The Broo are the most common of the Chaotic monstrous races from the world of Glorantha. Children of the goddess Thed, when she was corrupted into the Goddess of Rape and became the mother of chaos, they followed her into damnation.
Broo are a race of beast-people, marked by the features of various animals (most iconically goats) but also invariably further warped with diseases and Chaos-born mutations, which just adds to their general hideousness.
Their most infamous power is that they have the ability to "rape anything". No, seriously. As children of Thed, Goddess of Rape, Broo have the power to impregnate anything they choose to stick their dick into; the reason they look like animals is because they usually fuck animals and the resultant Broo-spawn resemble their "mother". We don't know if the progenitors need to be female, but since there are accounts of Broo raping and impregnating rocks and trees, they can probably knock up male victims too. Goats are the "traditional" animals for Broo, but any sort of animal will suffice; sheep, cattle and pig-based Broo are the norm in Dragon Pass, for example. Predators are rarely targeted because they're more likely to kill the Broo as he tries to stick his dick in them.
Whether or not there are female Broo seems to depend partially on the sourcebook. Some assert that the Broo are all-male, as that furthers their need to be "children of rape". Others claim that there are female broo, though they tend to favor the Chaos Goddess Malia over Thed, because the latter hates them, and are rare (15% of the population, according to one claim). If there are female Broo, whether or not they can get in on the raping is unknown; fans have speculated that, due to the chaotic nature of the Broo and their spiritual connection to rape, female Broo may either instinctively know the spell that lets a birthing mother "share the pain" with the child's father and/or be able to directly impregnate the father himself, which would certainly explain why they're particularly ill-favored by the male Broo.
If these guys remind you of a particularly Slaaneshi flavor of Beastmen, there's a reason for that; Games Workshop created the Beastmen for Warhammer Fantasy to capitalize on the line of Broo models they had originally produced for RuneQuest, before that contract went tits-up. Ironically, the Beastmen are toned down in comparison to the Broo.