Codex - Tyranids: /tg/'s 8th Edition

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This page is a translation of the Codex - Tyranids: /tg/ edition into 8th edition. Since the Tyranids are now a decent army this codex is basically useless but still a funny idea if you want to play Tyranids in a more peculiar way.

Psychic powers

Unless stated otherwise, all Tyranid psykers may generate their powers from any of the below Hivemind disciplines.

Hivemind's Control:

  • 1: Dominion
Warp Charge: 5
Through this power, Tyranid organisms are able to extend the range at which they can influence other Tyranid organisms.
Select a freindly Tyranids unit within 36" of the psyker that has the Instinctive Behavious ability. Until the end of your next Psychic phase, that unit ignoires its Instinctive Behaviour ability and automatically passes Morale tests.
  • 2: Catalyst
Warp Charge: 6
Many tyranid psykers are known for their ability to make themselves and other Tyranids seemingly uncognizant of even the most grievous of injuries, allowing them to fight on.
Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time that unit loses a wound, roll a D6; on a 5+, the damage is ignored and the unit does not lose that wound.
  • 3: Onslaught
Warp Charge: 6
The hive mind is capable of giving additional energy to the creatures that comprise its vast "body", allowing them to attack even while sprinting.
Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 18" of the psyker. That unit can shoot this turn (even if it Advanced) without suffering any penalties to its hit rolls for moving and shooting with Heavy weapons, or Advancing and shooting with Assault weapons. In addition, that unit can charge this turn even if it Advanced (though not if it Fell Back).
  • 4: Unstoppable
Warp Charge: 8
A more severe form of the energies put into an organism by Onslaught, this power fills a Tyranid creature with so much psychic power as to become a juggernaut, though the influx of energy is prone to killing the organism afterwards.
Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 24" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase the target unit gains a 2+ save against any type of wounds, even mortal wounds and adds 1 to both its attack and strenght charateristic in a turn in which he charged. It may also re-roll failed to-hit rolls in both shooting and close combat. At the start of your next Psychic phase the target must immediately pass a Leadership test or be removed as casualty. If the test is passed, it may not take any actions during any phase, make cover saves, and it's hit automatically in close combat until the start of the next Psychic phase.
  • 5: Fury
Warp Charge: 6
The emotion of anger is like all emotions, a product of chemicals, chemicals that Tyranid psykers can stimulate into being with a thought to grant the benefits that animalistic rage can provide in battle.
Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase the target unit adds 1 to both its attack and strenght charateristic if it charged that turn.
  • 6: One Mind
Warp Charge: 7
Through this power, the Hive Mind is capable of turning even the most rudimentary of combat organisms into a formidable beast of battle as they receive the combat skills assimilated by the hive mind over the course of billions of years.
Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase the target unit and the psyker add 2 to their hit rolls in both shooting and fighting phase.

Hivemind's Malice:

  • 1: The Horror
Warp Charge: 6
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit must subtract 1 from their hit rolls and Leadership characteristic.
  • 2: Paroxysm
Warp Charge: 5
Choose an enemy unit within 18" of the psyker. Until your next Psychic phase, that unit cannot fight in the Fight phase until all other units that are able to have done so. If the target has an ability that allows it to fight first in the Fight phase, it instead fights as if it didn't have this ability. If both players have units that cannot fight until all other units have done so, then alternate choosing which of those units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
  • 3: Mutagenesis
Warp Charge: 6
Choose an enemy unit within 24" of the psyker. The target unit must pass a thoughness test or suffer a -1 penalty to toughness, strength and attacks.
  • 4: The Shadow Notices
Warp Charge: 7
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit reduces its leadership by D3. If the target is a Psyker it suffers an additional -1 to its rolls when trying to manifest or deny a psychic power. Finally, if the target has the Demon keyword it has to consider its invulnerable save as one point worse.
  • 5: Optical Overload
Warp Charge: 7
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit only hits on 6s in both shooting and fight phase.
  • 6: Stand and Die
Warp Charge: 6
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit can't benefit from cover and has to attack last in the fight phase.

Hivemind's Wrath:

  • 1: Cacophony
Warp Charge: 6
Select a unit within 12" that is visible to the psyker. That unit suffers D6 automatic hits with the profile below:
S AP D Abilities
8 -2 1 This weapon wounds on the leadership of the unit instead of the toughness
  • 2: Psychic Scream
Warp Charge: 5
The nearest enemy unit within 18" suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, if that unit is a PSYKER, roll two dice. If the result is higher than their Leadership characteristic, randomly select one of their psychic powers. They can no longer use that psychic power.
  • 3: Alien Voice
Warp Charge: 7
Select a unit within 18" that is visible to the psyker. Both the target and the Psyker must roll a D6 and add the result to their Leadership - if the Psyker gets a higher result, the target takes the difference in mortal wounds as their minds and souls are burnt out from being forcibly put in contact with the hive mind, while the result of a draw causes nothing to happen as the mental energies cancel each other out, but if the target gets a bigger result they manage to avoid forming a connection to the hive mind and the feedback instead afflicts the offending tyranid; the psyker's Synapse range is immediately reduced by 6" until the start of his next Psychic phase. Models without Leadership value cannot be affected by this psychic power.
  • 4: Despair
Warp Charge: 7
Select a unit within 18" that is visible to the psyker. That unit suffers D3 automatic hits with the profile below:
S AP D Abilities
9 -3 2 This weapon wounds on the leadership of the unit instead of the toughness
  • 5: Hunger
Warp Charge: 6
Through this power, the hive mind can force other living beings to experience a portion of the terrible hunger that the gestalt consciousness of the Tyranid race feels every day, a hunger far beyond the ability of lesser organisms to control, forcing them to try and eat their comrades to satiate this horrific desire to satiate an unfathomable hunger.
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Roll an opposed Leadership test against the highest Ld value in the targeted unit, if the target fails, the unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unit’s majority Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player and armour saves or invulnerable saves if better.
  • 6: Warp Blast
Warp Charge: 7
A blast of pure psychic energy either fired as a beam that can pierce the strongest armor, an orb that can rip apart terminators, or as a pulsating blast that can turn even the Astartes inside out, this is a signature ability of Zoanthropes.
Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. You can immediately make a single shooting attack against that unit using one of the profiles below as if it was your shooting phase.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Warp Blast 24" Assault 2D6 6 -3 1 -
Warp Orb 24" Assault D6 8 -4 D3 -
Warp Lance 24" Assault 1 10 -5 D6 You can reroll all wounds roll if you are attacking a Vehicle or a Building. Treat damage rolls of 1 or 2 made by this weapon as 3 instead.