Centurion Squad

Hey, you! Tired of just one Heavy Bolter? Wish to crush your foes with their own armour? Crave GIANT FUCKING DRILLS? Then the new Centurion Warsuit is for you!
A Centurion Squad is a new type of Space Marines Squad available with the release of 6th edition. A Centurion is a warsuit whose STC printout was discovered after the Age of Apostasy. After getting the "not heresy" stamp from the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium of Man began supplying Space Marine Chapters with the suits, who dubbed them "Centurion" after the former officers of the Legiones Astartes. The Centurion is a specialist piece of equipment used for sieges or line-breaking. Despite not interfacing with the Space Marines Black Carapace, it gives the Marine durability that is rivaled by that of a Dreadnought, without the requirement of losing their spine and three out of four limbs in a heroic, but probably avoidable last stand. Instead of recruiting out of the Chapter's First Company Veterans, Centurion pilots are recruited from the Assault or Devastator Squads, as Centurions are only useful in specific roles of Assault and heavy weapons, and their pilots need to be immersed in a specific type of warfare (so why don't they recruit from the vanguard veterans?)
While you won't be blam'd for calling them "Reasonable Dreadnoughts", it should be noted that their current status makes them inferior to true Dreadnoughts in both loadout and points price DUE TO THE LACK OF HEROIC SACRIFICES.
They are also commonly referred to as "Space Marine inside a Space Marine" or "baby Dreadknights" by fa/tg/uys. Sometimes "tubinators" by less fatguys or "Matryoshka Marines" by those who like to pretend they have class russians.
So how are they on the table? Well its complicated. You see the squads have a lot of power but comes with drawbacks that your not used to seeing in marine armies. Both squads are very durable with T5 W2 and 2+ saves, have a wide selection of mostly twin-linked weapons, and can move, and fire both in the same turn and still assault thanks to Slow and Purposeful.
Dev-Cens wreck armor with access to lascannons, and missile launchers, or pump out tons of bolt shots, or both if you mix and match. They're also the only unit that can take Grav-Cannons, which are the ultimate MEQ and TEQ killers. Ass-Cens meanwhile can wreck anything in assault with 2 S9 AP2 Armorbane(specialist weapons, not that that matters) attacks, at initiative. Along with twin-linked flamers, or meltas, with either hurricane bolters, or ironclad assault launchers.
On the other hand both squads are very expensive, clocking in at just under terminator cost before wargear. It costs a fortune to take a 5 man unit of either, the Dev-Cen especially, having to pay an extra 20 pts per if they're replacing their base heavy bolter. Now for the drawbacks. Slow and Purposeful keeps the squad from running, sweeping advancing, or overwatching, which with the exception of the restriction on sweeping advance are very foreign concepts to marine units.
In summary Centurions are marines cranked up to 11, but marines that don't fill any roles their army didn't already have covered by another, cheaper, unit. They have their uses but can be very situational. Dev-Cents are the ultimate TEQ deleters, if you get them close enough, and can also carve chunks out of strong-armored Monstrous Creatures. Ass-Cens, sadly, are useless.
A certain build called the Grav-Star has four to six of them with Grav-Cannons and hurricane Bolters paired with Tigurius rolling for Gates of Infinity and then whatever goodies he can get on other tables, then paired with whatever other HQs you feel like having (such as a beatstick build a chaptermaster and/or some psykers for more buffs) that can then be further paired with a Tau Buffmander. This can become very expensive (nearing 1000 points for a six cent build with all the bells and whistles!), but has the durability and firepower to devastate just about anything it meets while weathering the storm itself.
Mathammer Minute
As you can see Las-Missile Devastaror Centurions are inferior to Devastators at dealing with armour, while being more expencive.
HB-Hurricane Devastator Centurions are inferior to both HB Devs and rapid-firing Sternguards, although Grav+Missile Centurions are better than anything else against 2+ and 3+ save targets.
External Links
Devastator Centurions
Assault Centurions
The Emperor's finest.