Chapter of the Forlorn Hope
The Maverick Marines are a half serious, half homebrew shitstorm of personal odd humor. Check out the Codex Maverick Marines for some 8th edition playable rules, the Adventures of Admiral Floppycock and Rouge Trader Skullsfuckington III, or adventures from the Deathwatch.
Maverick Marines | ||
Battle Cry | 'BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!' / 'For Humanity!' | |
Number | Unknown | |
Founding | Unknown | |
Successors of | Unknown | |
Successor Chapters | None | |
Chapter Master | The True Maverick (a.k.a. "Daddy") | |
Primarch | Unknown | |
Homeworld | None | |
Strength | Unknown (Suspected 1000+) | |
Specialty | Close combat and siege (officially) | |
Allegiance | Imperium | |
Colours | Varies throughout the Chapter |
The Chapter
The Maverick Marines are an odd chapter with an unknown founding. It is believed that they were from the cursed founding as a flaw within their gene-seed has been detected that causes the battle brothers of the chapter to degrade mentally over the years into little more than savages. The older marines are often compared to the mentality of the Orks. The chapter believes that everything that can be duel wielded can and should be from chain weapons to bolters to shields. They are an entirely void based chapter roaming between stars and systems carrying out the duties set before them by the Clan Maverick, the leading clan within the Chapter. Though these duties very greatly, the primary and most common of these is to seek out xenos technology where it is brought back to be reengineered and adapted into the Chapter’s armory. This is deemed widely and as blatant heresy if not for their close and nearly symbiotic relationship with the Rogue Trader Lord Bellend of the Bellend House. Do to the uniqueness of the sector and the eccentricity of the Bellend Household, many recruits are received from their worlds along with several regiments of Imperial Guard. This sector of space is a haven for those that seek to better themselves in science and the pursuit of knowledge to better the human race, provided that it is not too over the top even for the eccentric inhabitants.
As a practice, the Imperial forces supplied to the Chapter by the Bellend House, commissars and officers are chosen by the Space Marines to ensure the most loyal and trustworthy ones are chosen from among their ranks. This comes in part to their doctrine of disallowing the use of bolt pistol within their chapter. They are seen as the weapons of cowards and assholes being the favored weapon of many battlefield commissars used to inflict bloody public execution to “improve moral”. Coupled with this feeling, the Chapter holds belief that every citizen of the Imperium of Man is their own person and has value to their life – except commissars. However, it is not uncommon that commissars appointed by the Maverick Marines are seen upon the field. Specially chosen for truly restoring moral and inspiring their charges to greater feats of glory.
Chapter Structure
To the outside observer the Maverick Marines Chapter is broken down into standard companies as seen within the other Codex Astarties compliant Chapters. However, upon closer review and inspection the companies appear to diverge from the standard norm and break down further into Cults, Gangs, or Clans. What is even more troubling to the truly observant is that there is, in reality, little to no semblance of known order. The Chapter, with the exception of the higher ranking members, appear to be little more than a hoard or mob of techno crazed individuals looting, tinkering, reengineering, or constructing all manner of strange devices and weaponry. This gives the Maverick Marines the unique ability to field a host of weaponry never before seen by the Imperium of Man.
Clan Maverick
Within the Chapter, Clan Maverick are the leaders and heads of office within the Chapter's structure. The heads of office being the techmarines known as Chief Mavericks Librarians known as Weirds, Chaplains known as the Screaming Bitches, and Apothecaries called Suicidals or Suicide Docs. This clan also encompasses the 1st company known as the Aspirants; those that aspire to one day become Chief Mavericks or eventually one day the True Maverick. Each of the Aspirants dress in muscle etched armor and dark ashen-grey robes sporting pauldrons decorated in wings and other symbols of the Imperium but never of their Chapter. Odder still is their color scheme. When looked upon by the casual observer, they many times unable to come to terms with what they see; the armor shifting in color from greens to blues to silver dependent upon light and position from which they are viewed. What everyone can agree upon is the base color is a shining silver.
Weird Cult
Doctrines and Specialties
Officially, the Maverick Marines are a specialized in close combat and siege warfare in Imperial documents. However, an imbedded Inquisitor reported something far more sinister:
"During my time among the serfs of the Maverick Marines Chapter, I was perplexed at the odd natures and blatant heretical actions they committed in the name of mankind and the God-Emperor. Although many of the battle brothers are clearly insane, from what I cannot be sure of, it is my profound belief that the Chapter hides its true self behind the mask of its cursed founding gene seed. This 'curse', should one call it that, has been obvious since the Chapters creation. It does appear to have affected a majority of its number but equally not the others. Those that are unaffected form the bulwark of its fighting forces leaving those that bare the marks of the curse to their own devices and further still as cannon fodder upon the field of battle. I have witnessed first hand the true might of the Chapter. Entire companies of psykers have been deployed into battle but in the aftermath there is no trace they had been there at all. I have seen special operation forces of battle brothers darken their armor and weapons and seek out a target on the field of battle and rouge mission alike, and again there is no trace of these units when their deed is done. Where they do excel in close combat and siege warfare I cannot help but feel they are more diverse and cleaver than I previous believed. They must hold a secret close to their breast that could rip the Imperium asunder."
Unofficially, the Maverick Marines specialize in misdirection, subterfuge, and assassination in conjunction to their close combat prowess; utilizing their opponents strengths and turning them to weaknesses. They manage to keep their true numbers hidden from all but the most prying of eyes by using their afflicted brethren as viewing shields. Their hidden strength is comprised of specialized units of psykers and special operations forces that manage to go unnoticed or evade the ever curious eyes of the wider Imperium.
House Bellend
House Bellend has a symbiotic relationship with the Maverick Marines and supply them with recruits for their chapter and further Imperial support and supplies the Chapter desperately needs in order to continue their existence within the void. The Rouge Trader house is led by Lord Bellend II the Imperial Governor of Profanus Prime. His son Bellend III has the most interaction with the Chapter in their quest to trade and uncover lost technologies. Due to the similar objectives of the two the Chapter and crew of the Boner Erect are never far behind the other.
Often strained at best, the Mechanicum desires nothing less than the complete destruction of the Maverick Marines for their techno-heresy. As such, with the exception of the eccentric few Magos and Forgeworlds the Mechanicum at large refuses to join forces with these Space Marines and frequently come to blows.
Imperial Guard
The Maverick Marines have the utmost respect for the men and women of the Imperial Guard and place great value on each of their lives. However, they have a distinct hate and loathing of commissars not sanctioned by the battle brothers themselves. They believe these enforcers are assholes and loathsome beings for brutally and publicly executing members in their charge to 'improve moral'. Commissars under the watch of the Maverick Marines lead from the front and act as rallying points inspiring those under their charge forward to greater feats of bravery and glory. Due to their dislike of these individuals the Chapter refuses to utilizes bolt pistols as they are used only by assholes.
Inquisition/Grey Knights
Almost as despised by the Maverick Marines as the Chapter is despised by the Mechanicum. They are viewed by the Chapter as the greatest threat to humanity and its progress. Many members of the Inquisition and Grey Knights that have crossed their path have gone missing under mysterious and often suspicious circumstances.
Relations are tenuous at best even under the most dire of circumstances. With the exception of the few other outcast Space Marine Chapters the Maverick Marines must rely on themselves and support of the House of Bellend.
It is seen as a great honor and privilege to serve within the Deathwatch. The Maverick Marines supply a generous number of their forces to take the oath of the Long Watch. Most of those supplied are drawn from the 1st company or more specialized and stable battle brothers.
Exploits of the Maverick Marines
The Cumasutra Incident
Ol' One Eye, the techpriest accompanying the Rouge Trader Bellend III, uncovered the potential whereabouts of a long lost STC. Held in the clutches of a semi-technologically advanced warlike xenos race, the Rouge Trader inadvertently caused a war by insulting their leader when calling her an 'asshole prick' when she refused to relinquish possession of their prize. With the fleet away on another mission, the Boner Erect sent a distress call of the impending danger to their Rouge Trader and affirmation of uncovering of a STC. A nearby Maverick ship responded deploying a single gang of Thrashers armed with nothing but chain swords and an unquenchable thirst for battle. Two drop pods were deployed into the center of their main city. Accounts by the xenos say that upon their thunderous landing the pods reverberated with a roaring sound and rising pitch of "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII". As the ramps fell, giant battle hungry warriors charged into the streets finishing their cry "IIIIIIIIIIIIIICH". Though the xenos possessed rocket and projectile technology, their previously overly exaggerated threat level left the Thrashers underwhelmed and at a loss. Angered over the scratches to their newly painted armor they began to attack every structure within sight. So mentally devastating was this to the local populous that within hours the xenos surrendered the STC and the Thrasher Gang recalled. No casualties resulted from the conflict on either side. The gang vowed that upon returning to the fleet that someone was to receive a righteous boot up the ass for wasting their time to recover an STC for the manufacturing of sex robots.