Centurion Squad

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At least it looks better than the Dreadknight

Hey, you! Tired of just one Heavy Bolter? Wish to crush your foes with their own armour? Want to wear armour while you wear armour? Crave GIANT FUCKING DRILLS? Then the new Centurion Warsuit is for you!

A Centurion Squad is a new type of Space Marines Squad available with the release of 6th edition. A Centurion is a warsuit whose STC printout was discovered after the Age of Apostasy. After getting the "not heresy" stamp from the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium of Man began supplying Space Marine Chapters with the suits, who dubbed them "Centurion" after the former officers of the Legiones Astartes. The Centurion is a specialist piece of equipment used for sieges or line-breaking. Despite not interfacing with the Space Marines Black Carapace, it gives the Marine durability that is rivaled by that of a Dreadnought, without the requirement of losing their spine and three out of four limbs in a heroic, but probably avoidable last stand. Instead of recruiting out of the Chapter's First Company Veterans, Centurion pilots are recruited from the Assault or Devastator Squads, as Centurions are only useful in specific roles of Assault and heavy weapons, and their pilots need to be immersed in a specific type of warfare.

While you won't be blamed for calling them "Reasonable Dreadnaughts", it should be noted that their current status makes them inferior to true dreadnaughts in both loadout and points price DUE TO LACK OF HEROIC SACRIFICE.

They are also commonly referred to as "Space Marine inside a Space Marine" or "baby Dreadknights" by fa/tg/uys. Sometimes "tubinators" by less fatguys.

Why they suck

All jokes aside these things suck. Their kit and stats seems good on the surface however in practice glaring weaknesses arise.


  • S5 T5 W2 and 2+ each!
  • Slow and Purposeful, they can move, shoot, and assault!
  • They can each fire two weapons!


  • No invuln save. Plasma will vaporize them.
  • Dev-Cens only have 1A except for the sarge and don't have power weapons meaning ANYTHING can tarpit them.
  • They cant run, overwatch, or sweeping advance
    • Ass-cens take forever to get into assault
    • If either squad is charged all those guns of theirs are useless.
    • If they win an assault the enemy will automatically get away.
  • They can only take Land Raiders as transports.
  • Both units cost 190 points for 3 guys, and 60 for extra models.
  • Dev-Cens dont do anything that a regular devy squad cant, just with lots of twin-linked weapons and the option for grav-cannons.

Centurions were supposed to be the Riptide/Wraith Knight of the new codex, a big awesome new unit with cool rules. However they just don't fill any gaps in the marine army that weren't already filled, other then giving them a squad of 2W models. And it's not like Space Marines lack durability anyway.

TL;DR They're about as useful as the DA's Nephilim Jetfighter, costing too much for a job they can't do particularly well. Chances are GW is going to see no is using or(more importantly to them) buying them and give them some boosts in an FAQ to boosts sales.

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