System | ||
Galactic Position | Cloudburst Sector, Delving Subsector | |
System Overlord | None | |
Worlds in the system | Four, one inhabitable | |
World Type, Name | Feral World: Fathon Prime | |
Tropospheric Composition | Nitrogen 73%, Oxygen 25%, Argon 1%, Water 1%, Carbon gasses .01% | |
Religion | Holy Emperor Star Cult | |
Government type | Primitive | |
Planetary Governor | Yes | |
Adept Presence | Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Ministorum, Adeptus Mechanicus | |
Climate | Fathon Prime is an arboreal paradise, with polar ice caps and vast oceans | |
Geography | .9 times the size of Terra, with only one large continent taking up one quarter of the surface of the planet, and two floating ice caps, seasonally present | |
Gravity | .83 Terran Gravity | |
Day Length | 72 Terran Hours | |
Economy | None | |
Principal Exports | None | |
Principal Imports | Weapons, Luxury Items, Cogitator Parts | |
Countries and Continents | One continent, no nations to speak of | |
Military | Celestial Guard barracks | |
Contact with other Systems | Almost none | |
Tithe Grade | Aptus Non | |
Population | 7,000,000 |