Accursed Toys

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Accursed Toys is a system based around playing as animated toys. Some fa/tg/uys are trying to make it work in FUDGE at the moment. This page is for miscellaneous information about the system. Currently, all information on the game is contained here and here. [Image:Accursed_Toys.gif|thumb|right|The example party for the system]]



Fudge version

Suggested skill levels for character creation:

1 Great
3 Good
5 Fair
7 Mediocre

In combat, turn order is decided by Mobility, highest goes first. Each toy gets 2 actions per round. As 1 action, you can move or make a skill check.

As is standard for Fudge, to hit with an attack you roll an attack skill roll against their defense skill roll. Your Dexterity is added to your Attack roll, and the target's Mobility is added to their Defense roll.

To deal damage to a target once you hit, you roll Strength against their Durability. If they are Vulnerable to your attack, you get a +2 to this roll. If they are Resistant to this attack, you have a -2 to this roll. If they are immune to your attack, you never deal damage.

If you equal their Durability [Good vs. Good, for example] you deal a scratch.
If you beat them by 1 [Great vs. Good], you deal a Light Wound.
If you win by 2 [Superb vs. Good], you deal a Deep Wound.
If you win by 3 [Legendary vs. Good], you deal an Incapacitating wound.

The damage types are Crushing, Poking, Ripping, Water, and Fire. Most toys are immune to Water damage; exceptions will be noted.

Toys have 4 scratches, 2 Light wounds, 2 Deep wounds, and 1 Incapacitating wound. If you take a wound but already have all the wounds for that level, you take a wound of one level higher.

Normally, light wounds would give penalties to rolls, but toys do not feel pain. Deep wounds cause enough damage to give a -1 to any roll related to the injured body part, however. An Incapacitating wound is one that stops the toy from being able to move at all. If they take more damage than an Incapacitating wound, they die.

Repair skills: The target's Repairability attribute modifier is added to your Skill roll. To remove a scratch, you need to roll Good or better. To repair a Light wound, you need Great or better. To repair a Deep Wound, you need Superb or better. To repair an Incapacitating wound, you need to roll a Legendary or better.

How far you move in one action is based on Mobility:

Terrible: 3 inches
Poor: 6 inches
Mediocre: 9 inches
Fair: 12 inches
Good: 15 inches
Great: 18 inches
Superb: 24 inches

Repairing wounds depends on your Repairability level. In all cases, you need the appropriate materials for the repair.

Terrible: Over 3 hours, someone else can repair you of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Poor: Over an hour, someone else can repair you of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Mediocre: Over ten minutes, someone else can repair you of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Fair: Over a minute, someone else can repair you of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Good: Over half a minute, you can repair yourself of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Great: As 2 actions, you can repair yourself of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check.
Superb: As an action, you can repair yourself of 1 wound with an appropriate Repair skill check. If not destroyed, you can repair yourself using the materials that were injured.

Example Creatures

Example Characters

Clockwork Dragon

A spark-spewing machination of higher technological mastery than any of the others. Capable of filling its internal reservoir with liquids for storage -- most notably oil, which it can spew in a jet of concentrated flame, one of the strongest attacks any toy can muster, assuming flame damage works in the situation. He's not slow, but he's awkward, given his physique and construction, and may need assistance overcoming certain height-based obstacles. He's far and away the most resilient though, and thus makes for an excellent distraction or endurance fighter: he's completely immune to the elements, and takes a fraction of the damage from cutting, tearing, scratching, and smashing that the others would, due to his thick and shiny shell. His immunities also make him great for crossing obstacles like open flames, and for special battle tactics: he may not take down a rat with his slow arms, but he could grab one and drag it screeching into the fire with him.


Durability: Great
Repairability: Poor
Mobility: Poor
Strength: Fair
Dexterity: Mediocre


Fire immunity,
Liquid storage + expulsion device
Half effect from Ripping Poking and Smashing damage
Flame jet attack


Climbing difficulty


Both faster and stronger than he looks, this incredibly dense fighter has mass going for him. He packs a lethal punch and can swing giant, two-handed tools and weapons if he can take a moment to embed them in his hands for a decent grip. The strongest melee fighter of the five of them, the Clayman is vulnerable (to some degree) to every kind of damage, be it cold or heat, cutting or smashing. But he's also the fastest to heal up: a case of raw clay or putty is lifeblood to this toy, who can pack it on to seal gaping wounds and puncture holes, as well as replace lost limbs or even build new ones. As he packs on more clay, he gets larger and more powerful, ever stronger. His malleable form is versatile and useful in a number of situations, and his flexible limbs keep him at least dexterous enough to clamber over most reasonable obstacles.


Durability: Poor
Repairability: Superb
Mobility: Great
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Fair


Resistant to Smashing damage.


Dries out if left outside a damp container for more than a day. It only takes 1 hour to recharge.


Very solid against crushing attacks, but weak to cutting and hacking, very vulnerable to fire. Best agility and dexterity by far, able to move quickly to places others could never reach and he's at no danger when at an extreme height. His strings allow creative attacks and grapples as well as enabling to climb and rappel. His offensive strength is in grappling, entangling, rapid-fire punches, and throws -- especially from high places. The only one with actual fully-functioning hands, the marionette can wield any tool or weapon with ease.


Durability: Fair
Repairability: Fair
Mobility: Great
Strength: Mediocre
Dexterity: Great


Puppet Strings [Climb anywhere, use for grapples, etc.]
Developed hands
Resistant to Smashing damage


Vulnerable to Fire damage

Cloth Poppet

A good all-around character, the poppet has great versatility in his abilities. He can use tools and weapons, store items better than any character, and can use string for self-healing as well as for utility and offense purposes. He can easily modify and improve himself, healing is a breeze, and even if a limb is permanently lost he can just sew himself a new one. He packs a decent punch and can decorate himself with sewing needles, pins, and any other objects he can reasonably affix, for a much deadlier offense. He's almost completely immune to crushing attacks, but weak to cutting and tearing, and fire is his greatest weakness -- he's a walking tinderbox.


Durability: Mediocre
Repairability: Great
Mobility: Good
Strength: Fair
Dexterity: Good


Storage space
Immune to Poking and Crushing damage
Sewing repair
Pincushion [Can poke needles through body for more attacks]


Very vulnerable to fire and ripping damage

Gemmed Idol

Made of metal (or bone, maybe?) and resilient to scratching, heat, etc. while vulnerable to smashing, especially impacts by very hard objects. Decent agility but problems climbing/jumping due to lack of legs. Sharp arms do low base damage, with a high bonus against enemies weak to puncturing or slicing. Magic stones allow for minor mana storage and the casting of some VERY low-mana spells, mostly utility spells and detection, no straight offense. Lenses can focus light to ignite very-flammable objects or drastically heat up a target.


Durability: Great
Repairability: Mediocre
Mobility: Poor
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Fair


Illusion magic,
Heat objects with Eyes,
Arms do Ripping damage,
Half effect from fire and smashing damage,
No effect from ripping or poking damage


Unable to climb or jump,
Unable to be repaired,
Limited mana storage [1 spell per gem; starts with 4 gems]

Plastic Army Sgt.


Durability: Fair
Repairability: Poor
Mobility: Fair
Strength: Mediocre
Dexterity: Good


Platoon [4 extra soldiers; identical stats to above]
Teamwork - when all five soldiers work together on a check, they get a +2 bonus to the roll. If 3 or more soldiers work together on a check, they get a +1 bonus.


Vulnerable to Fire
Weak [1 less Scratch, Light wound, and Deep wound]

Pewter Miniature [Orc]


Durability: Good
Repairability: Poor
Mobility: Fair
Strength: Fair
Dexterity: Mediocre


Platoon [4 extra minis; identical stats to above]
Teamwork - when all five soldiers work together on a check, they get a +2 bonus to the roll. If 3 or more soldiers work together on a check, they get a +1 bonus.
Half effect from Fire and Ripping damage



Lacquered Wooden Model Car


Durability: Good
Repairability: Poor
Mobility: Superb
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Poor


Extremely fast movement
Heavy load carrier (many items, wounded comrades, etc)
Half effect from Ripping, Poking damage


Cannot climb or jump without ramps
Difficulty traveling uphill and on rough terrain
Individual pieces cannot be repaired well, must be replaced

Plastic Tank Model


Durability: Good
Repairability: Poor
Mobility: Good
Strength: Great
Dexterity: Terrible


Great Turret [Poking damage, needs ammo]
Heavy load carrier (many items, wounded comrades, etc)
Half effect from Ripping, Poking, Fire damage


Cannot climb or jump without ramps
Difficulty traveling uphill and on rough terrain
Individual pieces cannot be repaired well, must be replaced

Cardstock figure

Durability: Mediocre
Repairability: Mediocre
Mobility: Good
Strength: Mediocre
Dexterity: Good


Half effect from Poking and Smashing damage


Vulnerable to Fire
Weak [1 less Scratch, Light wound, and Deep wound]


Durability: Mediocre
Repairability: Superb
Mobility: Good
Strength: Fair
Dexterity: Fair


Immune to Poking damage
Half effect from Smashing and Ripping damage
Amorphous form


Unable to speak

Lego minifig

Durability: Poor
Repairability: Superb
Mobility: Good
Strength: Mediocre
Dexterity: Great


Shatter [When you take a Good hit or better, you fall to pieces instead of take damage]
Lego building blocks
Hivemind with other Legos
Half effect from Smashing damage


Enemy - Non-Lego 'building' toys despise Legos

Paper creature

Durability: Poor
Repairability: Mediocre
Mobility: Great
Strength: Mediocre
Dexterity: Good


Immune to Smashing damage
Half effect from Poking damage


Vulnerable to Fire and Water
Weak [1 less Scratch, Light wound, and Deep wound]

Gak Beast

Durability: Fair
Repairability: Great
Mobility: Great
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Fair


Half effect from Smashing and Poking damage
Amorphous form


Vulnerable to Ripping damage
Inarticulate Speech