Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt
The GRIMDARK Sharpe to Cain's Flashman. THIS ARTICLE NEEDS TO BE INJECTED WITH 500% MORE AWESOME! PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!Stars in the series of books written by the God-Like author Dan Abnett about the Tanith First (And Only) Regiment. The Tanith First and Only are called so because they were the first regiment to be founded from Tanith. However, as the regiment was waiting to be lifted off to fight in nightmare warzones, a splinter Chaos fleet spout out of the warp. Ibram Gaunt then had to make a painful decision: he would take what forces were available and leave the planet, allowing the destruction of the heavenly, tree-world of Tanith burn under the Chaos invasion. His troops at first don't understand why he did this, and resent him for it. One of the Tanith Guardsmen named Rawne tries to kill Gaunt many times the first time Gaunt KO's his ass when there's a demo charge about to go off, and instead of leaving him there or *BLAM*ing his ass he risks his life to carry him out. Gaunt is the only man ever to achieve the rank of Colonel-Commissar giving him EPIC status. To further elevate his awesomeness he found a STC that was INTACT but had to be destoryed because it was tainted by Chaos (Motherfuckers!).
Gaunts favorite weapon is a powersword that CAN SLICE THROUGH ANYTHING!!!!!! Gaunt kills TANKS with IT!!!!!!/ - The weapon is the heirloom sword from the ruling family of a large Hive called Verunhive, the sword is of antique design and probably hails from when the Emperor was alive. Therefore it deserves it AWESOME status. He also loves to charge enemies firing double bolt pistols. As well as fight multiple Chaos Marines at once with nothing but his power sword.