Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Sisters of Silence(7E)

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Why Play Sisters of Silence?

  • Because you want to play golden sisters of battle.
  • Because you hate Psykers. You really, really, really hate Psykers.
  • Because you want one of the most situational allies in the game.


Ranged Weapons

  • Flamers: Template S4 AP5 weapon. Spam them for Overwatch Hell.
  • Bolt Guns: You know them, you love them.
  • Psyk-out Grenades: S2 AP- Blast grenade that forces a random psyker in a unit hit by one to roll on the Perils of the Warp table. This is nasty since the Psyker will be in range of the -3Ld bubble so that Perils test will be really hard.

Melee Weapons

  • Executioner Greatblade: S+1 AP2, Two-handed melee weapon.

Special Rules

  • Bane of Psykers: Gain Precision Shots and Precision Strikes and re-roll all failed to hit rolls against Psykers/Brotherhood of Psykers/Psychic Pilot units.
  • Psychic Abomination: Now this is the nasty one. All Psykers within 12" suffer -3Ld, do not add their Mastery Level to their WC pool, and can only harness Charges on 6s, and the unit cannot be targeted by any Psychic powers, period. In addition, all blessings and maledictions on a unit cease to be when they get within 12" of a model with this rule.

Unit Analysis

With 1 unit, this should not be too difficult.

  • Sisters of Silence Squad: Come with 3+ Armor, and the Fear and Fearless special rules. They're squishy at a mere T3 with 3+ and no invul (guess the emperor only favours sisters of battle in 41st millennium), but WS/BS4 and I5 means they beat Space Marines to the punch though be wary of prolonged combat as they will not like multiple turn combat when attrition sets in. Any of them can take Flamers for 2 points each or Greatblades for free, so that's good. Think of them as a squad of 5 really cheap Culexus Assassins, and scare off any players that rely on Psykers. Regardless of what you might think its not a good idea to send them hunting after enemy psykers, first sight of these things and the enemy will put every shot in putting them down. And unfortunately they can't handle the high volume shooting being thrown around these days like their brother Custodes. You will will simply have to be creative in getting them around the board to get in close for the kill, and again try to avoid getting bogged down in CC. Can have a squad of up to 10 girls.


  • Null-Maiden Task force: 1-3 units of Sisters of Silence. For every SoS unit after the first, the enemy player adds 1 less Warp Charge to his pool in the Psychic phase. That bonus is amazing against armies that rely on Psykers, and it is currently the only way to take SoS in a Battleforged force.