- "To assume the shape of the accursed and deliver death from the purity within you - that is to be Callidus."
- --Dictatus Callidus
Shape shifting assassins from the Callidus temple of the Officio Assassinorum. They are masters of infiltrating and disguise, thanks to a drug called polymorphine, which, for some reason, works on women much more than men. They also epicfail when try to kill certain governor lord of the Gothic sector what is in fact The Deceiver, who is too fucking lazy for go or even call to the local fast food restaurant.

Second Time was Curiosity
The first time, it was a mission - handed down from the highest levels of the Officio Assassinorum, cleared in every instance, and signed and sealed in triplicate. "Pretend to be the Emperor himself. Seduce the farseer named Macha, and then reveal your identity. Kill no-one."
A simple enough task, and work as usual. Easily accomplished. But even a hardened assassin has heart-strings, and somehow, the crying face of the xeno witch managed to give them a slight... tug.
The second time was curiosity. Would it feel as good, if repeated? It was not a mission, there were no orders, but even so, it was accomplished quickly and professionally. A cute pizza delivery boy, that time. And yes, it _was_ the same! That feeling! From then, it moved to become a habit, then closer to an obsession. Watch the target at every turn. Foil her every attempt at escaping from the woven web - and let no-one else get close. Every time, it was a little easier, and every time, it felt... even better! The rush of the hunt, of deception, but without the murder, without the blood and the inevitable extraction - instead, wonderful sex, and the rush of seeing resistance slowly, - or did she imagine it? - slowly, turning into despair... and, perhaps, in the future, acceptance?
She, who had no name to call her own, nothing but an order and a call-sign, had finally found the love of her life.
Typical Behavior of said Callidus
"Mfh... ...e..h? Oh, morning already... wait. What's that rubbing against my... oh. You again."
(hard breathing)
"Look, I wish you'd sto--- ah! No! N-not there!"
(muffled hard breathing)
"Ah, I-- I'm not i-i-nterested in wooOOmen in t-the first place, s-so just stop doing t-this!"
(more muffled sounds, accompanied by something that might be described as a repeated... "schlick" of a sound.)
"...aaaAAh, j-just... no, I'm..."
(The sounds and the frequently interrupted protests, continue for a time, growing more fervent and more subdued, respectively, until they cease, with a creaking of the bed marking a climax of sorts.)
"You... it's hopeless. How am I ever going to find someone when you keep...?"
"Don't look at me like that! And answer me! Why do you never speak when you look like yourself?"
"...well fine. I'll go get myself cleaned up, and you... well, do you want some breakfast before you go?"
The nameless assassin shakes her head - that would be getting too close. Too unprofessional. It's not work, but... even so. It would feel wrong. By the time Macha returns from the shower, the Callidus assassin who shared her bed yet again is long gone. As usual.
Callidus loves playing pretend.