Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Tau
Predictably, the scale-shrinking of Heralds of Ruin has radically changed how the Tau now run, as they can no longer be as reliant on their huge-ass battlesuits that can blow shit up. Rather, your options become very limited in that field, meaning that you'll have to find other means to get their firepower on the field. Of course, this means that you'll need to start hauling along the basic foot soldiers of the Empire. The loss of the Ethereals also means that you no longer have any way to bolster your men, and the lack of Fierblades means a lack of extra fire-support. Compensating for this means abusing cover like a bitch to avoid being splatted/cooked.
That aside, many of the tools available to the Tau are still present, for better or worse. Markerlights are still available in good quantities, though not quite as massive as before. The grand utility of the Crisis Suits are still incredibly useful. Broadsides can still total anything they witness.
- Supporting Fire: Since Tau no longer have this rule exclusively, they ought to grab a bit of a boost as early adopters. That bonus is that all models within 6" that have this rule can overwatch. It might be just as well anyway, as the only units lacking this are Kroot (who are passable in melee at least) and Vespids (Who can just jump out of the way anyways).
- Bonding Knife Ritual: A bit re-done, this allows for models to re-roll the Nerve Test for having a model die within 3" of them.
- Markerlights: After placing the first one, you can give d3 additional markerlights to any models within 3" of the first model. Problem is that you can only assign one markerlight to a model per markerlight shot. This pretty much results in the loss of super-simple Ignores Cover. It also means that if you want to hit someone with that Ignores Cover bull, you'll need another markerlight to hit.
- Wargear Drones: They run about the same as before, merging with the unit that bought them as a squad.
- In a campaign, any drones that get blown up while attached to a model can't give away VP or EXP (as they aren't even counted in the FOC), and since they're Non-Learning, they'll never gain Battle Honours, instead letting the owner get it all as if he wasn't in any squad. If they do die, the drones can never be recovered and must be bought again as upgrades.
Leaders Only
- Multi-Targeting Array: Essentially allows you to Split Fire with each of a model's weapons. Not such a big deal with TL Crisis weapons, but doing it as bare doubles definitely can.
- Kodachi: A Power Sword for any leader. At least it's better than nothing, and if you unfocus your eyes, you can pretend you're bringing out a rookie Farsight.
- Command Node: Boosts IP from 6" to 12". Areasonable take, as Leadership is slightly shaky for Tau.
- Extended Drone Controller: All friendly Gun/Marker Drones within 12" can use a Leader's BS. It's probably usable for some markerlight shenanigans, but it's otherwise pretty naff without those lights.
Battlesuit Only
- Shield Generator: Really expensive, but a 4++ is a really nice save for a battlesuit to take.
- Stimulant Injector: The other big take for survivable battlesuits. In this case, FNP. Probably the better take, as it's usable at any time, even on armor-ignoring blows.
- Counterfire Defense System: Now overwatch at BS2. Decent with certain setups, but otherwise something that's really only used if you want the statistical boost.
- Early Warning Override: This will make you the bane of all Terminators everywhere (and maybe Blood Angels). The moment they deep-strike, you get to shoot them full of plasma rifles.
- Positional Relay: Grants you some more reliable outflanking...which is pretty pointless as there's only one mission where you'll get Outflank. Otherwise, it'll end up biting you more than helping you.
- Vectored Retro-Thrusters: Fleet and Hit & Run are rules that can make a Battlesuit good at deploying wherever he wants. Issue is that at I2, you're going to be stuck more often than not. Enjoy Fleet though, you're now free to dart around like hell. Note that Broadsides cannot take this upgrade, as their guns are too big for jets to fit.
- Drone Controller: Grants Gun/marker/Sniper Drones within 6" the ability to use a battlesuits' BS. Really, the difference between this and the Extended version above is range (as the Extended is usable by any Leader) versus utility (This can work on Sniper Drones too, making them a little more of a useful tool). More often than not, they'll use the EDC unless they're saving up with the Crisis Shas'Vre.
- Advanced Targeting System: Precision Shots are prime hits. If ever there is a model that needs to die first, this cheap upgrade will make sure that they do.
- Stabilized Jet: A reliable way to make your second jump in Assault more reliable as it lets you roll 3d6 and pick the best distance.
- Low Weight Composite: Immunity to Strikedown is something of a big deal for Battlesuits, as it gives you the ability to keep on hopping around. Pair this up with the Retro-Thrusters so you can make the most of it as several melee weapons get Strikedown as well.
- Coolant Injectors: A new threat that arose from the changes of HoR is flamers. With the regularly crap Initiative of most Tau models means that they'll catch on fire easily. Adding this will negat it on the Battlesuits, which are probably the most valuable assets you have.
Kroot Shaper Only
- Master of the Hunt: Reveals hiding models within 12" of the Shaper and blocks infiltrators from getting within 24" of him. Really nice in keeping the enemy within a prime range to fire away, especially with snipers.]
- DNA Samples: This gives you some random boosts based on some recent prey.
- Jack shit. Nice Try.
- +1 Ld. Somehow Leadership is common of humanity.
- +1 I. Rather noce of the Eldar, as the bonus lets you hit on par with Marines now.
- 3+ Armor-WHAT?! Even more disturbing than this is that it's given by Nids. Suffice to say that this is the best thing to wish for.
- +1 S. Now you're as strong as a Space Marine. Pretty nice.
- +1 T. Thank the Orks for some good bonus defense.
- Blood of the Stalker: Gives Acute Senses, which is only useful if you get Outflank, so don't waste it on this in most instances.
- Specialist Hunter: A cheap way to grab Preferred Enemy for one codex.
Vespid Only
- Furious Strain: Grants Furious Charge. Pretty nice to add some sting to a charge and then leg it to sting again.