Codex - Scary Marines
The Star Fangs, also known colloquially as the Scary Marines, are a highly unusual Chapter that are darkly rumored to be a loyalist splinter of the heretic Legion of the Night Lords. It is -extremely- rare that they should get pulled into an open fight and even then it is completely on their terms, or planned out to begin with. An engagement with an enemy is preceded by weeks, months, if not years of terror warfare designed to plummet enemy morale. Against normally fearless enemies more specialized methods are required but the results are all the same: a broken enemy ripe for the taking.
Star Fangs Special Rules
The Knights Inductor are a terrifying and highly effective Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Many units in the SF forces share similar strengths represented in the following rules:
- We Are the Shadows- Any Star Fang unit with this rule have the Fearless, Fear, and Shrouded universal special rules.
- Combat Squads- Star Fang units with this rule have the option to take up to 10 models per squad, and may divide into two separate 5 model combat squads.
- The decision to split the unit into combat squads, as well as which models go into each squad, is made before the unit is deployed. All fire teams can be deployed in separate locations. After dividing and deploying each fire team, each is treated as a separate unit for all games purposes from that point on. Multiple fire teams may embark on the same transport without "merging".
- The Shrouding- All games with the Star Fangs involved start with the Night Fighting special rule. At the beginning of every game turn roll a D6. If a 6 is rolled, the Shroud immediately lifts and the game is played normally until the end. During the Shrouding, all shooting attacks made by units with the We Are the Shadows special rule are Pinning.
- Terror Warfare- At the beginning of every game turn roll a D6 for every enemy unit on the field. If a 1 is rolled, the unit immediately suffers a permanent -1Ld modifier. If the unit is Fearless it becomes Ld10 instead. The effects of this rule are cumulative. In addition, if a unit fails a Morale check of any kind, they also suffer a -1Ld modifier in the same manner.
Warlord Traits
The Star Fang warlord can roll his warlord trait from Personal traits and Stratgic traits (but not Strategic traits) charts from core rulebook or from specific "Boo!" traits chart below
The warlord employs electronic trickery to make it seem like his army has an overwhelming and rather demoralizing advantage over his enemy. Against normally fearless armies more specialized techniques are used to create the same effect. For the first three turns all enemy units except for HQs lose -1Ld. | The warlord hails from one of the Aprior core worlds that is known for extensive field experimentation of advanced weaponry, which means that their protection is of the utmost importance. One objective in the warlord's deployment zone is worth +1 Victory Points. | The warlord takes no chances when fighting a determined, aggressive foe, and puts his Knights through strenuous "firing under duress" exercises to increase their firing reaction times. All units that can Overwatch may re-roll failed rolls to hit. |
The warlord is in command of one of the most elite stealth units in the entirety of the Knights Inductor forces. One units may move from a piece of passable terrain as if coming from the table edge when coming from reserves. This unit must be declared as soon as this trait is rolled. | The warlord happens to be a blank of surprising potency, though he cannot manifest full Silencer powers. The warlord gains the Fear and Silencer special rules; he cannot use Null Charge nor Null Powers. | The warlord is accustomed to destroying enemy armor in times of rapid pacification campaigns with the Knights Inductor. The unit the warlord is in gains the Tank Hunters universal special rule. |