Codex - Kroots: /tg/'s 8th Edition

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Army Rules


  • Alien Mercenaries:
Kroot detachments may be taken in any army even if they don't posses any common faction keyword.
  • Feral Hunters: The kroots are a race of masterful hunters; swift they run across their hunting grounds, chasing down their prey with no esitation.
Kroot units can charge even if they Advanced or Fell Back during their turn.

Detachment Rules

  • Evolutionary Traits: The Kroots are known for acquiring the traits of their fallen victims by a ritual of carefully selecting the various genes. Because of this, the various bands of hunters scattered across the galaxy can become quite different from the others, all due to the variety of preys they fest upon in their hunting grounds.
If your army is Battle-forged, all Kroot units gain an Evolutionary Trait. All units in the same detachment must have the same Evolutionary Trait.
  • Expert Hunters: x
If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Kroots Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.

Evolutionary Traits

To create the Evolutionary Trait of a Kroot detachment, select two rules from the following list:

  • Aerodinamic Plumage: xx
Units with this Trait can re-roll their advance and charge distances.
  • Camouflage Skin: x
If a unit with this Trait is receiving the benefit of cover, add 2 to its saving throws instead of 1.
  • Dense Muscular Tissue: x
Roll a die each time a unit with this Trait suffers a wound, on a 6 that wound is ignored. If the unit is a Cavalry or Monster, the effect takes place on a roll of 5+ instead.
  • Hardened Carapace: x
Subtract 2" from the Movement characteristic of units with this Trait but consider their armour save as 1 point better. This may not be taken with Hollow Bones.
  • Hollow Bones: xx
Add 4" to the Movement characteristic of units with this Trait but subtract 1 from their Toughness characteristic. This may not be taken with Hardened Carapace.
  • Hyper Senses: x
Units with this Trait can't suffer penalties to their hit rolls when firing a ranged weapon in the Shooting phase, regardless of any modifiers and may always fire Overwatch, regardless of any special rules.
  • Nocturnal Eyes: xx
Units with this Trait don't suffer penalties to their hit rolls as a result of special rules such as Night Fighting or Dawn Raid.
  • Overdeveloped Intelligence: x
Consider the Ap characteristic of weapons from units with this Trait as 1 point better.
  • Regenerative Limbs: x
On a roll of 5+, units with this Trait regain 1 previously lost wound at the start of each of your turns.
  • Sharp Spikes: xx
At the end of the Fighting phase, roll a die for each model in a unit with this Trait that is within 1" of an enemy unit. On a 5+ one enemy model within 1" suffers a mortal wound.


  • DNA Assimilation (2 CP): The Kroot are able to assimilate the genetic code of their fallen preys, become stronger or more agile as the situation commands.
Use this Stratagem when a friendly KROOT unit kills the last model of an enemy unit during the Fight phase. Depending on the faction keyword of that unit, randomly select one effect from the relative list, the effect immediately takes place and lasts until the end of the game. If a KROOT Shaper is within 6" of that unit, do not roll a die, simply choose the desired effect and apply it to both units.
  • Fragile Bones: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its Toughness characteristic.
  • Swift Figure: This unit can advance and fire with Assault and Rapid Fire weapons as if it remained stationary during its Movement phase.
  • Fearless Devotion: Roll a die each time this unit suffers a wound, on a 6+ that wound is ignored.
  • Zelotry: Aura abilities of friendly KROOT units do not confer any bonus to this unit.
  • Simple-minded: This unit a penalty of 2 to its hit rolls.
  • Strong Muscles: Add 1 to this unit's Strength characteristic.
-T'au Empire:
  • Pheromone Control: While this unit is within 6" of a KROOT character with the same ability, this unit automatically passes all Leadership and Morale tests.
  • Weak Figure: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its Toughness characteristic.
  • Feral Behaviour: This unit must fire at the closes unit (even if friendly) and must advance closer to and charge the nearest unit (even if friendly)
  • Multi-limbed: Add 2 to this unit's Attacks characteristic.
  • Hidden Hunters (1 CP): The Kroot are experts in camouflage and concealment, and utilise cover in ways most would never consider.
Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Shooting phase. Select one KROOT unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit whilst it is receiving the benefit of cover, subtract 1 from the hit roll and add 1 to the saving throw.
  • Hunting Grounds (1 CP): The Kroot unleash their razor-beaked hounds and a tide of mottled green flesh tears into the enemy ranks.
Use this Stratagem when a Kroot Hound unit from your army completes a charge against an enemy unit. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for other friendly KROOT units that are within 12" of that Kroot Hound unit after it completes its charge move.
  • Packalpha (1 CP): Some Kroot Shapers earn dominance over their kin through fierce contests or spectacular hunting feats.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one KROOT SHAPER model from your army. Until the end of the battle, when making an Advance roll or charge roll for a friendly KROOT unit within 6" of that model, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice.
  • Raging Beasts (1 CP): Krootox have immense physical strength, and their riders know how to coax them into a terrible rage.
Use this Stratagem when a KROOTOX RIDER unit from your army is chosen to fight with in the Fight phase. Until the end of that phase, models in that unit have an Attacks characteristic of 4. In addition, until the end of that phase, the Armour Penetration characteristic of krootox fists models in that unit are equipped with is improved by 2 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -2).

Warlord Traits

  • 1: Trap Expert: This strategic leader has set numerous traps across the battlefield so that its enemies may suffer when most distracted.
Once per battle, at the end of your opponent's Movement phase, you can choose up to three enemy units on the battlefield and roll a D6. Subtract 1 from the result if the unit is a Character but add 1 if the unit contains 10 or more models. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 7+ it suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
  • 2: Leader of the Pack: This Kroot guides its brethren in the midst of battle with skill and precision. If one of its kindred were to run away, it would be its duty to consume them so their spirits may partake in the war as one.
Each time a friendly Kroot unit within 6" of your Warlord fails a Morale test, only one model can flee. When that happens, your Warlord recovers 1 previously lost wound.
  • 3: DNA Sampler: The kroot are capable to assimilate the DNA of their prey to modify their appearance as they see fit; this kroot leader carries a sample of genetic material to help its kindred adapt in the middle of battle.
Once per battle, at the beginning of any turn, you can select one friendly Kroot unit within 6" of this model. Your Warlord and that unit immediately benefit from the DNA Assimilation Stratagem, select one species and apply the desired effect.
  • 4: Master of Camouflage: This kroot commander has mastered the art of hiding, becoming almost invisible to the enemy's eyes
Enemy units must subtract 1 from their hit rolls when targeting your Warlord, 2 if it has the benefit of cover.
  • 5: Veteran Mercenary: A mercenary knows how to negotiate for a more generous payment.
Roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem, on a 5+ you gain 1 Command Point. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, you gain 3 additional Command Points, 5 if in your army there are more units that don't possess the Kroot keyword that those who do, 6 if in your army there are more T'au Empire units than Kroot units.
  • 6: Apex Predator: This kroot has carefully selected genes from thousands of species to become the ultimate predator.
Add 2 to your Warlord's Movement, Attacks and Strength characteristics.

Specialist Detachments

Bounty Hunter Pack (1 CP)

All Kroot units in this Specialist Detachment gain the Bounty Hunter Pack keyword.

  • Warlord Trait: Bounty Hunter: Your Warlord and friendly Bounty Hunter Pack units within 6" of your Warlord may re-roll hit roll and wound rolls of 1 against enemy Characters.
  • Stratagems:
    • Fiercesome Ambush (1 CP): Use this Stratagem in the Charge phase. Select an enemy unit on the battlefield; Bounty Hunter Pack units attempting to charge it roll an additional dice and discard the lowest result if they start their charge move in cover.
  • Relic: The Hunter's Rifle: The Hunter's Rifle replaces the model’s Kroot Rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Hunter's Rifle Melee Melee +2 -2 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one additional attack with this weapon.
The Hunter's Rifle 30" Assault 2 5 -1 1 This weapon can target Characters even if they are not the closest enemy unit. Characters hit by this weapon must halve their Move characteristic and cannot Advance in their following Movement phase.


Melee Weapons

  • Kroot Auxiliaries Weaponry:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Kroot Blade Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -
Kroot Rifle Melee Melee +1 -1 1 -
Kroot Staff Melee Melee +1 0 D2 -
Krootox Fists Melee Melee User -1 2 -
Razor Talons Melee Melee User -3 D3 -
Ripping Fangs Melee Melee User -1 1 -
Ritual Blade Melee Melee User -1 1 If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly KROOT units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn.
Sharp Beak and Talons Melee Melee 5 -2 1 After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile.

Ranged Weapons

  • Kroot Auxiliaries Weaponry:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Kroot Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 -
Kroot Rifle 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls.
Kroot Bolt Thrower 36" Assault D6 6 -1 1 -
Kroot Gun 48" Rapid Fire 1 7 -1 D3 This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls.
  • Pulse Weaponry:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Pulse Blaster (Long Range) 15" Assault 2 4 0 1 -
Pulse Blaster (Medium Range) 10" Assault 2 5 -1 1 -
Pulse Blaster (Close Range) 5" Assault 2 6 -2 1 -
Pulse Carbine 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 -
Pulse Rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 5 0 1 -

Hunting Relics

  • Blood of the Stalker: The kroot hunter covers itself in the blood of its preys, enhancing its abilities to stalk the enemy.
Kroot Shaper and Kroot Beast-hunter only. During deployment, you can set up the bearer in hiding instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the model can ambush its enemy – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+1" away from any enemy models and at least 3" within a piece of terrain.
  • Kroothawk Totem: Use in sacred rituals, this ancient totem grants the bearer the wisdom of the ancient winds.
Kroot Shaman only. The bearer of this relic may invoke one additional spirit from its Spirit of the Hunt special rule.
  • Mark of the Favoured Child: x
The bearer of this relic gains a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time the bearer suffers a wound or a mortal wound; on a 5+ that wound is ignored.
  • Relic Blade: x
Model with Ritual Blade only. Add the following to that weapon’s special rule: 'This weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+, unless the target is a vehicle. In addition, on a wound roll of 6+, this weapon inflicts D3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage.'
  • Scavenged Weapons: Though not native to their species, the Kroot's intelligence makes them capable of understanding these weapons and using them against their foes.
Kroot Shaper and Kroot Beast-hunter only. Select one of the weapons from below, the Shaper counts as being equipped with that weapon.
-Demolition Charge
-Power Sword (replaces Kroot Rifle)
-Shuriken Pistol (replaces Kroot Pistol)
-Slugga Pistol (replaces Kroot Pistol)
-Splinter Pistol (replaces Kroot Pistol)
  • Surefoot Charm: x
Kroot Shaper only. When a charge roll is made for a charge made by a friendly Kroot unit that targets an enemy unit within 1" of the bearer of this relic, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice. The first model you move as part of that charge must end its charge move within 1" of that enemy unit, otherwise, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase.



Kroot Shaman

This unit contains 1 Kroot Shaman (Power Rating 2).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroot Shaman 7" 3+ - 3 3 5 2 8 6+


  • Kroot Staff
  • Ritual Blade

Special Rules:

  • Feral Hunters
  • Spirits of the Hunt: At the beginning of your Movement phase, a Kroot Shaman may invoke one spirit from below. All friendly Kroot units within 6" of the model invoking the spirit gain the relevant benefit until the start of your next turn. A unit can only be affected by the same spirit once per battle round.
-Spirit of the Beast: Friendly Beast units within 6" of this model count as having their Voracious Predators special rule active at all times.
-Spirit of the Hawk: Friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model may add 1" to their movement characteristic. Friendly Kroothawks units may also select two enemy units instead of one for their Diving Attack special rule.
-Spirit of the Hunter: Add 1 to the wound rolls for friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model.
  • The Wisest of Their Kind: Kroot units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.

Keywords (Kroot Shaper):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • HQ, Kroot Shaman, Infantry, Character

Kroot Shaper

This unit contains 1 Kroot Shaper (Power Rating 1).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroot Shaper 7" 3+ 4+ 3 3 5 3 7 6+
Kroot Shaper on Knarloc 12" 3+ 4+ 3 4 5 3 7 4+

Wargear (Kroot Shaper):

  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle
  • Ritual Blade

Wargear (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc):

  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle
  • Ritual Blade
  • Sharp Beak and Talons

Special Rules (Kroot Shaper):

  • Feral Hunters
  • The Shaper Commands
  • The Wisest of Their Kind: Kroot units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.

Special Rules (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc):

  • Feral Hunters
  • Loping Stride
  • The Shaper Commands
  • The Wisest of Their Kind
  • Thunderous Pounce: Add 1 to wound rolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn.


  • This model may replace its Kroot Rifle for one of the following:
-Pulse Blaster - free
-Pulse Carbine - free
-Pulse Rifle - free
  • This model may ride a Knarloc - 8 pts./1 PP

Keywords (Kroot Shaper):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • HQ, Kroot Shaper, Infantry, Character

Keywords (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • HQ, Kroot Shaper, Kroot Shaper on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character

Anghkor Prok

This unit contains 1 Anghkor Prok (Power Rating 3). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Anghkor Prok 7" 2+ 3+ 4 3 5 3 9 6+


  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle
  • Ritual Blade

Special Rules:

  • Feral Hunters
  • Friend of the T'au: This model and all friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model gain the For The Greater Good special rule.
  • Great Shaper: Re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls for friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model.
  • Inspirational Presence: Kroot units within 6" of this model may use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.

Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the Leader of the Pack Warlord Trait.


  • Faction:Kroot
  • HQ, Anghkor Prok, Infantry, Character


Kroot Carnivores

This unit contains 10 Kroots (Power Rating 2). It can include up to 10 more Kroots (Power Rating +2) or up to 20 more Kroots (Power Rating +4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroot 7" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 6+


  • Kroot Rifle

Special Rules:

  • Feral Hunters
  • Stealthy Hunters


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Troops, Kroot Carnivores, Infantry


Dahyak Grekh

This unit contains 1 Dahyak Grekh (Power Rating 1). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Dahyak Grekh 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+


  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle

Special Rules:

  • Concealed Booby Traps
  • Feral Hunters
  • Fieldcraft
  • Quarry Can't Hide
  • Tracker


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Elites, Dahyak Grekh, Infantry, Character

Kroot Beast-hunter

This unit contains 1 Kroot Beast-hunter (Power Rating 2).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroot Beast-hunter 7" 3+ 3+ 3 4 3 4 7 4+

Wargear (Kroot Beast-hunter):

  • Kroot Blade
  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle

Wargear (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc):

  • Kroot Blade
  • Kroot Pistol
  • Kroot Rifle
  • Sharp Beak and Talons

Special Rules (Kroot Beast-hunter):

  • Beast Hunter: Add 2 to wound rolls for attack made by this model against Beast or Monster units.
  • Feral Hunters

Special Rules (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc):

  • Beast Hunter: Add 2 to wound rolls for attack made by this model against Beast or Monster units. This does not apply to the attacks made by the Knarloc.
  • Feral Hunters
  • Loping Stride
  • Thunderous Pounce: Add 1 to wound rolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn.


  • This model may ride a Knarloc - 8 pts./1 PP

Keywords (Kroot Beast-hunter):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • Elites, Kroot Beast-hunter, Infantry, Character

Keywords (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • Elites, Kroot Beast-hunter, Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character

Krootox Riders

This unit contains 1 Krootox Rider (Power Rating 1). It can include 1 additional Krootox Rider (Power Rating +2) or 2 aditional Krootox Riders (Power Rating +3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Krootox Rider 6" 3+ 4+ 6 5 4 2 6 5+


  • Kroot Gun
  • Krootox Fists

Special Rules:

  • Agile Brute
  • Feral Hunters


  • Any model may replace its Kroot Gun with a Kroot Bolt Thrower - 5 pts.


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Elites, Krootox Rider, Cavalry

Fast Attacks

Knarloc Riders

This unit contains 3 Knarloc Riders (Power Rating 3). It can include up to 3 more Knarloc Riders (Power Rating +3) or up to 6 more Knarloc Riders (Power Rating +6).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Knarloc Rider 12" 3+ 4+ 3 4 4 2 6 4+


  • Kroot Rifle
  • Sharp Beak and Talons

Special Rules:

  • Feral Hunters
  • Loping Stride
  • Thunderous Pounce: Add 1 to wound rolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn.


  • Any model in the unit may replace its Kroot Rifle for one of the following:
-Pulse Blaster - free
-Pulse Carbine - free
-Pulse Rifle - free


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Fast Attack, Knarloc Riders, Cavalry

Kroot Hounds

This unit contains 4 Kroot Hounds (Power Rating 1). It can include up to 4 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +1), up to 8 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +2), up to 12 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +3), up to 16 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +4), up to 20 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +5), up to 24 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +6), up to 28 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +7), up to 32 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating +8) or up to 36 more Knarloc Riders (Power Rating +9).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroot Hound 12" 3+ - 3 3 1 2 5 6+
Kroot Handler on Knarloc 12" 3+ 4+ 3 4 4 2 7 4+

Wargear (Kroot Hound):

  • Ripping Fangs

Wargear (Kroot Handler on Knarloc):

  • Kroot Rifle
  • Sharp Beak and Talons

Special Rules (Kroot Hound):

  • Feral Hunters
  • Loping Stride
  • Voracious Predators: You can re-roll failed charge and wound rolls for this unit when targeting a unit that has suffered any unsaved wounds this turn.

Special Rules (Kroot Handler on Knarloc):

  • Feral Hunters
  • Hound Leader: As long as this model is alive, each time this unit fails a Morale test only one model flees.
  • Loping Stride
  • Thunderous Pounce: Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn.


  • This unit may include a Kroot Handler on Knarloc - 25 pts.
  • The Kroot Handler on Knarloc may replace its Kroot Rifle for one of the following:
-Pulse Blaster - free
-Pulse Carbine - free
-Pulse Rifle - free

Keywords (Kroot Hound):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • Fast Attack, Kroot Hound, Beast

Keywords (Kroot Handler on Knarloc):

  • Faction:Kroot
  • Fast Attack, Kroot Handler on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character

Winged Carnivores Flock

This unit contains 5 Winged Carnivores (Power Rating 2). It can include up to 5 more Winged Carnivores (Power Rating +2) or up to 10 more Winged Carnivores (Power Rating +4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Winged Carnivore 12" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 -


  • Kroot Rifle

Special Rules:

  • Feral Hunters
  • Ambush from Above: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the sky instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can ambush its enemy – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+3" away from any enemy models.


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Fast Attack, Winged Carnivores, Infantry, Fly

Heavy Supports

Great Knarloc Pack

This unit contains 1 Great Knarloc (Power Rating 4). It contain 1 additional Great Knarloc (Power Rating +4) or 2 additional Great Knarlocs (Power Rating +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Great Knarloc 7" 3+ 4+ 7 7 9 4 6 4+


  • Razor Talons

Special Rules:

  • Crushing Beak
  • Feral Hunters
  • Hunting Pack: The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.


  • Baggage Harness: Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of Kroot units within 6" of any friendly Great Knarlocs equipped with a baggage harness.


  • Any model may take one of the followings:
-Kroot Bolt Thrower - 5 pts.
-Twin Kroot Gun - 7 pts.
  • Any model may take the Baggage Harness upgrade - 5 pts.


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Heavy Support, Great Knarloc Pack, Monster


Kroothawk Flock

This unit contains 1 Kroothawk (Power Rating 4). It contain 1 additional Kroothawk (Power Rating +4) or 2 additional Kroothawks (Power Rating +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kroothawk 18" 3+ - 7 6 10 4 6 4+


  • Razor Talons

Special Rules:

  • Diving Attack: At the end of the Movement phase, select one enemy unit this model has moved over this turn; on a roll of 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, 2D3 on a 6.
  • Feral Hunters
  • Hunting Pack: The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.


  • Transport Tent: This model gains the Transport keyword and may transport up to 10 Kroot Infantry or Cavalry models (Cavalry models count as three models for the purpose of capacity). A model with this Upgrade cannot perform any diving attack.


  • Any model may take the Transport Tent upgrade - 25 pts.


  • Faction:Kroot
  • Flyer, Kroothawk Flock, Monster, Fly

Point Costs



Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Kroot Shaper 1 20
Kroot Shaper 1 40

Special Characters

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons included)
Anghkor Prok 1 60
Dahyak Grekh 1 20


Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Kroot Carnivores 10-30 4


Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Kroot Beast-hunter 1 30
Krootox Riders 1-3 25

Fast Attacks

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Knarloc Riders 3-9 20
Kroot Hounds 4-20 4
Winged Carnivores Flock 5-15 6

Heavy Supports

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Great Knarloc Pack 1-3 80


Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Kroothawk Flock 1-3 80


Melee Weapons

Weapon Points per weapon
Kroot Rifle free
Krootox Fists free
Razor Talons free
Ripping Fangs free
Ritual Blade free
Sharp Beak and Talons free

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Points per weapon
Kroot Gun free
Kroot Pistol free
Kroot Rifle free