Codex - Q'Orl: /tg/'s 9th Edition

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The Q'Orl, also known scientifically as Bestiola Superior, are a type of intelligent, advanced insectoid aliens that lived in the galaxy and were native to the Swarmworld Loqiit, located in the Segmentum Pacificus.

Q'Orl Lore

The Q'Orl

Commonly held theory holds the view that the Q'Orl are the evolutionary descendants of the primitive invertebrate lifeforms native to their homeworld of Loqqit. Whilst all are born equal, there are several distinct strains that are developed within the larval nurseries.

This is done through the use of hormonal soups exuded by the queen which is responsible for siring the entirely male race by laying several thousand eggs every day. At an unknown point, they developed space travel capabilities where they created elegant chainships. In time, they developed unbelievably advanced space vessels and became heavily armed, though they lacked Warp travel capability. As they expanded into space, they began placing planetary marker-stones, deep-space monoliths and archaeological sites containing a rich amount of Q'Orl text. These texts all proclaim the announcement of the "Superiority of the Swarmhood", their ownership of select regions of space and their ultimate aim of conquering the Galactic hub. Their empire was known as the Q'Orl Swarmhood and they were centered around their single holy world.

According to one text, four thousand years ago at the end of the 37th Millennium they became afflicted with some form of disease that may be Chaotic in origin. It is speculated that the disease was transmitted originally from Human settlers and may be attributed to Nurgle. During this time, they were assisted against this disease or Chaos by another race which some believe may be the Eldar. After the war was won, the pointy-eared allies demanded payment which was a Q'Orl queen to make an "uncorroded swarm"; possibly a race resistant to disease or Chaos. This saw the Q'Orl dissolve their alliance and defend their queen, though the Eldar conducted a treacherous act that stole away the queen. Despite the loss of the queen, a newly formed queen-egg was laid bringing the reign of the next matriarch, though the Q'Orl never forgave the Eldar for their actions.

At some point, an Administratum colony-ark along with a fleet of ships as part of a seeding project was dispatched into the space held by the Q'Orl Swarmhood. Upon learning of this, the Q'Orl became less than pleased at seeing parts of their territory being held by Human trespassers. In retribution, they massacred an estimated number of thirty thousand pilgrims before a single colony-ark managed to escape and become the only survivor of its fleet.

During the fifth year of Explorator Mari Alitz' travel of Segmentum Pacificus on St Thor's Eve, the colony-ark was encountered in the desolate region of space where they stayed for twenty days, though they never encountered a Q'Orl specimen. At some point, the Swarmhood began capturing a number of members of the Navis Nobilite in Segmentum Pacificus. This included Corchillio Haegrael of House Hagrael, who was implanted with a previously unknown organism in his brain.

In the locality of Maachros System on 0.024.804.M41, the wayward frigate Macharius Memoriem encountered a Chain Ship with the Q'Orl captured Navigator that had been infested with a maggot-strain in his brain. This discovery led to increased security in Fleet Pacificus to prevent the capture of further Navigators.

Q'Orl Anatomy

The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, spiders and scorpions from Terra. They have evolved a unique type of cheratin on their bodies that is said to be almost as impervious as Space Marine power armour; this has been proven true when, during an engagement with a Q’Orl scouting group of Soldiers, they were seen shrugging off lasgun fire and being barely scratched by it.

The Q’Orl are born all in the form of larvae that hatch from the eggs their precious Hive Queen lays everyday numbering in the thousands. These larvae are seen as inferior lifeforms by many Q’Orl, because their physiology makes it impossible to determine the strain that will change their evolution into the various classes of a Hive. For this reason, these barely sapient larvae are usually damaged, or straight up killed by the higher ranking Q’Orl inside a hive, deeming them as the only flaw in their evolutionary chain. Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chiritine exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orl prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire. Larvae that grow with a cracked exoskeleton are always relegated to three possible jobs: Technoengineering, Hive maintenance or low ranking soldiers.

At times, larvae manage to avoid damage while in their early months of evolution and evolve into a Q’Orl with fully formed armour. These exemplars are rare, for Q’Orl simply refuse to understand the importance of larvae in their society. When one does in fact grow to that stage, it is immediately relegated to a much more important social or military job.

Q’Orl Society and Technology

These jobs include internal organization of the Hive, research and development of new technology, higher ranking soldiers and direct submission to the Queen’s orders. Their military path opens up with the position of an elite version of Soldiers, rarely dispatched in the same way normal soldiers are. Eventually, they can be rewarded the position of Lieutenants, Captains or even Princes. Some of the sturdiest Q’Orl are integrated in the Q’Orl Vanguard platoon.

Q’Orl technology is still not fully understood by the Imperium; they have proven themselves to be incredibly advanced technology-wise, lacking only warp travel to become a real problem for the Galaxy itself. Their researches are almost entirely focused on military discoveries and innovations. The Q’Orl utilize a special biofluid that is harvested from the fetal fluids left in the larvae eggs that the Queen produces to power extremely powerful weaponry. This liquid has amazing electrical properties, but it is inert when in its pure form.

When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the liquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.

This is used by Q’Orl soldiers in very small doses, because of how little they can get every day. The Neuroelectric rifle is the prime example of this: the basic weapon that most soldiers are equipped with spits out a condensed bullet of this fetal liquid that gets overcharged on launch and, upon colliding with the target, gets splashed over the victim. Once there, the electrical potency of the liquid acts by literally melting almost all material it comes in contact with. When a living creature comes in direct contact with it, they suffer instant paralysis as their nerves combust and liquify under the sheer amperage the bullet brings with it. The High Voltage Rifle is the direct evolution of the Neuroelectric Rifle. It dispatches bigger and more condensed projectiles of bioliquid and is built with a much stronger battery to power it. The effects are the same as the Neuroelectric Rifle, just enhanced to the extremes.

Another favoured weapon of the Q’Orl Swarmhoods is the High Control Heavy Spitter. This gun is rarely picked up, because of its extreme inefficiency when using the fetal biofuel. The way the weapon works is by literally spitting out liters of the liquid in a line to cover entire squads of enemies and frying most living creatures on the spot.

The cuirasse that covers the Q’Orl bodies is slightly resistant to this liquid, and this is because the larvae are born with a miniscule amount of it in their bodies that is used, during development, to create the chitin. Once the Q’Orl discovered this, they also discovered shortly thereafter that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable. The larvae rarely survive this process, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such they are at times used as living grenades.

The most intelligent of the Q’Orl are almost always relegated to the position of Technoengineer. These Q’Orl need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the Technoengineer’s blood stream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness.

The Queen’s personal army is divided in two major groups: the vanguards and the drones. The Vanguards are the Q’Orl born with the most complete and sturdy chiritin armour possible. As high as 2 meters, they are easily the biggest non-royalty Q’Orl. Highly resilient and extremely powerful, they proudly compare themselves to an immovable wall between the Queen and her enemies. The Drones are Q’Orl born from a very rare strain, which causes them to grow immensely strong wings. These Drones continuously fly around the Queen, never stopping and ever growing stronger, constantly watching for potential threats to instantly annihilate with extremely precise charges and with claws capable of slashing through metal like it was paper. They are not big, barely over a meter, and they utilize the gases produced by the Queen to sustain themselves in their eternal flight over the Queen’s body.

The strain that modifies the Larvae into Drones is not visible in the early stages of a larva cycle. After a week from their hatching, the larva sprout small wings from their backs which are the same that will evolve into the highly resistant ones typical of the Drones. These larvae are instantly brought to the Queen’s presence, and they start getting mutated by her liquid secretions which slightly halts their growth, but also slows their metabolism to a crawl. After just a few more weeks, the larvae begin their eternal flight around the Queen, and will not stop until something kills them.

Army Rules


  • Arthropods: The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, giant spiders and scorpions from Terra. This gives them a speed much higher than what their chitinous exterior leads to think.
When a unit with this special rule advances, count a roll of 1 or 2 as a roll of 3 to determine the distance the unit moves.
  • For the Queen: The Q'Orl live and die for the sole purpose of serving their precious Queen, she who stepped up to the task after the Empire was almost lost as a consequence to the Eldar stealing away their older Queen.
Q’Orl units that are within 6” of a Hive Royalty unit automatically pass morale and combat attrition tests.
  • Technological Genius: Q'Orl sophisticated technology comes from the unique usage of the biofluid extracted from the eggs the Queen lays. This fluid has an immense electrical potentiality, and when stimulated produces enough current to melt even metals.
Each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 for an attack with a ranged weapon made by a model in this unit, that hit roll succeeds regardless of any modifiers. In addition, if the Strength of the attack is more than half the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target.

Detachment Rules

  • Hive Workers: Larvae, while the very basic form and completely necessary for the species survival, are always seen as inferior beings in the Swarmhood. They often get punched, kicked, eaten and or killed for no real reason.
Units composed entirely of Q’Orl Larvae cannot benefit from any Swarmhood. In addition, Q’Orl Stratagems can only be used on these units if the Stratagem explicitly states so.
  • Objective Secured: While not able to utilize Warp travel, the Q'Orl are by no mean not interested in expansion. When they find new suitable places for the Swarmhood, they will fight with teeth and claws to keep it.
If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Q’Orl Detachments gain this ability, apart from Larva units. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
  • Swarmhood Royalty Soldiers: The ranks inside the Swarmhood are extremely well defined and understood. If a superior orders you to do something, you do it, no question asked. This strangely leads to an extreme morale increase, because the Q'Orl fully believe that the closest an entity is to the Queen, the more absolutely sacred that being is.
If your army is Battle-forged, all <Swarmhood> units in Q’Orl Detachments (excluding those in Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments) gain a Swarmhood, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Swarmhood.


  • Afelhuk - The Scavenging Hive Afelhuk was the second Swarmhood ever created by the old Queen. The Q'Orl there are completely sure about one thing and one thing only: dying for the Queen is the best death one can hope for.
When a model in a Afelhuk unit is removed from the battle as the result of an enemy attack, that model can immediately make a shooting attack as if it were the shooting phase. This attack can only hit on a roll of 5+, ignoring all modifiers.
  • Alakyrr - Assault Hive Alakyrr was the first Swarmhood created by the new Queen. Here, Q'Orl are grown to be stronger and faster, perfecting their bodies to form complex combat styles. While completely atypical for a Q'Orl to focus on melee combat, this Swarmhood has proven multiple times that hald a ton of chitin and claws slamming against enemies works very well.
All Alakyrr units add 1 to their Weapon Skill rolls in the first turn of combat. In addition, all Alakyrr units add 1 to their Attacks characteristic.
  • Gook - Blitz Warfare Hive Gook is the only Swarmhood that doesnt have a real place to call home. Gook's Q'Orls are always travelling to search places suitable for the Hive to grow in, and they excel at doing that because of a strain in their DNA that alters their growth and evolution to produce stronger and more flexible tendons, giving them faster speed.
All Gook units add 6” to their advance rolls instead of rolling a d6.
  • Loqiit - The Queen’s Personal Army The original Swarmhood and the current location of the new Queen. This is were all the larvae are born and where the Queen's personal army stays. It's the most protected place in the Q'Orl Empire, and the Q'Orl there are the strongest ones of all the hives.
All Loqiit units gain 1 Toughness and 1 Strength when within 12” of a Loqiit Hive Royalty. In addition, Loqiit units can ignore lost wounds on a roll of 6+.
  • Semmiheu - Crafter Hive Semmiheu is a Swarmhood almost completely composed of Engineers. They specialize in perfecting the usage of the biofluid extracted by the Queen's egg, to attempt to create more deadly weaponry and to reduce the waste of biofluid per bullet as much as possible, because of its natural limited amount.
The Technological Genius special rule is activated on a roll of 5+ for Semmiheu units.



  • Biotechnological Clock setting (1CP): Q’Orl Engineers need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the Technoengineer’s blood stream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness. Somehow.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Engineer unit and roll a Biotechnological Clock Overdrive check; that unit gains that buff for the rest of the battle. The same buff can be gained again. Re-roll results of 6.
  • Enhanced Optics (1CP): Q'Orl eyes are, sometimes, directly modified by the engineers of the hive. While the result is clearly better, this leaves the subject Q'Orl in a state where they are, at times, blind, while in other time frames their vision is extremely enhanced.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Q'Orl unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength characteristic of all the ranged weapons in that unit by 1.
  • Harden Up (3CP): Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chiritine exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orl prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire. Sometimes though, certain lucky larvae grow and evolve without being damaged, forming complete and more compact exoskeletons.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Soldier unit in your army, that unit gains the Enhanced Chitin special rule for the rest of the battle.
  • Heating Up (1CP): The Biofire Ejectors are both hated and loved by the Q'Orl Fire Spewers: who doesnt love spraying your enemies with ignited, highly corrosive and extremely electrical bioliquid that can easily melt living beings in mere instants? The problem is that it wastes a ton of biofluid. Engineeres love this weapon so much that they spend extreme lenghts of time just to make it even 1% more efficient.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Q'Orl unit armed with Biofire Ejectors in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength of the Biofire Ejectors by 1 for the rest of the Shooting phase.
  • Larva Bomb (1CP): Once the Q’Orl discovered that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable, they also discovered that it's because they are, partially, filled with the same bioliquid found in the eggs. The larvae rarely survive being connected directly to batteries, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such they are at times used as living grenades.
Select a non-Larva unit that is within 3” of a Larva unit. For this shooting phase, the unit can sacrifice a Larva model to shoot a Larva Bomb that has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Larva Bomb 12" Heavy D3 4 0 D3 An enemy hit by this weapon has a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls in their following shooting phase. If the enemy is a Psyker, a successful wound also inflicts 1 mortal wound.
  • Larvae Support (2CP): The Hive Queen is capable of laying tens of thousand eggs in an extremely short period of time. While the larva mortality rate is extremely high, the sheers numbers of larvae make up for it.
Use this Stratagem when a Larva unit in your army is removed from the battle. Place a unit of 10 Larva anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy unit.
  • Marching to safety (1CP): Q'Orl soldiers feel much safer when close to a superior, because they belive that the protection a high ranking Q'Orl can give to the hive often means that staying near a royalty means night invulnerability.
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any Morale Phase. Select 1 Soldier unit in your army that is not within Engagement Range of an enemy and move it 3”. This unit cannot enter the Engagement Range of an enemy unit.
  • Overwhelming Voltage (1CP): When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the bioliquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select a unit equipped with weapons from the Voltage Weapons list; until the end of your Shooting phase,the weapons generate one extra hit roll whenever it generates extra hit rolls.
  • Setting the webs (1CP): When the Q'Orl declare something their territory, they are most likely going to cover it in steel-hard webs to increase the manouverability and protection they get from that area.
Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select a single piece of terrain other than a fortification. Q'Orl units in that terrain gain a 6+ Invulnerable save, including Larva units.
  • Queen's Blessing (1/3CP): The Queen always has prizes for her most loyal Q'Orl. Sometimes, when a Royalty Q'Orl gets granted a gift directly by the Queen, he also gets immediately promoted to the rank of Hive Prince.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Queen's Treasure for 1 CP, or two extra Queen's Treasures for 3 CPs. All of the Queen's Treasures that you include must be different and be given to different Q'Orl Characters. This Stratagem can only be used once per battle.

Swarmhood Specific

  • Afelhuk - XXX (x CP): x
Use this Stratagem xxx

Warlord Traits


  • 1: Digging Deep: x
At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the battlefield and set them up again following normal deployment rules.
  • 2: High Royalty: x
Units within 12" of this model count as being within 6" of a Hive Royalty unit for the purposes of For the Queen.
  • 3: Technological Tinkering: x
Once per Shooting phase, your Warlord can re-roll a single dice to determine the number of shots of a weapon.
  • 4: Reinforced Chitin: x
Reduce any damage inflicted on your Warlord by 1 (to a minimum of 1). For example, if your Warlord fails a saving throw against an attack that inflicts 3 damage, they will only lose 2 wounds.
  • 5: Into the fray: x
When your Warlord charges, is charged or performs a heroic intervention, increase its Attacks characteristic by 2.
  • 6: Richness: x
This Warlord can be equipped with a second Queen's Treasure. He may not get a second Warlord trait after getting this trait.

Swarmhood Specific

  • AFELHUK - xx: x

Queen's Curse Discipline

  • 1: Symbiotic Exoskeleton
Warp Charge: 7
The Cursed Shaman always tries to help others. Not because he cares about other Q'Orl survival, but because them living longer means he's more likely to survive encounters.
Select a friendly Q’Orl unit within 12” and in line of sight of the Psyker. That unit’s save characteristic is improved by 1. In addition, roll a die each time that unit suffers an unsaved wound; on a roll of 6+ the wound is ignored.
  • 2: Psychic Leech
Warp Charge: 6
The Shaman likes to sip on that strange energy that some enemies emanate. Expecially because of how devastated they look after he has finished.
Select one Psyker enemy unit within 12” of the Psyker. Both players roll 2d6. If the result of the enemy Psyker roll is equal or higher than yours, no effect takes place; if the result of the enemy Psyker roll is lower, during his next Psychic phase that Psyker must reduce the amount of powers he can manifest by 1.
  • 3: Suicidal Overcharge
Warp Charge: 7
The promise of power often has dire consequences. The Q'Orl know, but they are always ready to accept the risk if it means working better for their Queen.
Select a friendly Soldier unit within 12” of the Psyker. Add 1 to their Strength characteristic of weapons in that unit until the end of your turn. In addition, each time a model in that unit rolls a hit roll of 1, the unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
  • 4: Cursed Youth
Warp Charge: 6
Not even the Shaman likes Larvae, but not because he considers them inferior. It's because no one has had the same past he has. No one was raised by the Symbiote.
Select a friendly Larva unit within 12” of the Psyker. That unit can immediately move as it was the Movement phase, but it suffers D3 mortal wounds at the end of the Psychic phase.
  • 5: XXX
Warp Charge: x
  • 6: XXX
Warp Charge: x


Melee Weapons

  • High Voltage Sabre Leg:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Sabre Leg Melee Melee +1 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Mastodontic Jaws:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Mastodontic Jaws Melee Melee x2 -4 4 -
  • Multi Techno Tool:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Multi Techno Tool Melee Melee User 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Shielded Chitin:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Shielded Chitin Melee Melee x2 -1 D3 When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.
  • Sparkler Needle:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle Melee Melee User 0 1 -
  • Symbiote Staff:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Symbiote Staff Melee Melee x2 0 1 If an enemy model is slain as a consequence of an attack with this weapon, add a single model of Q’Orl Larva to this unit. The added Q’Orl Larva doesn’t cost any reserve points and you must allocate wounds to it before allocating them to the High Shaman.
  • The Queen's Talons:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Queen's Talons Melee Melee User -2 2 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Ranged Weaponry

  • Bioengineered Nerve Breaker:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 24" Assault 3D3 4 0 1 Blast.
  • Biofire Ejector:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofire Ejector (Short Range) 1"-6" Assault 2 4 -2 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Biofire Ejector (Long Range) 7"-12" Assault 1 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
  • Biofluid Torrent:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofluid Torrent 24" Assault D6 6 -3 2 Blast.
Biofluid Rain 36" Assault 3D6 6 -3 2 Blast. This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
  • Chiritine Ripper:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Chiritine Ripper 6" Pistol D6 3 -4 1 -
  • Current Blaster:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Current Blaster 40" Heavy 2 5 -3 1 Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.
  • Energy Megaton Pulse-generator:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Energy Megaton Pulse-generator 18" Assault 2 7 -3 D6 If the target is within half of this weapon’s range, add 2 to this weapon's Damage characteristic.
  • Grenade Weaponry:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electric Pulse Grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
Electric Impulse Grenade 6" Grenade 1 10 -5 3 This weapon only hits on an unmodified hit roll of 6.
  • High Control Heavy Spitter:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Control Heavy Spitter 36" Heavy 2D6 4 -3 3 Vehicle}}.
  • Mortar Platforms:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Unstable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 1D3 5 -1 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
Stable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 3 6 -2 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
  • Ordinance Aimers:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -
Long Range Ordinance Aimer 36" Heavy 2 5 -2 D3 -
  • Sparkler Needle:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Symbiote Staff:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Symbiote Staff 24" Pistol D3 5 -1 1 -
  • Techno Crafter Tool:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Techno Crafter Tool 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 -2 D3 Vehicle}}.
  • Voltage Weaponry:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 3 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 3 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
High Voltage Control Blaster 24" Heavy 1 8 -5 3 Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.

Queen's Tresures

  • Enhanced Biological Clock: Some Engineers get the honor of receiving enhanced Biological Clocks directly by their Queen.
Model a Biotechnological Clock Overdrive only. Once per battle round, you can re-roll the result of the Biotechnological Clock Overdrive special rule.
  • Hyper Focused Arrays: Through the usage of a special tube made by condensed bioliquid, it is possible to put much more power behind each bioliquid bullet shot.
Increase the Range characteristic of all this model’s ranged weapons by 6”.
  • Hyper Voltage Rifle: A unique relic from the past Reign. This was built with the use of the last gift from the old Queen: a strange stone, which continuously produces small amounts of her bioliquid. The difference in strength is absolutely immense.
This Relic replaces a High Voltage Rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hyper Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 6 4 -3 2 Every hit roll of 5+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.
  • Light Bending Cuirass: Some Q'Orl are granted a single bath in the Queen's bioliquid. This causes them immense pain, as their exoskeleton almost melts from the pure electrical shock the bath gives them. Those who survive, emerge with a shiny white cuirass, which bends the light that touches it in ways that make the Q'Orl barely visible to inexperienced eyes.
Enemy units targeting this model with a ranged attack suffer a -1 penalty to their hit rolls.
  • Memento of the Old Queen: A piece of the old Queen's exoskeleton, left in the hands of the Grand Warrior Kurrik while he was attempting to stop alone the Aeldari from stealing her away.
After the first turn has begun, roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem; on a 6 you gain one Command Point.

Other Wargear

  • Battery Carrier: Some Soldiers have highly powered batteries on their backs to give extra power to his team's biofluid weapons.
Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.

Q'Orl Wargear List

Advanced Techno Weapons

-Bionegineered Nerve Breaker - 10 pts.
-Energy Megaton Pulse Generator - 20 pts.
-High Control Heavy Spitter - 25 pts.

Basic Techno Weapons

-High Voltage Rifle - free
-Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer - 15 pts.
-Techno Crafter Tool - free



Hive Prince

This unit contains 1 Hive Prince (Power Rating 8). Only one Hive Prince can be included in a Q’Orl Army.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Prince 8" 2+ 2+ 6 7 8 4 10 2+ 175


  • High Control Heavy Spitter
  • Multi Techno Tool
  • Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Dangerous Pride: x
When this unit shoots his High Control Heavy Spitter, when rolling to determine the number of shots a roll of 1 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the Hive Prince.
  • Direct Serveant of the Queen: x
Units within 12" of this model count as being under the effect of the For the Queen special rule.
  • Enhanced Chitin: x
This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
  • For the Queen
  • Minor Lifeforms: x
When this unit suffers an unsaved wound while within 3” of a Larva unit, you can roll a d6. On a roll of 2+, the Larva unit suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the damage he would have taken instead. On a roll of 1, the Larva unit takes the damage anyways, but so does the Hive Prince.
  • Prince of the Hive: x
<Swarmhood> Units within 6" of this unit can reroll hit rolls of 1.
  • Technological Genius


  • Prince's Wings: Some Hive Princes have the same wings that the Queen's Drones are equipped with.
Increase this model's Movement characteristic to 12" and add the Fly keyword to its datasheet.


  • This model may replace its Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer with two High Voltage Rifles - 4 pts.
  • This model may take the Prince's Wings - 25 pts./2 PL


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQ, Character, Monster, Hive Royalty, Hive Prince

High Engineer

This unit contains 1 High Engineer. (Power Rating 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
High Engineer 6" 3+ 2+ 3 4 4 2 9 3+ 55


  • High Voltage Rifle
  • Techno Crafter Tool

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Biological Clock Overdrive: x
At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll a die. For the remainder of the turn, the Lord Engineer gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
1- +2 Toughness
2- +2 Strength
3- +3” Movement
4- +4 Attacks
5- Improve WS and BS by 1
6- Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.
  • Deafening the Machine Spirits x
Once per battle round, select a friend or an enemy unit. Friendly models gain +1 to their hit rolls; enemy models suffer a -1 hit roll penalty.
  • For the Queen
  • Technological Genius


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQ, Character, Infantry, Hive Royalty, High Engineer

Q'Orl Commander

This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Commander. (Power Rating 6).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl Commander 8" 3+ 2+ 5 6 5 3 9 3+ 100


  • High Voltage Rifle
  • Multi Techno Tool
  • Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Chief Commander: x
When this unit is deployed, it can be deployed alongside any other Troop unit.
  • Enhanced Chitin: x
This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
  • For the Queen
  • Technological Genius
  • Violent Training: x
Units within 6” of a Q’Orl Commander can re-roll hit rolls of 1 on their shooting attacks.


  • This model may replace its Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer with two High Voltage Rifles - 4 pts.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQ, Character, Infantry, Hive Royalty, Q'Orl Commander

Q'Orl High Shaman

This unit contains 1 Q'Orl High Shaman. (Power Rating 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl High Shaman 6" 3+ 3+ 3 4 4 3 9 4+ 70


  • Symbiote Staff

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • For the Queen
  • Symbiotic Assimilation: x
The High Shaman Q’Orl can, when a psychic power is declared to be cast, sacrifice models from a unit of Q’Orl Larva within 6” of him, or any Q’Orl Larva currently present in its own unit. For each Larva slain this way, add 2 to the psychic test. On a roll higher than 12, the Q’Orl High Shaman only suffers perils of the Warp if the result of the roll is even.
  • Technological Genius
  • Tormented Past: x
When suffering Perils of the Warp, the High Shaman Q’Orl doesn’t suffer Mortal Wounds, but any Infantrywithin 3” of him suffers 1 mortal wound.

Psyker: A Q'Orl High Shaman can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and two psychic powers from the Queen's Curse discipline.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQ, Character, Infantry, Psyker, Q'Orl High Shaman

Q'Orl Slaver

This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Slaver. (Power Rating 3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl Slaver 8" 2+ 3+ 4 5 3 2 9 3+ 45
Larva 5" 6+ 5+ 2 2 1 1 3 6+ 5


  • High Voltage Rifle
  • Chiritine Ripper

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Enhanced Chitin: x
This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
  • For the Queen
  • Scarring the Weak: x
Friendly Larvae units gain +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, and +3” movement while within 6” of this model.
  • Technological Genius
  • Violent Training x
Units within 6” of a Q’Orl Slaver can re-roll hit rolls of 1 on their shooting attacks. If the weapon is a Pistol, they can re-roll all hit rolls instead.

Options: This model can take up to 10 Larva models to accompany it - 5 pts./model - 2 PL/5 models

Keywords (Slaver):

  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQ, Character, Infantry, Slaver

Keywords (Larvae):

  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Infantry, Larvae


Hive Gunner

This unit contains 5 Hive Gunners (Power Rating: 2). It can contain up to 5 additional Hive Gunners (Power Rating: +2) or up to 10 additional Hive Gunners (Power Rating: +4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Gunner 6" 5+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 8


-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 3 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Bioengineered Hatred"> If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its ranged weapons by 1. </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


Every 5 models, a Hive Gunner can replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with one of the followings:

-High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 3 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

One Hive Gunner in the unit can take a Battery Carrier - +6 pts.

Battery Carrier: Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Soldier, Gunner, Core

Hive Soldiers

This unit contains 9 Hive Soldiers and a Hive Warrior (Power Rating: 4). It can contain up to 10 additional Hive Soldiers (Power Rating: +4) or up to 20 additional Hive Soldiers (Power Rating: +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Soldier 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 6 4+ 8
Hive Warrior 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 2 3 7 4+ 8


-High Voltage Sabre Leg

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Sabre Leg Melee Melee +1 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 3 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


The Hive Warrior may replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with a High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 3 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Every 10 models, a Hive Soldier may replace its Neuroelectric Rifle with one of the followings:

-High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 3 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

Every 10 models, one Hive Soldier can take an Electric Pulse Grenade - free

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electro Pulse Grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.

One Hive Soldier in the unit can take a Battery Carrier - +6 pts.

Battery Carrier: Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Soldier, Core

Q'Orl Larvae

This unit contains 5 Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: 1). It can contain up to 5 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +1), up to 10 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +4), up to 15 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +6), up to 20 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +8) or up to 25 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +10).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl Larva 5" 6+ 5+ 2 2 1 1 3 6+ 5


-Sparkler Needle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle Melee Melee User 0 1 -
Sparkler Needle 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Weak but Numerous"> During the Morale phase, instead of rolling morale for the unit, roll a d6 for each Larva model that was removed this turn. On a roll of 1, a model is removed. On a roll of 6, add 2 Larva models to the unit. These extra units don’t cost Reserve Points and can’t bring the Unit size over 30 Larvae. </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction:Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Larvae


Q'Orl Vanguard

This unit contains 3 Q'Orl Vanguards. It can contain up to 3 additional Q'Orl Vanguards, at Power Rating +7. (Power Rating 7).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Vanguard 7" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 4+


  • High Voltage Rifle
  • Shileded Chitin

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Shielded Chitin: x
Models with this ability have a 4+ Invulnerable save and a 6+ Feel No Pain.
  • Scary Presence: x
When an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, reduce the charge distance roll result by 2”.


  • Each Vanguard can replace its High Voltage Rifle with any weapon from the Basic Techno Weapon list


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Vanguard, Hive Royalty

Q'Orl Technologist

This unit contains a single Q'Orl Technologist (Power Rating 2).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Technologist 6" 4+ 3+ 3 4 3 2 5 4+


  • High Voltage Rifle
  • Techno Crafter Tool

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Biotechnological Clock Overdrive: x

Biotechnological Clock Overdrive - At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll 1d6. For the remainder of the turn, the Technologist gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled: 1- +2 Toughness 2- +2 Strength 3- +3” Movement 4- +4 Attacks 5- Increase WS and BS by 1 6- Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Engineer

Q'Orl Lieutenant

This unit contains a single Q'Orl Lieutenant. It can contain up to 10 Q'Orl Soldiers, at Power Rating +4 per 10 Soldiers. (Power Rating 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Lieutenant 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 2 3 8 4+
Soldier 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 6 4+


  • Lieutenant - High Voltage Rifle
  • Lieutenant - High Voltage Sabre Leg
  • Soldiers - Neuroelectric Rifle

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Command Chain: x
Neuroelectric Rifles shot by models in this unit count as Assault 2 and generate an extra hit roll on a hit roll of 5+.
  • Platoon Assemblement: x
The Lieutenant can join another Q’Orl SOLDIER unit. Doing so requires the Lieutenant unit to be within 2” of the selected unit. This merges the two units together, which from that point onwards count as a single unit. When doing this, the total unit size cannot increase over 30 and any extra models are removed from the battle. The new unit will be a Q’Orl Lieutenant unit, with only up to 29 SOLDIER models attached.


  • The Q’Orl Lieutenant can replace its High Voltage Rifle with any weapon from the Advanced Techno Weapons weapon list


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Soldier

Fast Attacks

Attack Larva

This unit contains 10 Attack Larva. It can contain up to 20 additional Attack Larvae, at Power Rating +3 per 10 Attack Larvae. (Power Rating 3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Attack Larva 8" 5+ 4+ 3 2 1 2 4 6+


  • Short Sticked Sprawler

Special Rules:

  • Weak, but many: x
During every Morale Phase, roll a d6 for each Larva model that was removed this turn instead of rolling morale for the unit. On a roll of 1, a model is removed. On a roll of 6, add 2 Larva models to the unit. These extra units don’t cost Reserve Points and can’t bring the Unit size over 30 Larvae.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Larva

Q'Orl Mechanoid

This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Mechanoid. It can contain up to 2 additional Q'Orl Mechanoids, at Power Rating +4 per model. (Power Rating 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl Mechanoid 14" 6+ 3+ 4 5 5 2 8 3+


  • Bioengineered Nerve Breaker
  • Two High Voltage Control Blasters

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Stolen Technology: x
This unit can reroll 1s to wound when targeting a VEHICLE.
  • Technoengineered Flesh: x
Models in this unit have a 5+ Invulnerable Save.


  • Mechanoids can replace one or both their HVC Blasters for one or two Bioengineered Nerve Breakers.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Vehicle, Fly, Mechanoid

Q'Orl Attack Soldier

This unit contains 5 Attack Soldiers. It can contain up to 25 additional Attack Soldiers, at Power Rating +3 per 5 models. (Power Rating 3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Attack Soldier 12" 5+ 3+ 3 4 1 2 6 4+


  • Neuroelectric Rifle

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Flying Threats: x
During deployment you can set this unit up in the sky. When you do so, at the end of any of your movement phases you can set this unit anywhere in the battlefield that is at least 9” away from enemy models.


  • Every 5 models an Attack Soldier can replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with a High Voltage Rifle.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Fly, Soldier

Heavy Supports

Heavy Gun Squadron

This unit contains 5 Heavy Gunners. It can contain up to 5 additional Heavy Gunners, at Power Rating +8. (Power Rating 8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Heavy Gunner 6" 6+ 3+ 3 5 3 1 5 4+


  • Long Range Ordinance Maimer

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Techno-advanced Legs: x
Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move.
  • Advanced Sight Biotechnology: x
This unit can reroll hit rolls of 1. This unit can reroll all hit rolls if it remained stationary in its previous Movement Phase.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Heavy Soldier

Techno Gunner Platoon

This unit contains 10 Techno Gunners. It can contain up to 10 additional Techno Gunners, at Power Rating +4. (Power Rating 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Techno Gunner 6" 6+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+


  • Current Blaster

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Bioengineered Hatred: x
If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its guns by 1.
  • Electrified Earth: x
This unit can declare attacks against units that are outside its line of sight. By declaring an attack against an enemy outside of line of sight, this unit is considered to have Ballistic Skill 6+ for the shooting phase.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Techno Gunner

Larva Mortar

This unit contains 1 Larva Mortar. It can contain up to 2 additional Larva Mortars, at Power Rating +2 per model. (Power Rating 2).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Larva Mortar 3" 6+ 3+ 2 5 1 1 3 5+


  • Unstable Mortar Platform

Special Rules:

  • Squashed by Heavy weaponry: x
When this unit fires an Unstable Mortar Platform, if the roll to determine the amount of shots from the gun is a 1, the unit is considered to have a Ballistic Skill of 5+ for this shooting phase.
  • Extreme weight: x
When this unit advances, roll 1d3 instead of 1d6.


  • For 10 points per model, you can upgrade an Unstable Mortar Platform in a Stable Mortar Platform


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Larva

Fire Spewer Team

This unit contains 5 Fire Spewers. It can contain up to 5 additional Fire Spewers, at Power Rating +3. (Power Rating 3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Fire Spewer 6" 6+ 3+ 3 5 2 1 5 4+


  • Biofire Ejector (short range)
  • Biofire Ejector (long range)
  • Electro Impluse Grenade

Special Rules:

  • Technological Genius
  • For the Queen
  • Arthropods
  • Escalating Heat: x
If a unit is killed by an attack made with a Biofire Ejector in this unit, increase the Strength characteristic of the Biofire Ejector by 1.
  • Volatile: x
If a model in this unit is slain during the Fight Phase, the enemy unit which attacked suffers 1 Mortal Wound.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, Swarmhood
  • Infantry, Soldier, Fire Spewer


Queen's Drones Swarm

This unit contains 1 Queen's Drone (Power Rating: 9). It can include 1 additional Queen's Drone (Power Rating: +9) or 2 additional Queen's Drones (Power Rating: +18).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Queen's Drone 20" 5+ 3+ 6 7 10 3 9 3+


  • Long Range Ordinance Maimer
  • Two Bioengineered Nerve Breakers
  • Two High Voltage Rifles

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Boosted Wings: x
When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase – do not roll a dice.
  • Enhanced Senses: x
This model can Advance and fire Assault weapons without taking penalties to his hit rolls.
  • For the Queen
  • Technological Genius


  • Faction:Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Flyer, Monster, Fly, Queen's Drone

Dedicated Transports

Hive Carrier Swarm

This unit contains a single Hive Carrier. (Power Rating 6). It can include 1 additional Hive Carrier (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Hive Carriers (Power Rating +12).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Carrier * 6+ * 5 7 6-10 * 9 3+
Remaining W M WS A
6-10+ 12" 3+ 3
3-5 8" 4+ D3
1-2 4" 5+ 1


  • Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer
  • Two Biofire Ejector

Special Rules:

  • Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll 1d6. On a roll of 6 it explodes, and every unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Technological Genius

Transport: This model can transport 12 <Swarmhood> Infantry models.


  • Faction:Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Transport, Hive Carrier

Lords of War

Hive Queen

This unit contains a single Hive Queen. (Power Rating 25). Only one Hive Queen can be included in your army.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Queen * * 2+ 9 9 35 * 10 2+
Remaining W M WS A
17-35+ 14" 2+ 6
9-16 11" 2+ 2D3
1-8 8" 2+ D3


  • Bioengineered Nerve Breaker
  • Biofluid Rain
  • Mastodontic Jaws
  • The Queen's Talons

Special Rules:

  • Arthropods
  • Honor in Death (Aura): x
Q'Orl Core units within 6” of this model can Heroically Intervene for 6” if the Hive Queen is ever declared as the target of a successful charge.
  • Leader of all: x
The Hive Queen can never gain the benefits of a <Swarmhood>, but she can be taken in a battle-forged army without losing the battle-forged bonus.
  • Perfected Chitin: x
This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
  • Supreme Being of the Hive (Aura): x
Q'Orl units within 12” of this model are considered to be in range of the For the Queen special rule. Also, Q'Orl units within 12” of this model can re-roll all failed to-hit rolls and 1s to wound rolls.
  • Technological Genius


  • Faction:Q'Orl
  • Lord of War, Monster, Hive Queen, Hive Royalty

Point Costs



Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Q'Orl Vanguard 3-6 18pts
Q'Orl Technologist 1 40pts
Q'Orl Lieutenant 1(+ 0-10 soldiers) 75pts

Fast Attacks

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Attack Larva 10-30 6pts
Q'Orl Mechanoid 1-3 90pts
Q'Orl Attack Soldier 5-30 9pts

Heavy Supports

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Heavy Gun Squadron 5-10 15pts
Techno Gunner Platoon 10-20 9pts
Larva Mortar 1-3 20pts
Fire Spewer Team 5-10 50pts


Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Queen's Drone 1 110pts


Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons not included)
Hive Carrier 1 80pts

Lords of War

Unit Models per unit Points per model (weapons included)
Hive Queen 1 500pts


Melee Weapons

Weapon Points per weapon
Multi Techno Tool free
Symbiote Staff (melee) free
High Voltage Sabre Leg free
Shielded Chitin free
Mastodontic Jaws free

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Points per weapon
High Control Heavy Spitter 25pts
Energy Megaton Pulse-generator 20pts
Hyper Voltage Rifle Relic
Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer 15pts
High Voltage Rifle 2pts
Symbiote Staff (ranged) free
Techno Crafter Tool free
Chiritine Ripper free
Neuroelectric Rifle free
Electro Pulse Grenade free
Electro Impulse Grenade free
Short Sticked Sprawler free
High Voltage Control Blaster 10pts
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 10pts
Long Range Ordinance Maimer free
Current Blaster 10pts
Unstable Mortar Platform free
Stable Mortar Platform 10pts
Biofire Ejector (short range) free
Biofire Ejector (long range) free
Biofluid Torrent free