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Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes
First Founding: Blood Angels - Dark Angels - Imperial Fists - Iron Hands - Raven Guard
Salamanders - Space Wolves - Ultramarines - White Scars
Second Founding: Angels of Absolution - Angels Encarmine - Angels of Redemption - Angels of Vengeance
Angels Sanguine - Angels Vermillion - Aurora Chapter - Black Guard - Black Templars
Blood Drinkers - Crimson Fists - Doom Eagles - Excoriators - Fists Exemplar - Flesh Tearers
Genesis Chapter - Iron Snakes - Mortifactors - Novamarines - Red Talons - Raptors
Soul Drinkers - Storm Lords - Wolf Brothers
Third Founding: Executioners
Fourth to Eighth Founding: Marines Malevolent - Howling Griffons
Eighth Founding: Mantis Warriors
Tenth Founding: Astral Claws
Thirteenth Founding: Death Spectres - Exorcists
Twenty-First Founding: Black Dragons - Fire Hawks - Flame Falcons - Lamenters - Minotaurs - Sons of Antaeus
Twenty-Second Founding: Fire Claws/Relictors - Steel Confessors
Twenty-Third Founding: Marines Errant - Star Phantoms
Twenty-Fourth Founding: Celestial Lions - Disciples of Caliban
Twenty-Fifth Founding: Angels of Vigilance - Fire Angels
Twenty-Sixth Founding: Mentors
Unknown Founding: Astral Knights - Blood Ravens - Celebrants - Fire Lords - Guardians of the Covenant
Hammers of Dorn - Invaders - Knights of Blood - Rainbow Warriors - Red Scorpions
Sable Swords - Scythes of the Emperor - Sons of Guilliman - Space Sharks - Silver Skulls
Storm Wardens - Valedictors - Vorpal Swords
Unsanctioned Founding: Consecrators - Sons of Medusa
Chambers Millitant: Deathwatch - Grey Knights
Astartes Praeses: Black Consuls - Excoriators - Fire Claws/Relictors
Night Watch - Subjugators - Viper Legion - White Consuls