Changeling: The Dreaming

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Some typical Changeling characters, I think.

Also known as Otherkin: The Glamourbombing. Take a fucking guess why? I'll give you a hint: Motherfucking Elves.

This game takes place in World of Darkness, so the fluff mentions Mages and you can use Vampires and other emo RPG shit in here.

Premise (Aka. Pretentious Metaplot)

Long time ago, fae/fairies/faggots were common, and shit like shoemaker elves and troll bridges were for real. Then the elves for some reason decided to get the fuck outta dodge (probably because pre-Technocracy Mages wanted to nerf magic in the world). So they packed up and left for the moon. Only, those other fae thingies that weren't elves got left behind for not being beautiful enough, so developed some prancing magic to protect themselves from the encroaching disbelief of the supernatural (Many of the mythical creatures were part of consensual reality, and as people realized that maybe there weren't dragons and unicorns, they started dying and/or leaving for Mythic Realms). Changelings did exist in the old days as babystealing pricks, only now they went for reincarnating themselves in mortal bodies (displacing the human souls in the process too).

Centuries later, the astronomy division of the Technocracy figure "hey, every time we go to the moon, elves fuck our shit up, let's get the sheeple to believe the Moon is just a rockball orbiting the Earth, and then their collective faith will make it so, and we can finally build moon bases there." So they organize the Apollo missions, and make sure that everybody's watching when they land and there's no green cheese and no little green men (little green elves, get it?), just vaccuum, dust, and outer-space desert wasteland.

Well, the astronomy division fucked up hugely -- the biggest fuck-up that doesn't involve destroying the Earth. Everyone watching saw the Moon, and yup, it's dead, it's empty... but everyone also though "holy shit, we made it to the Moon! The motherfucking Moon! If we can do that... why, we could do ANYTHING!" When millions of sheeple are watching teevee and all hoping and believing the same thing, well, how can Paradox not cause something to happen? So, the elves got evicted from the Moon, the sheeple watching teevee short-circuited the eviction and the elves got a first-class ticket and a red-carpet invitation to return to Earth...

Except not really...basically every changeling that wasn't an elf said "Screw it, we've gotten used to being free of you all." So the Elves did some stupid magic war thing, involving mass battles on horseback, epic battlefields, and fell magics (Note: This all basically amounts to one giant larp where some people are throwing beanbags, while yelling "LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!"), then the elves rule everything once again. As an overture to the commoners, some get titles (seldom with holdings to go with them).

However, not everyone is pleased. High King David is the supposed "Nice Guy" of the Sidhe, and tries for constitutional monarchy. However, things go to hell in a handbasket, the king disappears, and around the same time as the Week of Nightmares, Arcadia opens again, bringing more elf nobles into the world, as well as extradimensional true fae. Too many goddamn elves; naturally, the commoner got sick of this shit and decide to go on an elf-killing spree. It's wartime again, lock and load!

Reality vs. Chimera

Changelings are otherkin. So they view the world through the lens of a crazy person. Think Don Quixote and you're not far off. So they roam land of giants, dragons, and other bizarre fantasies, as these items become "reality" to them. Anyone not enchanted (read: mind-raped), who saw these Changelings would see a riot of mismatched children, teenagers and the odd adult playing some elaborate game of pretend.

Chimera are literally dreams given semi-physical form. Every abandoned imaginary friend, every invention that never got proper funding, every folk tale, fairy tale, or the fevered nightmares of Abdul Alhazared the Mad Arab, literally become dream-matter that Changelings interact with. Chimera can either exist by themselves (in the case of imaginary friends, etc), or be overlaid on top of a pre-existing item (Mortals see a pen. Changelings see a Sword). These chimera can only interact with changelings, or those who are enchanted, doing what is called "Chimerical" (otherkin) damage; so a changeling assaulted by a chimerical dragon, would to mortals look like a nutcase having a seizure/coma. Additionally, many Chimerical abilities simply do not work around mortals (So flying on a chimerical broom is a dumb idea, needless to say...SPLAT!)

There are ways to get around this. One can enchant humans so they view Chimera as changelings do, (right down to taking Chimerical Damage; fun times are had by offering a vampire Elder your blood, putting it in a coma, then dragging it out into sunlight). Alternatively, a Changeling could call on the Wyrd, temporarily showing their otherkin form in real life, or using a chimerical weapon in real life ("They laughed at Tesla's death ray...who'se laughing now?!!?"). However, chimerical damage becomes real damage in turn, so the said chimerical dragon would actually kill a Wyrd'd Changeling for good. Some potent chimera can invoke the Wyrd themselves, or enchant mortals, (and some, like Will-o-the-wisps, are dickishly fond of doing so).


There are good elves (Seelie, or Summer), and bad elves (Unseelie, or Winter). The Unseelie elves aren't really so bad, just ruthless. It's kinda like Democrats and Republicans -- really the same thing, but call one of them the other and they'll punch your lights out. Then there's the REALLY bad elves, the Shadow Court, which is a secret conspiracy to... I dunno, since all they can really do is beat each other up and maybe make nightmares for the Mundanes, or harass Werewolves and Mages until one of those powerhouses decide to really bitchslap the sparkly little faggots. The Shadow Court are not your friends.


Just like Werewolf tribes, Mage traditions and Vampire families, there's many kiths/kinds of elves so you can be different from other players without having to come up with your own ideas; in addition to powers, all the different kiths tend to have their own personality written on them (Heaven forbid you play a lock-n-load Boggan or a vegan Redcap). It's like all these games are imitations of each other, or written by the same guys.

  • Boggans: from the "Shoemaker and the Elves" tale, busybodies.
  • Eshu: nigger elves from African stories, the gypsies and storytellers. Can learn Talecrafting.
  • Nockers: Techno-Jews. Violent, subterranean gnomes/dwarves, with superior tech, a hatred of Elves, banality resistance, and the ability to fix technology by swearing at it. Fond of Steampunk and the Sons of Ether.
  • Pooka: the furries of Changelings, comedians. Tend to shapechange into "cute" critters like cats, though nothing prevents one from playing one who could shapechange into an elephant. Nockers tend to *really* hate Pookas as a result.
  • Redcaps: violent little bastards that leave bite-marks on everything. Can and will eat everything. Think Orks dedicated to Khorne. Their splat was written by Richard Dansky (writer of Wraith: The Oblivion), so it has some fun stuff in it (The meatgrinder, a giant machine which could turn anything thrown in it, into sausage. Pass the elf-meat around).
  • Sihde: Arrogant upper-class Tolkien elves, arrived with the Moon landings and figure they're more "pure" because they didn't have to hide inside human children as long. (A Sihde version of the KKK would be hilarious; someone fund it. EDIT: Actually, there is one in the fluff. The Sihde outnumber everyone else in France, go figure, and make it a point to enslave and hunt down commoners.)
  • Sluagh: Things that go "bump," in the night, the emo gothfags of elves.
  • Trolls: Oversized blue walls of muscle, they're the Lawful Stupid elves.

There's other kith of elves in the splatbooks, it's like a rule of fantasy games to have too fucking many elves. Among them include:

  • WAYY too many variants on the original Kith. (River Hag redcaps, Oba Eshu, Bean-Sidhe, etc, etc).
  • Thallain, which are DOUBLE-UNSEELIE versions of other kith. Bogarts were evil accountant versions of Boggans, Aithu were thieving gypsy/nigger versions of Eshu, Goblins were Warcraft Goblin vesions of Nockers, Beasties were Pooka that could turn into Cthulhu, Bogarts were silent murderer Sluagh, and Ogres were giant stupid evil Trolls. (and took intelligence penalties to boot).
  • Nunnehi, which were injun versions of the Kith. Got Glamour (which they called "Medicine") from harvesting the land.
  • Inanimae: Elementals.
  • Hsein: Azns; consisted of spirits which would gank a person's body just as the soul left (aka "Near-death" experiences). Had animal-form commoners, and elemental rulers. One such animal kith, consisted of busty catgirls called Nyan. (Nyaaa~)

Glamour, Greymayre, and Magics

Changelings use "glamour" as their fuel source (hence glamourbombing). They can get this from harvesting dreams from humans, either by inspiring humans to dream (Acting as muses for artists, providing constructive criticism for game designers, etc) or by crushing and absorbing their dreams (Burning a child's drawing of a house in front of said house). Additionally, there is "Dross" which is basically Tass; be it Faerie Mushrooms, mana crystals, etc, or be it items with artistic significance (The original copy of "A Midsummer's Night Dream, as an example), by consuming these items, one can use them in place of Glamour for casting stuff.

Glamour can be used for creating magic items, invoking kith powers (For example, if a Redcap wanted to eat an engine block, it would need to spend Glamour), or to use many of the changeling powers (be it transforming into battlemode, or enchanting a mortal), or for casting Cantrips.

Cantrips are the Changeling equivalent of Disciplines or Spheres...however, many of the effects are more "open-ended" in general. A Changeling has both Arts ("What effects can be done?"), and Realms ("What can an Art Affect"); however, this generally means that it will take awhile before Changelings can produce really useful direct-attack spells. (As "Enemy" requires maxed out dots in the Actor Realm, so baleful polymorph would take awhile to learn...).

To cast a Cantrip, one determines the Art to use, (For example, "I want my parachute to have an updraft" would be the Jump ability, under Wayfae), then the realms appopriate to what is being affected (A parachute is an item with moving parts, so Prop 3). If one can use multiple Realms to affect a target, then they can lower the casting difficulty. (For example, using the Gimmix ability to telekinetically throw a knife towards an enemy. If you have Actor 5 and Prop 3, you can lower the difficulty by 1). Additionally, two metamagic realms let one put delays on a cantrip, or increase area effect (So if one wanted to throw multiple blades, one could add the Scene realm on top of other realms.)

Then your character has to do something thematically appropriate to the power in question; Normally, the more time this "Bunk" takes, the lower the casting difficulty, but real clever Bunks can add a bigger bonus, so it's up to the players to improvise (And in fact, using the same bunk repeatedly can give the GM an excuse to raise the difficulty). For example, attempting to scry the future could involve meditating on a crystal ball, reading the entrails of a sacrificial animal (Or elf princess), or tuning a television to ultra-ultra high frequency while wearing a tinfoil hat. However, many of the core examples are very silly; we're talking stuff like throwing pixie-dust and holly leaves, eating cotton candy, or using tinkerbell wands. A lot of troupes will have a deck of cards with silly dares written on them. This junk goes over really well when LARPing but fuck that shit; we're fa/tg/uys, so lets have some dignity.

An additional power that Changelings have is Greymare, the ability to study Glamour and the Dreaming, and to use it to develop new Arts, to mutate existing Arts, to use countermagic, or design/enforce Oaths. However, they never created mechanical rules for oathcrafting, so it would make more sense to adapt the rules either from Changeling: The Lost, or Dark Ages: Fae.

Of Banality, Bedlam, and Balance

Banality is to Changelings what Paradox is to Mages and Humanity loss is to Vampires. The game does a pretty lousy job explaining it, but it consists of having too normal a life. A better way to envision it is like Clarity in Lost, except that most Changelings fear getting it too high due to the corresponding loss of power.

However, having too *low* a banality rating is also a bad thing. For one thing, it makes it easier to affect you with hostile magic (And one can actually opt to gain banality points to do counterspells), and if Banality gets too low, you gradually start going insane, become a True Fae, and must depart the world.

There are ways around gaining excess Banality, however. One can spend Glamour to lower Banality, which is the simplest way. A more "fun" (in the [Dwarf Fortress]] Sense) way to lower Banality is to convert Temporary Banality to Nightmare Dice; basically whenever casting Cantrips, you substitute some caster dice for Nightmare Dice, and should they roll 1s, you get side effects similar to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay miscasts (Be it turning milk sour, causing all grass around you to die, your cantrip to reverse itself, or summoning demons to your location); Nightmare Dice become normal dice once set off. To lower permanent banality involves making a "mundane" able to dream again. Examples can include The Angel from "It's a Wonderful Life" convincing George Bailey not to jump, or Tyler Durden taking the convenience store clerk outside back and threatening to shoot him if he doesn't treat life with more reverence.

Eventually, though, even the Changelings get more worn down, and grumpy, and doubtful, and succumb to growing up. Few Changelings are able to hold on to their innocence and open-mindedness past their early twenties, and eventually turn Mundane. For them, it's getting on with their lives, growing up, getting serious about life, but they close the door on their fae natures and deny it was anything more than fantasy if they remember it at all. For their friends who can still live the dream, it's another lost friend to Banality.

Shortcomings of Changeling

Loads of splats. Wayyy too many.