Abyssal Jaws

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The current proposed colour scheme of the chapter.

The Abyssal Jaws (formerly known as the Abyssal Angels) Chapter is another example of what happens when a fa/tg/uy with the Chapter Creation tables from Rites of Battle calls for people to roll the dice. The result is a Blood Angels successor chapter composed of blood thirsty crazies that have an obsession with collecting bits of their enemies as trophies, while they ride on giant piranhas.

Founded in the 33rd Millenium when a lone Administratum clerk found a fragment of the text "Call of Cth-", the High Lords were notified and geneseed of the Blood Angels began being stockpiled for the founding of the Abyssal Jaws. Since its founding the Chapter has made itself known for its vicious tenacity in close range combat and specilation in aquatic enviroments as well as its open disregard for the Codex with its numbers being several times over the stipulated 1,000.

Crunchy bits

Chapter History
33rd Millennium Founding
Chapter Progenitor
Blood Angels
Chapter Purpose
Strategic Prognostication
Stat Bonuses
+5 Strength, +5 Perception
Gene-Seed Purity
Chapter Flaw
Pride in the Colors
Figure of Legend
Chief Librarian
Deeds of Legend
Chief Librarian lost in the Warp
Number of Worlds
Homeworld Type
Hive and Unihabited
Homeworld Terrain
Ocean (hive world, Maresia) and Temperate (unihabited swampy death world, Noxyssus)
Homeworld Relationship
Codex Organization
Combat Doctrine
Close Combat
Solo Mode Ability
Pick 2 skills, rank 1 reroll failed tests. Rank 4, add 10 to them. Rank 8, add degree of success.
Squad Attack
Tactical Finesse
Squad Defense
Knowledge is Power
Special Equipment
Beastial Companion (Alligator-Piranha sea monster)
Death Cult
Current Status
Over Strength
Chapter Ally
Imperial Guard (Maresia Sea-Guard)
Chapter Enemy
some Chaos Space Marines warband/legion
Battle Cry
Advance Table
Behold Our Wrath


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