Codex - Rogue Traders: /tg/'s 8th Edition
So, what's all this? Someone on reddit asked if there were rules for playing a Rogue Trader's army. There were not. (Unless the Rogue Trader was Elucia Vhane and you were willing to exclusively make the army from a subset of the units from the Kill Team: Rogue Trader boxed set, in which case you could put together a Kill Team, but still not anything bigger.) Somebody decided to remedy this. The basic structure of the codex is to support and require that Rogue Trader armies look like a hodgepodge of Imperial (and occasionally non-Imperial) forces pulled together in the quest for profit. So nearly anything from the Imperium can be included, but not too much from any one source. The main Imperial factions which can't be pulled in are Astartes, Talons of the Emperor, the Inquisition, and Assassins. But every dynasty gets an exception to one restriction or another, and several dynasties have canonical tight ties to the Holy Ordos or an astartes chapter, so they can partially get around these restrictions. For example, House Ecale can bring some SPESS MEHREENS as long as they're from their buddies in the Marines Errant.
Army Rules
Rogue Traders are the independent mavericks of the Imperium, granted the freedom to travel as they please and exemptions from many laws that bind the common citizenry and even nobility of the Imperium by the holy Warrants of Trade granted to their ancestors many centuries ago. They have the authority and power to recruit or even press-gang their retinue from anywhere within the Imperium; only the Officio Assassinorum, the Adeptus Astartes, and and the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition are truly beyond their reach. Even xenos mercenaries are a gray area, not expressly permitted to them but not, as they are for all others, expressly forbidden either.
However, while their independence is strong, a prince of a Rogue Trader dynasty must take care to avoid entangling his family in a web of obligations which would render them subject to other forces. Accordingly, while a rogue trader may recruit from any organization, be it the Adeptus Mechanicus or the Adepta Sororitas, they must take care not to draw too deeply from one well. An enthusiastic explorator of archeotech who recruits most of his retinue from the Machine Cult may benefit from the association in the short term, but is likely to incur substantial favors owed that will bind his family in the future and risks demoting themselves, in effect, to the status of Mechanicus vassals similar to a Knightly House. Similar problems exist with recruiting overmuch from the Imperial Cult, the Navis Nobilite, the Adeptus Arbites, the Astra Militarum, or the Navis Imperialis, though discharged veterans of the latter three pose significantly fewer problems and are common inclusions in the crews and households of the Astra Cartographica.
- Comitatus Negotiatis: Rogue Traders are often singularly potent individuals, but even those cannot operate alone. Their retinues include other remarkable individuals from diverse backgrounds and skillsets.
- A Character unit with this rule does not need to take up a slot in a Detachment which contains a Rogue Trader unit. Additionally, any unit with this special rule gains the Warrant of Trade ability as long as it is wholly within 6" of a Rogue Trader unit with that ability or wholly within 6" of a Transport unit in which a Rogue Trader unit with that ability is embarked. If your army contains no Rogue Trader units, or this unit takes up a normal slot in a Detachment, the remainder of this rule is not applied to it.
- A unit with this rule may only be set up at the same time as a Rogue Trader unit from the same Detachment (or one from its non-Battle-Forged army). When you set up a Rogue Trader unit, you may set up any number of units with this rule in unit coherency with that unit, subject to the restrictions of Independent Dynasty. If you have units with this rule still in reserve when all Rogue Trader units in your army have been deployed, those units are considered to be slain.
- Warrant of Trade: The single most important item in the possession of any Rogue Trader, the Warrant of Trade grants great authority to its bearer throughout the Imperium, and even gives license to travel beyond its boundaries.
- A model with this ability can embark onto any Imperium Transport, even though the transport in question might normally only permit models with other Faction keywords to do so. All other restrictions (e.g. only Infantry may be transported) apply normally.
Detachment Rules
- I Claim This World In The Name Of The Emperor: ...and his Imperium. I bring justice and truth for the loyal, punishment and death for the guilty, and the spoils I take by my own hand.
- If your army is Battle-forged all Astra Cartographica units in a <Imperial Dynasty> Detachment gain this ability. If your Warlord is a Rogue Trader, all your Rogue Trader units regardless of Detachment also gain it. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
Independent Dynasty
Rogue Traders have a highly privileged status outside the normal power structures of the Imperium and may recruit their forces from among almost anyone in the Imperium of Mankind. However, their dynasties take care to avoid becoming tied tightly to any of those power structures and risk losing the benefits of their unfettered status.
An army whose Warlord is a Rogue Trader gains two benefits, but if either is used, they come with a number of restrictions on how the army may be constructed.
- Benefits:
- -Broad Authority: You may grant your warlord's <Imperial Dynasty> keyword to any number of Imperium units in the army, including for the purposes of determining whether the Detachments in the army are legal.
- -Command Bridge: You may use Rogue Trader Stratagems regardless of the structure of your Detachments, so long as your Warlord is a Rogue Trader and all the below restrictions are met.
- Restrictions:
- Avoid Overdependence: No faction keyword, other than <Imperial Dynasty>, Rogue Trader, Imperium, Astra Cartographica, or Comitatus, may appear on the datasheets of units comprising more than 20% of the total points cost (if using Matched Play rules) or Power Rating (if not) of the army.
- Dynastic Rivalries: All Rogue Trader units in your army must share the same <Imperial Dynasty>.
- Keep Aloof: Units set up with any individual Rogue Trader unit thanks to the Comitatus Negotiatis special rule may not include more than one unit with any faction keyword other than <Imperial Dynasty>, Imperium or Comitatus. However, if at least five Comitatus units were set up with that single Rogue Trader unit, this limit increases to two units per faction keyword.
- (Example: A Trader's retinue could be one Enginseer (ADEPTUS MECHANICUS, CULT MECHANICUS), a Jokaero Weaponsmith (JOKAERO), and a Missionary (ADEPTUS MINISTORUM), or could be two of each (six units, which increases the limit to two), but could not be those three plus a Sister Dialogus (ADEPTUS MINISTORUM, ADEPTA SORORITAS) because that would include two units with ADEPTUS MINISTORUM in a retinue of four. Similarly, no retinue could ever include a Missionary, a Sister Dialogus, and a Ministorum Priest (ADEPTUS MINISTORUM, ASTRA MILITARUM), because those three share the ADEPTUS MINISTORUM faction keyword)
- (Note: Several units which appear in Codex Astra Militarum as specialists on secondment to the Imperial Guard, such as the Astropath and Master of the Fleet, appear in this codex without the ASTRA MILITARUM keyword to make it easier to include them in Rogue Trader armies)
- Leading the Way: Each Detachment in your army (if it is Battle-forged) must contain a Rogue Trader unit unless it is a Fortification Network.
- Limits of Power: No Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Custodes, Inquisition, Officio Assasinorum, or Sisters of Silence units may benefit from Independent Dynasty (?).
- Stay Mobile: No unit in the army may be Titanic unless it also has Fly and Aircraft (as Rogue Trader's remit inherently involves travel, their forces must remain agile, at least by a fairly expansive definition of 'agile' which admits Leman Russ battle tanks and towable artillery batteries).
- United Front: Each Detachment which contains more than one Rogue Trader unit must be made up exclusively of Rogue Trader units and other Astra Cartographica units.
Dynastic Alliances
Despite their independence, each Rogue Trader dynasty which endures long enough finds that it serves them well to form lasting ties to one or the other of the Imperium's powerful factions, or ongoing relationships with the less hostile xeno factions. These alliances, if not strained overmuch, allow for much larger musters when direct violence becomes necessary.
Each <Imperial Dynasty> has one exception to the rules of Independent Dynasty; a section of the Imperium's forces which they can call on other dynasties cannot, an Imperial faction they can call on in greater numbers, or a xenos breed they have a tacitly-permitted standing relationship with.
- Aquairre dynasty - Cloak the Dagger: Kobras Aquairre, one of the few to ever hold the titles of Inquisitor and Rogue Trader simultaneously
- An aquairre dynasty army may include Inquisition and Officio Assassinorum units and grant them the aquairre dynasty keyword thanks to Independent Dynasty, though these units may not include named characters and each Detachment which contains any units from either must include an Inquisitor. Additionally, for the purposes of the Leading the Way and Comitatus Negotiatis special rules (though not for stratagems or other rules), Inquisitors in a aquairre dynasty army count as having the Rogue Trader. However, the other restrictions of Independent Dynasty still apply, and the Avoid Overdependence limits for Inquisition and Officio Assassinorum units are each 10% of the army rather than 20%.
Austregal dynasty: <Rogue Trader Austregal, who preyed on Eldar>
- Scourge of Xenos: An austregal dynasty army may include adeptus astartes deathwatch units and grant them the austregal dynasty keyword using Independent Dynasty. These may not include dreadnought or relic units, nor named characters. Additionally, each rogue trader prince in the army may include up to one deathwatch watch captain in their retinue, with the watch captain gaining Comitatus Negotiatis.
Draik dynasty: <Janus Draik, mostly secures worlds with diplomacy and harnessing local greed>
- Band of Brothers: A draik dynasty army does not count any comitatus models as having faction keywords for the purposes of Avoid Overdependence. Additionally, if a draik rogue trader's retinue is set up with at least 10 units, the limit from Stay Aloof increases to to three models with any given Faction Keyword. draik dynasty rogue traders with Scion may be set up with up to 8 units rather than only 4.
Ecale dynasty:
- Pact of the Ghoul Stars: An ecale dynasty army may include adeptus astartes units from the marines errant chapter and grant them the ecale dynasty keyword using Independent Dynasty. These may not include ancient, centurion, dreadnought, or relic units, or any units with an HQ battlefield role except lieutenants. The other restrictions of Independent Dynasty still apply.
Grohe dynasty: <Durandal Grohe, opened trade relations with the T'au Empire and continued them even after they were embargoed>
- The Lesser Good: A grohe dynasty army expands the units Broad Authority can apply to; these armies can include kroot or vespid units, or other t'au empire units which do not have drone, ethereal or any of air/earth/fire/water caste, and which are not CHARACTERs. This is subject to all normal restrictions of Independent Dynasty. Within each Detachment, you may either use Broad Authority for imperium units or for non-imperium units, never both.
- Note: See Codex - Tau Auxiliary for expanded Kroot and Vespid options, and for tabletop units for other client races of the T'au Empire. The T'au themselves are not supposed to be available, and Gue'vesa probably shouldn't be either.
Jeffers dynasty: <Jeffers: Rediscovered the first Knight World in the Great Crusade era and precipitated a search for others>
- Chivalrous Legacy: In a jeffers dynasty army, questor imperialis units are exempt from Stay Mobile and questor imperialis Super-Heavy Detachments are exempt from Leading the Way. One questor imperialis model per army does not count toward Avoid Overdependence; however, you cannot have the total fraction of your points/power which is questor imperialis/imperial knight, including this exempt model, exceed 50%.
- Note: hacky patch to the fact that in a standard 2000 pt 'small' army, all the dominus class and most of the questoris class break 20% with their stock wargear. With this, you can field a Dominus and two Armigers in a Super-Heavy Detachment even at the 2000 pt level.
Mateus dynasty: <Karl Mateus, trades frequently with rebellious worlds and Corsairs, among other xenos. Sometimes a pirate himself.>
- Hoist the Colors: A mateus dynasty army may include and grant the mateus dynasty keyword to certain aeldari units; anhrathe (Corsairs), and/or Craftworld lugganath rangers. These units may not include named characters, and no asuryani in the army may benefit from a Craftworld Attribute. Within each Detachment, you may either grant mateus dynasty to non-imperium units with the Independent Dynasty rule or grant it to imperium units with that rule, never both. aeldari transports in a mateus dynasty army may transport any aeldari infantry or rogue trader infantry which does not have jump packs or jet packs. (This does not extend to other models with Warrant of Trade, which still only permits them to travel on imperium transports).
- Note: Extra datasheets for asuryani Pathfinders (ranger characters) is included in Codex - Rogue Traders/Xenos, and a greater variety of anhrathe units are found at Index - Corsairs.
Maxilla dynasty: <Tobias Maxilla, associate of Inquisitor Eisenhorn, half-machine by the time of his death, flagship crewed almost entirely by servitors>
- Fruits of Knowledge: Up to 50% of a maxilla dynasty army may be composed of units drawn from adeptus mechanicus, cult mechanicus, and/or skitarii; consider these Faction Keywords to be one for the purposes of Avoid Overdependence and Keep Aloof (though not for any other purpose). Additionally, Astra Cartographica Maxilla dynasty units which can make wargear selections from the Armsman Special Weapons list treat all weapons on the Mechanicus Heavy Weapons list as also being on the Armsman Special Weapons list.
Murad dynasty: <Neyam Shai Murad, an Arch-Militant adopted into the Dynasty and given the Warrant. Warlike, still a skilled soldier>
- Carry the Hammer: Up to 50% of a murad dynasty army may be astra militarum units. In each Detachment of a murad dynasty army, one macharius or crassus-class unit is exempt from Stay Mobile. The restrictions of Independent Dynasty other than Avoid Overdependence and Stay Mobile apply normally.
Saul dynasty: <Jonquin Saul, merchant rather than explorer allied with the Creed in bringing the Heathen Stars into the fold>
- Faith and Coin: Up to 50% of a saul dynasty army may be adeptus ministorum units. You may take 'Frateris Veteran' squads; these use the Astra Militarum datasheets for Infantry Squads or Special Weapons Squads, but they cannot take Vox-Casters and replace the astra militarum and <regiment> Faction Keywords with adeptus ministorum, also gaining the crusaders Keyword.
Sulymanya dynasty: <Yassili Sulymanya, atheist nearly burned as a heretic but instead became good friends with Roboute Guilliman and highly placed in the Logos Historica Verita>
- Favor of the Regent: sulymanya dynasty armies may include sisters of silence units and grant them the sulymanya dynasty keyword using Independent Dynasty, though these may not include named characters. The other restrictions of Independent Dynasty still apply, and the Avoid Overdependence limit for sisters of silence is 10% of the army rather than 20%. Additionally, one rogue trader prince in the army may take an adeptus custodes vexilus praetor (which may not be a terminator) model in its retinue, granting that model the Comitatus Negotiatis rule.
Thrift dynasty: <Ichabod Thrift, known for his constant companion, who was a remarkable Astropath>
- Song of the Void: Any amount of a Thrift dynasty army may be Astra Telepathica units. Up to 50% of a Thrift dynasty army may be Navis Imperialis units.
Tinz dynasty: <homebrew; dynasty which traded peacefully with an Exodite World and later allied with Craftworld Il-Kaithe to expel a series of chaos cults which had spread across the fringe sector much of their recent holdings were in>
- Come the Apocalypse: A Tinz dynasty army may include and grant the Tinz dynasty keyword to il-kaithe asuryani units. These units may not include named characters, nor the avatar of khaine, and no asuryani in the army may benefit from a Craftworld Attribute. Within each Detachment, you may either grant Tinz dynasty to non-imperium units with the Independent Dynasty rule or grant it to imperium units with that rule, never both. Models with Warrant of Trade in a Tinz dynasty army may embark into asuryani warhost transports.
Vane dynasty: <Elucia Vane, flagship Rogue Trader for Kill Team: Rogue Trader>
- Band of Brothers: A vane dynasty army does not count any comitatus models as having faction keywords for the purposes of Avoid Overdependence. Additionally, if a <dynasty> rogue trader's retinue is set up with at least 10 units, the limit from Stay Aloof increases to to three models with any given Faction Keyword. vane dynasty rogue traders with Scion may be set up with up to 8 units rather than only 4.
Wolf dynasty: <Matteas Wolf, Macharian Crusade: Used Dark Eldar and Ork mercs>
- Scum and Villainy: A wolf dynasty army expands the units Broad Authority can apply to; these armies can include drukhari units. Every drukhari unit included must have <kabal> <wych cult>, incubi, or beast, they may not include named characters, and no drukhari in the army may benefit from an Obsession. This is subject to all normal restrictions of Independent Dynasty. Within each Detachment, you may either use Broad Authority for imperium units or for non-imperium units, never both.
Yotey dynasty: <A bad pun, split off from Wolf because DEldar and Ork in one Dynasty would be too much.>
- Dances-With-Mork: A yotey dynasty army expands the units Broad Authority can apply to; these armies can include ork freebooterz units. These units may not include big meks, weirdboys, gorkanauts, or morkanauts, they may not include named characters, and no ork unit in the army may benefit from a Kultur. This is subject to all normal restrictions of Independent Dynasty. Within each Detachment, you may either use Broad Authority for imperium units or for non-imperium units, never both.
- Note: A new Ork Kaptin datasheet is included in Codex - Rogue Traders: /tg/'s 8th Edition/Xenos, if you want a git closer to Kaptin Badrukk than to a normal Warboss. More Dakka, More Cowardly.
2+ CP Aerial Retinue
Rogue Trader Stratagem
Rogue Traders are nothing if not flexible, and so are their retinues. If it's deemed expedient, a dozen of their picked crew will don jump packs in moments and take to the air with a scion of the dynasty.
Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase when you are setting up a ROGUE TRADER with a Jump Pack who was deployed high in the skies. For 2 CP, one unit in your reserves with Comitatus Negotiatis who is not equipped with a jump pack may be given a disposable jump pack and set up alongside the FLYing Trader as if they had the Jump Pack Assault rule. They do not receive any benefits after being set up (they lack FLY and do not receive an increase to their speed). For 4 CP, you may do this with two units; further units cost an additional 1 CP each.
1 CP Flanking Retinue
Rogue Trader Stratagem
Even for the wealthy Rogue Traders, keeping a fleet of bikes to be able to carry the retinue of a scion of the dynasty along, just in case the trader decides to outflank the enemy, is expensive. Keeping a Land Speeder battle-ready and fast enough to keep pace, by contrast, is quite affordable.
Use this Stratagem before the battle begins, when you deploy a Rogue Trader flanking the armies. One COMITATUS SPEEDER in the same Detachment as the Trader gains Flank Speed and the COMITATUS OUTRIDER keyword and is set up flanking the armies as well. It may not have any non-COMITATUS units embarked within it at this time. When the flanking Rogue Trader is set up on the battlefield, a single COMITATUS OUTRIDER may and must be set up in unit coherency with it, with at least one COMITATUS CHARACTER embarked within it. The units embarked count as part of the ROGUE TRADER's retinue and as being in unit coherency with the trader.
1/3 CP Squadron Comitatus
Rogue Trader Stratagem
Some Rogue Traders deploy from the air so often that their retinues all train to do so as well.
Use this Stratagem when choosing your army. Pick a Rogue Traders Detachment from your army to be a Squadron Comitatus. Assign any number of COMITATUS INFANTRY units to that Detachment; these units now may only be set up as the retinue of a ROGUE TRADER from this Detachment, but they may take JUMP PACKS, as the Rogue Trader wargear. For 3 CP, pick two Detachments, and the assigned COMITATUS units may be set up as the retinue of a trader from either of those Detachments.
1/3 CP Comitatus Pool
Rogue Trader Stratagem
Some Rogue Traders prefer to deploy on their bikes almost every battle, making it cost-effective to maintain a motor pool and train their retinues to ride them.
Use this Stratagem when choosing your army. Pick a Rogue Traders Detachment from your army to be a Comitatus Pool. Assign any number of COMITATUS INFANTRY units to that Detachment; these units now may only be set up as the retinue of a ROGUE TRADER from this Detachment, but they may take BIKEs, as the Rogue Trader wargear. For 3 CP, pick two Detachments, and the assigned COMITATUS units may be set up as the retinue of a trader from either of those Detachments. Units which gain bikes become BIKERS rather than INFANTRY, gain +1 Wound and +1 Toughness, and gain the Flank Speed special rule.
Warlord Traits
Psychic Powers
Astra Cartographica Psykers may either choose powers from the Astropathy discipline or the Militarum discipline, except Navis Nobilite Psykers. Navis Nobilite Psykers choose their powers from the Navis Nobilite discipline.
Astropathy Discipline
CHARACTER-focused effects, psychological , some divination)
NAME | Target | Description | ||
Reknit | 5 | 18" | Friendly Character | Target model recovers 1D3 wounds |
Precognition | 6 | 6" | Friendly Character | Until the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit gains a 5+ Invulnerable save. When this unit is attacked during this time, all rolls to hit subtract 1 from their result. |
Induced Paralysis | 6 | 18" | Visible Enemy Character | Until the start of your next Psychic phase the target halves their movement score and cannot Advance or charge. |
Scryer's Gaze | 7 | -/18" | -/Friendly Character | If your army is Battle-Forged, you immediately gain 1 Command Point. Alternatively, the target can re-roll all dice to hit, to wound, or damage until your next psychic phase. (Can target caster.) |
Mind Erasure | 7 | 18" | Visible Enemy Character | _and_ Ld for the rest of the battle.
Puppeteer| 7 || 12" || Enemy Model || Roll 3D6. If the score equals or exceeds that model's Leadership, that model can either shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, or make a single close combat attack as if it were the Fight phase. In either case, treat that model as if it were a separate unit that is part of your army whilst shooting or making that close combat attack. Models cannot attack themselves, but they can attack other members of their unit. |
Militarum Discipline
(group-target effects, overt warfare)
NAME | Charge | Range | Target | Description |
Emperor's Heart | 4 | 12" | Friendly unit | Until the start of your next Psychic Phase, target unit automatically passes Morale Tests. |
Battleshock | 5 | 18" | Closest visible enemy unit | Roll 2d6. For each point that this roll exceeds the highest Leadership score in the target unit, the target suffers 1 mortal wound. |
Emperor's Gaze | 6 | D6+6" | All models in path | Draw a straight line 2D6" long from the psyker's base. For each model the center of the line "passes over", roll a die. On a 4+, that model's unit suffers a mortal wound. |
Psychic Barrier | 6 | 12" | Friendly non-CHARACTER unit | Until the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has +1 to saves, including invulnerable saves. |
Nightshroud | 6 | 12" | Friendly non-CHARACTER unit | Until the start of your next turn, any enemy attacks that target the chosen unit with a ranged weapon suffer a -1 penalty to hit rolls. |
Instant Maneuver | 7 | 12" | Friendly non-CHARACTER Infantry |
Navis Nobilite Discipline
Special Rules: Use of the Navis Nobilite discipline never triggers Perils of the Warp. Deny the Witch attempts against Navis Nobilite powers roll D6+1 instead of 2D6. | ||
Roll | Warp Charge | Meaning |
1 | 5 | Lidless Stare: Before rolling to manifest, choose an enemy unit which is within 12" of, and visible to, the psyker. If manifested, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10, the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead. |
2 | 5 | Foreshadowing: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase Shooting attacks targeting the psyker or friendly units wholly within 6" of the psyker subtract 1 from their hit roll. |
3 | 6 | Revulsion of Space: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase enemy units wholly within 18" of the psyker subtract 1" from the rolled distance for any Charge or Advance move they make. |
4 | 6 | Aetheric Disruption: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase any roll of doubles for a Psychic test, by a friendly or enemy PSYKER, triggers Perils of the Warp. If the result of the Psychic test for this power was more than 10, enemy PSYKERs roll an additional die for their Psychic test; this is not included for warp charge purposes but can trigger Perils of the Warp if it matches either of the other dice. |
5 | 7 | Course Untravelled: If manifested, the psyker and up to one friendly unit wholly within 6" of the psyker may immediately move as if it was the Movement Phase. If a friendly unit is moving, it must end this movement in unit coherency with the psyker. This counts as Falling Back if and only if the psyker themself starts the move within 1" of an enemy unit, but neither unit can Advance. If this was not a Fall Back, neither unit is considered to have moved this round (except for purposes for which it would benefit them to have moved). |
6 | 7 | Tides of Time: The psyker or one friendly model within 6" of the psyker may immediately shoot with one of its ranged weapons as if it were your Shooting phase, or make one attack with one of its melee weapons as if it were the Fight phase. If the psyker fails to manifest this power, they cannot move or shoot this turn, even via Consolidate and Pile In moves or Heroic Interventions. |
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Other Wargear
Fast Attacks
Heavy Supports
Dedicated Transports
Lords of War
Point Costs
Fast Attacks
Heavy Supports
Dedicated Transports
Lords of War
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Unorganized Stuff
Errata to preexisting units
From Blackstone Fortress and Kill-Team: Rogue Trader:
Janus Draik: Gains DRAIK DYNASTY
Neyam Shai Murad: Gains MURAD DYNASTY
Knosso Prond, Larsen van der Grauss, Sanistasia Minst: Replace ELUCIDIAN STARSTRIDERS with VANE DYNASTY in both keywords and abilities. Lose Warrant of Trade and Rogue Trader Retinue but gain Comitatus Negotiatis.
From Codex: T'au Empire:
From Codex: Astra Militarum:
Crassus Armoured Assault Vehicle, Dominus Armoured Siege Bombard, and Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher: Gain CRASSUS-CLASS.
Copypasta Units
These don't replace the old versions, but have new near-identical copies made with slightly different keywords, and sometimes wording changes to support being part of the entourage.
Index Imperialis: Inquisition
Jokaero Weaponsmith: Replaces Authority of the Inquisition with Comitatus Negotiatis. Loses INQUISITION and <ORDO>.
Codex: Astra Militarum
Astropath: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM. Astral Divination only benefits units with ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA or ASTRA TELEPATHICA.
Crusaders: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM.
Gotfret de Montbard: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM.
Ministorum Priest: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM. War Hymns only benefits units with ADEPTUS MINISTORUM or ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA.
Officer of the Fleet: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM. Gains NAVIS IMPERIALIS.
Primaris Psyker: Loses ASTRA MILITARUM. Gains Comitatus Negotiatis.
Servitors: Lose ASTRA MILITARUM.
- Errata: ASTRA MILITARUM version also gains ADEPTUS MECHANICUS. (Seriously, how did it not have that already?)
Codex: Adepta Sororitas
Death Cult Assassins: Loses ECCLESIARCHY BATTLE CONCLAVE and the associated rule.
Death Cult Executioner: As Knosso Prond. Loses ECCLESIARCHY BATTLE CONCLAVE, the associated rule, and KNOSSO PROND; an army may have more than one of this unit. Replace Warrant of Trade and Rogue Trader Retinue with Comitatus Negotiatis. Dartmask is an optional wargear costing 7 points. Decrease base points cost from 25 to 18. Power rating unchanged.
Hospitaller: Change name to Sister Hospitaller. Gains Comitatus Negotiatis. Ability applies to any INFANTRY unit which is ADEPTUS MINISTORUM or is an ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA CHARACTER.
New Units
Dynasty Armsman Squad: Troops, Pow 1
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Armsman [6-] | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 5+ |
This unit contains 4 Armsmen. It may contain up to 4 additional Armsmen (+2 Power), or up to 8 additional Armsmen (+3 Power).
Each Armsman is equipped with a master-crafted lasgun, frag grenades, and krak grenades.
Weapon Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted Lasgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 3 | -1 | 2 | - |
Master-crafted Lasblaster | 12" | Assault 2 | 3 | -2 | 2 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Master-crafted Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | D3 | When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Vibroknife | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
One Armsman may replace their master-crafted lasgun with a weapon from the Armsman Special Weapons list. If the unit contains at least 8 models, a second Armsman may do so, and if it contains 12 models a third may do so. Up to two other Armsmen may replace their master-crafted lasguns with master-crafted lasblaster. Up to half of the Armsmen may take a master-crafted chainsword or a vibroknife.
Jaded Veterans: If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.
(Note: The name Armsmen does not imply they are all male. Armswomen are less common but exist. It's just that "Armsperson" sounds dumb.)
Dynasty Voidsman Squad: Troops, Pow 2
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Voidsman [8-] | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 5+ |
This unit contains 4 Voidsmen. It may contain up to 4 additional Voidsmen (+1 Power), or up to 8 additional Voidsmen (+2 Power).
Each Voidsman is equipped with a naval-grade shotgun and a vibroknife.
Weapon Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Breacher charge | Melee | Melee | * | * | * | A model with a breacher charge may use it in the Fight phase instead of attacking normally. If it does this, roll a die. On a 4+, it inflicts D3 mortal wounds on one enemy unit in the fight; if this is a VEHICLE, BUILDING or a MONSTER, it will instead inflict D6 mortal wounds. Each breacher charge can only be used once per battle. |
Concussion grenade | 6" | Grenade D3 | 3 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within 1" of a terrain feature, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength and Damage characteristics. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Hailstorm autogun | 8" | Rapid Fire 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | - |
Naval-grade Shotgun | 12" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 2 | If the target is within half range, this weapon has Strength 6. |
Lascutter | Melee | Melee | 9 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, a model may only ever make a single attack. |
Master-crafted Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | D3 | When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Vibroknife | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
One Voidsman may replace their naval-grade shotgun with a weapon from the Armsman Special Weapons list. If the unit contains at least 8 models, a second Voidsman may do so, and if it contains 12 models a third may do so. Up to two other Voidsmen can take concussion grenades and frag grenades. Another may take a breacher charge. Up to half of the Voidsmen, which may not include any of the preceding ones, may replace their vibroknife with a lascutter. Any number of Voidsmen wielding a naval-grade shotgun may replace it with a hailstorm autogun and/or replace their vibroknife with a master-crafted chainsword.
Aerial Drop: During deployment, you may set up this model in a high-altitude transport instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the unit can aerial drop into battle – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Astropath Transcendant: Elite, Pow 3
NAME | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Astropath Transcendant | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 6+ |
The Astropath Transcendant is a single model equipped with a starmind pistol and a force staff.
Starmind pistol | 12" | Pistol D3 | 4 | -2 | 1 | When targeting a unit within half range, this weapon's type increases to D6. |
Force axe | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | D3 | - |
Force staff | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | D3 | - |
Force sword | Melee | Melee | +0 | -3 | D3 | - |
This model may replace its force staff with a force axe, a force sword, or a second starmind pistol.
Comitatus Negotiatis
Astral Divination: At the start of your Shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 18" of this model. For the duration of the phase, the unit you picked gains no bonus to their saving throws for being in cover when it is targeted by attacks made by friendly ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA units within 6" of this model.
It's For Your Own Good: If this model is slain as a result of Perils of the Warp whilst within 6" of a friendly ARCH-MILITANT, COMMISSAR, or <DYNASTY> BODYGUARD, they are executed before anything untoward can happen – the power they were attempting still fails, but units within 6" of them do not suffer D3 mortal wounds as normal.
Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
PSYKER: This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows Smite and either two psychic powers from the Astropathy discipline or two from the Militarum discipline.
Faction Keywords:
- Imperium, Astra Cartographica, Astra Telepathica, Scholastica Psykana,
- Infantry, Psyker, Astropath, Astropath Choir
Points estimate: Model is 45pt, force axe/staff/sword are 10/8/8 (as usual), Starmind pistol is 5 apiece.
Astropath Choir: Elite, Pow 2
NAME | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Choir Astropath | 6" | 5+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 6+ |
This unit contains 3 Choir Astropaths. It may contain up to 3 additional Choir Astropaths (Power Rating +1) or up to 6 additional Choir Astropaths (Power Rating +2). Each model is armed with a master-crafted laspistol and an astropath stave.
Master-crafted Laspistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 3 | -1 | 2 | - |
Astropath staff | Melee | Melee | +1 | 0 | 1 | - |
Astral Divination: At the start of your Shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 18" of this model. For the duration of the phase, the unit you picked gains no bonus to their saving throws for being in cover when it is targeted by attacks made by friendly ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA units within 6" of this model. The range to the target enemy increases to 21" if the unit has 3 or more models and 24" if it has 6 or more models.
Choir of Minds: Each time you take a Psychic test or Deny the Witch test for this unit, roll 1D6 instead of 2D6. You can add 1 to Psychic tests you make for this unit if it has 3 or more models, or 2 to tests if it has 6 or more models. When manifesting or denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit – measure range, visibility etc. from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6" will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp causes the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain.
PSYKER: This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one power from the Astropathy discipline.
Faction Keywords:
- Imperium, Astra Cartographica, Astra Telepathica, Scholastica Psykana, <Dynasty>
- Infantry, Psyker, Astropath, Astropath Choir
Points estimate: Model is 7pt, force axe/staff/sword are 10/8/8 (as usual), Starmind pistol is 5 apiece.
Wyrdvane Choir: Elite, Pow 2
NAME | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Wyrdvane Psyker | 6" | 4+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 6+ |
This unit contains 3 Wyrdvane Psykers. It may contain up to 3 additional Wyrdvane Psykers (Power Rating +1) or up to 6 additional Wyrdvane Psykers (Power Rating +2). Each model is armed with a laspistol and a wyrd sword.
Laspistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Wyrd sword | Melee | Melee | * | 0 | D3 | This weapon always wounds on a 3+. |
Choir of Minds: Each time you take a Psychic test or Deny the Witch test for this unit, roll 1D6 instead of 2D6. You can add 1 to Psychic tests you make for this unit if it has 3 or more models, or 2 to tests if it has 6 or more models. When manifesting or denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit – measure range, visibility etc. from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6" will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp causes the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain.
Sap the Will: At the start of your Fight phase, pick an enemy unit within 9" of this model. This phase, the unit you picked may only be chosen to fight in the Fight phase after all other eligible units have fought, even if they charged or have an ability that would allow them to fight first. The range to the target enemy increases to 12" if the unit has 3 or more models and 15" if it has 6 or more models.
Psyker: This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one power from the Militarum discipline. Faction Keywords:
- Imperium, Astra Cartographica, Astra Telepathica, Scholastica Psykana,
- Infantry, Psyker, Wyrdvane Psykers, Wyrdvane Choir
Points estimate: Model is 7pt, wyrd sword is 4, pistol is 0.
Navis Nobilite Discipline
Special Rules: Use of the Navis Nobilite discipline never triggers Perils of the Warp. Deny the Witch attempts against Navis Nobilite powers roll D6+1 instead of 2D6. | ||
Roll | Warp Charge | Meaning |
1 | 5 | Lidless Stare: Before rolling to manifest, choose an enemy unit which is within 12" of, and visible to, the psyker. If manifested, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10, the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead. |
2 | 5 | Foreshadowing: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase Shooting attacks targeting the psyker or friendly units wholly within 6" of the psyker subtract 1 from their hit roll. |
3 | 6 | Revulsion of Space: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase enemy units wholly within 18" of the psyker subtract 1" from the rolled distance for any Charge or Advance move they make. |
4 | 6 | Aetheric Disruption: If manifested, until your next Psychic phase any roll of doubles for a Psychic test, by a friendly or enemy PSYKER, triggers Perils of the Warp. If the result of the Psychic test for this power was more than 10, enemy PSYKERs roll an additional die for their Psychic test; this is not included for warp charge purposes but can trigger Perils of the Warp if it matches either of the other dice. |
5 | 7 | Course Untravelled: If manifested, the psyker and up to one friendly unit wholly within 6" of the psyker may immediately move as if it was the Movement Phase. If a friendly unit is moving, it must end this movement in unit coherency with the psyker. This counts as Falling Back if and only if the psyker themself starts the move within 1" of an enemy unit, but neither unit can Advance. If this was not a Fall Back, neither unit is considered to have moved this round (except for purposes for which it would benefit them to have moved). |
6 | 7 | Tides of Time: The psyker or one friendly model within 6" of the psyker may immediately shoot with one of its ranged weapons as if it were your Shooting phase, or make one attack with one of its melee weapons as if it were the Fight phase. If the psyker fails to manifest this power, they cannot move or shoot this turn, even via Consolidate and Pile In moves or Heroic Interventions. |
Junior Navigator: Elite, Pow 2
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Junior Navigator | 6" | 6+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 6+ |
The Junior Navigator is a single model armed with a negotiator pistol and an aetherlabe cane.
Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Negotiator pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
Aetherlabe cane | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | - |
Lesser Psychic Barrier: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
The Junior Navigator can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows two Psychic powers from the Navis Nobilite discipline; it does not know Smite.
Faction Keywords:
Imperium, Astra Cartographica, <Dynasty>, Navis Nobilite
Character, Infantry, Psyker, Navigator, Junior Navigator
points estimate: pistol = 5pt
Senior Navigator: HQ, Pow 4
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Senior Navigator | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 6+ |
The Senior Navigator is a single model armed with a negotiator pistol and an aetherlabe staff.
Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Negotiator pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
Aetherlabe staff | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | D3+1 | - |
Psychic Barrier: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
Psyker: The Senior Navigator can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows three Psychic powers from the Navis Nobilite discipline; it does not know Smite.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Astra Cartographica, <Dynasty>, Navis Nobilite
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Psyker, Navigator, Senior Navigator
Rogue Traders Themselves
Rogue Trader Prince: HQ, Pow 4
Rogue Trader Prince
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Rogue Trader | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 4+ |
A Rogue Trader Prince is a single model equipped with a negotiator pistol, a monomolecular blade, and archetypal wargear.
Weapon Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Negotiator pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
Monomolecular blade | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 1 | - |
The Rogue Trader Prince must choose an archetype and receive the appropriate wargear:
- - Aggressive Trader: The Rogue Trader receives an armorium cherub, durable augmetics, and a targeting servoskull.
- - Cautious Trader: The Rogue Trader receives a concealed archeotech weapon, a disruption field generator, and a multi-spectral auspicator.
- - Curious Trader: The Rogue Trader receives a barrage relay, a psykout hood, and longlegs.
Choose two: Increase WS to 3+; Increase BS to 3+; add a second negotiator pistol; improve armor save to 3+.
The Rogue Trader may exchange their monomolecular blade for a second negotiator pistol (but not for a third if they already have two).
The Rogue Trader may exchange a negotiator pistol and one piece of their archetypal wargear for a master-crafted bolter.
The Rogue Trader may either exchange their monomolecular blade for a weapon from the Heirloom Melee Weapons list, exchange all their negotiator pistols for a single type of pistol from the Heirloom Pistols list, or exchange a master-crafted bolter for a weapon from the Heirloom Guns list.
The Rogue Trader may take a jump pack. If it does, it gains FLY and its movement characteristic increases to 12".
A Rogue Trader which does not take a jump pack may take a bike. If it does, it is now a BIKER rather than INFANTRY, it gains +1 Wound and +1 Toughness, and its movement characteristic increases to 10".
A Rogue Trader which does not take a jump pack or bike may take Power Armor. If it does, increase its Wounds by 1.
Warrant of Trade
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for attacks by this unit and <DYNASTY> ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA units within 6", if this model has a multi-spectral auspicator.
Disruption Field Generator: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save if it has a disruption field generator.
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: If this model has a concealed archeotech weapon, then once per battle, at the start of the Fight phase, pick one enemy model within 1" of this model and roll a die; on a 4+ the target model suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Targeting Servoskull: Negate the benefit of cover for attacks from a model with a targeting servoskull.
Durable augmetics: Increase the Wounds of a model with durable augmetics by 1.
Armorium cherub: If a model with an Armorium Cherub did not move during your Movement phase, double the number of attacks it makes in your Shooting phase.
Barrage Relay: If this model has a barrage relay, once per battle, in your Shooting phase, you can pick an enemy unit, other than a CHARACTER, that is visible to this model anywhere on the battlefield, and then roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, nothing happens. On a roll of 4-5 the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a roll of 6, the target unit suffers 3 mortal wounds. You may only call in one barrage (or siimilar ability such as Air Raid Requested per turn, regardless of the number of units with the ability your army contains.
Psykout hood: A model with a psykout hood can attempt to deny one psychic power per enemy Psychic Phase.
Longlegs: When a unit with longlegs Advances, increase its movement by 6" instead of rolling a die. If the unit has a Jump Pack or Bike, this piece of wargear is replaced with upgrading the jump pack or bike to be master-crafted, which has the same effect.
Jump Pack Assault: If this model has a jump pack, then during deployment you can deploy this unit high in the skies instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, at the end of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. If you deploy this model high in the skies, no units may be deployed with it via Comitatus Negotiatis unless they have this ability (or an equivalent one), and when this model is set up, all units in its retinue must be set up with it at that same time and in unit coherency with it (as normal for Comitatus Negotiatis).
Flank Speed: If this model has a bike, then during deployment you may deploy it flanking the armies instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, at the end of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge. If you deploy this model up flanking the armies, no units may be deployed with it via Comitatus Negotiatis unless they have this ability (or an equivalent one), and when this model is set up, all units in its retinue must be set up with it at that same time and in unit coherency with it (as normal for Comitatus Negotiatis).
Power Armor: If this model has power armor, it has a 2+ armor save and a 5+ invulnerable save. If it has a disruption field generator, instead improve its invulnerable save to 4+.
Faction Keywords:
Rogue Trader Scion: HQ, Pow 2
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Rogue Trader Scion | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 4+ |
A Rogue Trader Scion is a single model equipped with a negotiator pistol and a monomolecular blade.
Weapon Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Negotiator pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
Monomolecular blade | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 1 | - |
The Rogue Trader Scion must choose one piece of wargear: armorium cherub, longlegs, or multi-spectral auspicator.
Choose one: Increase WS to 3+; Increase BS to 3+; add a second negotiator pistol; improve armor save to 3+.
The Rogue Trader Scion may exchange their monomolecular blade and a negotiator pistol for a master-crafted bolter.
The Rogue Trader Scion may either exchange their monomolecular blade for a weapon from the Heirloom Melee Weapons list, or exchange all their negotiator pistols for a single type of pistol from the Heirloom Pistols list.
Warrant of Trade
Armorium Cherub: If a model with an Armorium Cherub did not move during your Movement phase, double the number of attacks it makes in your Shooting phase.
Longlegs: When a unit with longlegs Advances, increase its movement by 6" instead of rolling a die.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for attacks by this unit and <DYNASTY> ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA units within 6", if this model has a multi-spectral auspicator.
Scion: No more than 4 units may be set up as this unit's retinue with Comitatus Negotiatis.
Faction Keywords:
Dynasty Attache: HQ, Pow 2
NAME | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Dynasty Attache | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 8 | - |
Ride-Along: This unit cannot be your Warlord, and is not represented by a separate model. Instead, it is attached to a VEHICLE model, which must be TITANIC and/or AIRCRAFT. (It should be represented by a banner, pennant, or other mark of the dynasty which is clearly visible on the VEHICLE's model and not present on similar models in the rest of your army.) It is considered slain if the unit it is attached to is slain. If your army is Battle-forged, this unit need not take up a slot in a Detachment (and so can be included in an Air Wing, Super-Heavy, or Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment). When you set this unit up before a game, you may have it gain one Faction Keyword of the VEHICLE it is attached to; if your army is Battle-Forged, this must be the Detachment's faction unless the Detachment's faction is a keyword this unit already possesses (i.e. ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA or <DYNASTY>). This model may not be set up with a retinue.
Observer: The attached model may use this unit's Leadership characteristic in place of its own for any purpose. You may reroll hit rolls of 1 and wound rolls of 1 that the attached model makes. Immediately after it is set up, if the attached model is the entirety of its unit, it gains the CHARACTER keyword for the rest of the battle.
Faction Keywords:
Points estimate: 35Other Units
Comitatus Speeder: Dedicated Transport, Pow 3
NAME | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Comitatus Speeder | 18" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 7 | 2 | 7 | 4+ |
A Comitatus Speeder is a single model equipped with a heavy bolter.
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Heavy flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | This weapon hits automatically. |
This model may replace its heavy bolter with a heavy flamer.
Agile and Open-Topped: Models embarked aboard this model can shoot in your Shooting phase, measuring distances and drawing line of sight from any point on this model. When they do so, they may shoot even if this model Fell Back. All other restrictions and modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its embarked models.
Comitatus: If a rogue trader is deployed embarked in this model when it is first set up, you may also deploy any number of comitatus characters may be deployed embarked, subject to transport capacity. You must declare which units are within it, and they count as the retinue of the rogue trader and as in unit coherency with them (for the purposes of Keep Aloof and Comitatus Negotiatis, respectively).
Hover Transport: Distances are always measured to and from this model’s hull.
Warrant of Transport: This model may transport any imperium infantry except terminators, kataphrons, and centurions. adeptus custodes and ogryn models, and adeptus astartes models other than scouts, take up the space of two normal models. jump pack models take up one more space than they would if they did not have a jump pack.
Transport: This model has a capacity of 8 imperium infantry.
Faction Keywords:
imperium, astra cartographica, comitatus, <dynasty>
vehicle, transport, land speeder, fly, comitatus speeder
Future units
- The core classes of FFG's Rogue Trader
- Arch-Militant (skilled soldier and commander, probably grants strong auras)
- AdMech Explorator
- Missionary (Comes in Famulous, Dialogus variants, maybe others)
- Seneschal (points-cheap but very weak Rogue Trader stand-in)
- Void Master (master of the ship, possibly as an 'attache' enhancing another unit)
- Units to fill in the ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA FOC
- Jetpack Armsmen?
- Dynasty Bodyguards
- skulduggerous gentlemen of some type?
- Jetpack Armsmen?
- Heavy Support ASTRA CARTOGRAPHICA unit
- Heavy Weapons Teams (with slightly better than Guard-standard weapons)
- Mobile Battery (like Earthshaker Carriage Battery and friends, but easier to move)
- Flyers
- Custom-rigged fighter, 'Gloomhaunt'; Void Master piloted
- Archaeopter Transvector Mercatura; Mechanicus Explorator piloted
- Lord of War
- Custom-rigged bomber, 'Drakebat'; Void Master piloted
Armsman Special Weapons
Weapon Name | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted Flamer | 12" | Assault 2D3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. |
Grenade Launcher | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
-- Frag grenade | 24" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
-- Krak grenade | 24" | Assault 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
Plasma Gun | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
-- Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
-- Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved. |
Mortar | 48" | Heavy D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. |
Master-crafted Longlas | 36" | Heavy 1 | 5 | -1 | 1 | A model firing a longlas can target an enemy CHARACTER even if they are not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. |