Chaos Space Marines

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A bunch of eeevvviiilll sickfucks covered in horns, stupid markings and tattoos. If you are a fucktard they are Space Marines who worship Chaos... dumbass. Chaos Marines are a bunch of dicks.


Basically SPESS MEHREENS who, for whatever non-reason, decided they were too cool and edgy for the Imperium of Man, so they redirected their homolust for the Emprah to something a Chaos god. During the height of the Horus Heresy, they went all evil and did a lot of nasty on their former comrades until they were forced to retreat to the Eye of Terror due to Smurfs. Who were not on the other side of the galaxy when this occurs., disregard that, the Smurfs didn't even participate in the defense of Terra.

Naturally, they fight just like Space Marines, except on the average, stronger, more experienced and older, given that the majority stood with their Primarchs during the Great Crusade. They keep using shit they were equipped with prior to the Horus Heresy such as bolters and the ever useful Space Marine plot armor, which would explain why they haven't fist fucked each other to death before reaching the Eye of Terror or why they would follow the lead of a particular Saturday morning cartoon villain. Chaos Marines are also commonly known to compensate their aging weapons (which didn't really age much considering how fucktarded Imperium tech support is) by using demon magic, giving themselves penis fingers for that extra edge in combat. (Daemon steroids for Khorne's followers, for example )

They're the oldest fogies in the setting, barring the homosexual faggots and the Emo Tomb King expys. Because of this, they irritably refer to the Loyalists as "Pups", "An army of Children" and "Those FUCKING whippersnappers." Frequently mocking their methods of Warfare as un-manly, and shouting such phrases as "THIS IS HOW WE DID IT MY DAY!!".

The Traitor Legions

When the Horus Heresy struck, nine of the original twenty legions turned against the Emprah and most of them devoted themselves to a particular Chaos God or devoted themselves to Chaos itself. The list of the 9 legions:


<gallery> File:1227181112539.jpg|The Typical Chaos Space Marine File:1174923365695wq1vj1.png|The dreaded Night Lords preparing an ambush File:Emperor s Children by megalaros.jpg