/btg/ Harebrained Battalion II
Inspired by another similar attempt in year past, the /btg/ Harebrained Battalion is a unit forms as a result of anons hitting the random page button on any of the Battletech wikis until they find a mech or vehicle to put aboard the Battalion's dropship(s).
- Inquisitor II (SecurityMech)
- Zeus ZEU-9S
- Catapult CPLT-C3
- Komodo (KIM-2)
- Hercules (BattleMech)
- Hound
- Summoner (Thor)
- Eyrie
- Woodsman
- UrbanMech
- Atlas (AS7-D)
- Orion (ON1-K)
- Stinger LAM
- Arcas
Ground Vehicles
- Glaive
- Demolisher
- Jagatai
- Ostrogoth
- Infantry Platoon
- BattleMech Recovery Vehicle