Codex Maverick Marines

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Revision as of 02:14, 21 August 2017 by 1d4chan>Thefrozenchozen (The True Maverick)
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The Maverick Marines are a half serious, half homebrew shitstorm of personal odd humor. Check out the Maverick Marines for some lore on the chapter, the Adventures of Admiral Floppycock and Rouge Trader Skullsfuckington III, or adventures from the Deathwatch.

Maverick Marines
Number Unknown
Founding Unknown
Successors of Unknown
Successor Chapters None
Chapter Master The True Maverick (a.k.a. "Daddy")
Primarch Unknown
Homeworld None
Strength 1000+
Specialty Close combat and siege
Allegiance Imperium
Colours Varies throughout the Chapter

Special Rules


And They Shall Know no Fear

Duel Wield – Each member of the Chapter holds the art of duel wielding anything and everything near and dear. As such, all Maverick Marines duel wield weapons in pairs and thus gains an additional attack for duel wielding weapons. Ex: Power boy with one attack base gains +1 attack making it 2 attacks.

Rain of Lead - Similar to duel wielding, this applies to ranged weapons that are duel wielded such as bolters. In the event of the Rapid Fire Weapons both weapons make all shots applying to said special rule. Ex. Bolter has Rapid Fire 2, duel wielding bolter grants 4 attacks per Rapid Fire (2 Rapid Fire shots per bolter).

Marked for Insanity – Due to the nature of the Chapter’s curse, the mental degradation in heavy combat intensifies in speed and causes greater damage. Before the start of each turn, each unit with this special rule not within a 12” radius of a Screaming Bitch must roll a d6. On a 6 (six) the unit suffers hindering mental degradation. An opponent can cause an additional roll when a unit loses in combat or suffers more than a 50% loss in a single turn. In the event of mental degradation, the model gains the Fearless Special Rule and charges the nearest enemy and will continue to do so until removed from play.

Looters - The Chapter posses the unique symbiotic relationship with the Rouge Trader House Bellend. As such they frequently hunt down and capture xenos technology of study, reengineering, and adaptation into their armory. As such, it is not uncommon to see weapons looted from various xenos races among their ranks or reengineered byproducts from their studies upon the battlefield.

'Suck it up, Bitch' - Due to the nature of their work, the Maverick Marines replace much of their flesh with cybernetics any chance they get. They sometimes even go as far to purposely mutilate and injure themselves to receive these new implants. Maverick Marines gain a 6+ Feel No Pain.


Warlord Traits

Psychic Powers

Power Point Power Name Warp Charge Description
1 Psychic Sneeze The Weird sneezes causing a rip in real space. Balefire reaches out from the Warp destroying anything in front of it.




For auxiliary allied units please check out the Profanus Auxiliary Codex.


The True Maverick

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
True Maverick 6" 2+ 3+ 5 4 5 3 10 2+/5+

Previously known as Davious, with the death of the former Chapter Master during his stead within the Deathwatch he was recalled by the Maverick Marines with the utmost urgency to take up the mantel of Chapter Master. He is famous for dawning dark blue artificer armor with red trim sporting "blank" silver chameleon colored pualdrons. His favored weapons are Shadow and Midnight, two master crafted thunderhammers forged from a black meteoric ore known to the Chapter is Night's Embrace. They possess distinctively shorter handles giving them the appearance of the smiting hammers of ancient Terra. Their are also uncharacteristically light and emit a eerie crackling green energy field. It is believed that Davious forged them himself from a reengineered xenos technology recovered on campaign for that prime Eldar booty.

         Wargear- Artificer Armor
                  Shadow and Midnight
                    *Master crafted thunderhammers of unusual properties, weight, and size
                  Frag/Krak Grenades
                  Maverick Micro Generator
         Special Rules:
                  And They Shall Know No Fear
                  BIIIITCH - The True Maverick inspires those under his command to the greatest feats and acts of bravery granting them the Fearless Special Rule. All models within a  16" radius do NOT roll for Marked for Insanity otherwise they will be called Little Bitches.
                  The True Maverick - Forgoing his old name, the Chapter Master of the Maverick Marines takes the mantel of The True Maverick leading the Chapter ever onwards to aid in the better of humanity through technological advances. A single type of basic weaponry from the Chapter Armory may be counted as master crafted for Maverick Marines forces. This does not apply to Chapter relics, artifacts, or named characters and their wargear.
                  Eldar Bitches!!! - Davious has a fetish for Eldar Bitches and will do anything to get them. When fighting the Eldar, The True Maverick marks an Eldar target and writes it on a piece of paper shielding it from their opponent until the mission has been completed. If this target is removed from play it is "captured" by Davious. The completion of this action grants one extra victory point. When the adversary is not Eldar, Davious gains the Hatred _____ Special rule because - "BRING ME MY BITCHES!"

Screaming Bitch Vroom Vroom

Said to be the only Screaming Bitch to have fallen to the mental degradation, he possesses a keen understanding and insight unnatural to those in the same condition. He has long forgone the traditional weapons of his office for the weapons more prized by the Chapter, the chainsword for their gory and bloody deeds and LOUD NOISES! During the Battle at Trasnetor, Screaming Bitch Brathious lead charge after charge against the green hoard without rest or resupply. Aided by the 3rd Company Ganger Squad Brathious and his men plunged deep into the heart of the Waaaagh! when they confronted Big Mek Dakka McThunda. The ork boys formed a circle around the two, isolating the Screaming Bitch from his squad. In the ensuing battle Brathious managed to land several hits on the Big Mek but each blow was traded for blow. Dakka Thunda found this to be amusing but was eager to rejoin the Waaaagh! and subdued the Screaming Bitch ordering his boys to take him and keep him alive so that they could continue their duel at another time. Before the order could be carried out, Brathious threw down his Crosius and took up two chainswords from his fallen brothers that had been killed buy the green skins and lunged at the Big Mek, chains roaring at full tilt. Sparks flew, metal screamed as they were blocked by the Mek's power klaw. As the Fates wove their mysterious tapestries the sky burst into all manner of light as things began to descend from the sky in balls of fire. Taking the advantage, Brathious downed the Big Mek into submission. One of the balls crashed nearby and a hush fell across the hoard. Silence was broken by the screeching of Tyranids and the angry roars of the Orcs. Revving the chainswords Brathious let out the tremendous Orc war cry "WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" The Orcs followed suite bellowing their cries of war and surged forwards towards their new foe. For near on a year the Maverick Marines fought side by side with the Orcs against the Tyranid threat with Screaming Bitch Brathious leading and fighting among the hoards of the green skins. The Orcs aptly named him Big Boss Vroom Vroom for his love and use of chainswords. At the close of the conflict Big Mek Dakka Thunda was elevated to the role of Warboss and hold the Maverick Marines as allies. The Maverick Marines in turn treat the Orcs of Clan McThunda as allies and often call upon them to fight in large and bloody conflicts where the space Marines are unable to spare the soldiers required.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
Vroom Vroom 6" 2+ 5+ 5 4 5 4 10 2+/4+

         Wargear- Artificer Armor
                  Blood and Gore
         Special Rules:
                  And They Shall Know No Fear
                  Big Boss Vroom Vroom - Due to the nature of the Chapters encounter with the Orcs of Clan McThunda, an army under the leadership and protection of Screaming Bitch Vroom Vroom can take Orc allies as battle brothers instead of allies of convenience.

Chief Weird Wak-me-Off

The Mavericks

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
The Mavericks 15
Lil' Dummer Boy 5" 2+ 5+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+
Lord Cros 5" 2+ 5+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+
Usious the Enraged 5" 2+ 5+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+
Hesious the Debased 5" 2+ 5+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+

Just as every adventuring party needs a bard, every war host needs a heavy metal band. This unit consists of 4 band members and may be taken as a command squad with or without another HQ unit or named Character.

         Wargear- Artificer Armor
                  Instruments of Rock!
                  The Great Speakers of War
         Special Rules:
                  EAVY ME'AL THUNDA! - The ground and air rumble with every note struck causing dangerous terrain within 6" of this unit. The air shimmers with the waves of pure sound making it harder for the opponent to target this unit with ranged attacks. Opponents are at a -1 BS to hit the Mavericks.
                  The Band - The band is able to chose one of the following Special Rules each turn.
                      Born to be Kings - Instilling a sense of higher purpose all friendly faction units within 12" may use the highest leadership value within the 12" range of the Mavericks.
                      Time to Rock! - All friendly faction models within 12" may re-roll failed "to hit" rolls.
                      The Boys are Back - All friendly faction models automatically regroup and do not retreat.
                      ROCK THIS JOINT! - The air distorts into waves of shimmering sound making it harder to target the units within 9" of the Mavericks. Opponents making ranged attacks are at a -1 BS to hit models within 9" and -2 BS to hit the Mavericks directly.


The First

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
The First 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ 105 7

The First refers to the First Captain of the Maverick Marines and is actively the second in command of the Chapter. As is tradition, The First wields the chapter relic spear known as Serpent's Tongue, a relic from an unknown time and age. It displays many similarities to Eldar technology and even emits an eerie wail similar to that of the Eldar Screaming Banshees. However, the blade crackles with an uncharacteristic purple energy not known to be used by any of the encountered Eldar, leaving its true origins shrouded in mystery. Clad in relic artificer armor recovered from the Horus Heresy, The First is a reminder of the ignorance of the past and serves as a symbol to strive forward instead of dwelling on the past. In many cases he is sought out by battle brothers and aspirants seeking advise before they will bother the duties of the Screaming Bitches.

Clan Maverick Perpetuator

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Perpetuator 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 74 5

In short, a Perpetuator is a Captain of the Maverick Marines in charge of a company as per the Codex Astarties. However, they are rarely seen upon the field of battle as they seem to appear and disappear from the ranks when another Chapter is known to be nearby. This leads to the belief of many that the Mavericks do not have an official rank for a Captain among the rankings of their structure. Generally speaking, a Perpetuator is chosen by The First from among the ranks and file of a "company" for a specific engagement where they will be fighting along side another Chapter or Imperial regiment. After the engagement comes to a close the individual will meld back into the ranks from which they came leaving not name or trace of their role as Perpetuator.

Maverick Cover Band

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Cover Band 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 74 5

Not as awesome as The Mavericks, but still impressive enough.


Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Weird 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+ 93 6

This Cult made up by the Chapters Librarians and their respective acolytes. Each Librarian of the chapter is known as a “Weird”, as their psykic powers are often random to which the psyker replies, “Hmm, weird…” Wierds are known to have a fear of heights, and rightfully so crashing when riding with the Heresy Riders. As such, Weirds do not take jump packs or bikes.

         Wargear – Power Armor
                   • Artificer armor +10pts
                   Duel Force Sword
                   • May be exchanged for:
                      o Duel Force Axes 
                      o Duel Force Lightning Claws
                      o Duel Relic Blades of Prospero
                   Krak/Frag Grenades
         Special Rules:
                Psychic Sneeze – When a Weird sneezes it causes a tear in reality from which bale fire pours out into real space incinerating everting in its path.

Aspirant Weird

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Aspirant Weird 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+/5+ 145 9

Like a regular weird... but better.

         Wargear – Artificer Armor
                   Force Lightning Claws
                   • May be exchanged for:
                      o Duel Force Swords 
                      o Duel Force Axes 
                      o Duel Relic Blades of Prospero
                   Maverick Micro Genertor
                   • May be upgraded to a Re-engineered Xenos Generator +5pts                
                   Krak/Frag Grenades
         Special Rules:
                Psychic Sneeze – When a Weird sneezes it causes a tear in reality from which bale fire pours out into real space incinerating everting in its path.

Screaming Bitches

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Screaming Bitch 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 9 3+ 72 5
Turrets Screaming Bitch 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 4 9 3+ 115 7

Called Fathers by their brothers in arms, the Screaming Bitches consists of the Chapters entire population of Chaplains and their prospective acolytes. As each and every Maverick Marine loathes being called a ‘Bitch’, the Chaplains took to naming themselves the Screaming Bitches to inspire those under them. Upon the battlefield ally and foe alike can hear the profane screaming of these Chaplains egging their host ever onwards to great and more heroic deeds.

         Wargear – Power armor
                   • May upgrade to artificer armor (+1power)
                   • Duel Crosius
                      • May replace for a Crosius Staff
         Special Rules:
                   And they shall know no fear
                   "You little Bitch you" – Yelling to his brothers 
                   “Broke Dick Horse Fuckers!” the Chaplain is able to inspire his brothers to fight ever onwards. Friendly faction models within 12” gain the Fearless Special Rule. Friendly faction models already possessing the Fearless Special Rule gain the Relentless Special Rule.


Clan Maverick Aspirant

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Model Pwr
Aspirant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 2+/5+ 30 13
Aspirant Champion (Sergeant) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 9 2+/5+ 30

The Aspirants clad themselves in defined and ornamental breastplates and robes and carry with them chapter modified pikes resembling crudely of those carried by the Adeptus Custodes, with a host of other weaponry. While the chapter does possess some terminator armor, they are so few in number that the Maverick Marines have developed a new type of artificer armor and micro field generators from reengineered xenos technology and chapter innovations that provide similar effects to that of the legendary armor. Those that are deemed worthy enough to fight within the relic terminator armor fall back upon old chapter doctrines and duel wield weapons in place of weapon combinations.

Each group of Aspirants is led by an elected Champion from within the group. The Champion takes on the role of squad leader and is subject to change based on the needs of the encounter. These individuals are marked out from their brothers with a stripe down the center of the helmet painted in ritualistic fashion. Their paint their armor a shining silver with overlaying layers of semi-transparent paint giving it a chameleon like effect appearing blue, green, silver, and dress further in ashen-grey robes for reasons unknown except by tradition. Ranking is determinedby the solid color trim of the right pauldron around a perfectly mirrored silver interior: red being jr members, gold being more senior members, black being Aspirant Screaming Bitches, yellow being Aspirant Weirds, and white being used by the Suicidal Doctors. There is one further rank of dark blue, emulating the chosen color scheme of the current True Maverick. These individuals act as Captains and battle group leaders for deployed forces.

         • May upgrade artificer armor to Terminator armor (free)
           o Maverick Bolt Staff is replaced with one of the following:
                • Duel Assault Cannons
                • Duel Storm Bolters
                • Pair Lightning Claws
                • Duel Chain Fists
                • Duel Power Fists
                • Duel Thunder Hammers
         • For every squad of Aspirants, one model may be upgraded to an Aspirant Champion
      Wargear – Maverick Artificer Armor
                Maverick Micro Generator
                •	May upgrade for a Reengineered Xenos Micro Generator (+10pts/model)
                Maverick Bolt Staff may be exchanged for:
                •	Duel Power Swords(free)
                •	Duel Lightning Claws(free)
                •	Duel Power Fists(+5pts/model)
                •	Reengineered Xenos Weapon (+15pts/model)
                May take the following ammunition:
                •	Screamer Rounds
                •	Bitch Rounds
                •	Bore Rounds
      Special Rules –
                And They Shall Know No Fear


Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
Reaper 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 1 8 3+
Grim Reaper 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 1 9 3+

Specializing in subterfuge and assassinations, Reapers are very rarely deployed on the battlefield by the Chapter and are not recorded as officially part of the Maverick Marine's Chapter in Imperial Records. They darken their weapons and armor according to the mission they are dispatched on. They have been seen in shadow grey to jungle green but never bright or pronounced colors and never sporting any symbols or iconography that would denote them as being part of the Maverick Marines. Such is their stealth and secrecy that very few, if any, other Chapters know of their existence. They favor the Maverick Bolter Rifle over other forms of long ranged weaponry but they are accustomed to taking all forms of weapons to better suite the needs of the operation. Their distinct trademark is the carrying of two combat blades into combat that have been scavenged from fallen xenos foes. Typically they are dispatched on missions in threes and are led by a Grim Reaper.

         Wargear- Maverick Bolter Rifle
                  Power Armor
                  Duel Combat Blades
         Special Rules:
                  And They Shall Know No Fear
                  Cloak of Dark - (See Stealth Special Rule)
                  Deadeye - A model with this special rule may dictate a specified model that the Reaper will shoot at and wound.
                  Reaper - The roll of a six causes mortal wounds.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
The Reapers Shadow 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 3 2 9 3+

Said to have been born from the darkness itself, The Reaper's Shadow is a legendary operative known to have completed over 200 solo operations and uncountable team missions. Records within the Chapter on who this individual may have been are lost due to 'clerical' errors. Though he has been known and seen working with a team of Reapers he has always remained apart using his brothers as decoys and stratagems while he is able to maneuver into a more advantageous position.

         Wargear- Power Armor
                  Reaper's Bolt Rifle
                  Wings of Death - Duel combat blades
                  Reaper's Shadow
         Special Rules:
                  And They Shall Know No Fear
                  Cloak of Dark - (See Stealth Special Rule)
                  Deadeye - A model with this special rule may dictate a specified model that the Reaper will shoot at and wound.
                  Reaper - The roll of a six causes mortal wounds.
                  Death's Advance - This model marks a specific model within the opponents forces. They denote this on a piece of paper and save it aside. If this model kills its target the Maverick Marines gain an additional victory point.

Suicidal Doctors

Apothecaries are a touchy subject at the best of times for the Chapter as they perform some the most bazar forms and rituals for healing. This includes but is not limited to the healing shiv and scary file. M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 5 8 3+

         • May take Aspirant Artificer Power Armor 
            o May upgrade to Terminator armor 
         Wargear – Power armor
                   Duel Healing Shivs
         Special Rules:
                   Cry Baby Bitch - The unit this model is attached to receives a +2 to their Feel No Pain roll.




Chain Gangers

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Chain Ganger 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+
Mek Boy 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 8 3+

Those that desire less speed and more killing join the Thrasher Clan. The Thrasher Clan is further divided into three sub Clans and Cults: Chain Gangers, Power Boys, and Shields. Apart from the Heresy Riders, Thrashers suffer the some the greatest mental degradation within the Chapter due to their love of battle and constant fighting. It is commonly spoken that one does not join the Thrasher Clan, rather are called by the sweet voices in their heads of promised glories, battle, and the kill.

The Chain Gangers is considered to be the bloodiest and most brutal of the Thrasher Clan as they will always arm themselves with chain weaponry in either hand. Their favored weapon in the chainsword but have also been known to use chain axes, chain fists, and one handed chain glaives called Maracas by its members. It is not uncommon to find the Chain Gangers on the battlefield where the fighting is thickest and most bloody. They often decorate their armor in chain and wrap their arms and gauntlets in chain. They paint their armor a dark blue with red trim and a silver chameleon colored shoulder pad in honor of the favored color scheme of the True Maverick.

      •	One model may be upgraded to a Power Boy for every ten (ten) models in a unit
      Wargear – Power Armor
                   • May upgrade to artificer armor (+20pts/model)
                     Chainsword x2
                   • May be exchanged for other chain weapons
                      o Chain Ax (+5pts/model)
                      o Modified Chain Glaive (+10pts/model)
                   • May be exchanged for duel wielding bolters (Free)
                   • One model may take a single heavy weapon for every ten models when a squad takes bolters
                      o Heavy Bolter (+5pts)
                      o Plasma Cannon (+10pts)
                      o Melta-Cannon (+15pts)
                      o Las-Cannon (+20pts)
                     Krak/Frag Grenades
      Special Rules:
         And they shall know no fear
         Ganger – Gangers do not adhere to the traditional 10 man units but rather mob together into units of 20 provided there are that many Chain Gangers assigned to a company. Gangers will not mob together then in separate companies.
         Chain Collector – Decorating their armor in chain heavy around the gauntlets and shins of their armor, member of the Chain Gangers mob are still semi-effective in close combat. 
                         *Chain Gangers that exchange their close combat weapons for bolters do not gain the Duel Wield Special Rule while in close combat.
                              Name	S	AP
                             Chain	User	5
         Marked for Insanity – Due to the nature of the Chapter’s curse, the mental degradation in heavy combat intensifies in speed and causes greater damage. Before the start of each turn, each Thrasher unit not within a 12” radius of a Screaming Bitch must roll a d6. On a 6 (six) the Thrasher unit suffers hindering mental degradation. An opponent can cause an additional roll when a unit of Thrashers loses in combat or suffers more than a 50% loss in a single turn. In the event of mental degradation, the model gains the Fearless Special Rule and charges the nearest enemy and will continue to do so until removed from play.


Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Shields 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+
Mek Boy 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 8 3+

Answering the age old question, ‘can you effectively duel wield shields for better protection?’ Yes, yes you can. The Shields are known to duel wield shields for maximum protection on the battlefield. They often work in concert with their Thrasher Clan Mates providing a moving wall of cover. When the distance closes the shield lines break and the Chain Gangers flood through the gaps into the enemies ranks. Though they offer little in the way of combat ability, each member of the shield clan carries a shield in the shape of an angelic wing. Mysterious energies crackle across it offering great protection from incoming fire and when in close combat that energy discharges when the shield is bashed into an enemy opponent. Unlike their Chain Ganger brothers, Shields prefer to paint their armor jet black with silver and red trim, carrying the blackened wing shaped shields trimmed with silver.

         Wargear - Power Armor
                   • May upgrade to artificer armor (+20pts/model)
                   Duel Combat Shields
                   • May be exchanged for Storm Shields (+50pts)
                   Krak/Frag Grenades
         Special Rules:
                   And they shall know no fear
                   Duel Wield Shields! – Crackling in strange xenos energies reengineered by the Clan Maverick, these angel winged shields stop the most devastating incoming fire providing a moving wall of cover for their battle brothers behind them. Friendly faction models and allies directly behind a unit of Shields also gain the invulnerable save of the shields from ranged attacks.
                   Marked for Insanity – Due to the nature of the Chapter’s curse, the mental degradation in heavy combat intensifies in speed and causes greater damage. Before the start of each turn, each Thrasher unit not within a 12” radius of a Screaming Bitch must roll a d6. On a 6 (six) the Thrasher unit suffers hindering mental degradation. An opponent can cause an additional roll when a unit of Thrashers loses in combat or suffers more than a 50% loss in a single turn. In the event of mental degradation, the model gains the Fearless Special Rule and charges the nearest enemy and will continue to do so until removed from play.

Power Boys

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts Pwr
Power Boy 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+
Mek Boy (Sergeant) 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 1 8 3+

The Power Boys is similar to that of the Chain Gangers but they prefer to utilize power weapons instead of chain weapons. By comparison, the members of the Power Cult are far more sane and rational than their bloody brothers and sergeants for Chain Gangers and Shields are drawn from their ranks known as Mek Boys; individuals that have gone above and beyond the standard desire to use power weapons but have begun making their own stylized power weapons.

     Wargear – Power Armor
              •	May upgrade to artificer armor (+20pts)
               Chainsword x2
              • May be exchanged for other chain weapons
              • May be exchanged for duel wielding bolters
              • May be exchanged for power weapons
                  o Swords (+10pts)
                  o Axes (+20pts)
                  o Lightning Claws (+25pts)
                  o Fists (+50pts)
                Krak/Frag Grenades
      Special Rules:
         And they shall know no fear
         Marked for Insanity – Due to the nature of the Chapter’s curse, the mental degradation in heavy combat intensifies in speed and causes greater damage. Before the start of each turn, each Thrasher unit not within a 12” radius of a Screaming Bitch must roll a d6. On a 6 (six) the Thrasher unit suffers hindering mental degradation. An opponent can cause an additional roll when a unit of Thrashers loses in combat or suffers more than a 50% loss in a single turn. In the event of mental degradation, the model gains the Fearless Special Rule and charges the nearest enemy and will continue to do so until removed from play.
            Keeper of the Mark - Power boys are equally susceptible to the curse of Insanity. However, they do poses some better control over it. This not only effects him but his squad as well. A unit of Thrashers that upgrades one model to a Power Boy may re-roll Mark of Insanity to obtain a more desired result.

Heavy Support

Fast Attack

The Speed Cult includes two sub Clans, the Sky Jumpers and Heresy Riders.

Sky Jumpers

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
Sky Jumpers 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+

The Sky Jumpers are the assault marines utilizing jump packs as their main mode of transportation across a battlefield. They are often seen jumping through the skies behind enemy lines clearing out swaths of bloody enemies. They utilized a variety of weapons but always in pairs and never pistols, because pistols are for asshole Imperial Guard Commissars.

Heresy Riders

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/Pwr
Bikers 12" + + 4 5 1 1 7 3+
Speed Freak 12" + + 4 5 1 2 8 3+
Tamers 2d6" + + 4 5 1 1 7 3+
Borg Boys 12" + + 4 5 1 1 7 3+

The Heresy Riders get their name for the utilizing of strange xenos mounts, converted xenos technology, and even the occasional captured tyranid can be seen being rode into battle. With the exception of the 2nd Company, the Heresy Riders possess some of the worst and quickest mental degradation allowing them to combine looted or captured items with their innate ability of understanding of mechanics to create vehicles to suit their needs for speed. As a default within the Chapter, all Maverick Marines despise being called ‘Bitches’, as such, they refuse to utilize any vehicle that requires two space marine operators such as attack bikes and land speeders as one will always have to ride ‘bitch’ and be the “biker bitch”.


Maverick Marine Armory


Pistol Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon
Hand Flamer 6" Pistol D3 3 0 1 this weapon automatically hits its target. 8
Infernus Pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 20
Plasma Pistol - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 7
-Standard 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -
-Superchare 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain.
Special Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon
Flamer 12" Assault D6 4 0 1 this weapon automatically hits its target. 9
Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 17
Storm bolter 24" Rapit Fire 2 4 0 1 - 2
Plasma gun - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 13
-Standard 24" Rapit Fire 1 7 -3 1 -
-Superchare 24" Rapit Fire 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.
Charger Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon
Flamer Charger 12" Assault/Pistol D6 4 0 1 When attacking with this weapon, You must choose either to use the Assault or Pistol Type. This weapon can only be fired once per battle. This weapon automatically hits its target. 5
Melta Charger 12" Assault/Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 When attacking with this weapon, You must choose either to use the Assault or Pistol Type. This weapon can only be fired once per battle. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 9
Plasma Charger - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, You must choose either to use the Assault or Pistol Type. This weapon can only be fired once per battle. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 7
-Standard 12" Assault/Pistol 2 7 -3 1 -
-Superchare 12" Assault/Pistol 2 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.
Heavy Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon
(Twin) Assault cannon 24" Heavy 6(+6) 6 -1 1 - 21(+14)
(Twin) Heavy bolter 36" Heavy 3(+3) 5 -1 1 - 10 (+7)
Twin Autocannon 48" Heavy 4 7 -1 2 - 33
(Twin) Heavy flamer 8" (2)Heavy D6 5 -1 1 this weapon automatically hits its target. 17 (+17)
(Twin) Multi-melta 24" Heavy 1(+1) 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 27(+27)
(Twin) lascannon 48" Heavy 1(+1) 9 -3 D6 - 25(+25)
(Typhoon) Missile launcher When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 25(+25)
-Frag missile 48" Heavy (2)D6 4 0 1 -
-Krag missile 48" Heavy 1(+1) 8 -2 D6 -
Plasma cannon - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 21
-Standard 36" Heavy D3 7 -3 1 -
-Superchare 36" Heavy D3 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.
Vehicle Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon
Rocket Propelled Chainsaw 48" Heavy 1 10 -4 D3 This weapon can only be fired once per battle. 6
"Smoke" Launcher 12" Heavy 2D3 4 -1 1 - 11
Heavy Plasma cannon - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 30
-Standard 36" Heavy D3 7 -3 1 -
-Superchare 36" Heavy D3 8 -3 2 For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.

Weapon Points Per Weapon
Grappa 15
Assault bolter 15
Astartes shotgun 0
Auto bolt rifle 0
Bolt pistol 0
Bolt pistol gauntlet 25
Bolt rifle 0
(Twin) Boltgun 0(+2)
Frag grenade and Krag grenade 0
Conversion Beamer 20
Cyclone missile launcher 50
Demolisher cannon 0
Flamestorm cannon 30
Handheld Plasma Cutter 7
Heavy flamer array 50
Hurricane Bolter 4
Plasma Incinerator 18
Power Heavy Bolter 15
Rageus Stormcannon 17
Sniper rifle 4
Stormstrike missile launcher 21
Wrist-mounted Krag grenade launcher 4


Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. (Ex. Base attack 1 + chainsword = 2 attacks. Duel Wielding base attack 1 + duel wielding attack 1 + chainsword + chainsword = 4 attacks)
Chain-Axe Melee Melee User +1 -1
Power sword Melee Melee User -3 1
Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.
Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon.
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.

