Changeling Homebrew Contracts

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Court Contracts

Contracts of Fleeting Equinox

● Read the Current

This clause reveals a person's expectations of the future from the currents of their mind.

Prerequisites: none

Cost: 1 Glamour

Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd vs. the subject's Composure + Wyrd

Action: contested

Catch: The subject is expecting to receive something from the character.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: the changeling receives a false impression, becoming convinced the subject expects something they do not.

Failure: The character cannot discern the subject's expectations.

Success: The character learns one of the subject's expectations.

Exceptional Success: The character is able to discern a greater amount of detail of the subject's expectations or other expectations at the same level.

Stituational Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+1       The character has a pledge with the target.
--       The character discerns the expectations on the forefront of the target's mind
-1       The character learns an expectation not currently concerning the subject
-1       The character learns an expectation of the immediate future concerning something specific
-2       The character learns an expectation of the far future
-2       The character discovers an expectation the subject recognizes but generally keeps hidden
-3       The character finds an expectation the subject hides even from themselves.

●● Faerie Fixation

The human mind wavers from thought to thought, but with the clause the character may fixate their attention on a specific target or task.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Equinox) 1 or Court Goodwill (Equinox) 3

Cost: 2 Glamour; add 1 Willpower for a supernatural subject.

Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Mantle (Equinox) – subject's Composure.

Action: Instant.

Catch: The character is using the clause to make the subject fixate on what they are supposed to be doing.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The clause backfires and the character herself becomes the target.

Failure: The subject's attention does not focus as the character desires.

Success: The subject becomes fixated as the character desires. The change lasts for one day per success rolled, though natural interaction may be able to prolong the desire beyond the point where the supernatural effect ends.

Exceptional Success: The subject gains a temporary derangement of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with regard to the task/thing the character specified for a day.

Situational Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+1       The character is using the clause to help the subject focus on something they want to or are agreeable to.
+1       The character helps the subject to focus their attention by verbally guiding them through what they need to do.
--       The character is changing the subject's focus to something natural to them.
-1       The character is changing the subject's focus moderately (e.g., focusing on playing video games to focusing on getting their homework done).
-1       The character is changing the subject's focus to something they are only slightly familiar with.
-2       The character is changing the focus significantly.
-3       The character is changing the focus to something that the subject is unfamiliar with.
-4       The character is changing the focus to something that is wholly outside of the subject's character.

●●● Subtle Machinations

People spin great webs of plans for the future in the depths of their mind, a recipe for the future; this clause divulges that information to the changeling.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Equinox) 2 or Court Goodwill (Equinox) 4

Cost: 2, add 1 Willpower if the subject is not physically present.

Dice Pool: Int + Investigation + Mantle (Equinox)

Action: Extended, 1 roll represents 10 minutes of pondering (Limited by Wyrd).

Catch: The character has read something of the subject's that was intended for no one's eyes but their own.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character gets wildly incorrect information and believes it.

Failure: The character discerns nothing.

Success: The character discerns 1 element of the plan per success. Note this will not tell the character what the plan's end goal is.

Exceptional Success: An exceptional success is its own reward here, but in addition it will also tell the character how many specific elements are in the plan in total.

Suggested Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+4       The character asks the subject questions with no attempt to disguise their intentions.
+3       The character discerns an exceedingly mundane plan or a plan the subject is open with sharing (e.g., whats for dinner).
+2       The character asks the subject using loaded questions.
+1       The character knows the subject's real name.
+1       The character discerns a plan that has few general elements or/and is immediate.
--       The character only discerns  generalities of the plan.
--       The character discerns a plan with a timetable of up to a week.
--       The clause is used with the subject physically present.
-1       The character discerns specific elements of the plan.
-1       The character does not know the subject.
-1       The character discerns a plan that has a timescale on the order of months.
-2       The character discerns a plan on the timescale of seasons.
-3       The character discerns detailed specific of the plan
-3       The character uses this clause and the subject is not physically present but is able to communicate with them.
-4       The character discerns a plan that spans years.
-5       The character uses this clause with only collected clues on the subject.
-5       The character discerns a xanatos gambit.
-10      The character discerns a xanatos roulette.

●●●● Tomorrow Today

The changeling may better prepare for the future.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Equinox) 3 or Court Goodwill (Equinox) 5

Cost: 2 Glamour, 1 Willpower

Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Mantle (Equinox)

Action: Instant.

Catch: No one involved may know what the details of the plan aside from the character herself.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The clause backfires; the next setup or anticipation roll has a -5 penalty to it.

Failure: The character gains no benefit.

Success: The character may add the number of successes gained toward their next anticipation or setup roll.

Exceptional Success: An exceptional success allows the character to benefit from the 9-again rule in addition to the added dice on their anticipation or setup rolls.

Situational Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+2       The character has extensively researched what they are planning.
--       The character is aware of what they are getting into ahead of time.
-2       The roll is made without planning ahead.
-3       The character has absolutely no idea what they are getting into.

●●●●● Here and Now

The changeling makes a target come to a decision here and now without thinking ahead.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Equinox) 4

Cost: 3 Glamour, 1 Willpower

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Persuasion + Mantle (Equinox) vs. subject's Composure + Wyrd

Action: Contested.

Catch: The subject is in a life-or-death situation and is hesitant to make a decision.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The clause backfires and affects the character instead.

Failure: The character makes no headway.

Success: The subject comes to a decision without regard for future consequences.

Exceptional Success: The clause persists for the scene.

Situational Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+1       The subject trusts the character
--       The subject is on decent terms with the character
-1       The subject is unfamiliar with the character.
-2       The subject has never met the character before.
-3       The subject hates the character.

Contracts of Fleeting Midnight

● Tremors of the Wavering Heart

The character senses the greatest source of doubt near them.

Prerequisites: none

Cost: 1 Glamour

Dice Pool: Composure + Wyrd

Action: Instant

Catch: The character is clear of their doubts.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character becomes overcome with doubt and they pinpoint themselves.

Failure: The character cannot locate doubt in their vicinity.

Success: The character becomes aware of the single greatest concentration of doubt (in any form) within a mile radius. She knows the general direction and the approximate distance.

Exceptional Success: The character remains able to sense the greatest concentration of doubt till the next midnight.

●● Pierce the Clouded Mind



Dice Pool:



Roll Results

Dramatic Failure:



Exceptional Success:

●●● Light in the Dark



Dice Pool:



Roll Results

Dramatic Failure:



Exceptional Success:

●●●● Seed of Doubt



Dice Pool:



Roll Results

Dramatic Failure:



Exceptional Success:

●●●●● Face of the Nemesis



Dice Pool:



Roll Results

Dramatic Failure:



Exceptional Success:

Contracts of Fleeting Noon

● Spy of the Guilty Conscious

●● Decadence Denied

●●● Armor of Righteousness

●●●● Second Thoughts

●●●●● Chain of Guilt

General Contracts

Contracts of Consumption

● Stone Soup

●● Maw of the Devourer

●●● Hunger Pains

●●●● Smorgasbord

●●●●● You Are What You Eat

Contracts of Predation

Goblin Contracts