Codex - The Covenant
Halo: The Covenant Codex
I decided to do this instead of a Aprori Guard codex b/c a Guard 'dex is hard enough to make. If you really want to play them, use Tau and take your Heavy support and such from the Guard codex. esting bunch and bring a whole slew of new weapons, units, and tactics to the game so we shall try to make a pastiche that represents them fairly without making them mory can be wielded by Elites and Brutes one-handed, allowing them to fire multiple weapons at once. A model with two different single handed ranged weapons may only choose to fire one in the Shooting phase. If the weapons are the same they may be fired as a single twin-linked weapon of that type. If the weapon is already twin-linked to begin with it may also re-roll failed rolls to wound.
Lance- A Lance is what the Covenant call when a single squad of infantry is proven as too large to coordinate, such Lance is considered as a miniature army in its own right with up to over a dozen units per Lance, these Lances are often formed into a massive arrow-head, which, in Covena
Warlord Traits
A Covenant warlord can roll his warlord trait from Command traits and Personal traits (but not Strategic traits) charts from core rulebook or from the specific Covenant traits chart below
Covenant Equipment
The united forces of the Covenant employ a wide variety of technology and weapons, either that gleaned from study of Forerunner artifacts or by separate development through constant war.
Covenant Needler Weapons- More specialized weapons in the Covenant armory fire armor piercing crystal shards that have a limited tracking intelligence tplasma, the sword‘s hilt is a magnetic field generator that projects two envelopes of magnetic energy, which contain the sword‘s plasma. With sufficient momentum and force an energy sword can cut into the thickest of armor. An energy sword is a power sword that is AP 2 on the charge. Gravity Hammer- is a large hammer that serves as an excellent and powerful melee weapon. It is allowed. They may only be used in special circumstances. Honor Pike- The primary weapon of choice for Honor Guard units, with a lo of choice for Jiralhanae infantry, these explode in a hail of heated spikes that only the most foolhardy of enemies would take on directly. Counts as Frag grenades as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the Pinning special rule Firebombs- Primary used by Jiralhanae elite infantry, these explode in a gout of flames that make a mockery of cover. Counts as offense grenades as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and may be thrown in the Shooting phase with the profile given in the equipment stats table above. Sangheili Combat Harness- Worn by most ranks of S lacking a more durable form of energy shielding, it provides a generous modicum of protection to its bearer. It grants a 4+ armor save Jiralhanae Assault Harness- Worn by higher ranking Jiralhanae units, it still notably lacks a cohesive energy shield system, but is comparatively more durable and perfect for close-combat assaults. It grants a 3+ armor save Unggoy Harness- A simplistic design, it integrates a methane re-breather system for Grunts, and provides a 6+ armor save Skirmisher Armor- The Kig-Yar species prefer to wear light armor that allows a greater freedom of movement for both frontline units using Point Defense Gauntlets and Marksmen squads sneaking into position. It provides a 6+ armor save Point Defense Gauntlet- The signature equipment of Kig-Yar, it is a powerful energy shield in a more traditional form. Provides a 4+ cover save. However each additional time the unit is called upon to make a save in any phase, it takes a cumulative -1 save modifier until the next player turn Enhanced PD Gauntlet- A stronger form of the Point Defense Gauntlet that also features a faster recharge rate. Provides a 3+ cover save. However each additional time the unit is called upon to make a save in any phase, it takes a cumulative -1 save modifier until the next player turn Jump packs- Used extensively by the Jiralhanae and to a lesser extent the Sangheili, it allows a normally slow infantry unit to close the gap to an enemy within a few short leaps and bounds. A unit equipped with jump packs are jump pack infantry and may choose to Deep Strike from reserves. Grav Lift- used in the movement phase, lay a marker near the model deploying it (3"). If a unit moves over this marker, they count as gaining one free jump pack move, moving 12” in the same direction they moved over the marker. It remains until it is destroyed automatically by shooting.Covenant Apocalypse Formations
Mining Swarm of Absolution: Four Scarabs accompanied with a Super-Scarab, can be replaced by a Harvester.
Regret's Doom from the Sky:A single Lich is followed by a four Phantoms, those Phantoms can be replaced by Spirits. iarchs.
Unique HQ Characters
Prophet of Regret - 300pts
"I will light the holy rings! ]
Weapon Table | Range | S | AP | Type | ||||
Plasma Pistol | 12" | 3 | 6 | Pistol, Overcharge | ||||
Overcharged Pistol | 18" | 4 | 5 | Heavy 1, Haywire, Twin-linked | ||||
Plasma Repeater | 24" | 3 | 6 | Rapid Fire, Overcharge | ||||
Overcharged Repeater | 24" | 3 | 6 | Salvo 2/4 | ||||
Needle Rifle | 30" | 3 | 6 | Rapid Fire, Rending (5+) | ||||
Covenant Carbine | 30" | 3 | 5 | Rapid Fire | ||||
Beam Rifle | 36" | X | 4 | Heavy 1, Sniper | ||||
Concussion Rifle | 18" | 4 | - | Assault 1, Concussive, Blast | ||||
Sentinel | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 4+ |
- Unit Composition: The Prophet of Regret
- Unit Type: Jetpack Infantry
- Wargear: Twin-linked Fuel Rod Cannon
- Command Throne- Provides a 2+ Armor save and 4++ invulnerable save. It is equipped with a Twin-linked Fuel Rod Cannon
- Protector- The Sentinel Protector provides a 3++ invulnerable save to the whole unit.
- Healer- The Sentinel Healer can restore 1D3 Wounds or Hull Points to any model (including Regret) within 6" once every two turns.
- Sentinel Laser (Sentinel Defender only)
Name | Range | S | AP | Type |
Sentinel Laser | 36" | 7 | 4 | Assault 2 |
- Options:
- May take two Sentinel Defenders for 20 points each.
- May take two Sentinel Protectors for 20 points each.
- May take two Sentinel Hearet may call down a glassing beam from an orbiting Covenant Cruiser, provided he did not move the preceding Movement phase. It has the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | Type |
Cleansing Beam | Unlimited | 9 | 1 | Ordnance 1D3, Large Blast, Barrage, Ignores Cover |
- Instrument of the Gods- All units in the army with the For the Great Journey! special rule become Fearless. In addition, he and the unit he is i
Rash, Violent, Immature, the High Prophet of Regret is an oddity among San'Shyuum in that he indulges in the culture and respect of the Sangheili. Specifically he disobeys the Writ of Union and fights alongside the San'Shyuum in battle. Despite this he does not go unprotected. His throne has powerful shields that make him nearly invulnerable to attack and Sentinels protect him at all the coloring of silver, that is equipped with a ancient cloaking field which are then blessed from the sacred language and wards of the Holy Forerunners. He would then be gruesomely marked with the mark of shame, feeling all the pain, misery and shame he has bought to the Covenant. Showing no pity nor mercy, The Arbiter uses his skill of over a thousand battles and a hundred wars to slaughter and kill any enemy that stands in his way.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I ! |
- Unit Composition: 1 Arbiter
- Unit Type: Infantry (Unique)
- Wargear: Dual Energy Swords, Plasma Pistol, Covenant Carbine, Plasma Grenades
- Armor of the Arbiter: Provides a 3+ armor save and a 5++ Invulnerable save. In addition, once per game at the beginning of the enemy Shooting phase, he benefits f
Tartarus - 225pts

"*Growls* Your head would make a good trophy Angelos, *Sniffs* and your flesh would fill the tummies of my brothers"- "Then hurry up and take my flesh if you so need it Xeno, but I warn you that I won't go down easily"- "With pleasure" ~Tartarus towards Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens, Gabriel Angelos, before their fight in Hyphurus III...what an Ass.
Often called in formality as the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus possesses skill and power unlike anything fought in the Covenant, strong, arrogant, brutish but cunning, Tartarus uses dirty tricks to fool his enemies into making a fatal mistake. Shielded by an Energy Barrier unlike anything seen by the Imperium, this shield grants him all but immunity to all but the most powerful Imperial Weapons, vulnerable to only a very few weapons. Armed with but a single Ancient Gravity Hammer called "Fist or Ruckt" by his soldiers, this old but very powerful weapon was reported to create vortexes and miniature black holes as it manipulate and uses the power of Gravity. He was also known as the king of assholes, and in a place where leaders would kill other leaders for the lulz and where supposed "Friends" would send your entire family to death because it is funny, that is saying something.
Name | WS | BS | S | T ! models may use Tartarus' Leadership for Morale and Pinning checks as long as he is alive and on the field
Dadab - 65pts"Preach, yes, a good thing! But sometimes me head says that too much preaching can leave the rest of the runts sleepy..." ~Dadab and one of his many "Influential" Speeches... One of the most influential Unggoy, Dadab may lack the skill or firepower in a battlefield, but his inspiring aspect and influence is enough to change the tide of battles. Garbed in ceremonial white tunic that is more formal then even an average Deacon, and armed with a Legendary Plasma Pistol named "The Call of Balaho", Dadab carries around several Holy Chimes and a Covenant Holy Mural. Even the most humble of Unggoy become something fiercer in the presence of his oratory. He is one of the best supportive HQ Characters, and could be essential in changing the tide of wars and battles, and might even save someone from certain defeat. Ironically, he is one of the select few in the Covenant who can use his powers for the most part without restraint and free from fear of suffering like the likes of undisciplined Elites and even Brutes.
HQ UnitsSangheili Councillors"Only the faithful lives" ~Motto of the Councilors. One of the Highest Ranks Elites, these Elite of t Character
Honor Guard - 120ptsA unit of Honor Guard may be taken for each Sangheili Councilor and San'Shyuum Enforcer (including the Prophet of Regret) taken as an HQ choice. The Honor Guard unit counts as an HQ choice but does not take up a slot on the FOC.
Heavy SupportHeavy Grunt Squad - 65pts
Heavy Elite Squad - 125pts
Wraith - 125ptsJiralhanae Pack:These young, thuggish brutes are more akin to Ork Boys but hairier, this has earned them a nickname among the Imperial Guard as Bearded Ogryns, Brutes, or more commonly as Hairy Orks. Due to their viciousness and love of violence, they have earned a place in some Ork societies, often used as Mercenaries and Bodyguards among famous Ork Warbosses. Armed with a Brute Spiker, Spike Grenades or Brute Shot, and has a special ability called "Berserk" which grants them Feel No Pain and RAEG. Ork Skumboyz:A sub-class to the Ork Freebooterz, these young and often adventurous Orks, travel and loot anything they can grab their rough hands on. Sometimes however, random Xeno Empires can hire them as Mercenaries in repayments for toofs, food or something "Flashy". The Covenant are no exceptions on this, and are in fact the biggest hirers of Ork Skumboyz. This is mainly due to the close relationships between Jiralhane and Orks. These Skumboyz can be armed with a varied of "Gadgitz", all "Kustomized" in Orkish standards. Their Special-rules are Stubborn, Toughness and can re-roll wounds; have a unique ability called "Sneaky'n Flashy!" which unleash their "Gadgitz" that can stop the enemy in their tracks for 3turns, while at the same time buffing their Strength and Toughness by 2+. This makes them great tactical units that can help soften up the target before the rest of the troops come in and bludgeon the target to death. s used by the Xenos. Noted for its silvery appearance, although weak, these low-grade sentinels comes in numbers. Armed with a laser that could cut through Terminator Armor like wet paper, and due to being automatons they automatically gain the Fearless and Feel no Pain ability.