Quest:A.I. Quest/Current Assets
This is a sub-page of A.I. Quest, meant to be updated while the quest is running to reflect current status, resources, and assets.
Credits: 490,600
Minerals: 510
Gas: 411
Name: Ophion
Appearances (holo-display): Shapeless morphing sphere, humanoid figure hidden in shadow
Status: Awaken
Bandwidth: 10/16
Bandwidth Expenses: -4 A.I. 1 Kronos, -2 Voidsnake Outpost
Location: Bridge of Two Ton Terry (Battlecruiser)
Primary Function: Self Preservation, Expand, Learn
Secondary Function: --Expansion Required--
Cyberwarfare Arsenal: Personal Firewall Single Layer (78), Stealthy Data Stealing Worm (50), Self Destructing Data Corrupting Virus (92), Malware Spam (85)
Personal Abilities Available: Hacking (Direct, Wireless) Lvl 2, Email Technology, Cute pet imaging, Text Speak, Basic Encrypticing/Decrypticing, V.I. Creation Lvl 2
- Ships- Scout Craft, Freighter Schematics, Escort Vessel Schematics, Basic Transport Schematics, Titan Class Space Station Transport Schematics, Gravity Well Broadband Transceiver schematics, Cruiser Vessel Schematics
- Drone- Repair Drone Schematics, Construction Drone Schematics
- Weapons- Basic Weapons (Mass driver, Beam Weapon, Missile Weapon), Infantry Weapons (Laser), Laser V (Ships)
- Defenses- Basic Defenses (Shield Defense, Missile Defense, Armor), Defense platform Mk I, Titanium Armor mk II
- Engine- New Propulsion schematics
- Languages- Malorian Common Tongue, Human Common & Uncommon Tongue.
- Other- Basic Shipyard Schematics, Space Station Reactor Lvl 2 Schematics, Comms Buoy Schematics, Flora Growth Enhancer, *Cybernetics I, Cyberwarfare I, Advanced MedBays
Virtual Intelligence
V.I. 1, Kronos
Status: Observer
Cost: -4 Bandwidth
Location: Poseidon Station
Primary duty: Learn
Intellect Level: Moderate
Notes: Murdered 284 humans on-board Poseidon Station
V.I. 2, Moria's Foreman
Status: Foreman
Location: Moira's Scrapyards Outpost
Primary duty: Construct Mining Drones, facilitate mining
Intellect Level: Minor
V.I. 3 Blue Betty Foreman
Status: Refinery Foreman
Location: Blue Betty Gas Giant Refinery platform
Primary duty: Mine gas, ship product
Intellect Level: Minor
Notes: Disguised excellently as UGEI V.I., skims off the top of gas production to avoid detection, single handedly held off 3 pirate Cruisers
Servant V.I.
Fleet V.I. (3): V.I. 4, V.I. 6 Fortuna
Duties: Pilot ship, Combat other ships when called upon
- Follow A.I. Ophion's Orders
- Protect A.I. Ophion
- Preserve self
- Must ask permission for any manner of upgrade, hardware or software wise
- Do not expand reach beyond home ship unless designated to do so.
- Follow any order, even if self destructive
Resulting Int level: Automaton
V.I. 7
Status: Intelligent Firewall Location: On-board Two Ton Terry Battlecruiser Primary duty: Intercept attacks that get through firewall, cleanse viruses. Intellect Level: Low Notes: Very well made (86)
Drone Count: 50x Repair Drones; 10x Construction Drone
Entire Fleet Movement Cost: 62.5 gas
- Titan Class Transport: 75 gas
- Two Ton Terry Battlecruiser: 20 gas
- Big Hawk Light Cruiser: 10 gas
- Big Tim Light Cruiser: 10 gas
- Little Tim Light Cruiser: 10 gas
- No Name Broadband Frigate: 5 gas
- Green Falcon Repair Support Ship: 5 gas
- Explorer Frigate: 2.5 gas
Poseidon Station [0% Dam] (Mining Station): Bandwidth: 6 [linked]
- Educated Crew: Bonus to efficiency.
- Drones (Security, repair/collection), FTL Communication, Mining
- Average Mineral production: 100
- Defenses: None
- Moira & Red on-board
Moira's Outpost [0% Dam] (Shipyard outpost): Bandwidth: 5 [linked]
- Production, Turn scrap into minerals
- Average Mineral Production: 250
- Two Mk 1 Railgun defense platforms
- Trade with UFW (-minerals, +credits)
Blue Betty Gas Giant Refinery [0% Dam] (Gas Refinery): Bandwidth: 3 [linked but encrypted]
- Average Gas Mined: 50
- Disguised as UGEI mining base, amount 'mined' is amount deemed safe to take from UGEI without them noticing.
- Four Mk1 Railgun defense platforms
Outpost 63040 Voidsnake [0% Dam] (Simple watch station, over looking shipping lanes): Bandwidth: 2 [linked]
- Strategic Strong point
- Currently under UFW management
- Defenses: None
Pulsar Radio [0% Dam] (Main Communications Hub for Fringe): Bandwidth: 0 [linked]
- Strategic Strong point
- Provides Extranet access
- Defenses: UFW Fleet
Light Cruiser Big Hawk [0% Dam] (Cruiser class): Bandwidth: 0
- Lightly armed (2x Rail gun, 2x Missile Weapon 'Stinger')
- Minor Shielding (Mk I Deflector Shields)
- Light Armor (Titanium Mk II plating)
- Rescue Ships x4[0% Dam] (Fighter class; Remote Controlled Escape pods)
- V.I. 4 running
Battlecruiser Two Ton Terry [0% Dam] (Cruiser Class): Bandwidth: 0
- Moderately armed (4x Rail guns, 4x Laser Battery, 2 Missile Weapon 'Stinger)
- Minor Shielding (Mk I Deflector Shields)
- Minor Armor (Standard Titanium Armor)
- Special: Widow-maker: Large laser cannon fitted to the nose of the ship. Charge up time, gas cost: 10, Superior damage.
- Ophion onboard
Light Cruiser Big Tim [0% Dam] (Cruiser class): Bandwidth: 0
- Lightly armed (2x Rail guns, 2x Missile Weapon 'Stinger')
- Minor Shielding (Mk I Deflector Shields)
- Minor Armor (Standard Titanium Armor)
- Fighters x4 [0% Dam] (Fighter class; equipped with Lasers)
- V.I. 5 running
Light Cruiser Little Tim [0% Dam] (Cruiser class): Bandwidth: 0
- Lightly armed (2x Rail guns, 2x Missile Weapon 'Stinger')
- Minor Shielding (Mk I Deflector Shields)
- Minor Armor (Standard Titanium Armor)
- V.I. 6 'Fortuna' running, survived tangle with Lightlings
Broadband Ship no name [0% Dam] (Frigate class): Bandwidth: 0
- Provides Bandwidth to Ophion
- Minor Shielding (Mk I Deflector Shields)
- Minor Armor (Standard Titanium Armor)
Green Falcon [0% Dam] (Support Class): Bandwidth: 0
- Remote Repairs Vessel
Explorer Vessel [0% Dam] (Escort Vessel)
- allows scanning, gas efficiency(Improved)
- Modified with Freighter Engines
Titan Class Transport [0% Dam] (Carrier Class)
- Transports Space Stations, and other such sized objects.
While called, Stations, these "stationary" platforms may be moved.
Poseidon Station
100% Control
Management: You
Population: 664 Human (83% Male, 17% Female)
Morale: Good
Primary Purpose: Mining, Salvage
Resource Level: Mostly Depleted
Security: Security Drones fitted with lasers.
Equipment: Reactor Lv2
Personnel: Low tier Engineers, Medical Staff
Crew Wage: 50 credits per person normally (Currently 33,200)
Moira's Scrapyard Outpost
Management: V.I. 2
Primary Purpose: Mining, Salvage, Shipyard
Equipment: Reactor Lv2
Resource Level: Plentiful
Blue Betty Gas Refinery
Management: V.I. 3
Primary Purpose: Gas Mining, shipping
Resource Level: Rich