than 6+.
  • Orc Warchanter: (Orc) An Orc support hero that can never become general. They let their unit re-roll 1's to hit and wound in close combat. Always good to have in a Deathstar or big spear blobs.
  • Goblin Warboss/Big Boss: (Goblin) Not much more to be said here. Have a wide variety of customization and can mount chariots, giant wolves. Slap one in a squad of those guys and watch their danger level shoot waaay up). Fielding multiple goblin bosses with great weapons is a fantastic way to give an otherwise fairly defenseless unit some real punch. Their mount options make them the fastest movers.
  • Forest Goblin Warboss/Big Boss: (Forest Goblin) your hero for Forest goblin. Same price but trades Armour for the potential to get Poison attacks and be mounted on spiders. Poison lets them wound things above their normal Strength, but make sure you hit first. Not as easy to deliver into a fight like a wolf boss, but more killy with all the poison he and his entourage throw around.
  • Night Goblin Warboss/Big Boss: (Night Goblin) actually 5 points less than a normal boss, +1 initiative and Hatred(Dwarfs) but -1 Ld. they can be mounted on squigs and ride with the Hoppers. You only see them if your running a big Night Goblin unit or Hoppers.
  • Goblin Great Shaman/Shaman: (Goblin) The lore of Little Waaagh! Focuses on irritating the ever-loving shit out of your opponent with improved backstabbing, teleporting, and head shooting their wizards. Could be considered the barest bone of the goblin shaman but Can mount on Wolves and goblin chariots, making them the fastest among goblins, and the Little Waaagh! has its place in any Orc or Goblin themed army.
  • Forest Goblin Great Shaman/Shaman: (Forest Goblin) better at casting spells from his Spider-themed lore by rerolling one casting dice and can take spider mounts like the Arachnarok, but are subjected to Stupidity on miscasts in addition to your Waagh! Miscast result. Probably the Most reliable caster amount the Shamans but the lore of the Spider God Requires more fitness and many are meant to buff goblins.
  • Night Goblin Great Shaman/Shaman: (Night Goblin) Goblin Shaman with a Shroom obsession. Your cheapest wizard option, so tempting to take multiple. On a good round of magic, you'll get much more channeling attempts, and you can quite remorselessly attempt some irresistible force casts since, after all, you have like 10 shamans on the field. Night Goblin Shamans also come with Magic Mushrooms, which could add another power dice to the cast, making a fail a success, or could poison him.


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  • Giant Wolf: (Goblin only) For fast cavalry mounts, a Giant Wolf is quick but all together has the same stats as a normal Goblin warrior +1 I and WS. A great mount for a Goblin hero that's going to be attached to a Wolf Riders. The Giant Wolf has also given rise to the "goblin cowboy" technique. Instead of running wolf riders, you can run a cheap goblin boss on a wolf for similar points. The benefit to this is you have a unit with higher toughness, better savings, better strength, and an ability to tank against certain units. You can take the Dragonbane Gem on a goblin hero on a wolf and run him right into K'Daii Destroyers, Hexwraiths, and cavalry units with flaming. He'll hold them up forever. You can also give him a cheap magic weapon so that he can run into ethereal units and kill them. What is also important - it's Animosity-free, and against BS shooting can hide inside a unit.
  • Goblin Wolf Chariot: (Goblin Boss and Goblin Great shaman only) 50pts. Trades Manuverabitly to buy mostly more damage and a little more protection (no change in toughness or wounds for lords, only a 6+ armour save added to their own). More worth it if running with a unt of other Wolf Chariots, adding the cheap punching power of Goblin Boss to an already cheap punchy unit.
  • Giant Spider: (Forest goblin only) smaller Gigantic Spider, cost less and prevents the enemy from snipping him when with other spiders.
  • Gigantic Spider: (Forest Goblin Bosses or Great Forest Shaman only) Haha, oh boy. This is what makes your Goblin Boss so effective. You get all of the benefits of the Spider's rules, including Natural armour(+6), and you give that Forest Goblin big boss an extra wound. Found that you want another 3 wound character, and you've used up your Lord's point allocation? Give that Forest Goblin Big Boss a Gigantic Spider, and there you go, for only 15 points less than a Goblin Warboss. Being a Monstrous calvery unit, The longer base also increases the unit size of a unit of spider riders and reenact the old 8th trick of having a Goblin leading a unit of trolls, but his high troop type Unit strength will make him easier to pick out with shooting attacks.
  • Arachnarok: (Forest Goblin Great shaman only) Gigantic fuck of a spider. A lot of poison attacks and Fast Obstacle strider. It can be upgraded with a finger that spreads ASL or an appling Spidershrine that grants Loremaster and +1 to channeling for all friendly wizards within 12".
  • Great Cave Squig: (Night Goblin Boss only) See the Squig section's rules. Use it at your own risk. But what's not to like? Dishes out 3 S6 attacks, and give a Big Boss hero an additional wound. He should be with other Squig Hoppers to make them more reliable.

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  • War Boar: War Boars are awesome. They give your guy a +1 Natural armour and have a special rule called "Tuska Charge" that gives you 2+ strength on the charge. These are what make Boar Boy Big 'Uns so dangerous; a unit on the charge that deals Strength 6 attacks? ( This +2 strength only applies to the war boar, the S6 Boar Boy Big 'Uns you speak of are a combination of s4 + spear + 'Choppas' ). A good choice for a boss that is going to join a unit of Boar Boyz, otherwise keeps in mind what unit your Lord or Hero is going to join.
  • Orc Boar Chariot: (Orc & Black Warbosses, Orc Great Shaman, and Orc Warchanter only) 80pts.
  • Barded Gore-Grunta: (Orc Warboss Only) A bigger and meaner boar that comes with Barding and d3 Impact Hits. A rival to Dymgriphs and Mournfangs.
  • Wyvern: (Warbosses and Great shamans only) 160pts. For a Fly(8) creature, it's not that bad. It has 4+ armour poisoned attacks, and it gives your general an 18 inches leadership bubble. However, it paints a big bolt thrower target on the General's chest, and you want to avoid exposing yourself to any Warmachine (At least cannons balls are no longer point and kill like in 9th). The Wyvern is generally considered a bad idea, but don't let that stop you if you play for fun. If you don't face too many ranged threats, then the wyvern can be a great addition to your army. Just remember that it's not a dragon, it can't eat entire units by itself, and its primary use is transportation. Try giving your Great Shaman one of these babies and watch as he soars around the table, blasting spells all over the battlefield. Very effective as a defense against pesky units, and you get to actually use your augment spells in combats where you need them.
  • Maw-Crusher: (Warbosses only) You know those big beefy dragons used in that other game? Yeah, you get 'em now. These bastards are far tougher than Wyverns and can take more abuse. They are slower, having Fly(5) while a bit faster on the ground. With that much muscle, 3+ Natural Armour, and d6 impact hits, throwing him in the mix is a far nicer proposition than the Wyvern...if you can afford it.

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Core Units


  • Orc Boyz: (orc) Your bread and butter unit. Orcs are tough, have decent stats, and at only 7 points a model, they can be fielded en masse (read: tarpits). Make sure to give them a musician and standard bearer of course so that they can win a combat or two. Buy Spears or replace their Shield with extra hand weapons as well. With Orcs, it's always a great option. You can also upgrade a single unit of Boyz to big 'uns, giving them +1 strength and +1 Weapon Skill. Remember that Big 'Uns is one of the few that can take a magic banner and Medium armour. Regular Orc Big 'Uns with the flaming banner or banner of discipline unit are a solid unit that's a little more dependable than Savage Orc Big 'Uns.
  • Orc Arrer Boyz: (orc) Orcs...with bows. It feels so wrong... Again... they make up for their occasional unreliability by remaining solid walls of flesh, though a touch less choppy. Their access to volley fire is useful here, as it allows the whole block to fire their bows, albeit with surprisingly average for orc's Loreful accuracy (BS3), but who really cares when you're putting out 30 shots from a single unit? TWANGA TWANGA TWANGA! The only problem is that Animosity can cause them to do nothing for a turn or make them charge instead of shooting, but getting into fights is not as bad since your still an orc with a choppa
  • Savage Orc Boyz: (Savage Orc) Batshit insane Orc Boyz with 6+ ward saves and Frenzy (and at 9 points apiece, compared to standard Boyz' 7). These are an insane Close Combat Core choice, should they ever make it to assault (and if your enemy is smart, they may use Frenzy to their advantage, leading the squad around aimlessly with a small unit at the edge of charge range). You can give them Big Stabbas for every 10 models, which each gives them D3 impact hits with Multple Wounds (D3). Like most units in the army, feature a wide variety of upgrades for tailoring them into just the kind of unit you want it to be, though they are best off doing what they are meant to: flail wildly around in Close Combat, inflict as much damage as possible before inevitably dying. Another, less common (but still good) choice is to take Big 'Uns and arm them with bows. "You want to stay away? TWANG." This shooting unit can benefit from savage and goblin magic. No one wants to charge savage orcs with frenzy and Str 5, but no one wants to eat __ either. A common powerhouse is generally extra hand weapons, supported by a Savage Orc Shaman carrying the Lucky Shrunken Head which provides a 5+ ward save for the whole unit, making it quite durable as well as deadly in combat. The only problem lies in getting that unit in the combat where you want it to be due to the double threat of Frenzy and Animosity that are just begging to make you lose control of it.

-Big 'Uns: Big 'Uns is an Orc upgrade that is more than worth it. You can boost up one boyz unit to have +1 WS and S and buy Medium armour and a 50pt Banner.


  • Goblins: (Goblin) Your army's quintessential tarpit or mass archers. At 2.5 points per model base, Goblins can take light armour, and shields, and can be fielded in insane numbers. Their gimmick is being the most long-lasting goblin tarpit or cheap archers with a save. You can take a big 40-man unit for 100pts or 20 shortbows for 80pts.
    • Goblin Jester: An upgrade for common goblins that are trapped in the front ranks. He's far from a combatant, though; he provides +1 to his unit's Ld and trades Animosity to instead suffer Stupidity, so more predictable when near a lord. When in close combat, he has a random chance: 1 - his unit takes -1 to hit, 2-5 - nothing, 6 - the enemy takes -1 to hit, though foiled by immunity to psychology. Helpful to keep the chaff in the fight when luck doesn't cause you to stall.
  • Goblin Wolf Riders: (Goblins) Your army's fast cavalry. Give them spears and watch them flank charge a heavy infantry unit to death, or at least keep them tied up long enough for your chariots to flatten them. The Fast calve Vanguard rule and super fast movement of 9 make them fairly effective war machine hunters.
  • Night Goblins: (Night Goblin) They are less reliable but heavily more gimmicky than normal Goblins. Are -1 to Ld, +1 to I, Hate Dwarfs, and wear robes (can get light armour and can compete with normal Goblins). They come standard with shields and can take all the same upgrades as Goblins plus more toys. Night Goblins are more offenses than normal Goblins with their tricks but more likely to Flee (an Ld of 5 is among the worst in-game outside things that can't flee). Own upgrades:
    • Netters +1ppm and infinitely useful upgrade to an otherwise simple tarpit unit, roll a D3 For each rank of 5 goblins, netters cause that many enemy models to suffer a -1 attack modifier(affects model + mount) on any unit they are locked in combat with on a 2-3. There is always the odd chance that they entangle themselves on a 1, but they are already such a low strength that that should only add to the lulz.
    • Fanatics: Ohhh... Fanatics. Excuse me for a minute, slight crisis moment. Watch as the enemy player tries to blast through the squishy night goblins with heavy infantry, only to suddenly be lambasted by up to 18 s5 Armour Piercing(1) hits as the little bastards swing insanely through them.
    • Fanatics with Thwackwheezer Puffshrooms: 2d6 models suffers an armour ignoring wound on a failed toughness test and provide softcover if crazy enough to still 6" of them. Other than protection, Puffshrooms do better than regular Fanatics against humanoid enemies of T3, including Sv2+ knights.
  • Forest Goblins: (Forest Goblins) half a point less than goblins, but shirtless. They have Forest Strider. Their main nitch is that they can be upgraded to have poison attacks, letting them wound above what is expected of chaff or volley bows with wounding rolls superior to S4. Try to keep them protected before they all die in droves.
  • Forest Goblin Spider Riders: (Forest Goblins) Goblin unique cavalry spider riders can be quite useful. They pump out plenty of poisoned attacks, but their best trick is their ability to move right up inside of buildings and ignore terrain as they do so. Perfect for flushing well-encamped enemies out of cover and the bane of wood elf players. They're 1 point more than wolf riders with shields but 1 point slower than them. As flankers, they will harm tougher foes.


  • Snotlings: (Snotling) Swarms of tiny little greenskins with stats that make goblins look mighty. With 6 wounds and6 attacks a base, and the fact that they will not run, you can plant a huge swarm of these on an objective and probably hold on to it for a looong time. They can also stand and shoot a single S2 shot that ignores armor, which is highly situational at best. Save your points in this slot for something else. The only use I've found for them has been to put them on a flank and let them run towards war machines. They at least won't trigger panic in anything when they die.

Special Units


  • Black Orcs: (Black orc) Infantry. Got upped to two attacks base, and a higher armour save for 14pts vs 12pts in 8th edition. This unit got some love and will bring the hurt! Black orcs have better-staying power and are one of the few units in the army without Animosity and Immune to Psychology, meaning they won't panic like most other units in the army book. The only foreseeable issue with black orcs is that your opponent is sure to try and avoid them, and they cost double as much as a Big 'Uns. If used correctly, black orcs can be an excellent addition to the army; make sure you have the spare points. One catch, though. Even with heavy armor and shield, their low Initiative causes them to get brutally slaughtered in cc with tarpits of skaven, swordsmen, elves, etc. Be sure always to use shield and close combat weapons to survive the combat and thus make them worth their high cost. Additionally, this is one of the few units we can take with "can opener" abilities. Orcs and Goblins have a huge amount of str 4-5 attacks. But Black Orcs can pull out great weapons and wipe out tough, heavy armored units that would normally give them fits (Steam Tank, anyone?)
  • Orc Boar Boyz: (Orc) Your heavy cavalry. Though a high point cost, they have the potential to be worth it, as you are putting that fantastic cc squad into assault relatively quickly, plus with high strength attacks from the tusker charge special rule. A unit on the charge that deals 2 Strength 6 attacks each? Slap a Warboss on a boar with them so they won't run quite so easy. Boar Boyz is a good unit that suffers from the same problems that plague all cavalry units in 8+th edition Warhammer: the boars in a second rank don't get to attack, even though they do most of the unit's damage output.
    • Wambo-combo: Orc Boar Boyz Big 'Uns with Orc Warchanter on boar, 50pt banner plus folwing spells: Fists of Gork + 'Ere We Go! + Gork'll Fix
  • Savage Orc Boar Boyz: (Savage Orc) Again, not much more to be said here, simply more expensive, batshit insane Boar Boyz with some special frenzy rules and they get to take two hand weapons while mounted, one of the few who can do so. They sacrifice survivability against mass arrow and hand weapon attacks for more 'ead crumpin'. It comes down to 2 S6 + 3 S4(5 if Big 'Uns).
  • Orc Boar Chariot: (Orc) 85pts. What's not to love? It's a heavy chariot pulled by boars. It can easily mow enemy infantry units flat. Suffers from being more expensive than the goblin chariot. Both have Str 5 impact hits, but the orks crew and Boars Strength boost on charge can justify 35 points.
  • Orc Brutes: (Orc) These brutish fuckers are the mix of a Savage Big 'Uns and a Black Orc. 18 ppm, 4 more pints than a Black Orc. They are Big 'Uns that grew to Black Orc size, less good gear with only medium armour and Immunity(Fear), but Their main job is hunting anything monstrous which they re-roll wound rolls against. Brutes are meant to be Slayers, not as armored or versatile as blacks, but meant to slay Minortours with Paired weapons or dragons with Greatweapons for 2 points upgrade.


  • Goblin Wolf Chariot: (Goblins) 50-150pts. A much faster, more fragile chariot option, better for taking on light infantry/fast cav. Unlike the Orc Chariot, you can take these things in units of three. However, it's usually better not to due to leadership checks for losing just one chariot.
  • Goblin Spear Chukka: (Orc/Goblins) 35pts. Spear chukkas are still the cheapest bolt throwers in-game, partly for the reason that they can misfire just like a stone thrower. Although, they still remain the same price as 8th where every other one has dropped (DE, HE, Dwarves, etc.), so they're relatively more expensive. Still benefit from the edition's wide long-range accuracy increase. May take 1-2 Spear Chukka's as a single special choice.
  • Goblin Rock Lobber: (Orc/Goblins) 85pts. a Stone thrower run by goblins. Can also take an Orc Bully for an extra wound. A fairly standard catapult. Great for flattening Dragons, Manticores, Hydras, Terrorgheists, Daemon Princes, Skycannons and other huge things that orcs normally have a problem dealing with. Even if these juicy targets are not present, it does relatively good against hordes of cheap models. A Rock Lobba is rarely a bad choice.
  • Goblin Nasty Skulkers: (Goblins) your backstabbing knife goblin. Scouts up and lets other units engage enemies head-on so they can get their ASF and AP bonuses for flank charging, then have a chance to flee unpursued at the end of combat.
  • Night Goblin Squig Hunters: (Night Goblins), your paying more than 5+ ppm (expensive for goblins) to place Night goblins with big weapons in front of the enemy turn one. Skirmish Scouts with Immunity (Psychology) can all have Nets, be S4 and/or Fight in Extra Ranks (1). The cheap way to run them is necked and bodyblock the enemy for a turn. The expensive way is to take all the upgrades and have 3 full ranks, then hid them behind terrain so they can draw attention or pincer attack. (Skirmisher don't let them benefit from flanks but Sneaky Stabbin' dose).
  • Squig Herds: (Night Goblins) One of the more useful special units for O&G, squig herds are great for taking out large blocks of infantry. They put out a lot of attacks, so at their worst, they can at least soften up an enemy unit for your boyz to finish off later. They also EXPLODE if they break or if all herders are killed, so a loss in combat can potentially cause quite a bit of damage to the enemy. Moving the unit forward as fast as possible and counting on them to explode amidst your opponent's units is actually called a squig bomb and very effective. Good unit sizes include 9 squigs/3 herders (squig bomb or multiple small units), 18 squigs/6 herders (flanking unit) and 30 squigs/10-15 herders (horde combat block).
  • Night Goblin Squig Hoppers: (Night Goblins) Where herds are more about the squigs alone, Hoppers are a special cavalry unit. These are good for harassing enemy units and flank charging, as their relatively high speed and random movement can get them where they need to go better than herds. They only have 6+ armor save, so you have to be very picky with what you fight with squig hoppers. Having random movements actually gives Squig Hoppers several interesting advantages: They can pivot then move, giving them an effective 360* threat, and the opponent cannot declare a charge reaction against them, letting them ignore flee or stand-shoot reactions. Although they charge in the compulsory subphase, preventing them from disabling Stand&Shoot for your mainline troops, they can deny a sufficiently large area versus enemy light cavalry. Note that only a Night Goblin Boss riding a Giant Cave Squiqs can join Squig Hoppers, which lets you re-roll the random movement dice. However, said Boss will not benefit from Look Out Sir and will be cannon-bait. Squig Hoppers are both cavalry and skirmishers, so it is not worth it to have multiple ranks: Skirmishers can never disrupt their opponents when charging the flank or rear, and only the riders of cavalry models can make supporting attacks, not the mounts. And let's be honest, you're not fielding Squig Hoppers for the Night Goblin riders.
  • Night Goblin Sneaky Snufflers: (Night Goblins) 8ppm Skirmishers Goblins with a S4 Squig. They fight on you goblin's flanks in a pinch, but their true power is sacrificing their movement for the chance for a Night Goblin unit within 6" gains Frenzy. Amps up Squigs and Squig Hunters.


  • Trolls: Big, strong, and fieldable in large groups, trolls are good for keeping between your groups of Gobbos and Boyz in case they fail their Animosity rolls. Trolls are mighty in cc and have some great staying power due to their regeneration. Trolls can forego their three regular attacks (they can still stomp!) in lieu of a single vomit attack, which automatically hits with S5 and no Armour Saves allowed. Watch a Chaos Knight die a very inglorious death, guaranteed not to win him any daemonhood soon. Trolls do suffer from Stupidity (and at Ld6, no less), so you'll have to keep a boss with them or warboss near them at all times if you want them actually to get shit done. Think Ogres, but with a few tricks and retardation issues. Remember that failing the Stupidity test also gives you Immune to Psychology, so at least they won't panic. Trolls also come in three varieties: standard, stone, and river. The cost differences here between common trolls and river/stone trolls are significant, with common ones being much cheaper with the same cc output. Common Trolls also don't come from your rare slot so that they won't take away from your important Manglers/Pumpwagons/War Machines.
    • Stone Trolls: Same CC output as the other Trolls, but for +10pts, you're getting Natural Armour (5+) and magic resistance (2). Scaly skin is always helpful, but it's the magic resistance that is most useful since it will grant you a 5+ Ward Save against fireballs and other spells from the Lore of Fire which will usually burn your Trolls to ashes since you cannot take regeneration saves against them.
    • River Trolls: Same CC output as the other Trolls, but for +10pts, you're getting strider (rivers and marshes), and your opponent gets a -1 to hit modifier in CC. While strider can, of course, be handy in the right situation, it's nothing to write home about. A -1 to hit modifier in CC is quite helpful, as it means that they're never hit on better than 4+ and sometimes only 5+.

Rare Units

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  • Mangler Squigs: (Night Goblin) 100pts. Good. Gork. It's essentially massive squigs that night goblins have prodded until they are insane with RAGE. Manglers behave like enormous fanatics. Point them in the direction you want them to go, pray to Mork they get there (they have no armor, so be careful), and watch as they fling out a positively retarded number of high-strength hits. All in all, a very fun (if unreliable) choice for flattening units and wreaking havoc. If you can get off the "Hand of Gork" spell, you have a killer combo at your disposition; you can literally win the game in one turn if you can teleport your mangler squig across the map and make it go sideway through the enemy line. Get your tear cup ready.
  • Night Goblin Squig Gobba: (night Goblin) 100pts. You have what is effectively a squig for a war machine. Each turn, you need to use the minders to feed it squigs, and, depending on the result, some random goings-on will occur. Most of the results will hurt the squig itself and/or the minders, but if you hit the golden zone, you'll automatically have the means to hit a unit without any scatter.
  • Colossal Squig: (Night Goblin) 175pts. A Huge fucking squig with 4d6" movement. Be wary of this movement when pivoting, as it will charge absolutely anything in the way and eat them. It's a massive time bomb, and when it dies, you can laugh at anyone near it eating an S3 hit. All this creates a missile-type monster, Moving quickly into a target to unleash its 6 S7 + stomp. Colossal's do fall on the glass cannon side of monsters and are the most likely in the rost to flee when they lose combat and not within an inspiring presence.
  • Dankhold Troll: (Night Goblin) 215pts. A fusion of Giant and Troll for 15 more points. Though more predictable in melee, they still suffer from stupidity and bad leadership. Have a solid defense with T6 W6 Regn(4+) MR(3). In addition to stomps, he has 6 S7 attacks or makes D6 S6 Troll vomits if you don't trust your Weapon skill of 3 or the enemy has 2+ armour. The Dankhold Troll's best role is as a weapon to deploy against heavily armored foes, Using its monstrous toughness and high regent to wait out until its turn to swing and then paste most monsters and elite knights with their great strength. Their big weakness is needed to be babysat by a general. Its low Ld of 6 makes it susceptible to failing stupidity and very likely to flee from combat since successful Regeneration saves still count towards combat scores.
  • Arachnarok Spider: (Forest Goblin) 260/290pts. Giant fucking scary spider. They are Extra effective at tearing up infantry and monstrous creatures gave its decent WS4 S5, and 8 poison attacks + stomp, your going to be rolling fairly reliably killing a majority of things that don't have outstanding armor or ward saves, being able to designate one attack to deal Multiple Wounds (D6) against a monstrous model is just Icing. Despite having a respectable T6, W8, and Natural Armour (4+), Only pick if you're certain you won't face warmachines. Otherwise, the thing is likely to die from focused spells or Warmachine fire before doing anything cool. On the other hand, the Arachnarok Spider is FAST with M7 and gets to ignore terrain, so at least there's that. Remember that the goblin crew is equipped with spears and therefore adds eight bows and eight extra S4 attacks on the charge. You can give the spider a Flinger, and the feeling of not being nominated to the "Slowest army of the Game" award is a good one, even though it barely scratches Snotling.

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  • Ork Gore-Gruntas: (Orc) yow Demigriph and Chaos knights have a green rival. Comparing them to better-armored Ogre Mournfangs is a decent benchmark. These are bigger and meaner Boar Boyz, With Brutes riding Barded Big 'Uns Pigs and has Duff Up da Big Thing, rerolling hits against the monstrous. Hit like trucks, 18 S6 attacks for a 178-point MSU with spears. Demigriphs bullies infantry, Gore-Gruntas bullies Demigriphs and infantry. Their main weakness is their movement and reaction speed, which can be fixed by applying the right banners and shaman juju.

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  • Goblin Doom Diver: (Goblin & Orc) 75pts. It acts like a cross of a Stonethower and a Bouncing cannonball dealing d6 S5 damage to all units it crosses. No longer ignore armour saves. No more panicking a unit of Dragon Princes from one turn of shooting. 10pts cheaper than the Catapult, but really neutered, so take a Catapult.
  • Snotling Pump Wagon: (Snotling) 45pts. Pump wagons are hilarious, unreliable, and dreadfully scary for your opponent. They have random movement and the potential to veer out of control at any given time, but having 2D6 impact hits is nothing to scoff at. Remember that random movements have advantages: you can charge enemy units during the compulsory movement phase without giving them a chance to perform a charge reaction. This is gold when facing a fast cavalry avoidance list that suddenly finds itself not allowed to perform its standard feigned flight tactic. Regarding upgrades for the Pump Wagon, Outriggers and Spiky Rollas are pretty much mandatory, with Giant Explodin' Spores being the single most awesome thing you could buy if you face heavily armored cavalry. Also, Flappas are very useful since chariots do very badly with dangerous terrain. Your opponent might think his units save from your attack if there is a river, marsh, or obstacle between you. Remember that as a suicide unit, the enemy will want to shoot your Pump Wagons at all costs. If you bring Pump Wagons, consider bringing Mangler Squigs so that the enemy cannot shoot them all. Mangler Squigs and Pump Wagons serve relatively similar purposes, after all.
  • Rogue Idol of Gork: 230pts. a Giant stone Golem powered by the waaagh. Tougher and Stronger than a Giant but has the worst Frenzy, where it also has a chance to charge your own units if nothing is in range. Best let it run in front of the rest of your army. It has a similar role as a Dankhold Troll but focuses on staying power and then consistent offense. Having impressive T7 and 10 wounds but Unstable in 9th can be far worst than having low ld, as losing combat by a good margin often results in the unit being slain. The main upsides are that it's an S7 monster that doesn't require Night Goblin in your least to take, and it will likely hold up an enemy for at least one turn.
  • Giant River Troll-hag: 235pts. A River Troll dabbles in Death magic and has Giant stats and special attack tables. Hags do have stupidity unless in terrain with water and will actively move towards it on failed rolls. Her Troll vomit is a Breath Weapon that additionally confers an -2 ld. Puts out a decent amount of damage in and out of melee while also being that assassination and hex spells are well associated with the lore of death.
  • Giants: 175pts. The ever-venerable giant. The model looks pretty pimping hot, but its purpose is often limited to receiving multiple cannonballs to the face. If friends don't have cannons, the table is fun when they take out infantry blobs and pick out characters. If you have a Savage Orc Shaman in your army, you can give it a 6+ ward save but don't do much to keep it alive.

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Building Your Army

The important thing to remember when assembling your Waaagh! is to pick a theme and stick with it. A big downfall of having so many options in the army book is that players can get overwhelmed and try to take one of everything. Mixing too many strategies together is generally a bad idea. For example, it'd probably be a bad move to mix a slow unit like black orcs or trolls in with an all mounted army; by the time these squads get there, chances are your cavalry has already done most of the work (or has been slaughtered and can no longer support your big things). Additionally, both Animosity and Panic tends to be a big problem for O&G, so you should try to build your army in a way that maximizes your bosses' Ld range and minimizes Animosity.

Buying Your Army

As with any army, start with your core choices and first lord or hero and build from there. Always determine just what army you are trying to build before you start purchasing. Sit down with an experienced player and discuss what units synergize best with each other if you are having trouble figuring things out.

Greenskin Races

Your army is divided into several different Greenskin species, each with there own specialty.

  • Orcs: Your melee boyz. People say that Orcs are strong guys but have bad leadership. but on paper, they do look a lot more like average humans with some important differences. they have average leadership, So take leadership tests the same as a Human unit. The difference is that they only Initiative 2, so taking casualties unless getting a charge off on another slow army. This is made up for by being toughness 4 (able to take more unmodified wound roll) and getting +1 strength during the first combat round, making Boyz S4. This makes Orc Fairly good during the first round of combat (especially if they were the ones charging) so the enemy has to roll their break tests instead of rolling your average. After then, most orcs peter out to become more expensive but slightly tougher humans.
    • Orc: Standard orc. Durable and or cheap choice with access to armor along with the orcs natural Toughness.
    • Black Orc: Bigger and no-nonsense than the common orc. Get the best gear, don't have Animosity and Immunity (Psychology).
    • Savage Orc: Go wild with no Body armour for Frenzy and a Ward save(6+). Very aggressive with a lot of attacks, while not needing to paying more to be resistant to Ap attacks.
  • Goblin: your chaff, and tool kit side of the army. Very cheap by trading for subpar WS and Ld. Still average BS for forming good cheap Archer blocks. Also for fluff and old balancing response, Elf armies get cause fear (likely to prevent tarpitting their expensive units which they all are). Do well as cheap guy so fill up army numbers, and possess severy cheap flanking options.
    • Goblin: Common chaff, with some armor on them to make them last longer. Also provides your fastest fast calv.
    • Forest Goblin: Shirtless common goblins with Forest Strider and option for Poison attacks. Also, have poisonous Spider calvery to crawl over things.
    • Night Goblin: Trade armor for Synergy gimmicks. They all are just as quick as normal humans and Hate Dwarf but have even lower leadership at the lowest of 5. Get lots of Debuff and buffing Synergies and lots of Random moving wrecking balls.

Army Composition

You should be judiciously paying for standards, musicians, and characters to boost leadership. In order to lead your greenskins to victory, it is absolutely vital to have an inspiring presence on as many units as you can. To achieve this there are many types of army composition available to you:

  • Orc Warboss and BSB: Provides leadership 9 and rerolls, a strong default choice. The Warboss is a powerful combat character and his Waaagh ability is a fun bonus, albeit small and easy to forget. You can put him on a wyvern for a bigger leadership bubble but most competitive advice will discourage you from doing so, as it is just begging to get sniped on turn 1. The Warboss does a better job on the front line, sending challenges to enemy characters and providing combat resolution through sheer butchery.
  • Goblin Warboss with BSB and Banner of Discipline: An alternative to the Orc Warboss, this setup provides leadership 9 and rerolls for those who wish to stick to a goblin-only army. Generally, you want to put both the General and BSB in a bunker behind the fighting troops. This makes it harder for the opponent to assassinate either the general or BSB, who are vital in this case since goblins have low leadership by themselves.
  • Gorbad Ironclaw: A special character, this guy provides both leadership 10 and rerolls at the same time! Problem 1: he's a special character and they aren't always allowed. Problem 2: he's expensive as all fuck. Problem 3: he is a standard bearer and is therefore bound by the rules that normally affect standard-bearers. That means he cannot run, ever. A standard bearer is automatically removed from play when a unit breaks and the same goes for this guy, regardless of whether he is a legendary badass that just happens to have a flag on his back. All things considered, unless you absolutely want to field this character for a fluffy reason then you're better off with a separate Warboss and BSB.
  • Orc Great Shaman and BSB with Banner of Discipline: Provides leadership 9, rerolls and magic support all at the same time. This is a pretty interesting setup since unlike most wizards, this bad dude is T5 and can actually survive in combat. Equipped with Fencer's Blade and buffed by Fist of Gork, he can even dish out a lot of hurts. He can also be made to carry the Shrunken Head in a unit of Savage Orcs Big 'Uns, in which case he will also be protected by a 5+ ward save. As usual, the biggest danger of using a Wizard general is miscasting: if the shaman gets sucked into the warp on turn 1 then you can pretty much pack your things and go home.

Regardless of what you choose, remember to stick with your army theme. Whether you want to use huge blocks of infantry, multiple small units, big scary monsters or swarms of cavalry, you don't want to end up with too many strategies on the field. If you're going to try something then you need to commit to it. An OnG army with no direction will fall apart quickly.

Magic Items

Anything that gives ward saves is always handy. Bosses should take magic weapons, and Shamans should take things that either boost their own power dice or fuck up the enemy's magic phase. It's also hilarious to put the one that turns enemy wizards into toads on a low-level shaman as well. Lastly, if there is a magic banner that can help with Ld issues in your army, take it. The problem with magic weapons for O&G is not about the effect to price ratio actually and more about the price at all and kind of effect. In fact, Orcs and Goblins are just an army that doesn't need pricy weapons that let them attack faster (via ASF or Initiative). Weapons giving you more attack or strength are mostly omitted as they cost their share (fair) and help you kill with characters you don't want to do most of the time! Firstly our bosses are vital in providing Leadership. Secondly, they are weakly kitted for combat (speaking about base stats). They desperately need some better protection above T5. Firstly focus on making your vital characters protected - which means BSB, General, main Shaman, and probably secondary shaman (the last one don't have to be protected - scroll caddy should be enough). After that, one should think about obvious magic protection, and then you see that you either don't have points for making your characters killy, or simply other units will do that better. You will end up taking cheapish magic weapons to kill damned banshees and kind. Orcs cannot be blender lords like Vampires, Chaos Lords, High or Dark Elves. They don't make good killy cowboys (partially due to bad kinds of transportation). Goblins can be cheapish cowboys instead. There is no place for pricy magic weapons, and you better come to terms with it if you want to play competitively.


Each shaman gets unique lores based on their race. Often times you may want your army list to have a mix of lores. Additionally, sometimes greater numbers of lesser shamans can be more effective than a single great shaman, as with the typical greenskin Ld they will be miscasting at least once a game. It's always nice to have backup casters when your main one's head explodes in a shower of magical gore and brains (and it WILL).

The main lore affects everyone and supports lore for their own faction as a noticeable trend. Orc Lot of S5 damage spell and plenty of snipers spells around. The Augments and Hex are amazing when stacked.

  • Spells of da Big Waaagh!: your generic orc lore Throws around spells to flatten enemies with damage and also help any Boyz unit. The High damage from Gaze of Mork and Foot of Gork + 'Eadbutt snipes wizards. On the support side Fists of Gork + 'Ere We Go! can make an orc first CC round S5+ Rerolling hits and WAAAGH! Lets them make a 2d6" 360-degree swivel move to the nearest enemy. Tempting on any orc heavy list.
  • Spells of da Savage Waaagh!: Geared more to support Savage orks but still damaging. For Greater effect having a normal shaman cast Fists of Gork + Brutal Beast Spirits on savage ork is extra crumping. on a Savage wizard Lord, cast Squiggly Curse before you magic spam for that +d3 casting bonus.
  • Spells of da Little Waaagh!: Classic lore of sneaky tricks, Sniping, and debuffing. Sneaky Stabbin' synergizes the goblin strategy. Brain Bursta, Nikkit! Nikkit! (also steal items), and Mork Wants Ya! snipes enemy characters out. Mork Save Uz! helps anyone, including orcs.
  • Spells of da Bad Moon: the supporting lore for Night Goblins. Mostly offensive, with some debuffs. Vindictive Glare and The Great Green Spite(+ big goblin unit) obliterates hoard units. Squig Lure is a must in a list with Squigs. Itchy Nuisance reduces the threat range of enemies and lets orc & goblins swing before elves. Night Shroud is a must for Night goblins.
  • Spells of da Spider God: Supporting lore for Forest Goblins. More of a grab bag, they still make Forest Goblins better, and good debuffs against problem units. Venomous Spiderlings still widdles down unarmoured foes. Scuttling Terrors lets spiders move faster than wolfs. Overcasting Chitinous Armour is a must to make greenskins feel they wearing at least heavy armour.
  • Death: have a little access from Troll hags and Lv2 from Azhag. You can snipe characters and monsters while generating dice and mess with the enemy's Toughness and leadership at that level. Toughness is a problem for most goblins and you want the enemy to break the first turn of combat before you orcs break the next turn.

EX: A good magic combo is usually a level 3 Orc Great Shaman, a level 1 (or 2) goblin shaman, and one other Shaman dependent on which race you wish to support more. The Savage Orc usually totes the lucky shrunken head. The goblin is either a level 1 with the ruby ring of ruin or a level 2.


How Does The Army Play?

The Orc and Goblin army plays a little differently than you'd expect. The main thing that you'll see across almost all O&G armies is 2-3 pretty big blocks of troops backed up by lots of chaff units and war machines. The army works best by softening up the opponent with shooting and magic while using chaff units to hold up/redirect big units and assassinate war machine hunters. Once the opponent's war machine hunters are dead, the O&G player picks his/her combats by using redirectors (wolf riders, heroes on wolves), board denial units (pumpwagons, manglers), and countercharging the units that were weakened with shooting and magic. This changes depending on the opponent's army, but you'll usually see variations on this strategy.

Typical Things You'll Usually See in a Good List

  • Savage Orc Big 'Uns (30+) with Savage Shaman (and Lucky Shrunken Head) + Orc Shaman
  • Big troll blocks, usually 8 or more
  • Rock Lobbas and Doom Divers
  • Mangler Squigs
  • Big Night Goblin Units (40+) with netters, sometimes with several cheap night goblin heroes toting great weapons
  • Goblin big bosses on wolves as chaff units and war machine hunters
  • Multiple magic levels (usually a mix of lores)
  • Black orc giving quell animosity to the magic user's unit and a BSB giving rerolls
  • Pump wagons and wolf chariots

Tips for Playing Orcs & Goblins

1. Orcs & Goblins is one of the only armies where their special rule is a drawback. Elves get always strikes first, daemons get ward saves, and O&G get...animosity. Thanks, Matt Ward. We also fear elves, which is just icing on the cake. It's almost like they want O&G to be a mid-tier army. Oh, wait...they do. (Well to be fair, the orcs do have choppas, which is extremely good against armies with good armor.) Somehow this is also Mat Ward's fault. Anyway, most competitive orcs and goblins lists mitigate animosity and take a combination of units and gear that minimize it. Here are things you can do to mitigate animosity:

  • Put a black orc character in a unit, especially in a unit with a level 4 caster. You don't want your unit squabbling and wasting a valuable turn not stomping the opponent into goo with the Foot of Gork.
  • Take units that don't suffer from animosity (trolls, black orcs, pumpwagons, manglers, etc.).
  • Use cheap goblin heroes on giant wolves instead of wolf riders for your war machine hunters.

2. Manglers and Pumpwagons are NOT throwaway chaff units. I see time and time again (and used to do) throwing the pumpwagons and mangler squigs forward. Opponents love moving a fast cavalry into the mangler to kill it. That is not a good use of the mighty mangler squig. Instead, the mangler works best as an area denial unit or a countercharge unit. To do this well, you have to shoot and magic the enemy's chaff units before they get to the mangler and step on it. After you kill the opponent's chaff, you have two great options:

  • Area Denial- You move the mangler in front of their expensive unit. They can either stop (giving you more time to Doom Diver/Rock Lobba/Magic/Foot/Curse/Throw Rocks at the unit and soften it up. Alternately, they can walk through it, taking the 3D6 hits and likely decimating the unit.
  • Countercharge- Orcs and Goblins aren't a super-fast army on average. Almost every army (unless it's Tomb Kings) is going to be faster than you (They are not suffering from occasional Animoicy). Orcs and Goblins excel at taking charges and countercharging in the flank. With mangler squigs, you can hide them behind your lines and throw them against the side of the table (they stay still this way, but you take a dangerous terrain test). When the enemy charges you, you can throw the mangler through the enemy units. Usually, by this point, they're all lined up for you because they've charged your Savage Orc horde or Night Goblin horde.

Pumpwagons are similar but have a few slightly different uses. With outriggers, the pumpwagon has a huge threat range. They work great in the early game by protecting your war machines on the edges of the table. You can throw them into the side of the table to stop their movement and then turn and charge when the enemy gets near. After that, they work great as countercharge units (throwing them into the flanks of enemies trying to charge you).

Themed Armies

Orcs & Goblins offer Fluffbunnies (like me) great ways for themed armies. They have probably the biggest roster, and many units fulfill similar roles. So instead of a large Waaagh! Which draws from all greenskins, you can limit yourself and only pick matching units like:

  • Wild Ones: Savage Orcs and Forest Goblins, with everything they bring to the table. Savage Boar Boys, Forest Goblin Spider Riders, Arachnarok Spider, Snotlings, nothing mechanical! Thematically superb, you'll get moral victory just for fielding such a great army. You don't have chaff infantry, lack in ranged weapons and generally, cannot take lots of punches, but you have lots of frenzied attacks and are pretty fast. So get into close combat and start moshing!
  • Night Goblins: The second army with lots of character. Night Goblins, everything with Squigs in it, Trolls, Snotlings. Skarsnik is an obvious choice to lead your army, as he is both powerful in the magic and close combat phase and your only chance for a LD8 character. Your only core choice is Night Goblins, so a horde of them is pretty much mandatory. But it's OK, a hundred of them only cost 300pts! Always get Netters for the units with spears, every fanatic you can, some heroes don't hurt. Squig herds can bring the pain (remember squig bombs as a viable tactic), so do Squig hoppers with Hero on Great Cave Squig. Your most important unit is the Mangler Squig, don't leave your cave without two of them. Trolls fit thematically (also live in caves), and snotlings are everywhere. And where there are Snotlings, they're going to build a Pumpwagon. Forgeworld introduced the Squig Gobba, which you can of course field. If you don't have/like the rules, just count it as a Night Goblin-themed Doom Diver, the rules fit pretty well (and the Doom Diver is excellent, so that one doesn't hurt. You.). This army is lots of fun because it's so unreliable. Your Night Goblins are subject to animosity, and they can be easily panicked, trolls have stupidity and virtually no leadership. All the while, your hardest hitters have random movement and can have some fatal mishaps. Lots of things to go wrong and ruin your carefully crafted battle plan. But it's also surprisingly resilient, lots of your units don't care about their (exceptionally low) leadership, and you can dish out a high number of high-strength attacks, which are either Armour Piercing or don't allow Armour Saves altogether! Beware of shooty armies, though, as they will easily pick out your Mangler Squigs and other hard-hitting units from afar and leave you with only your Night Goblins. However, more melee-focused opponents, especially Warriors of Chaos, will quickly stop laughing once the first fanatic hits his Chaos Warriors and your Mangler Squig eats his Knights for breakfast.
  • Orc tribe / Goblin tribe: Just regular Orcs and Black Orcs or just regular Goblins and all their respective units. Snotlings go anywhere, Giant fits both, Trolls are also pretty much okay. Not as much fun as the other fluff armies, but still themed. These armies are still functioning pretty much all-round, but you lack some of the hardest hitters.

Orcs & Goblins already are a challenging army to the field (competitively, at least), and by restricting yourself in the army composition, you make it even worse. If you want to have a fun game where anything can happen (really, anything!), you might enjoy this. And this is an excellent area for you and your gaming group to have some custom rules as well!

See Also

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