Burning Blades

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Crimson Lords
Battle Cry "Drink their Blood!"
Founding seventh Founding
Successors of Blood Angels
Successor Chapters None
Chapter Master Kario
Primarch Sanguinius
Homeworld Rulki
Strength Slightly over 1000
Specialty Close combat and Swords
Allegiance Imperium of Man
Colours Deep Crimson, Gold trims and Gold decorations

The Chapter

The Crimson Lords are from the tropical death-world Rulki. Rulki is slightly comparable to Catachan, minus the massive man-eating flora, instead having a larger, and slightly less aggressive, population of animals. Most of the people on the world have learned to live along-side the animals, and there is relatively few signs of war, conflict and rebellion on the planet. Every couple of years or so, unfortunately, the Orks, seeing the planet as an opportunistic planet to strip for resources, launch raids on the planet, only to be mostly over-run by the warrior-people. The Crimson Lords themselves do not have much pride in being a Space Marine, rather seeing their position as one of a sacrifice for the betterment of the galaxy. Since after their arrival, the Astartes have been teaching the local population about honour and sword fighting, and this has lead to almost every battle-brother in the Chapter able to wield a sword, at least, and the more skilled ones use two swords. The planet is often subjected to terrible rain-storms, and the vast seas in the planet can also cause tsunamis, some of which have swept away entire villages. As such, the Crimson Lords are reputed as being blood thirsty, and daring in their attempts to succeed. Mostly adopting the idea of 'act first, ask questions later' has leading to the chapter being rash and reckless in their decisions. They are also known for their innate desire for blood and a intense hatred of the cold. While their love of blood is nowhere near as fanatical as that of the Flesh Tearers, they can still take large amounts of punishments. Their hatred for the cold, and ice, however, has seen the Chapter falter in battle many times, as their devotion to their task of protecting the common people, and never backing down or surrendering, is stronger than their hate of the cold. During their free time, the Crimson Lords like to enjoy a wide variety of activities, including, but not limited to: -Painting artworks that praise the Emperor, sometimes depicting a victory over heretics and xenos -Forging masterwork swords -Practicing at the sparring rooms of firing range -Spending time with their fellow battle brothers at the hot saunas -Neatly and intricately decorating their armour and weapons They are quite obsessed with their armour and weapons, and as such, decorate the weapon, sing litanies of praise both to the Omnissiah and the Emprah, and they possess very many relics and suits of artificer armour as a result. In fact, most of the Veterans have earned the nick-name of 'Shinies' amongst fresh neophytes, for their armour gleams from so many decorations.