Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Solar Auxilia (30k)

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Behold, Solar Auxilia!!

The Imperial Army now takes to the field with the addition of the Solar Auxilia rules for the Horus Heresy.

The Solar Auxilia are a shooting army, relying on weight of fire to counter the Legiones Astartes and the Mechanicum.

Warlord Traits

1. Uncanny Survivor Eternal Warrior. Would be awesome on a Praetor but on a squishy human?

2. Shattering Bombardment Warlord can give a single Ordnance weapon within 6" Twin-Linked.

3. Bitter Blood Hated but only in challenges

4. Blind BarrageAt the start of the game you can give all friendly SA units the Shrouded USR, there is no reason not to use this.

5. Void Master Stubborn and give any unit joined Move Though Cover.

6. Siege Master Because Shatter Defenses and Digestive Denial were so great FW saw fit to re-re-use this decent Warlord Trait.

Unit Analysis


  • Legate Commander: -
  • Lord Marshall Ireton MaSade: -
  • Auxilia Tactical Command Section: -
  • Auxilia Tank Commander: -


  • Auxilia Medicae Detachment -
  • Auxilia Rapier Battery -
  • Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Squad -
  • Enginseer Auxilia -


  • Auxilia Infantry Tercio - Basic core of the army. Consists of three separate slots, with three possible choices for each.
    • Auxilia Lasrifle Section: -
    • Veletaris Storm Section: -
    • Auxilia Flamer Section: -

Dedicated Transports

  • Dracosan Armoured Transport -
  • Auxilia Arvus Lighter -

Fast Attack

  • Auxilia Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery -
  • Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squadron -
  • Auxilia Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter -
  • Auxilia Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter - A high speed fighter and cheaper alternative to the Thunderbolt for your Aerial needs.

Heavy Support

  • Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron -
  • Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery -
  • Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank -
  • Auxilia Malcador Infernus Special Weapons Tank
  • Auxilia Valdor Tank Hunter
  • 0-1 Cyclops Remote Demolitions Unit

Lords of War

  • Auxilia Baneblade: - Though outclassed by the Legion Fellblade, the Baneblade is still a nasty proposition to face. Sporting a Baneblade cannon, co-axial Autocannon, Demolisher Cannon, two Lascannons, three twin-linked heavy bolters, optional pintle mounts, AND optional Hunter-killer missile, it is a rolling fortress of death.
  • Auxilia Stormlord: -
  • Auxilia Shadowsword: - for hunting Titans and enemy Superheavies.
  • Auxilia Stormsword: Best at street fighting and siege warfare (and there was a lot of that in the Heresy), what it lacks in range is is made up for in firepower, and in 30k firepower is everything.
  • Auxilia Stormblade: - Taking the Shadowsword chassis and sticking the Plasma Cannon from a Titan on it. Allows for two firing modes: Rapid and Overload. Rapid gives you 2 shots at 72", S8 AP2 with a 7" Blast and Overload drops it down to 1 shot with 96" range S10 AP2 Apocalyptic Blast. So if you need to clear out a horde of non-super heavy tanks or massed Astartes at range, this'll be high on your list.
  • Auxilia Stormhammer: - Taking Dakka to a logical extreme, the Stormhammer is less a superheavy and more a rolling fortress bristling with guns.

Building Your Army

Army Tactics