Boarding Patrol Boxes
Boarding Patrol Boxes are kinda like Combat Patrol Boxes, but smaller and built around the Boarding Actions mode first introduced in Arks of Omen.
The boxes
Name | Contents | Savings (compared to the kits sold separately) | Deal? | Notes | Image |
Chaos Space Marines | Abaddon, 10 Chaos Space Marines, 20 Cultists | $$ | Good | GW saw all the tournament lists running Chaos Marines and figured that they might as well give us players the right units. Abaddon is your most powerful unit in the entire army and cultist blobs can ensure he can be protected long enough to devastate your opponent’s 500 point list. As for the marines, their kit is always good to have with the customization and free wargear options. They will always have better rules than your mere mortals, so use them wherever cultists can’t be bothered to. | |
Grey Knights | Castellan Crowe, 5 Terminators/Paladins, 10 Grey Knights | $$ | Good | Unironically nice. Outside of its main purpose, combining this set with the Combat Patrol makes a great starting point for Grey Knights. | |
Necron | 10 Warriors, 10 Lychguards/Triarch Praetorians, 3 Ophydian Destroyers | $$ | Good | Necron players, please give your opinions here. | |
Space Marines | 1 Captain in Gravis Armor, 10 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors | $$ | Good | Space Marine players, please give your opinions here. | |
Tyranids | 1 Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, 6 Tyranid Warriors | $$ | Good | Tyranid players, please give your opinions here. |