Blood Jaguars

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Blood Jaguars
Battle Cry none
Number ?
Founding M34
Successors of Flesh Tearers
Successor Chapters None
Chapter Master Xipet T'otec
Primarch Sanguinius
Homeworld Tenocit
Strength 400, not counting the Death Company
Specialty Terror Tactics
Allegiance Imperium
Colours Undecided

The Blood Jaguars are a chapter once again created from the Deathwatch Chapter creation table. The result was an Aztec-themed Flesh Tearers chapter. And it is glorious.


The Blood Jaguars are a chapter with a history of violence. One could in fact say that it is their geneseed itself that contributed to what they are today. Founded in M34, to specifically fight Orks, and parented by the infamous Flesh Tearers, they like their predecessor, suffer from the Black Rage at a higher rate than other Blood Angels successors. An attempt to correct this was made in their founding, but failed to prevent the Red Thirst and Black Rage from occurring at the same level as the rest of the Blood Angels successors. In fact, it may have made the Red Thirst even worse, if whispered rumors hold true.

Stranded by a warp storm from the rest of the Imperium for 2000 years, the Blood Jaguars emerged entirely divergent from the Codex. Gone were the Devestator squads, and in came chain bladed bolters, scout squads ripping apart Orks in frenzied close combat, and a Death Company whose acts of terror cause entire cities to commit suicide rather than face them. Suspected of Khornate worship on multiple occasions though never found tainted outside of Battle Brothers whom they kill themselves, the Blood Jaguars have a rocky relationship with the rest of the Adeptus Astartes and Inquisition. Despite this, the Chapter still seconds Brothers to the Deathwatch, though the eye of suspicion never leaves them.

The Blood Jaguars homeworld, Tenocit, is a jungled hive world, notorious for it's massive felinid predators, and large avian carnivores. Recruits are trained in the harsh jungles, expected to fight and kill predators with little more than stone knives they craft themselves and carry with them for the rest of their time with the chapter. Harsh survival and combat-trials are favoured over years of disciplined apprenticeship, to ensure that every Blood Jaguar will be able to adapt if separated from the group, as often happens in the dense jungles of Tenocit. A strong emphasis on self-sufficiency, coupled with relentless drills, forms an instinctive awareness of battlefield movements, momentum and finding weakness in the enemy lines. Indeed, particularly zealous Jaguars sometimes sacrifices themselves in displays of individual courage and bloodthirst, in order to saw terror in the hearts of opponents, creating panic and disorder where there previously were none.

Chapter Master Xipet T'otec is a figure of legend among the Blood Jaguars. One of the first generation of recruits from Tenocit, he quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the Chapter Master in M35. Soon after, a warp incursion on their homeworld occured, and the Blood Jaguars rose to meet it. T'otec faced a Daemon Prince of Khorne in hand to hand combat, and songs are still sung by the people of Tenocit of that day. Battered, broken, and skinned alive, T'otec emerged the victor, carving out the Princes heart with his stone knife and ripping it from his body before kicking the corpse off the top of the hab spire. Inturred in a dreadnaught soon after, he still is officially the Chapter Master of the Blood Jaguars, though he has not been awakened in two centuries.